
Bottoms Up, Top Down

A combination of interactions that had, happen years ago, now written as short novels and stories. Which story will you fall into?

ShayYuki · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 13

Early Next Morning 6:30 AM

Zeke rolled over on his side, waking up. He didn't want to be up just yet, but he felt that he should be to welcome Justin home. He yawned and looked up from the bed, he saw Justin by the dresser removing his watch and placing things down.

"Welcome back Justin…" He murmured.

Maybe that is why Zeke felt the need to get up, he felt Justin's presence in the house before he has even seen him.

Justin looked over his shoulder and gave a soft smile. He walked over to where his bride sat in bed and kissed him.

"Thanks, now up you go. We are going for a walk. Go freshen up." He said.

Both of them were quiet and looking forward to getting up for a walk. Hopefully, this helps removes some tensions with them and solve it all.

Nodding Zeke sat up and rose from the bed. He said nothing and simply went to the shower as instructed. He took a short shower washing his hair and drying himself off as the usual routine. When he finished he returned to the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel. Zeke sighed looking for a change of clothes.

"Is it still cold out?" He said picking up a long sleeve shirt and jeans.

"No, the weather is nice. You will be fine with a sweater on." Justin said as he went to the closet and passed him a fitted sweater.

Once Zeke put the sweater on he pulled him to him and kissed him softly. He felt content with right now. Nothing aggressive or tension being passed. It's just neutral air.

He couldn't resist anything Justin did. Zeke melted into that kiss like he had done many times before. Remorse filled his emerald eyes brimming with a set of fresh tears. The guilt continues to eat at him with each act of kindness Justin gave to him.

"Justin..." He whispered as their lips parted. Zeke wanted nothing more than to connect their lips again by his own will but he didn't. He stood there turning his head away.

Justin knew what it was about, he saw it in the look Zeke gave him. He hugged the blond to him.

"Zeke when would you listen to me. I'm sorry that I am not hard on you. I just want you to see me for who I am versus who I am when we have sex." He whispered rubbing his back. Tilting the blond head he regained some focus with the man.

"I do listen, Justin... I listen more than you believe! I know you. I know you because you're my husband but you don't seem to want to listen to me... My apologies... My guilt... You never want to listen. I would wander these woods for days if you told me to..."

Zeke could not bring himself to look at Justin. He just couldn't. Not yet. Not now when he felt so vulnerable all of a sudden.

Justin felt hurt inside, he knew what he has done was wrong especially the way he treated him but he couldn't fix it much. He had listened but had his heart listened? He kissed the man's forehead. He really didn't want to rehash everything, since it is so early in the morning.

"I'm really trying my best to believe you, but my heart won't comprehend. I can see everything through your eyes, the guilt, and sorrows... I just make my mind understand that it is over." He said as he tried to lead them outside for a little walk.

It hit Zeke hard this time. Harder than perhaps the first time Justin threatened it was over. But this time Zeke didn't protest. He didn't say anything at all. The blond blindly followed Justin stopping at the stairs. He lost all his strength at that moment, collapsing to his knees.

"Leave... Don't make me leave..." He murmured. Zeke's voice was hoarse. Barely above a whisper. Tears streamed down his face as reality crashed into him with blinding force. This was really it. "I... I don't have anywhere to go. What am I? … My life is with you. I don't... I don't know what to do without you."

The man was confused, he didn't know what made Zeke snap like that. All he could do was provide reassurance to his bride even though, he might not want to hear it.

"Zeke, I'm not going to leave you. I vow to never leave you. I would never break my vow. You can always be with me." He spoke softly.

"But you said it was over just now, didn't you? I... I can't... I won't accept it. I won't sign the papers."

Zeke clung to Justin. Holding his clothes firmly in his hands he pressed his forehead against the other body. He would do anything to stay with Justin. Even if they were divorced he would find some way to stay with the man he loved most dearly.

"You said to understand it's over... How can I not think of it any other way than you don't want this anymore?"

As the man listens to his bride weeping, he rubbed his back trying to understand. That is when it, hit him. He said it's over, and he hadn't meant it in divorce he meant leaving it all in the past behind.

"No, no, no, no Zeke. I'm not saying our marriage is over I am saying what happened in the past is over and I need to understand that you told me you won't go out anymore to other people." Justin looked straight into the blond's eyes to make sure he knew he meant every word.

Relief washed over him. Their marriage wasn't over. He had simply misunderstood what Justin had meant. Smiling he sat back still holding on to his clothes with a firm grip.

"So I misunderstood? That's all?" Zeke sighed shaking his head. Of course, this was a misunderstanding on his part. He couldn't express how relieved he was to know that.

"I won't leave this house, Justin. I already told you. I won't... I won't use my phone. I only have your number and family in it. Yours is the only one I have memorized. I promise. But I'll give up my phone. My email. Everything. I'll stay locked in that room if it'll make you trust my word more."

Slowly bringing both of them to their feet, Justin gave Zeke a soft loving kiss. He knew he meant what he is saying, Zeke thought too highly of marriage and its meaning. Despite his cheating, he still cared for the man, married or not.

"It's fine I won't make you do anything like that. Just say with me and if you ever need a good fuck just call me or come find me." He gave a light chuckle to lighten the mood a bit.

Zeke lingered on the steps smiling. He wanted to touch Justin more. Feel his lips on his for more than a fraction of a second. Entwined with a passion... Begging with his eyes for just one more. Zeke followed Justin outside stopping at the front steps again.

"Justin... Are you... Are you going away again for work? I... I promise I'll wait for you here.

Justin followed next to Zeke. He had thought about that question, for a while. Although he prefers going to work in his office, for the headspace he really didn't want to leave behind Zeke.

"I'm not sure if I am going away for work just yet… Maybe as time goes on I will go to work and leave a maid here with you so she can always make you food. "

Zeke smiled and bit his lip. He didn't mind cooking. Rather he enjoyed it quite a bit.

"Oh, you wouldn't have to do that. I rather like cooking and cleaning too. Really I could bake treats while you're gone if only I had the things to do so. But if that's what you think is best then I will always trust your judgment."

The man gave a smile, at least Zeke stop putting up a fight against him. He did enjoy his husband's cooking, especially in his kitchen. A lot of things the man thought of, but he quickly cleared the thought because he was in the middle of a conversation.

"I - uh. I thought you would say something like that. Whatever you need we can go into town and pick up today if you want" he stuttered.

"R- Really? I... Then let's go. I mean if you want to go right now that is."

Zeke chewed on his lip. If anything got him excited it was Justin and then baking and cooking. He loved the three though he did love Justin more without a doubt.

"Thank you, Justin. Really it means a lot to me."