
Chapter 49

After Ginze had left for almost 20minutes, Lin Yna walked out of the office, she was bored and so she walked out of the office

Her stomach were already showing a bit and so was her navel, although her clothes wasn't very tight, it could tell alot, besides it was made of the most cost material anyone could imagine

She roamed through the whole floor, it was just his own private floor, she wasn't surprised not to see anything but only three mare offices, the rest were empty

She went down to the other floor below, it was filled with workers, hmm, indeed all of them were working really hard

She stared at them slowly, they sealed with the paper works and printing so the whole place was filled with papers

The employees kept staring at her, so she was the madam huh? she was simple, why was she on flats, the flats were outstanding but shouldn't she be on heels like every other madams

"Good day ma'am, should you be here? Mr. president won't like it, I'll lead you up " said a female, she indeed had a nice voice

"No no... it's really fine trust me" Lin Yna said with a smile as she kept walking around, everyone was behaving so respectful

They didn't even feel like starting up a conversation, they were scared to death of their CEO

Suddenly she saw a young girl, she was the youngest of them all, her clothes were not straight, she was also finding what she was doing really hard but she kept sweating and striving

Yna walked up to her, she seemed to be around her early 20s or so, but she really was very young

"Madam... I'm sorry did I... was..." She trailed off

This girl just reminded Lin Yna if her childhood, her childhood had been tough especially when her grandfather gone out of the country like he always does

"It's fine, I'll help you out" People who heard this were shocked

Was the madam really going to help this girl out? she wasn't worth thief madam's time, she was poor and still striving

"No no madam, I'll handle it"

The girl saw the envious stares that filled the air and she spoke up immediately, she didn't want any bully from anyone

"Then I'll take it like you rejected something from me, I'll really be so annoyed!" Lin Yna said with a fake frown, the girl sighed and let her do it "I'm Lin Yna! call me Yna when we're alone" Lin Yna said with a wink

"I'm Ah Bi madam... I will try to do that!" Ah Bi said and Lin Yna nodded with a smile as she stared at the girl slowly "I like you, you remind me of myself when u wan little!"

"I'm a bad way?" Ah Bi didn't want to even believe that this woman here would ever suffer, she was a Lin who married a Chen, how possible?

"Hmm, I won't say that okay? just that you are really determined, I'm done with this, don't stress yourself out, calm down and do it slowly!" Lin Yna smiled and the girl slowly nodded her head

Yna kept staring at her and asked "Where are your parents?!" She sighed slowly hearing the question but she however had to be honest

"They hate me! they think I'm a bad luck, they are my real parents,I'm born out of hatred, they just had to give birth to me, when I was 6 my parents cut my allowance and threatens me like a slave, they soon threw me out when they love each other and gave birth to an heir, I had to survive, I worked part time everyday, sorry I went too far, you looked terrified!"

The girl smiles as she watched Lin Yna's face slowly which had twisted, of course who would like her? she was a bad luck

"Ah Bi, my father hated me, my step mom and my sisters, my mother.... I just found out she was alive, everything happens for a reason, look at me, I'm climbing all their heads, you will be higher!"

Ah Bi did not expect Lin Yna to tell her her story briefly, she wasn't in position to know about it, but she also won't tell anyone

"Where do you live?"

Ah Bi didn't want to say, she also didn't want her to know that she was abandoned in such a way

"I live in a little cottage, actually it's an abandoned house near the hills, also ma'am please don't feel pity for me, I'm sure after u get payed I'll get an apartment, I started work early this month"

"Okay, I'll see what to do about this" Lin Yna said and soon smiled at the girl

"Ma'am, thank you, I think you have to go now, the boss won't like finding you here"

Lin Yna nodded, indeed Ginze must have returned back and is in his office

"Here's my card!"

Lin Yna turned and walked away that minute as everyone turned their gaze at Ah Bi, how come? she was poor yet she was this captivating..


"Ginze!" Lin Yna called out, she was preparing to sleep, it was however late now

"Hmm?" Ginze said as he stopped working and turned to his wife, she looked serious today

"Promise you'll do what I ask of you, please"

Ginze stared and sighed before resting his back on his seat, what was she up to again

"Tell me! I have to know, if you want to kill yourself or harm yourself, I won't allow it, but anything that doesn't concern harm sure, I promise!" Ginze said as she stared at her slowly

She was now smiling bright as she pecked him slowly and sat in his laps while he held her waist to assist her

"I... I saw a girl, Ah Bi, she was really nice... and so, I... she reminds me of my youth and childhood, she has nowhere to stay!"

Ginze knew who she was talking about, he didn't really pay any interest to his employee's life, they work get paid and that's all he care about ..

"You want her to stay here?" She nodded slowly as Ginze asked before slowly sighing

"She can stay here and we can then buy her a house for her to move into, she told me her story, she's pure and, I like her!"

Ginze stared at her slowly before nodded, what could he do? he had already promised her that he would agree to her

"Yay!! I love you so much!"

She blurted out and paused, she had said this!! she had said she loved him! she had never said that, he was the only one that had always told her everyday that he loves her, but today?

"You love me because I said this? "

Ginze raised a brow and she sighed slowly

"No, I always did love you even before you love me! you never noticed idiot, it just came out now, I'm surprised as well!"

Ginze pulled her in and captured her lips immediately


Written by Sharon Raj

Edited by Sharon Raj
