
Bound Hearts

Synopsis: "Bound Hearts" follows the journey of Irina, a 24-year-old woman trapped within the confines of her family's expectations. Despite her longing for love and connection in the outside world, she finds herself bound by the roles and responsibilities assigned to her within the walls of her home. Irina's life revolves around catering to her family's needs and desires, particularly her stay-at-home mother's insatiable appetite for luxury. The constant demands and the suffocating grip of her family's traditional values prevent her from exploring her own dreams and aspirations. Struggling with her desire for freedom, Irina creates a rich fantasy world where a dream guy exists—a figure who would sweep her off her feet and offer the love and understanding she craves. With her family's expectations as an ever-present backdrop, Irina embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Along the way, she learns that true love and fulfillment may not necessarily be found in the grand gestures of her daydreams, but in the connections she forges with those who truly see and support her. Through a mix of heartwarming moments, laughter, and introspection, "Bound Hearts: Unveiling Love Beyond" invites readers to reflect on the bonds that shape their lives and the pursuit of love and self-acceptance amidst the constraints of tradition and familial obligations.

_justumeh_ · Adolescente
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15 Chs

In his arms

Chapter 15: In his arms

In the aftermath of the sudden drenching, Irina and Corian found themselves in the kitchen, still entangled, their wet clothes clinging to their forms. An awkward silence hung in the air as they stood in close proximity, the tension between them palpable.

Irina's gaze couldn't help but wander, and her eyes inadvertently traced the lines of Corian's visible abs. A perfect shape with perfect curves. She could just feel it. She started scanning his body like she was checking if he had something on him.

Corian couldn't let his eyes leave Irina's body. Corian's eyes were drawn to Irina's curves, accentuated by the clinging fabric of her dress. He gave a smirk. Irina quickly averted their eyes, her cheeks tinged with a hint of embarrassment. She could still feel him staring at her. Her cheeks were boiling red and she refused to lift her head.

"What is it baby?" Corian asked sheepishly as he came closer to her. I know you like what you see. And so do I. He caressed her hair.

"What did you just call me" Irina said while stepping back.

"Are you not my fiancee, we're getting married soon.

Corian kept on walking toward her as she continued walking backwards.

As they took a steps back and forth, the slippery kitchen floor proved to be treacherous. Irina lost her balance, and her heart raced as she teetered on the edge of a fall. In an instant, Corian's strong arms reached out, his reflexes lightning-quick. He caught her just in time, his grip firm and steady, preventing her from taking a spill.

Their close encounter was intense, and Irina could feel the warmth of Corian's body against hers. Their eyes met again, briefly locking in a charged moment. It was a fleeting connection, one that held a myriad of unspoken thoughts and feelings.

Irina found herself in Corian's arms, and their eyes locked in an intense gaze. It was a moment charged with unspoken emotions, and the world seemed to blur around them as they stood there, their closeness almost magnetic.

However, just as the tension between them reached its peak, the sound of approaching footsteps disrupted their moment. Irina's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of Mrs. Abel first, and she tried to discreetly signal to Corian by whispering a warning. "Your mom is here."

But Corian, caught up in the moment and slow to register her words, continued to hold Irina tightly, his gaze locked onto hers.

It was Alex who finally walked in, banging the door behind him as he entered the kitchen, creating quite the spectacle. He was taken aback by the sight that greeted him, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of his sister in Corian's arms.

Corian, finally snapping out of his daze, realized the gravity of the situation. In a swift, almost panicky motion, he released Irina from his grasp, taking a step back as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The silence in the room was deafening, and the three of them exchanged awkward glances, each unsure of what to say or do next.

"Uhm... sorry for interrupting...I didn't really know anything was going on here" Alex said awkwardly as he left the kitchen closely followed by Mrs Abel.

In the aftermath of their awkward encounter in the kitchen, Irina and Corian made their way back to the dining room, their faces flushed with embarrassment. They entered the room with a heavy sense of self-consciousness, aware of the eyes that followed them.

As they took their seats, the room was filled with a deafening silence, and everyone at the table stared at them, trying to gauge their reactions. Vasily, who sat beside Irina, didn't hold back his curiosity and innocence. He leaned in and asked in his straightforward manner, "Mom, why are both Corian and Irina all wet?"

Mrs. Romanova, Irina's mom ready to offer an explanation, began to speak, but she was interrupted by Mrs. Abel, Corian's mom who quickly intervened, saying with a cheerful tone, "Oh, it's nothing. I accidentally spilled some water on them when I bumped into them in the hallway. It was just a little accident."

Vasily, satisfied with the response, simply nodded, as if acknowledging that such accidents could happen to anyone.

The awkward silence persisted for a while as they continued their meal, each person lost in their own thoughts. Momentarily, Corian and Irina's eyes met, they exchanged a subtle foot nudge, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection between them, even in the midst of this awkward situation. He looked up at her but she looked right away.

Mr Abel stood up and said, " well I think we're done here. We have to get going. I have a meeting by 1pm.

It was nice having you. Mr Romanova replied.

Thank you Mrs romanova. I loved the meal. I hope to try it again.

Yes you can whenever you want to.

They shook hands and Mr Abel started walking away. Corian and his mom who were still sitted stood up slowly, Corian continuing to stare at Irina as he stood up. They all began to stand but Vasily is still engrossed in his meal. Irina felt this inner sadness but she didn't know why. She kept her head low as she walked with the crowd and also because she couldn't even look up at Corian but Irina couldn't help but steal occasional glances at him, her cheeks tinged with shyness. She wished he would initiate a conversation or perhaps ask for her contact information, even though she was hesitant to admit it to herself.

Then, as if answering her unspoken hopes, Mr. Abel, Corian's father, broke the silence. He turned to Irina with a warm smile, his eyes showing genuine kindness. He reached out and gave her a friendly hug, a gesture that caught her pleasantly by surprise. "Irina, it was lovely meeting you," he said. "We should definitely keep in touch."

Irina's heart skipped a beat as she felt a sense of relief and excitement. She quickly retrieved her phone from her purse and handed it to him, her fingers trembling slightly. "Here's my number," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of nervousness and eagerness. She couldn't believe that Mr. Abel had taken the initiative to ask for her contact information.

In return, Mr. Abel handed her a slip of paper with their landline number. They exchanged pleasantries once more, and with a friendly farewell, the Abels left, and Irina couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope.