
Chapter 1 – Boss Monster Chat Group 

Traductor: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

After opening the game cabin, Su Mo lightly sighed.

He still could not find the Violet Wolf Fur that he had been looking for. Over the past few days, he had killed more than ten Wolf-type Mini Bosses and over 1,000 wolf cubs. He had found all kinds of fur, but none of them were violet.

What kind of monster would drop Violet Wolf Fur?

Could it be that he had to go and kill the Level 30 Gray Headed Wolf King Pease? People had nicknamed it 'Honey Badger' because of how ferocious it was, and it was said to be the number one killer in Lancelow Plains. It had even escaped after a few large guilds had surrounded it and attacked it.

With Su Mo's level and equipment, looking for trouble with the Honey Badger would be equivalent to committing suicide.

Su Mo was playing a game called New World. It had not come out for long, and his level was not very high because Su Mo was often distracted by various requests, being at only Level 25. However, he was still in the mid-upper range of players.

A few days ago, he had received a request for Violet Wolf Fur that would give him $800. This was the largest request that Su Mo had received, so he naturally did not take it lightly. However, it was a pity that he had still gotten nowhere despite working hard for a few days.

"Big bro Mo, you still haven't found Violet Wolf Fur?" 

A net café employee passed by, and seeing Su Mo's expression, he could tell that Su Mo had not made any progress.

"That's right, it still hasn't dropped." 

Su Mo picked up the box of cigarettes beside him and took one out before giving it to the employee and saying, "But thanks for your information. Maybe it's my luck that has been bad and it'll drop next time."

"Haha, no worries. I'll continue to help you look for information. There are over 100 people in our net café playing New World, and there's strength in numbers. I'll get that information for you sooner or later," the net café employee chuckled as he took the cigarette, not looking down on the cigarette for coming from a cheap box of cigarettes that only cost $2.50.

"Thanks, when I cash out this request, big bro will treat you to a good meal," Su Mo said with a bitter smile.

"Keep it up, big bro Mo!" the net café employee said sincerely.

He was not a flatterer; rather, it was because Su Mo was a righteous figure who had saved him from a group of thugs before. He had also taken care of any possibility of revenge after.

"You still call him big bro Mo? Look at him now." 

Hearing this conversation, two young men who were smoking two rows ahead looked over. The person who had spoken was one of the thugs who had bullied the net café employee; back then, Su Mo had beaten him up until he had cried and was forced to write a letter of apology.

He had become a laughingstock to the other thugs, and he had to step down as the leader of his gang.

"Fudge, Fu Jiafeng, you're crazy. You actually dare to say such a thing about Su Mo—err Big bro Su…" the other young man said as his face immediately became pale.

"What are you so afraid of, Wang Shuo? His dad's bankrupt and his girlfriend left him. He's just a piece of junk now. What wouldn't I dare say?" the young man referred to as Fu Jiafeng said as he steeled himself and looked at Su Mo without fear.

Su Mo smiled widely as he stood up.

Wang Shuo's face became even paler, and he pleaded with a trembling voice, "Big bro Mo, don't act rashly. Fu Jiafeng is still young, he's just a child."

"That's right, he's just a child," Su Mo said in a low voice.

Wang Shuo let out a sigh of relief and Fu Jiafeng also unclenched his sweaty fists. However, he did not expect Su Mo to dart in front of him and grab him by the collar. Su Mo dragged him to the central walkway in the net café and started to beat him savagely.

"Since he's still a child, he needs to be disciplined!"

At first, Fu Jiafeng slightly struggled a bit, but in the end, he could only silently weep.

Su Mo exercised complete control over his strength; after all, this silly child had only just run his mouth, so he just gave him a customary beating to remind him of his place. However, after dishing out that beating, he felt quite refreshed.

Afterwards, Su Mo returned to his game cabin and entered the game. He first entered the Character Selection Page. Su Mo's ID was Steel Steed to remind himself of his iron-blooded days. His profession as a Ranger, which was suited to solo-clearing.

