

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 20of20 The Mysterious woman

Monday morning everyone woke up early and was set on the road to Mystic Falls. Anna and Skylar decided to drive with Rory and her daughter, Sammy and Kai would play all sorts of games in the car and having lots of fun

The four black cars drove in a straight pattern line following one another behind, the wedding is to be held on Saturday morning but the Queen requested everyone to make an appearance on Monday.. ' to spend quality time together as a family' she said_ before the wedding

" Lucian!" Hope spoke

" Hmm"

" You grew up in the KINN Castle right?."

" Hmm," Lucian responded

" Why the sudden interest?," Leah turned to look at Hope

" Yes.. I'm curious to how he ended up there if he isn't part of the family." She blinked a few times, Lucian smirked responding to her curious question

" Well I am part of the family,"

" You are!?," Everyone in the car suddenly spoke shockingly including Leah who had her eyes wide staring at Lucian - obviously wanting more Intel on it

" Hmm ... My mother worked as a royal servant in the castle - she was also the king's mistress, I was the result of their not so private affair.. when the Queen found out about the King's affair with my mother she kicked her out and the king never argued with his wife, my mom then met my step dad and got married.. after both my parents died the king brought me to the castle to live with everyone, I was fourteen by then.. that's when I met Zach and Skylar - although I wasn't interested in getting to know them as my half siblings_ neither was Zach interested in getting to know me," he gave a slight smile

" That makes you a royal prince as well right daddy?," Kami said

" I never considered myself as one of them.. to them I was only a bastard child to a maid," Leah looked over at Lucian with creased brows as though realizing something disturbing, as if Lucian knew what she was thinking he opened his mouth to speak," Rosa and I aren't related."

" But she's Zach and Skylar's sister," Leah spoke

" Hmm... same mother but different fathers, the Queen decided to sleep with another man after her husband cheated on her, she got pregnant with Rosa." Lucian explained

" Oh wow...so you and Asriel are half brothers? You mentioned you had a sister once right, what's her name?," Leah only met Asriel twice.. Lucian rarely speaks about them - especially his sister, Lucian tilted his head slightly and said

" You've actually met her twice."

" I have?," Leah furrowed her eye brows

" The woman who approached you at the bar remember."

" Kisha is your sister? I thought -...

" She was one of my lovers?," Lucian chuckles glancing at Leah, Leah's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment

The kids had fallen asleep in the back seat..no wonder it suddenly became quiet, it was a long way to Falls.

The servants were gathered outside the main entrance of the Castle to welcome them, they bowed respectively getting everyone's bags.. Rory was amazed and astonished by the huge magnificent castle, they all proceeded inside into the main hall

" Welcome," the Queen gave a welcoming smile, even though her smile was welcoming it was wicked and poisonous like a venomous snake..Rosa stood on her right while Sarah on her left

" Mother," Zach and Skylar gave a slight bow

" Your majesty," Anna gave a slight bow.. April and Rory followed her lead, Lucian simply gave a slight nod that wasn't even noticable but she caught it.. Leah returned the same gesture, her majesty simply descended from the stairs to her throne approaching them - she walked up to April standing in front of her with a straight firm look on her face, April stood straight and proud looking her in thee eyes

" So you're April Young?." She stared at April from head to toe

" Yes, your majesty." April answered pressing her lips together

" Well I have always been a straight forward person April and that is... I never liked the idea that my younger son went against me and married a human, my elder son is doing the same by getting married to you,"

" Mother," Zach spoke...her majesty raised her hand stopping Zach from speaking any further

" Even if you're a half vampire it doesn't make you or your sister one of us, but I love my son's and I can't deny them of their happiness can I?," She gave a weak smile.. April hesitantly nodded her head," I don't see my Grandson anywhere.. didn't he come with?," She added turning to Skylar and Anna

" I asked one of the servants take them to the garden... knowing you and your drama - I didn't want the kids to be caught up in it." Skylar simply said, her majesty nodded knowingly waving her hand nonchalantly

" I want to meet him and get to know him, he is my grandson after all." She said

" Pardon me...the rooms are ready." A servant informed

" You should get settled in and we'll talk over brunch.. once again I welcome our guests." She said making her departure, Rosa followed her behind proudly

" Welcome," Sarah gave a slight smile before her too walked away.. Zach took April with him to his room, Skylar and Anna also left leaving Lucian.. Leah and Rory there

" This way My lady." A maid spoke leading the way.. Rory simply followed in silence

" This is going to be a long weekend." Leah sighs... Lucian smirks patting her head and said mischievously

" I want to get you out of these clothes so damn badly." He grins at her... Leah chuckles shaking her head slightly not knowing what to do this husband of hers.

Zach sat on the couch quietly as he studied April's facial expressions from a distance..she was folding the clothes and putting them away in the closet

" Do you want to say something or will you keep staring at me the whole day?." She spoke calmly, Zach rested his cheek on his knuckles and said

" I like the way you handled yourself back there... despite my mother's rude words and tone."

" She's the Queen." April simply said

" Come here," He stretches out his hand.. April stared at his hand for a while before staring back at his eyes," don't keep me waiting cupcake." He added_ April made her way to his side..her steps were slow and steady, she rested her hand on his maintaining physical eye contact - Zach used his other hand to grab her tiny waist making her sit on his laps...he tucked some hair behind her ear cupping her cheek and said

" If there's anything bothering you - you can let me know... that's why I'm here." April nodded her head slightly burring her head on his chest, Zach held her really close and tightly in his arms.

The kids were playing in the garden chasing each other around and play tag, Sammy threw the ball pretty far and Hope had to go and retrieve it.. Rosa picked up the ball that stopped in front of her feet looking straight ahead, she saw a little girl running her way... Hope came to a standstill after seeing Rosa and the Queen - she stood there unmoving staring at the ball in Rosa's hands

" Is this ball yours?." Rosa spoke... Hope nodded," what's your name?." Rosa added

" Hope - Hope Reign." She pressed her lips

" So you're Lucian and Leah's daughter huh... you resemble your mother a lot." Her majesty spoke.. Rosa returned the ball back to Hope without a word, Hope took the ball and ran off

" It's like staring right at that woman's face...it sickens me." Rosa sneered walking away

" Where are you going Rosa? I'm still to meet my grandson... won't you meet your nephew?." Her majesty spoke, Rosa sighs leading the way.. they reached the garden standing a few inches away

" Kai!" Her majesty called out... Kai paused searching for the person who was calling out to him

" It's your grandmother." Hope whispered to him, Kai walked over to her giving a slight bow

" Your majesty." He cutely showed his respect...her majesty smiled proudly patting his little adorable head

" Do you know who I am?."

" You're my grandmother.. the Queen." Kai replied

" Correct.. and this is your Aunt Rosa, your father's younger sister." She introduced.. Kai gave a slight bow

" I won't keep you from your friends any longer...run along." Kai ran back to his friends and continued playing.

Putting Leah to bed for her afternoon nap... Lucian left the room proceeding to his study on the top floor of the castle, it was pitch black inside and weirdly quiet - too quiet... Lucian turned on the lights and saw a woman sitting in his chair behind his desk, she wore a black attire.. a black mask and her head was covered up, she sat so comfortably and relaxed for someone who was intruding his personal space

" Welcome back... Lucian Reign." She calmly said, Lucian furrowed his eye brows followed by confusion and curiosity to whom this strange woman was and how she knew him - Lucian tilted his head and spoke

" Who are you... and how did you get in here?." His tone in voice was so cold and alarming..his blue eyes piercing sharp as a knife and deadly, the woman stood up appearing in front of him... quick as lightening and quite bold - her shape of eyes looked very familiar to Lucian_ the eyes that he hasn't seen for quite a decade

" You've become more cold and brutal than the last time I saw you... Lucian," she said staring into his ocean iced eyes...she took off her mask giving him a slight smile," I came back for you... I'm back Lucian." She quietly giggled, Lucian's eyes widened slightly out of shock seeing her ' but how? He thought she died a long time ago so how is she still alive?' Lucian thought to himself

" Rin? How?." He spoke in a flat tone

" Take a sit and I will tell you everything...I have waited for this day I will get to see you again." She told him_ Lucian and Rin knew each other since they were little kids...they were really close friends and would always spend time together, Rin was a free spirited girl.. she dreamed of becoming an elite vampire - strong and able to protect her kind... Lucian loved the determination she had, he admired her very much so to fall in love with her - Lucian was only 12 years old and Rin 10 when he asked her to be his girlfriend..Rin happily accepted his proposal, they began dating and was always together... after Lucian's parents death...he went to live with the KINN family, but they always found a way to be together_ when Rin turned 16 she was selected to join the training course of the elite..it was her long cherished dream to be trained by such powerful forces - but again she was with the love of her life.. she secretly had a crush on Lucian since they were kids_ he finally proposed and now she needs to make the hardest decision ever, it was either him or her being an elite vampire... Lucian didn't want to the one to pull her back - her long dream was finally coming true and he couldn't let her choose between him and her work, Rin cried a lot that night...he had never seen her so sad and miserable - that night was the first time they spent a night together, it was both their first time and cherished it - Rin left for Utopia the next day and that was the last time he heard from her, Lucian thought he lost her for good," you must be wondering why I never sent you any letters or notes all these years despite me being alive." She spoke...Lucian remained silent," a day never went by without me thinking about you, the sleepless nights drove me insane_ we were cut off of any sort of communication to the outside world for ten good years..I spent my life training my butt off, and the rest of the years leading battles - wars... risking my life to protect those who matter, I made it my goal to return to you once I'm done...I came back Lucian - I came back for you." She rested her hand on his cheek with a smile... Lucian stared at her face for a while, she hasn't changed_ she was still the little girl he fell for back then.. except she grew up to be a woman now, her blonde hair matched her pale smooth skin - her grey eyes like Leah's although slightly bigger and thin pink lips

