

In a world where arranged marriages are the norm, the young and independent-minded female protagonist finds herself betrothed to the powerful and enigmatic Mafia King. As she navigates the complexities of her new life, she discovers hidden secrets and a forbidden love that challenges the boundaries of her arranged union. Will she find her own path and break free from the constraints of tradition? Or would she fall in love with her betrothed with all the obstacles and challenges. Would she break free from the bonds of duties? Would she submit to her husband and family? Or would she make her own path for herself and make her husband submit to her?

Seraph_Nathan · Ciudad
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10 Chs



As expected, we are having dinner tonight, together, for the first time and as a married couple. He said I shouldn't wear any panties, but too bad he's not the boss of me. I defied his rules and wore the longest gown I Owned and wore my panties. There was nothing he could do about it, I said to myself with a smile. I took the elevator to the last floor, I still didn't know where most places are in this house, only the kitchen and that's where I went to. I saw Olive and another woman I don't know there. They noticed me and greeted.

I answered them with a soft smile and asked, 'Please where is my husband?'

Darcy came out of nowhere, 'He told me to direct you to the dining area ma'am' she said with her head bowed. She has never ever spoken to me before so it was nice to hear her voice.

'Please follow me' she led me through a series of hallways and I'm still wondering how big this house is. Finally we reached the dining area. My husband was sitting at the head of the table, Darcy took a bow and left.

'Do they have to act that way all the time? They are also humans like us' I asked him.

'Humans I saved from death' he said. I remembered how u judged him when I first came.


'I saved them and their family at one point in time and they chose to serve me, I'm not at vile as you think I am Princess' he spoke with that arrogant smirk of his. I snorted.

'My mom is coming for dinner, she wasn't present during our wedding and she also don't know about our arranged marriage, she thinks it's true love' he said with a sad smile. This is the first time I've ever seen him vulnerable. 'Please, don't make her think otherwise'

Was the devil himself begging me?

'I won't, I promise' this is the first agreement we have come to before. We were looking at each other and my eyes supposed down to his lips, I replayed what happened the day before in my head, everything I felt for the first time in my twenty four years.

'Come here' he said beckoning to his laps, I unsteadily walked towards him and stood in between his begs, he pulled me down so I was straddling him. His hand went into my dress and found my underwear. He looked at me, my heart beating in anticipation, fear and arousal.

'I told you never to wear panties in this house' he said with a soft tone in his voice.

'I....I did-'

'You what?' He cut me off when he put his fingers inside me, not one but two of them, I was full, his thumb circled my clit. I was on a high that I couldn't get down from.

'I....I didn't m.... mean t...tooo' I stammered out, I didn't know if this was a punishment or something, he stroked my pussy lazily like he has all the time in the world.

'Whose coño is this' he asked.

'It's yours' I said out of breath. My head rolled out in ecstasy. I rolled my hips in rhythm with his fingers.

'P...plea...please' I whispered

'Please what' he said, I could hear a hint of smile in his voice. He knows what he was doing.

'Please sir, let me come' I whispered urgently. He chuckled and that made Goosebumps rise on my skin. This man would be the death of me.

His stroke became faster and urgent, when I came, I came hard, all the tension just came out of my body. He took his fingers in his hands and locked my juices off.

'Sabes a cielo' he whispered to me. I need to learn both Spanish and Latin as fast as possible. I looked at him and gave In to my urges and kissed him. I tasted myself on his tongue, he groaned and deepened the kiss, taking full control of it. One day I will make him submit to me.

'Hola mi hijo' a feminine voice rang out. I broke the kiss. Oh shit. My mother in law is here and I'm kissing her son. I scrambled off his leg as if my ass was on fire, he just chuckled. I adjusted my clothes.

'Hola mamá' he said while he stood up to hug his mother. She was soo tiny and very beautiful, now I see where Antonio got his handsomeness from.

'Is she the one' his mother asked with a smile, he nodded. This was my queue. I went forward with a smile on face but she engulfed me in a big bear hug. I hugged her back. Tears pricked my eyes because it was only my mom that has ever hugged me like this. She drew back.

'Eres muy hermosa' she said to me. I looked at Antonio for him to translate.

'Mamá, she doesn't speak Spanish' he said still smiling. Even from here I can see he was a mummy's boy and he liked her soo much.

'Oh, I'm sorry, you are very beautiful, come, come sit and let's have dinner together' she said while taking my hand. I looked at my husband and he gave me his approval.

Even if it's only for tonight, at least let me have a normal conversation with someone that might actually like me.