Ranger was the first profession upgrade of Hunter, and it focused both on making oneself stronger as well as enhancing one's pets evenly. It was suited to solo-clearing, and facing ordinary Mini Bosses was not too difficult.

Just as Su Mo was about to enter the game as he always did, he suddenly found that something was different.

There was another character to select. However, New World currently did not offer a second character, and everyone could only have one character. Why could he select a second character?

Su Mo looked at it and found that it was for his pet, a gray-white wolf with streaks through its fur. Su Mo had tamed it in the Newbie Village.

Su Mo hesitated and selected this account, feeling very curious.

After a familiar wave of dizziness, Su Mo appeared in the tavern. This was where he had logged off, but what was different than usual was that he was lying on the ground and his field of vision was quite low. He could barely see his own character lying on the bed, sleeping.

He had… claws and fur.

Su Mo resisted the urge to lick his fur; he continuously reminded himself that he was a human.

After controlling the wolf to walk about for a while, Su Mo stopped in disappointment. This seemed completely pointless, and if he separated from his main character, he would be easily killed by other monsters.

A pet's level was just as important as the main character's level. This wolf's Attack and Defense were both decent—he had brought it with him wherever he went, and its level had risen from Level 6 to Level 25.

Su Mo was not in a rush to change back to his main account; he would first ask on the World Chat if anyone was selling Violet Wolf Fur.

Just as he was about to use his consciousness to message in the World Chat, Su Mo paused.

This was not the World Chat that he was familiar with!

Coyote Chief Kado: Your grandpa coyote is bringing two pieces of Blue grade equipment with him today!

Tiger King Angus: Hoh, the stupid dog that never drops equipment with attributes has Blue grade equipment now? I wonder which lucky bastard will get it. With how weak you are, it's useless no matter what you bring. Your grandpa tiger is the strongest; I don't sleep without having killed 17 or 18 players.

Black Bear Chief Dablin: Scum, scum, Claude, that dirty Gnome merchant, actually used a hidden quest to set a bounty for my paw. I hope he falls into his toilet hole and drowns.

Coyote Chief Kado: Brother Black Bear, is it difficult to trigger that hidden quest?

Black Bear Chief Dablin: It's goddamn easy. If you sell him a few Earth Womb Flowers, he'll happily give out the quest. That fellow's picking a fight with me. Last time, he gave a bounty for my gall, and this time he wants my paw. Who knows what nonsense he'll start up next time.

Tiger King Angus: Heheh, the hidden quest targeting me isn't as bad. Who would bother to buy medicine from Mountain Ranger Beporti? It's not like she's a merchant.

Su Mo knew of Coyote Chief Kado—he was the Level 5 Boss of Blue White Alley. His drops were especially trash, and it had been a long time since anyone had bothered to hunt him.

Was Tiger King Angus the Level 30 Boss from Whistling Forest that traveled everywhere? And Black Bear Chief Dablin—Su Mo had been killed by him before on his way to Hargins Town when he had left the Newbie village.

A group of monsters were chatting?

Su Mo felt like he needed a cigarette to calm himself down; what he was seeing was like a dream.

After a while, he left this account and logged on to his main account. His humanoid character felt much better in this virtual world; after all, he was used to it.

His pet wolf was lying on the ground, and seeing him get up, he immediately got up as well. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue as he panted, fawning on him.

Su Mo and the wolf stared at each other for two minutes, and he did not feel that there was anything wrong with his pet.

He then organized his bag and brought his pet to the flight point of Hargins Town, where there was a group of flamingos being kept. After paying one silver coin, Su Mo got on a flamingo and flew into the sky, while his pet automatically went into its Pet Space.

After flying for ten or so minutes, Su Mo returned to the Newbie Village situated at Phoebe River.

The branches and leaves of the trees provided a lot of shade and the creek bubbled and gurgled.

