

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 3of3 Rules

it was 09:30 am in the morning when Leah's alarm went off," mm, please break that clock already I'm trying to sleep." Anna complained," stop complaining and wake up it's 9 in the morning." Leah said switching off the Alarm getting out of bed, she went to the bathroom to freshen up. taking a warm shower she went back to her room picking out a simple black jean, a white top and white sneakers," Anna get up." Leah threw a pillow at her sleeping face," I'm getting up Ah." Anna sat up running her fingers through her long brown hair," freshen up and come down for breakfast I will go ahead." Leah went down and gave her grandmother a kiss on the cheek," morning granny, morning mom." she greeted," morning my dear." they both greeted back, Leah helped set up the table and serve breakfast, after a while Anna joined them once she was done with her shower. they ate as a family and enjoyed their time together as a small family. Leah and Anna cleaned up the table and dishes afterwards. around 10am sharp a black car stopped in front of Leah's grandmother's house, it was Jack the driver that drove her last time, Leah totally forgot to pack her bags, but can he blame her? she had no idea that he would pick her up so early, panicking she ran upstairs to so not keep him waiting, Anna helped her with the packing and took the suitcases to the car, Jack helped her put them to the back of the car, Leah said her goodbyes to her mother, grandmother and Anna before getting into the passengers seat and the car drove off. it was a half an hour drive and Leah kept on wondering what time they would actually get there, it was away from the crowded noisy City, shortly after, they made a turn on a small closed road surrounded by trees and green plants, it was a long road but soon the white breathtaking Villa came to view. Leah's mouth dropped just by staring at it, the garden was massive, the parking space with different types of cars, the courtyard and everything was breathtaking to look at, jack parked the car getting out to open the car door for Leah, he brought out her bags and he led the way inside. the Butler and the three maids stood a few inches away from the entrance welcoming Leah," welcome home Ms." they greeted," Hi I'm Leah Ansh, nice to meet you."

" I'm Mr Williams Mr Reigns Butler, and this is Kate, Olivia and Maggie our house helps, there are other workers around the house and you'll get to meet them soon, right now Maggie will show you to your room so you can freshen up and rest." Mr Williams said," this way ma'am." Maggie led the way and Leah followed her upstairs while Jack carried the bags up, Leah was so amazed by the insides of the house, the color, texture and light everything was just perfect. Leah reached her bedroom and could not believe her eyes that this was actually her room, at first she thought it was Lucian's room but it was completely empty it couldn't be his room," everything you need is arranged in the drawer and wardrobe, clean sheets and towels, everything you'll need for your body, the dressing room is in the corner of your room, if you need anything else I'm at your service." Maggie said," thank you I will take it from here." Leah said, Maggie nodded and left her alone closing the door behind her, the room was plane white, the outside view overlooked the backyard view, there was a swimming pool, beach chairs and tables beautiful green grass and flowers, Leah breathed in the fresh air with a slight smile falling into relaxation. once she was settled in Leah went downstairs and could see Lucian was nowhere to be seen and approached the Butler," Mr Williams, do you know where Lucian is?." Leah asked," Master had to head out for an urgent matter."

" and do you know what time he will be back?."

" that I do not know, but since he already knows of your arrival pretty sure he'll be back soon." he told her, Leah nodded simply," Ma'am what would you like us to prepare for lunch and dinner?." Olivia asked, she was the oldest of the females around in her 40s, she was calm and quiet, gentle and sweet and very respectful, Leah didn't know what to say because she didn't know what Lucian likes and dislikes," you can prepare whatever Lucian likes." she said, the three maids stared at one another before staring back at her," is there a problem?." Leah asked