Lucian removed her hand from his face putting it back down - Rin noticed a wedding ring on his finger.. she gave a faint smile and said

" I see, you're married now... It was foolish of me to think you would wait for me after all this while - so, who's the lucky girl?," She was curious to whom Lucian chose as his wife...Rin was curious to how she looked like

" Her name is Leah - we have three kids and expecting our fourth now." Lucian gave a straight answer

" I see," Rin's eyes teared up.. she couldn't look him in thee eyes - she couldn't bare it at the moment, Lucian pulled Rin in his arms letting her sob on his chest

" I'm sorry - I'm truly sorry." He apologized..it was the only thing he could think of_ the only thing he could offer her was a shoulder to cry on, Rin pulled away from his embrace after calming down a bit..she looked him in thee eyes and said

" Can I stay here...I - I have nowhere else to go_ you're the only person I know here." Lucian simply nodded..he couldn't just kick her out with nowhere to go, her family is no longer alive and he is the only one she has left to call friend

" Wait here and I will have someone arrange a room for you." He told her going out.


" This will be our new home now... although it's not so new to Zara." Nick said

" I have never seen such a luxurious cave before..no one would ever imagine it's this fancy inside." Maki wondered around

" It belonged to my godfather...my friends went to live elsewhere so this will be our home now." Zara spoke

" Thank you for all of your help - we will rebuild and expand our clan here," Tony said pausing for a while as though thinking about something else to say," Nick! Me knowing you're the Alpha of the pack and still leading the rest of us will be selfish of me, you're our leader...it will be wise if I step down and let you lead us." He bent a knee_ the rest of them agreed bowing their heads.. Zara gave a slight nod at Nick urging him to accept

" I promise to protect this clan with my life." He told them, everyone was thrilled.

" We have no food here...I will go to the market and get some." Zara said

" I will come with you." Ella offered going along with her while the rest cleaned up and settle in

" Nick is a really kind considerate guy, you're pretty lucky to have him as your mate." Ella gave a slight smile

" He is... and I was absolutely the worst to him." Zara gave a bitter smile - she was the worst mate ever.. despite him telling her she was his mate she chose to neglect him and push him away like trash.. what kind of human being does that?

" Why would you think that.. you guys love each other don't you?." Ella blinked

" Before I met Nick I was in love with someone else who's not my kind - he is happily married and have kids, I chose to ignore that and loved him even more...I did everything possible to destroy their marriage, then Nick came along..I chose to neglect him and push him away despite him being my mate, I was completely crazy about Lucian..now I have realized I was only infatuated by him - completely different from love."

" You just said was, which means you're completely over it now... despite that I know Nick is truly in love with you." Ella smiled at her - they both giggled talking about basic things.

Leah sat comfortably in bed reading a romance novel, Lucian walked into the room approaching her bed side

" Couldn't sleep?." Lucian spoke," not quite...I guess I wasn't tired enough like I thought."

" I see." Lucian grins reaching the buttons of his shirt

" And what do you think you're doing?." Leah raises a brow

" What does it look like I'm doing?," He takes off his shirt pulling her leg.. Leah fell flat on her back closing her book and putting it aside, his hands reached the inside of her dress pulling down her panties - he kissed her slowly and tenderly like a delicate flower, Leah touched his bare chest and arms.. just a touch of him aroused her like crazy - she would go from a delicate flower to a wide flower, Leah pinned him down getting on top of him.. she took off her dress gazing into his eyes, Lucian just admired her naked body..her breasts - waist and figure_ if there was a way to imprint himself on her he would have done that a long time ago, Lucian held her hips as she rode him like a cowgirl

" Ahh!"

