
Bounded to the Evil Vampire! He wants to make Children.

Revealing his white fangs, he bit gently on her neck. She tried to struggle but felt helpless like a fish out of water, having no strength. “Pain,” she whispered into his ear, hoping that he would let go but instead, he bit even harder. Struggling, even more. she kicked and tried to shout, but it was to no avail. Just when she was about to lose consciousness, he let her go with an evil smirk on his face. He looked into her Amber eyes filled with hatred while slowly whispering. “You taste even sweeter when angry.” Hearing this, she got even angrier. “I… One day, I will kill you.” A burst of laughter echoed right after she said that and he replied while gently biting her ear. “Well that's for sure! But how will you take care of our children alone?” A shiver ran down her spine, and her voice filled with despair sounded. “PLEASE! LET ME GO!”

badblood · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Cant You See?

The only reason she agreed to go inside was her money, which she earned by herself.

Her heart was beating so fast as she can clearly hear them, even though this didn't slow her down. Amber just wanted her money back and would do everything she could.

Amber was pretty scared of Ryker because of his mysterious reputation, but no matter how dangerous Ryker was, he would not kill her, or at least she hoped he wouldn't.

Carefully she opened the door. With the hope of not getting murdered, she took a deep breath and went inside.

As she entered, she Observed her surroundings. Suddenly the door shuts with a loud slam. It was cleaner than she thought. She expected a charred and broken interior due to its external condition, but she wouldn't mind living here as that place was well managed.

No one was there, Amber was praying that he wouldn't be in there. While walking, she saw the money scattered in one of the rooms. Sighing in relief, she went inside the room and started collecting her money.

"What are you doing there?'' A male voice alerted her.

"I am picking up my money, can't you see?" She answered casually without realizing who was behind her.

Then her body stiffened, her face got pale, her heartbeat increased "uh," her words got stuck in the mouth.

Before she could say anything, the person behind her grabbed her wrist and lifted her up. "Who are you?'' he asked her in a cold voice while looking at her intensely. His behaviour spooked her more.

Beautiful grey eyes were staring at Amber, her breath hitched. Her eyes unintentionally started to observe that person in front of her. What bothered her the most was the stain of blood on his white shirt.

"Tell me!" he inquired impatiently and tightened his grip on her hand. She hissed in pain and answered slowly, "My name is Amber Knight, I am a student here."

"How did you break in here?" he asked her with gritted teeth.

"As I told you before, I am here to pick up my money" she pointed towards the money on the ground hesitantly.

A dangerous smile appeared on Ryker's face, "Do you know the consequences of break in here?". The boy standing in front of her asked while observing her.

Innocently she shook her head, but the look on his face was enough to scare her beyond death. A shiver ran down her spine. She was beyond threatened now.

"I am sorry, my intention was not to disturb you. Please forgive me, I will never come here again, I beg you, let me go please." she immediately started begging, desperate to leave.

His smile deepened. "First you break in here, now you are begging. Whoever makes the mistake of breaking in here, I eat them."

"What? Eat, like food?" she squeaked. 'Oh My God, he is going to eat me,what a childish dialogue, he thought he could scare me by saying this.' her mind started wailing.

The boy had a cylindrical body and seemed so weak because of his trembling hands, she pushed him away, and he fell down.

While considering it a good chance, she ran toward the window. The torn glass of the window gave her a deep scratch.

Her hand started to bleeed, the boy attracted by the fresh blood and moved toward her fastly.

"Stop! Don't come near to me." Amber shouted as she got afraid of his red eyes, those devil eyes did not belong to a human.

But before she could escape, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in. Once-gray eyes were red, and the pain was evident on his face. He was wounded and in need of blood to heal.

"Do you think you can escape?" he roared. His voice was too high that silented her.

Ryker started closing the distance between them now. The space between his sharp teeth and Amber's fair neck was nearly one centimeter.

As Amber tried to look at him, she found him desperate. His heartbeat increased, Ryker was looking weak at that moment like he needed her so bad, impulsively digging his teeth in her neck within seconds.

A scream of terror came out of her mouth. She couldn't believe what was happening to her.

Initially, it hurts, but after a few seconds, she could not feel anything at all from the wounds. He started to suck blood from her neck speedily.

The scene began to blur in front of her eyes. Amber started to faint due to the immediate loss of blood.

'What is he? Is he a vampire? Do they exist in the real world? But he is so handsome.' A lot of questions popped up in her brain collectively.

'Am I going to die here?' she thought and started panicking, but her body was getting weak. After some time, she started feeling dizzy. Her consciousness was slipping away.

Outside, the group of those ragging girls waiting for Amber to come out. One of those girls asked, "If he is not her boyfriend, then why is she taking so much time?"

Ashley got stressed out after hearing this and began to think, 'Was she telling us the truth?'

"No, way this is not possible, his choice can't be so dumb," Ashley replied while raising her eyebrows.

"Look! is that Amber at the window?....Oh My God!…." The girl shouted while pointing toward the window and then immediately stopped while shying to see them involved with each other.

Ashley heard the sound and looked toward the window immediately, her whole body stiffened, 'Ryker' She called his name in her heart disappointedly as all of her expectations flew away at that moment.

Ashley didn't believe what she saw, rubbed her eyes twice, but the scene was still the same. It seemed like they were going to kiss endlessly.

She couldn't take this scene anymore. Tears started to stream down her face.

Ryker noticed people looking toward them from outside, reached out his hand quickly toward the curtain, and pulled it forcefully just to block the sight of people outside.

Amber under him couldn't bear it anymore, her hands and feet weakened, and she was near to falling on the ground in dizziness.

Ryker got frightened and immediately stopped himself from sucking her blood, started to look into her deep aqueous eyes, but at that moment, her eyes were full of despair and emptiness.

His heart suddenly tightened, and he muttered to himself, "It's those eyes…!"

"Nine years old." Ryker lost in his memories of the past.

The little girl was only seven years old, wearing a bright red long dress with a crown, looking like a little princess, but her green aqueous eyes were filled with mist and despair.