" well we started working this morning ma'am, we do not know what he likes." Olivia said, Leah stared at Mr Williams who was standing beside her quietly," you can go back to the kitchen I will be there shortly." Leah said and they went back to the kitchen," Master rarely eats home, and as for them," he pointed at the kitchen with his eyes," Master hired them for you because he thought you wouldn't be to comfortable living in a house surrounded by men only." Mr Williams simply said surprising Leah," he, he hired them for me?." Leah stuttered," you're the first woman Master has decided to bring into his house Ms Ansh, I was actually surprised when he asked me to arrange a room for a woman, I actually thought I was dreaming for a moment there." he told her once again surprising her," first woman he has brought to stay in his house?." Leah repeated, she finally understood why he used to meet all those women at a hotel and not his house," but why? why her? what was so special about her that he decided to let her move in with him?," Leah was so confused about this whole thing," are you okay Ms Ansh?." Mr Williams asked seeing her confused little face," yes, is it alright if I prepare lunch?." Leah asked which did not seem to please Mr Williams," we have the maids to do that Ms Ansh, and Master wouldn't be so pleased to see you in the kitchen and doing what servants are meant to do." he told her," you do not have to worry about Lucian I will take care of it, may I go ahead?." Leah said," if I say no will you listen?." Mr Williams said even though he already knew what her response would be," No." Leah simply answered, he could only sigh helplessly watching her approach the kitchen and grabbed an apron wearing it around her slender waist, Olivia and the other two girls creased their brows confusingly seeing her grab some tomatoes out the fridge," oh Madam, the Ms isn't supposed to do such work, please let me have those." Olivia said," I will prepare lunch and dinner this evening so as your Madam I request you to help me wash these vegetables and cut them up for me if you really want to help me, otherwise I'm cooking." Leah gave a sweet innocent smile, Olivia stared at Mr Williams with pleading sorry eyes, Mr Williams gave her a reassuring nod and Olive did as told, Leah prepared a grilled chicken, Italian spaghetti with sweet potato salad, vegetable and fruit salad with fresh squeezed pure orange juice, Maggie helped set the table while Leah went upstairs to clean up. a few minutes later Lucian came back home and was greeted by the Sweet aroma surrounding him," welcome home Master." Mr Williams welcomed him back but paid no attention to him cause he was trapped by the tasty scent of smell," what's that tasty aroma?." Lucian asked simply," well the Ms prepared lunch for you." Lucian creased his thick eyebrows looking at Mr Williams," Why did she cook? and why did you allow her step into the kitchen?." Lucian coldly said," I tried talking her out of it but she insisted on wanting to cook for you, I apologize." Mr Williams could only say sorry," it's not his fault I insisted to cook for you, is there a problem?." Leah asked approaching them, Lucian's expression went back to it's normal formable emotionless self after seeing her, he wasn't angry or unpleased but calm and relaxed," come before the food gets cold." Leah took his hand leading him to the dining room, Lucian sat down and Leah besides him while there plates were being dished up, Lucian did not find pleasure in human food he only gets to try out vegetable salad and fruit salad once in a while but never meat or other foods, but looking at the grilled chicken and Italian spaghetti with sweet potato salad suddenly made his mouth watery and craving to have a bite," try it." Leah said excitedly, Lucian picked up a fork and knife cutting a piece of chicken putting it into his mouth, the flavor it sent made him wonder what he has been missing out on, he took another bite taking in the taste and texture of each ingredients, everything tastes pretty good, Leah chuckled seeing how fast he was taking in the food and was actually worried he might end up choking," relax, slowly there's plenty remaining." Leah said, Lucian paused realizing how fast he was taking in the food, but can you blame him when it tastes so delicious, they both had lunch together and went to settle in the living room once they were done, Lucian sat on his usual spot by the fire place while Leah sat on the sofa on the opposite side," do you find your room fitting?." Lucian simply asked," it's big for a little old me but very beautiful, thank you." Leah said pausing for while as if thinking about something before she opened her mouth to speak," do you live here by yourself? apart from your workers."