Leah moaned increasing her pace, Lucian moved her hair to the back holding her waist tightly - Leah threw her head back exposing her neck, Lucian could see her veins pumping blood - the urge of sinking his fangs into her flesh came rushing to him..he wanted to bite her_ her blood, drinking blood among couples while love making is common among vampires - but again Leah wasn't a vampire..if he drinks more of her blood he might drain her and leave her weak - Leah could see Lucian was lost in thought and couldn't help but ask

" What is it?," She paused looking him in thee eyes

" Nothing...I think it's enough for today, the doctor did say we shouldn't over do it." He came up with an excuse - Leah frowned

" But I'm not satisfied yet...so are you." She said

" Wife." Lucian pressed his forehead with a sigh..Leah got up covering herself up," where are you going?,"

" Anywhere else than here... until you tell me what's really going on with you I won't be here." She said heading to the bathroom

" Damn it." Lucian threw his head back annoyingly.

" My lady - your room is ready... this way." A maid informed

" Where's Lucian?." Rin spoke staring at her

" Lord Lucian retired to his chambers and asked me to inform you once everything was prepared." She respectively bowed her head - Rin quietly followed her behind as she was Led to her room," brunch will be ready in ten minutes and everyone is to be gathered in the main hall...I have prepared a warm bath for you, let me know if I may assist you with anything else."

" That would be all thank you." Rin gave a slight smile, the royal maid bowed leaving her

Rin took off her current clothes dipping herself in the warm water closing her eyes.

Leah puffed her cheeks frustrated like a little kid who's been told Santa Claus doesn't exist as she explained everything to Anna and April...in hope that they might have a clue to why Lucian always reacts that way

" I really don't understand him and he won't tell me anything," Leah whinnied... April and Anna shared a look before staring back at her," what?." She Wiggled her brows

" Well Leah..you see it's - I think I know why Lucian gets that way." April said

" You do?." Leah stared at both of them

" Drinking each other's blood during sex is common between vampires..they get the pleasure of it and sex is more intense and much pleasurable - I think Lucian is simply avoiding long intimacy because it will drive him to the brick where he has to drink your blood and leave you dry, you're not a vampire and he can't give you his blood to drink to regain what he has gotten from you.. it's really difficult to pull back once their fangs sink into your neck, he's simply worried about you.. that he might not restrain himself and kill you in the process." April explained - this made Leah really sad and useless.. she felt like she was depriving him of what needs to be given, the pleasure and satisfaction of a vampire

" B - but I - I really want to make him happy." She teared up

" I know... but you also have to think about the baby you're carrying - it could be really risky." Anna wipes the tears that were threatening to flow...if she thinks about it - Skylar gets really intense in bed after getting a taste of her blood, he really can't help it but take charge.. and he really drains her off leaving her weak - but his blood makes it up for it and the pleasure that follows is simply out of this world," you shouldn't get to emotional like this Leah.. it's not good for your baby." Anna added.

" You mean you have your ex girlfriend leaving under the same roof as your wife?." Skylar leaned on the rails to the castle balcony

" That's unfortunate.. your wife will surely kill you." Zach nonchalantly said with a poker face on

" I couldn't simply send Rin away she has no one except me." Lucian said

" Couldn't you send her to a motel or rent her an apartment somewhere in town?," Zach said

" I will handle Leah." He calmly said..both Skylar and Zach scoffed

" If I remember correctly you two never broke up correct...she still stands as your girlfriend." Skylar teased

" Lucian is married now so technically Rin doesn't stand as his girlfriend anymore..more like a mistress." Zach gave a naughty smirk

" Do you two have a death wish?." Lucian furrowed his brows a sense of coldness sweeping across his face

" Not quite.. I'm yet to get married."

" Your highness - Lord Lucian.. brunch is ready." One of the maids informed, they made their way to the dining hall where everyone sat in their rightful place - Anna suggested the kids have their meal at the balcony to avoid them being mixed up in whatever will go down at this table because there's always something

" Brother, will Xander and Elriel attend big brother's wedding?." Sarah spoke

" Hmm..they will be here on Friday." Skylar answered, Leah gasps widening her eyes as though seeing into the future

" What happened - are you okay? Is it the baby?." Lucian held Leah's hand worriedly

" My dragon, I have to go." Leah stood up from her seat.. she teleported before Lucian could say anything else

" What's wrong?." Sarah spoke

" I'm heading over to the Raven clan." Lucian spoke

" I'm coming with you." Skylar joined him... Zach wiped his mouth gracefully getting up and went along with them, Rory wondered what just happened and why Leah disappeared out of the blue? It was her first time seeing Leah use her powers - and what did she mean by dragon.. does she really possess a dragon? But such creatures are nothing but myths and legends - they don't exist, yet again she didn't think vampires and supernatural beings exist - now look.. she's seated on one table with them.