It was quite lively in the Newbie Village, but it was no longer as crowded as it had been when the game was first released. New World had many Newbie Villages; the system would automatically assign players to relatively vacant Newbie Villages unless players chose otherwise.

After rejecting a few boosting requests from low-level players, Su Mo went to the archer merchant and restocked on arrows before heading to Blue White Alley with his wolf.

It was quite simple as to how to verify whether that unbelievable experience was real or not.

If he could kill Coyote Chief Kado and see whether he dropped two Blue grade pieces of equipment, that would be enough.

Coyote Chief Kado had 3,500 HP, and ordinarily, it would take a small team of players at the same level to kill it. However, a much-higher level player like Su Mo coming back was not an ordinary circumstance, and he would be relying on his superior level to bully this monster.

Su Mo was a Ranger, so his Attack and Defense were not exceptional. However, the branches of the Hunter profession were quite special and had pets helping them, so they were not any slower than other professions at fighting monsters or leveling up.

Su Mo had his wolf go up to tank while he pulled out a large bow from his bag and stood on the spot as he hit the Boss.

He had long since stopped receiving EXP from killing such Bosses, but equipment still dropped.

After killing Coyote Chief Kado, Su Mo walked up and collected the drops. Coyote Chief Kado would normally drop one piece of low-quality Blue grade equipment, and if one's luck was bad, one would get Green or even White grade equipment. Right now, in front of Su Mo was excellent-quality dog fur and two pieces of Blue grade equipment!

So it was real!

Su Mo, who had always had a calm and steady disposition, was so excited that his hands trembled. These two pieces of Blue grade equipment were not worth much; after all, they were only Level 5 equipment. What was key was that these two pieces of Blue grade equipment verified that what he had seen on his pet wolf's account was real.

Luckily, he had experienced much in his life and was able to quickly calm his emotions.

After returning to the Newbie Village, Su Mo set up a street stall with his goods laid on the ground.

There were three ways to sell things in New World. The first was to go to an Exchange Market, which every Village and Town had. They were very convenient, but they took large fees according to the value of the goods. These fees ranged from 5% to 15%.

The second way was to message in various channels. Those who were interested in buying or selling could directly contact whoever had posted the message.

The third way was to set up a stall. Players could even go offline after setting up a stall, but they had to pay the system a management fee. Su Mo paid 20 copper coins, which was enough for one hour.

Following this, he switched to his wolf's account.

The monsters were still chatting, and Su Mo hesitantly decided to join in.

He used his consciousness to send a message: Erm, do any of the big bros here know where to find Violet Wolf Fur?

The ID displayed was Savage Wolf Lafu. Savage Wolf was the name that the system had given him before Su Mo had tamed him, and Lafu was the name that Su Mo had given him after taming him.

He was very basic and very easy to look after.

The chat fell silent for a moment, following which…

Coyote Chief Kado: You'll need to @Gray Headed Wolf King Pease for that.

Gray Headed Wolf King Pease: The hell you tagging me for, stupid dog? I was fighting and nearly got killed by your notification. You better give me a good explanation or I'm gonna kill you.

Coyote Chief Kado: Lord Pease, it wasn't me, it was a fellow called Lafu asking about Violet Wolf Fur. I remember that you always have that thing, so I daringly tagged you. I won't do it again…

Gray Headed Wolf King Pease: Who's Lafu? I brought some Violet Wolf Fur with me today; what about it?

Savage Wolf Lafu: I was just curious, just curious. Please don't mind me, boss.

Boar Commander Sam: Eh? Who's asking about Violet Wolf Fur? I've also got one. Oi, why the hell did the Great System God give a boar like me some Violet Wolf Fur? I wish I had an extra boar whip.

Coyote Chief Kado: If you had an extra boar whip, you'd be even worse off. Those people killing you all day every day would have even more of a reason to kill you.

Boar Commander Sam: Err, forget about it then. I want to see more of the scenery in Harrington Plains.

The channel became lively again, and Savage Wolf Lafu was soon forgotten by everyone; after all, he was an unfamiliar name.

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