" yes, but since you're here I'm no longer alone, I have company." Lucian said calmly," though I have rules that you and only you need to follow kitty cat." he added," Rules." Leah repeated," you follow them, I will reward you, you break them I punish you, you disobey I punish you." Lucian said," punish me?." Leah blinked confusingly," the kind of punishment requires you not to be able to walk for a week, that's if I make you mine." Leah understood what he meant and it sent shivers up her spine," and if I obey, what's my reward?." Leah asked in a flat tone," you get to ask anything from me and I will fulfill it." he answered," alright then." Leah nodded.

" Rule number one, you're supposed to be home by Dawn

Rule number two, you're to inform me of your whereabouts for your own safety, any questions?." Lucian asked," Dawn is to early, I get off work 8 O'clock I can't just cut it short I will get fired." Leah said," 8 O'clock huh, it's not safe out here kitty cat, but since your job seem more important and how I know your stubbornness, I will let someone pick you up every evening, think of him as your bodyguard." Lucian suggested, Leah nodded knowingly," if you need anything I will be in my study." Lucian said getting up and walked away, Leah also retired to her room, she opened her laptop to video chat with Anna, after a few minutes the call was connected," hi best friend, oh my gosh Leah is that your room." Anna said looking at the back view," this is my room." Leah said unwaveringly," wait as in your room your room or as in your room with Lucian?."

" as in my room my room, Lucian has his own room." Leah said," Leah your room is huge like the Queen's even though have never seen it before, Lucian's room must be bigger than this I'm super jealous right now." Anna smiled," to be honest it kinda feels lonely here."

" you'll get used to it a day hasn't even passed yet, oh shit my boss is coming talk later."

" you're working on a Sunday?." Leah raised a brow," it's my shitty boss, if I had my way I would show him who's boss, talk later love you." Anna said cutting the call, Leah chuckled staring at the huge comfy bed that was whispering into her ear to lay her weightless body on it, she was exhausted and just wanted a quick nap before dawn, while she was still thinking about lying down her body already pushed itself down and just like Aurora pricked herself on the magical needle she to fell into a deep relaxing sleep.

In the middle of the city in a tall glass building, Zach walked into the elevator with his tall long legs, he wore black straight long pants, a white shirt leaving two buttons undone, a black suit jacket and black leather shoes. he pressed the button to the fifth floor," please hold on Mr, don't let it close on me." he heard a sharp little voice calling out, Zach looked forward and saw a little woman running in her high heels trying to make it to the elevator, once the doors were about to close Zach held the left door stopping it from closing, the little woman finally made it panting to catch her breath," thank you very much." she said pressing the button to the sixth floor. Zach took a step back creating some space between them, she was so short and little if it wasn't for her high heels, but he couldn't deny she was pretty and smelled good, her long black hair was tied into a ponytail, she wore a white tight skirt that reached her knees, a black top and a white suit jacket with black heels, the elevator stopped on the fifth floor and Zach gracefully walked out, the woman watched him walk away majestically while the door closed and she could no longer see him, she stopped on the sixth floor and hurried out," April you're late, your father has been looking everywhere for you." one of the workers said," I was caught up in traffic, where is my father?." April said," in his office." April grabbed her files rushing to the elevator and went to the fifth floor," good afternoon Ms Young." the receptionist greeted," Afternoon Tami." April greeted back going inside," there she is," her father said getting up from his chair," Mr Kinn I would like to introduce you to my daughter April Young." Zach turned around and saw the same woman he was with in the elevator a while ago, April was also surprised to see this dashing handsome man again," April, this is Mr Kinn. he is interested in buying the villa in west coast, I want you to go with him and show him around and if he finds it to his taste he will get back to me immediately." Mr Young said," it's nice to meet you Mr Kinn." April straightened her little hand to greet him but he didn't even bother removing his hands in his pockets," can we leave now, I have other places to be." Zach said, April awkwardly took her hand back," Uhm yes." April nodded looking at her father before turning around and began walking away, Zach followed her behind, he did not want to be ahead or on the same pace as her so he kept a distance back, and he stood behind her in the elevator, April felt really uncomfortable. he was like her shadow that was following her everywhere and kept a close steady eye on her, the only time she felt like she could breath was when she entered her gray car because they traveled separately, she led the way while his black car followed behind her. the drive was a 30 minutes drive, soon they arrived at their destination, it was a stand alone villa In a quiet surrounding surrounded by trees and a sea a mile away, it was cream white with glass doors and windows, it had a pool, beautiful view out looking the woods and the sea not far from the house, a balcony and garden, April has always loved this house and wanted to move in herself but it was to expensive even for her, not only her but many people to so she thought it will only end up alone and no one will ever buy it, but now it doesn't have to be alone and that made her happy, or though that's if he will actually buy it or he will flee like everyone else due to its expense, Zach looked around surveying every corner of the house and rooms, it was big and beautiful, warm and cozy," do you find it to your liking Mr Kinn?." April asked," how much was it again?." Zach spoke in his hoarse husky sexy voice, April bit her lower lip," ten million five thousand dollars." she said, Zach took out his phone, in a few seconds April's phone buzzed, it was a payment done in her company's bank, April blinked at her screen "he actually bought it." she muttered inside," Uhm thank you, this beautiful house is officially yours if you sign here." she handed him the file, he signed and he was handed the house keys, April was glad that she finally sold the house and would get to have a peaceful night. they both left while Zach hired some men to furnish the house.

