
Bounded by the shackles of fate

It came as a wonderment, that the elves were able to find a weapon strong enough to enter the realm, without them being apprised. This served as an advantage to them, as they were thriving in infiltrating a lot of space and managed to seize the important capitals, which served as pillars of the realm. They were well aware of where they should attack, and what stood as the support system of their Empire. It was prominent that they had a helping hand from within the realm, the individual must be someone who knows the secret which their enemies must never and they were after something, something within the palace walls, that was their main target. However, the battle only took them a month or less to end although a lot died, they somehow managed to conquer the elves and forged a new protective Impediment for the realm. The protective impediment that had been keeping them till someone found her mate. Sighing she couldn't help but wonder how he managed to do that, the spell they used to trigger the impediment was a very emphatic one, they had their best mysticism intellectuals conjure the powerful force field which had kept them for decades in peace without the intrusion of external forces. abruptly, she felt a familiar energy, one that was protruding from none other than Elder Burton, it was the energy of a furious light hyde, his entire body glowed white and he seemed like he was going berserk as he was carrying a crazy look like he had lost his mind. he launched a ferocious attack towards Xavier aiming with full speed and the beast bearly managed to doge because he was lost staring at his blossom. But Burton didn't end there, he created a spear out of his proficiency and summoned Attulac, his beast, and merged fully with it within the blink of an eye he was charging towards Xavier again as he roared in rage. Since Xavier was distracted Bacillia took this opportunity and snapped out of her daze as the rest had also joined in, Ekila had also resumed her stance. Xavier dodged his next attempt with little effort and frowned at the distraction " How dare you to bewilder the conversation between me and my blossom! " he seemed pissed and gritted his teeth harshly glaring at Burton, who didn't seem to care as he charged amuck towards Xavier, only to be thrown by him without much effort, " weakling!" he spat in disgust as his eyes searched for his mate frantically. #extractedfromchaper34

Missy_Ti · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
41 Chs

Chapter 6 _Arrogant spoilt brat !

" but that doesn't make any sense as she's human," Samuel said thoughtfully, knowing very well that only the pure-blooded with hierarchy could obtain the power of pneuma.

Alphonso hissed " it could be possible that her parents are pure-blooded or..."

" Aeh makes sense," Samuel said while he nodded his head in approval not allowing Alphonso to complete his sentence.

" Am afraid that's not the case " Garrett said leaving both Alfonso and Samuel wondering what he had in mind, as he had that mischievous smile plastered on his face, right after he finished his sentence. Samuel furrowed his brows.

"Zed I want the reports on the princess's backgrounds by tomorrow mid-day "

" Yes, sire " Zed bowed and immediately teleported away.

But for now, I want you two to keep a close eye on her " he paused as if sensing something " be careful, I feel his presence, he has arrived already and is somewhere around, we wouldn't want him ruining the plan " the dark mist that surrounded him thickened and engulfed him until he vanished.

" Dramatic entrance and same with departure " Samuel sighed and shook his head.

Alphonso and Samuel both understanding what Garrett meant with his warnings also teleported outside the banquet, and removed the barrier they formed earlier.


"I see that the crown prince has an interest in my daughter," the king said as he approached us from behind, we both turned our back to face him, and there by his right-hand side stood the Queen of vanov, Queen Esther Alistair, and my beloved mother who smiled upon seeing me.

I curtsied while I held up my skirt and expected the prince to show his respects to the king and Queen,

But he stood proudly grinning and looking at the king expectingly as if he wanted the king to pay his respects instead.

" Good evening crown prince Fabian, it's a great honor to witness your presence here at this grand ceremony of ours, " the king said with a visibly forced smile.

"The pleasure is all mine " he nodded his head approvingly, and also accepting the king's greetings, and then glanced back at me with a heart-warming smile, I didn't even notice the stares that we gained at that moment

My heart melted into jelly and sent butterflies doing crazy stunts in my tummy.

" The rumors are just as they say, but I at least expected a little respect from the crown prince " the king groaned with irritation playing a huge role in his tone

" Aeh I see it's not only respect you lack you arrogant bast*rd " he mumbled again under his breath.

" Am sorry I didn't get that" prince Fabian tilted his head to one side whilst tapping his left ear with raised brows and a mocking smirk.

I just stood there and watched the king as he bubbled with rage while he bit his lower lip and balled his fists hard like he wanted to pick up a fight right then and there, ' oh he should know better than getting on the bad side of the crown prince, am quite sure that wouldn't end well ' I kept all that in thoughts while II stared at the drama unfolding right in front of me.

" Very well then I shall take my leave," he said as he took my palm and placed a soft kiss on my Knuckles

The gesture made me blush again, my cheeks flushed bright red and I quickly placed both my palms on my cheeks " urm..uh. I wish you safe travels your highness " I waved and curtsied...

" I shall see to courting my princess very soon " he emphasized on the world 'very soon' and winked at me before turning his back against me and walking away while his assistant trailed behind him, I hadn't even noticed him all along

" Preposterous! "The king yelled " what an arrogant spoilt brat " the king added once the prince was out of sight.

" Calm down my king, we wouldn't want to create a scene here now would we ?, And I don't think getting on the crown Prince's bad side would do us any good," the queen said in a whisper and held his balled fists which had now softened.

" I know, and it just pisses me off that the bastard gets to do whatever he wants just because of his status in power, he just hurt my pride and walked away As if it was nothing.!!.."