Leah teleported into the village and Elena ran to her side

" Sister!,"

" Why did it have to awaken now?." Leah said to herself running towards the cave, Lucian - Skylar and Zach also arrived in the village

" Where's Leah?."

" she's headed towards the cave." Lucian was about to go after her when Elena stopped him

" Lucian wait! You will pose as a threat if you go along, she'll be fine." Lucian and the others stayed back staring at the distant cave. Leah walked into the dim lit cave - her steps were slow and steady.. she was dead for thousands of years before reincarnating back - after her death the dragon went on a rampage before falling into a deep slumber, it has been asleep all this while.. until now at least. Leah stood in front of it staring at it's closed eyes.. swallowing hard she opened her mouth to speak

" Dragon." She whispered holding her breath which felt like an eternity, it opened it's eyes startling her..she took two steps back holding her ground, the dragon lifted it's long neck glaring at her..it opened it's mouth roaring viciously - Leah's hair went back hitting her face as though she was standing in a windy place, the roar was loud enough to be heard outside the cave which frightened some villagers," it's okay," Leah held out her hand staring right into it's eyes," it's okay," she kept repeating still holding out her hand - the dragon's eyes shifted from her face to her hand that was reaching out..it bowed it's head letting her touch it, Leah smiled petting it," you must be hungry after sleeping for decades," she slowly and carefully hopped on top of it's back," fly." She whispered holding on tightly - it prepared for take off flying up on the cave's top entrance leaving the cave

" Damn your wife is a natural Lucian." Skylar ran his fingers through his hair

" I'm going after her." Lucian said walking away.

Leah took a long breath of the mountains fresh air - admiring the view while her dragon ate, she approached the dragon and it rolled over a burnt goat towards her for Leah to eat

" Thank you but I'm not hungry," Leah smiled," at first, you and your brother were my only children - you were my treasures.. it wasn't easy for me to sacrifice your brother - it was the hardest decision I had to make on my own, but he's blood flows in the man I love..it flows in my kids veins - dragon! you are to protect them at all cost, they are your family as well." Leah said as though saying it slowly would make it understand her.

Her head suddenly felt heavy - dizzy and everything around her began spinning, Leah fell on the grass passing out.

Seeing her unmoving, her dragon used it's tail to carry her bringing her to it's side - it's thick tail surrounded her in a protective manner as it rested. Lucian was getting worried about Leah not returning back yet - the higher he climbed the mountain the colder it became, making a few climbs he reached the top of the mountain and saw the dragon - and Leah lying unconscious next to it while it's tail surrounded her in a protective manner.

" Leah!"

Lucian called out not moving from his spot - any wrong move and he will be a roasted meat, but he couldn't just stand there and do nothing - Leah will freeze to death before she even wakes up. Lucian took slow steady steps towards them, noticing his approach - the dragon moved it's attention from Leah to Lucian..it groans revealing it's sharp scary teeth with a warning indicating ' make one more move and you're dead'

But Lucian wasn't going to stop trying to get to Leah, he stretches his hand out while taking slow steps - the dragon kept growling but wouldn't attack him as though it knew he wasn't a threat - he wasn't going to harm his mother in any way, it simply got out of his way letting him to go to Leah. Lucian ran towards Leah pulling her in his embrace - she was cold as ice and pale, he gathered her in his arms about to go back but paused midway..he couldn't leave the dragon here alone - it's not safe - he thought

" Lucian!," He heard someone calling out to him," take care of Leah..I will take care of the dragon." He saw Elriel approaching, she opened up a portal for him to pass through. Lucian nodded going through and it closed behind him, Elriel climbed on top of the dragon holding on tightly

" Fly." She said bracing herself and headed back to the village.

Lucian ended up in the castle and went straight up to his room to get Leah into bed, he covered her up checking her body temperature - it was normal..her body warmed up a bit which was reliving.

Xander was waiting for Elriel to return so they can go to the castle," you guys surely took your sweet time to return huh." Skylar said leaning against the tree trunk

" Yeah, Ivy was having the best time of her life there - my parents also didn't want us to take their granddaughter away." Xander shrugged his shoulders

" Daddy!" A little adorable voice called out getting the gents attention, Ivy ran to Xander clinging onto his arm," can I stay here with grandma..I don't want to go to the castle," she stared into his eyes with pleading eyes

" But of course...I don't mind," Xander patts her head with a smile, Elriel approached nodding her head slightly at Zach and Skylar

" Ivy! We'll be on our way now..ran along to grandma now," Elriel kissed her forehead and she ran along excitedly.