it was already dark out when Leah woke up from her nap," shit." she cursed realizing she's supposed to prepare dinner and it's already late, she hurried downstairs and found dinner was already prepared but only for a single person," why is there a single plate?." Leah asked seeing little food and a single plate,"I'm afraid Mr Reign won't be joining you for dinner, he is still processing the big meal he had this afternoon." Mr Williams said," oh." Leah could only say sitting down, Maggie served her and she ate alone. after dinner she went back upstairs to her room to take a warm shower, wrapping herself in a small white towel she went back to her room drying herself up, she took the lotion applying her arms and legs but she couldn't reach her back, she struggled to reach it and she missed her mother cause she always helped her with it back home, and now she had no one to help her with it here. having left with no other choice, Leah left her room and approached the smooth brown doubled door, she carefully knocked on the door. the doors were opened after a few minutes, Lucian saw Leah standing there wrapped in a small towel, her hair damp from water making her look even more damn sexy and tempting to have," I don't mean to disturb you, I..am having trouble applying this on my back, can you help me with it?." she asked, Lucian stepped aside letting her into his room. Leah went inside and heard the door close behind, his room was huge and didn't have a lot of things in it, only the huge bed, the bathroom in the corner made of glass and a wardrobe and another door, that must be the dressing room. the room was dim light," was he allergic to light or something? she thought to herself or that's his style of his room, Leah turned around to hand him the lotion and hit a hard broad chest," Ah I'm sorry." she apologized staring at his devine face," if you keep staring at me like that I might just devour you, hand me the lotion." Lucian said," Uhm yes." Leah stuttered pouring some liquid lotion onto his palm as she turned her back to him, she lowered her towel into her waistline exposing her smooth white skin. Lucian went ahead and applied it on her back, she was soft like cotton candy quite delicate, whenever she was around him something in him always stir, it's a weird emotion or feeling he hasn't experienced before, ever. Leah had her eyes closed enjoying the warmth of his hands, suddenly that tingling feeling between her legs began torturing her again when she's around him, she bit her lip so hard that little blood oozed out from the little cut. Lucian tried so hard to hold his demons in to pin Leah down and make love to her right there and then, with the little restrain left in him he stepped back. Leah figured he was done and turned back around to face him," thank you." she said, Lucian nodded simply noticing the cut on her lip," you're bleeding." he simply and calmly said, Leah touched her lower lip with her index finger and saw blood, Lucian stepped closer and wiped it with his thumb," kiss me." Leah suddenly said, Lucian stared into her gray eyes and with that said and done he devoured her lips holding her little waist and pulling her closer to him deepening the kiss, he moved to kiss her chin to her neck all the way to her collarbone, teasingly biting and caressing her skin, Leah moaned holding onto his body tightly. Lucian stripped off her towel and before she knew it Leah found herself pinned down on the bed, the coldness swept itself over her naked body but Lucian's body covered her warming her up again, his hands were all over her naked body and she felt really good by his touch, it was pleasurable yet they haven't even become one yet," are you sure you want this?." he whispered kissing her neck," yes." Leah nodded in a breathtaking tone, Lucian split her legs apart teasing the cherry between her thighs, he used his index finger to pleasure her before the real fun starts," Ahh!." Leah moaned clinging onto his body as she felt a burning session that was new to her, it was wild and felt good really good, Lucian thrust in and out slowly making sure she enjoys every bit of it," Ahh! Ahhh, oh yeah." Leah was going crazy and her crazy moaning sounds drove Lucian more insane," Lucian, Ahh." she wanted more of it, more pleasure, more thrusting. Lucian used two fingers increasing the pressure, at this point Leah already lost her mind, her moans became louder and intense, she could already see the stars coming closer and closer. just when she was about to touch them, Lucian stopped his sinful act and Leah was already falling from the sky, she was left breathless and panting for air yet her body was asking for more. Lucian took off his t-shirt revealing his broad hard sexy body, Leah touched his six hard abs like she was touching gold, Lucian stared at her naked body admiring how perfect she was, he closed in on her kissing her passionately while he unzipped the zip to his trouser, she was so wet and would be easy to enter if she relaxes her muscles, Lucian positioned himself on the center, Leah's heart raced inside her chest like it was about to explode and Lucian could clearly hear it," you're scared."

