
Kevin's call to Anna

The elder's happily spent their time with their grandson's, they asked the girl's to go and rest.

Rose looked at her daughter and followed her, she knew that she was hurt by her mother in law.

Rose: Sarah don't take it to hurt, she doesn't know about you, she is not sure what kind of person you are? So, once she knows you she will start liking you until then you need to have patience.

Sarah: I know mom, but I just can't help it, anyways I will wait for her to accept me.

Rose: Good, I know you are a sensible child, everything takes time so just relax.

Sarah nodded her head and hugged her mother, she was happy to have her, she understood her.

At night Anna received a call from Kevin.

Kevin: what is happening there? are you ok?

Anna: everything is fine, I know Auntie for a long time now, she was very affectionate towards me, she was happy to see me and Luke.

Kevin: That's good then, what is Luke doing?

Anna: Oh, he is with Auntie, they only give him when he needs feeding.