Using his mundane skills would only cause Rann to continue without any hope of ever reaching the civilization.
Rann could see the structure of the city.
He could see the slightly taller buildings and even the – shorter ones. In essence, a massive city-wall could be seen rounded up it's defenses.
The distance is actually three miles from Rann to the city, but due to space and time expansion, Rann only needed an eternity to get to it.
Rann did not have much time to spend on a single trial.
An eternity even, must have summed up to trillions of generations if that is even a thing.
Rann decided.
If he is to find out about his Innate Bloodline, he would do that now. Maybe, one of it's ability would help free him from the shackles of time.
Rann immediately brought out his roulette wheel.
This roulette wheel was connected with essence strings that binds his soul together with it.