" just nervous." Leah admitted which wasn't a lie," I will be gentle and careful." he assured her, Leah nodded relaxing her inner muscles, Lucian tried to enter and the sharp pain she felt made her tighten her muscles once again and yet he wasn't even half way through, he kissed her slowly and tenderly while he tried pushing himself through," it hurts." Leah whispered," trust me, it will only hurt for a second once I'm in it will all feel normal." he told her, Leah nodded knowingly, she loosened her muscles letting him in. the pain was unbearable but subsided eventually, Lucian managed to get in and was glad that torture of being careful not to hurt her ended, he didn't move for a while waiting for her to adjust to the feeling of him being inside of her. he kissed her neck holding her little waist and began moving slightly, thrusting in and out enjoying the warmth of her inside that was warm and wet, Leah moaned biting her lip enjoying the pleasurable act. they entangled in each other's arms, colliding bodies and becoming one flesh with each other, since it was her first time. Lucian made sure to be gentle and careful, making her first time memorable. Leah didn't have any strength left in her once they were done, she was exhausted and fell asleep immediately. Lucian covered her with the quilt, he went ahead and took a shower and walked back to the room wearing a black t-shirt and black sweatpants. there was a knock on the door and he went to see who it was," I'm sorry for disturbing you Master but Mr Kinn is here to see you." Mr Williams informed, Lucian stared back at the sleeping little woman in his bed before closing the door and went downstairs. Zach sat near the fireplace drinking a glass of red wine," it's 10:30 in the middle of night Zach, what do I owe this surprise visit?." Lucian spoke pouring a glass of wine and sat in his favorite chair by the fire place," is she here?." Zach simply asked," who is?." Lucian asked like he knows nothing of what Zach was asking," are you going to pretend now? what's your game Lucian?." Zach squinted his eyes at him," am I supposed to inform you of every move and decision I make now? who is supposed to stay and not stay in my house?." Lucian spoke reluctantly," that's not what I'm saying, you know she's not safe Lucian, when they find out of her existence and that you actually found her they will come for her, and you perfectly know what will happen to her." Zach said emotionlessly," I won't let anyone lay a finger to even touch a strain of her hair, they know not to mess with me Zach, I will end them before they even lay an eye on Leah." Lucian coldly said, his eyes darkened, his face unfathomable and emotionless, Zach sighed putting the glass on the table and stood up," I hope you keep your word, I will see you around." Zach said walking out, Lucian's grip tightened around the wine glass almost shuttering it into pieces if he didn't calm himself down. with a sigh he retired back to his room.

The sun rays peeked through the curtains and hit Leah's sleeping face, she slowly opened her eyes staring at the ceiling. she felt a strong arm wrapped around her little waist holding her firmly, her soft back was leaning on something hard, more like some..one, it was Lucian holding her into his arms. the scenes from last night came rushing into her mind and the thought of it made her burn up with embarrassment," you're awake?." she heard a hoarse husky sexy voice speak in a sleepy tone," did I wake you?." Leah asked," No." he responded even though she knew it was a lie she usually woke him up," what time is it?." Leah asked," 11am in the morning."

" 11am!? Leah snapped out of her fairy tail land," I have to go to work, shit I'm late." she abruptly lifts her body up getting out of bed but stables back down on the bed, her legs were numb, her body weak like her all energy and strength was drained out of her," I suggest you stay home and rest, you're still weak from last night's act." Lucian told her," I must report for work or I will get fired." Leah was still persistent on reporting for work," you're staying home and rest, I will have a word with your boss I'm sure she'll understand." Lucian simply said, Leah raised a brow at him," what? you will convince her with your charms Mr Reign?." she teased with a smirk," something like that," Lucian smiled getting out of bed approaching her side of the bed and gathered her in his arms," hey, where are you taking me?."

" bathroom." Lucian simply answered," what? it's not like there's anything I haven't seen yet kitty cat." he added taking her to the bathroom, Leah could only blush having no words to defend herself, he carefully put her down," will you be okay or you need help?." he asked and Leah shook her head slightly," I'll be fine thank you." Lucian nodded and walked out, there was not much difference if he left or not cause the bathroom was made of glass with no curtains so everything was perfectly clear to see, she unwrapped the gray sheets that was around her body turning on the shower and let the warm water splash over her sore aching little body

Lucian took the bloody sheets out to be cleaned and ordered for new ones, once Leah was done with her refreshing bath she went back to her room to get dressed, blue bum shorts and a black t-shirt tying her hair into a ponytail and went back to Lucian's room," you're staying home today right?." she asked innocently," I will be heading out in an hour." Lucian said, Leah frowned," where are you going? I thought you and I will spend the entire day together?." she creased her brows," it's something urgent kitty cat I promise to make it up to you when I get back, you must be hungry let's have breakfast." Lucian gave a slight smile holding her hand and they went to have breakfast downstairs, while Leah munched on the tasty pancakes with honey and juice, Lucian only took a cup of green herbal tea," don't you want some? they're really good." Leah said," the only tasty snack I would like to have is you, I wouldn't mind doing it right here." Lucian gave a naughty grin, Leah coughs on her pancake that almost choked her due to his unbelievable statement," careful, I'm not going anywhere I'm still here." he continues teasing her. Lucian's phone rang and he picked it up, his expression went from being a flirty naughty Devil to his cold indifferent Lucian which made Leah to worry," everything okay?." she asked," I have to go." Lucian got up and walked away, Leah was confused and wondered what made him rush out like that

Anna was rushing to work while she was busy cursing at her boss to herself," stupid man, busy ordering me around like I'm his puppet or personal secretary, he doesn't even appreciate my work." she was mumbling to herself while she ran to her work place, her car broke down and she couldn't get any taxi, she ran as quick as possible checking her phone seeing what time it was and hit something or someone that made her stumble back dropping her cell and handbag," great, as if I'm not having enough bad luck already," she said with grit teeth picking up her stuff," jerk, can't you look where you're going are you blind dummy." Anna angrily said getting back on her feet to meet the dumb ass that made her drop her stuff, only to gaze into a pare of blue plane eyes, they were blank, cold, emotionless and cared for nothing, he was tall and slender, he wore black straight long office pants, a black shirt leaving two buttons undone, leather polished shoes and a very expensive wristwatch, he has short dark hair and slightly pink thin lips, the man glares at her with his emotionless unfathomable eyes and expression which made Anna flinch and curious at the same time," watch it , your net worth can't manage to pay my dry cleaners to wash off your cheap make-up." he said before getting into his gray expensive car and drove off," did he just call my make-up cheap?." Anna frowned," handsome but rude, gosh." she face palmed her forehead and continued her journey to work

" you're fired Anastasia." her boss said when she reached her work place," fired? Anna repeated," but I'm only two minutes late you can't fire me for a two minutes delay." Anna said," well I just did please leave my building." he told her," No!

" what did you just say?."

" I said No! you can't fire me you know why? cause I quit Ben, you're the most useless, pathetic and selfish man I have worked for over the past three years I'm done with your bullshit, good luck finding another pretty and smart receptionist as I was, FYI.. you're not that good in bed Jannie said so, good bye freak." she said before walking out, everyone saw what happened and laughed at what was said by Anna," what are you looking at? go back to work." Ben flamed up closing the door to his office. Anna was pretty sad about losing her only job, she typed in a message asking Leah if they can meet up at the coffee shop down street. An hour later Leah met up with Anna at the coffee shop," hey is everything okay? you look drained." Leah asked," I got fired from my job today." Anna said," fired? but what happened how did you get fired?."

" well shit happens, I'm just glad I'm free from that selfish bustard of a man." Anna said taking a sip from her coffee," look on the bright side you can still go back to work in father's company, he will be thrilled to see his little girl back." Leah said," that's the last thing I would do Leah, he has his eldest daughter there he doesn't need me, nobody needs me to help." Leah frowned upon hearing those words, she didn't understand why Anna insists on getting a job when she comes from a rich family and she can get a good position in her father's company, she was as stubborn as they come," I will find another suitable job bet on it."

" if you say so miss independent." Leah chuckled," enough about my boring job situation, update me on your sex life with Lucian." Anna wiggles her brows," seriously Anna?."

" don't tell me you're still a virgin after spending a night in a man's house Leah, come on you're twenty five."

" Can you sit your butt off of course we did it...we had sex," Leah shyly said," it was painful at first, but the pleasure that came with it was magical, it was a whole new experience for me, he was considerate and gentle. I enjoyed it very much." she blushed with a smile," look at you blushing and stuff, and how was his pleasure?." Anna leaned in to whisper," Satisfying." Leah answered biting her lip and continued gossiping...

In a tall glass building, L.Z.S.X CORPORATION it was a company and most men worked there, the only woman working there was the receptionist, she was human and very warm and welcoming, she didn't feel uncomfortable being the only woman working in a company surrounded by men infact she thought herself to be lucky surrounded by gorgeous men " her bosses"

Lucian went into the building and Kitana the receptionist greeted him with a warm smile," good afternoon Mr Reign." Lucian gave a slight nod and went into the elevator proudly to the last floor in the building, his office. when he entered he saw Zach seated lazily on the couch and unfathomable expression, beside him was another tall slender handsome young man who had a smiley expression on his face as he stared at his phone, he has slightly short brown hair with brown eyes and thin pink lips, he wore casual clothes. a gray t-shirt and black sweatpants with sneakers," where's Skylar?." Lucian asked going further into the room," here." a man spoke from behind walking into the room, he had a boredom expression on his face, not that he was bored being there but that's his usual face, he rarely smiles or jokes around just like Zach," Dude, did you get laid on your way here?." the man seated beside Zach spoke pointing at Skylar's stained shirt with make-up and pink lipstick, it is all that clumsy woman's fault he bumped into earlier. Skylar glared at Xander with his sharp cold eyes before going to take a seat not answering to his silly question," did you find her?." Lucian spoke in a cold serious tone," yup, she was caught roaming around the castle, she's younger than I expected, not to mention how beautiful she is." Xander smirked," she's being held captive in the castle cells, her magic is useless without her pendant." Skylar added," and I'm not going back to Mystic falls any time soon, I will be staying with Zach at his new home in west coast." he added, Lucian raised a brow at the non bothered Zach," you bought a house?."

" I don't have to inform you of every little thing I do." Zach used Lucian's own words to get back at him," wait a minute I can't go back to Mystic falls alone I will die from boredom and Skylar won't be there so who am I supposed to irritate?." Xander complained," such an asshole." Skylar muttered to himself," it will at least be fair if you take me with you Lucian." Xander said," that's not possible." Zach said," Why not?."

" because he has a woman living with him." Zach nonchalantly said

" A woman?." both Xander and Skylar said, obviously shocked by what Zach just said, they know Lucian to be a lonely wolf who does not need anyone in his life after he lost one woman he truly loved decades ago, he stayed alone ever since. of course he would keep himself busy with different women to pleasure him otherwise he has never let a woman stay with him, she must be pretty special to him," make sure that little girl doesn't escape you this time around." Lucian could only say getting up and began walking out," so I'm coming with you right?." Xander spoke out loudly," No." Lucian simply answered and left," that guy." Xander scoffed roughing his hair," I guess I'm coming with you guys." he added, Zach rolled his eyes also getting up and left," you do have his location though right?." Xander said to Skylar, Skylar could only sigh leaning on the couch closing his eyes.


Mystic falls was a small town in a unknown isolated country, humans know it to be legendary, some a myth, others a fairytale and to some it doesn't exist.

inside the huge magnificent castle, in one of the castle prison cells, a young woman sat in a corner burring her face in her arms. she has long red hair that covered her face and wore a black long dress. a guard came to her bar cell and slide some food on a plate to her," eat." he spoke, the young woman lifted her head up staring at the guard, her eye color were strange and has a weird color as if she was blind but she could see clearly, only that she could see beyond someone and into the past, present and future

" my, my pendent...I need my pendent, please." she said in a flat tone. the guard ignored her and left

the sun was setting when Lucian arrived back home, Mr Williams welcomed him and he went straight to the living room, he saw a gray quilt spread in the living room and on it were different types of snacks and a bottle of red wine," you're just in time." Leah said coming from the kitchen with two wine glasses," what is all this kitty cat?." Lucian raised a brow," Movie night, you and I are going to watch a Netflix movie." Leah smiled," I'm not a fan of movies cause I rarely watch TV." Lucian simply said," you gonna love it, come." she took his hand and made him sit down while she connected her laptop to the big flat TV," which one do you prefer? Horror, Romance, action? there's a lot of movies here." Leah said, Lucian rested his chin on his knuckles watching her," this one looks interesting." she pressed the button, it was a horror movie and she was really excited to see it. she was eating butter popcorns and would drop some off when a scary part reached, she would cling onto Lucian's arms hiding her face in his arms when those people were abruptly killed. Lucian smiled at her reaction and still wondered why she was so persistent on watching a movie she couldn't handle," are their heads still being cut off?." she asked still hiding," yes." Lucian simply answered even though the scene already passed, he lied just so he could have her in his arms a while longer. when the movie was finally over Leah let out a breath of relief," Master, Ms Ansh.. dinner is served." Mr Williams informed, Leah and Lucian went to the dining table to have their food, Lucian only had vegetable salad even though he wasn't hungry. after dinner they went upstairs, they reached the point where they're supposed to separate and came to a halt," good night Mr Reign." Leah smiled standing on her toes and placed a soft kiss on Lucian's cheek and went inside her room, Lucian gave a slight smile retiring to his room also


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