
The scape

Boruto wakes up thinking about everything he had planned, and decides that today would be the perfect time to start executing his plan.

Boruto sees the time and realizes he is devastated to go to his school, he would use this excuse to leave the house right away

Boruto - Well as I'm not taking anything, this will be the last time I'll be here.....

Momoshiki - Why won't you take anything?

Boruto - If I take something, they may suspect that I faked my death, and I too, when I'm far from the village, I stop somewhere to buy new clothes.

Momoshiki - You're right...

Boruto then leaves his room and runs to the door

Hinata - Boruto where are you running so fast?

Boruto - I'm late, I have to run

Hinata - Ok... But when you get to school remember to buy something to eat

Boruto - You can leave mother!

Boruto leaves the house and feels a little sad....

Momoshiki - Are you sad?

Boruto-Well, yes.... It hurts my heart to know that my mother will suffer from what she will see.... But if it's for the good of the world, I'll do anything

Momoshiki - So which plan is it? Fake your death now, and leave the village?

Boruto - Yes.... But first I have to go buy a big backpack, and go to the library to get some old books that might have information about the old akatsuki

Boruto then buys a new backpack, and takes several old books from the library.

Boruto - Ready now it's time to start the plan...

He then hides his chakra trail and climbs a building

Boruto - Ok.... It's time

Boruto makes a clone that is capable of spurting liters of blood, simulating perfect organs and even capable of dying and leaving his body there, only disappearing after 3 days

He then sends the clone to throw itself from the building....

He throws himself...

In the center of the village it was possible to hear a great thud, and many people screaming

Civil - Wait, what was that noise?

Civil 2 - He comes from there

Civilians around run to see what had happened, when they arrive at the scene, they see the worst scene there is, a dead boy, who apparently threw himself from a building...

Civil - MDS .....

Civil 3 - Wait.... Isn't this boy the Boruto guy? The Hokage's son?

Civil 4 - Heavens.... It's him

Civil 5 - Why did he do it?

Civil 6 - shouldn't we warn the hokage about this tragedy?

Kakashi - Hey hey, why are a lot of people gathered here?

Civil - A boy just committed suicide there

Kakashi - Who is the boy?

Civil - Apparently son of the 7th hokage

Kakashi, hearing this, turned pale, and ran to see if what he had said was true, but when he got there he saw Boruto all bloodied on the floor...


Civil 3 - We've already called 6 hokage

Kakashi - Have they warned his father about this?

Civil 5 - No sir .....

Kakashi - You can leave, I'll go talk to him...

Kakashi sees the ambulance arriving, and runs to the hokage's base to warn Naruto about what just happened....

Kakashi then arrives and knocks on the door

Naruto - Come in

Kakashi then enters, crestfallen and very sad through the door

Naruto - Kakashi? What happened ? Why are you so sad ?

Kakashi - Naruto.... It's about Boruto... And it's not good news....

Naruto - What happened to him?

Kakashi doesn't respond

Naruto - Kakashi.... WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SON?

Kakashi - He if...

Naruto - He if, what?

Kakashi - He suicld0u....

Naruto hearing that goes into shock, and into a state of denial, and starts to tear up

Naruto - W-what? Did my son kill himself? No... Impossible this has to be a joke

Kakashi - Well, I'm afraid to say it's not.... I even saw his body on the floor.... The ambulance took him to the hospital, but given his condition, I doubt he survived....

Naruto then runs outside

Kakashi - Where are you going?

Naruto - I'm going to see my son...

He then runs to the hospital, and when he gets there he sees Sakura in front of him

Naruto - SAKURA !

Sakura - Naruto! Thank God you arrived, I have something to tell you...

Naruto - This can wait, now where is my Son?

Sakura So it's about him...

Naruto - He's alright, isn't he? He's fine, isn't he? please say he is alive

Sakura - Sorry Naruto ..... But he is dead ..... He arrived here without a heart, and without part of the organs so there was no chance of survival ...

Naruto - N-no, that's i-impossible... - He finally speaks starting to cry a lot for the news

Naruto - N-no... Why did he do that? He was so smiling yesterday... What's the reason for him to do this?

Sakura - I don't know .... But do you want me to tell Hinata or do you say it yourself?

Naruto - I'll talk to her... Listen, could you take care of his funeral for me? I don't think I would have the mind to do that right now....

Sakura - Sure.... I'll take care of it for you

Naruto - Thank you...

Hours passed, and the whole village was aware of the news, some were sad, others didn't care, and their friends were very downcast they didn't expect Boruto to do this, he was always so happy, always so smiling, they didn't they expected him to commit such an act.... His family is very sad... Hinata cried horrors along with himawari, Kawaki felt sad too, he blamed himself for not realizing that Boruto plans to do this... .

While the village was mourning, a boy was walking through the forest

Boruto - Ready..... By this time everyone should already be aware of the news....

Momoshiki - Yeah.... Everyone must be thinking that Boruto Uzumaki is dead by now

Boruto - Well... Now that we are "dead" we can already merge, right?

Momoshiki - Yes! Do you want me to start the process?

Boruto - Yes! You can start

Boruto then starts to transform, his hair turns White, he loses its streaks from his face, six eyes change color and turn white, 2 polka dots appear on the top of his forehead, and he has grown a little too....

Momoshiki - Okay, it's complete now

Boruto - Hey? Already ? But what about the horns? If I'm not mistaken shouldn't I have horns?

Momoshiki - Calm down boy.... You will evolve with time.... If you keep training, with time you will gain new things.... but with what you already have, you should be unrecognizable

Boruto - Ok... well I think now I'm going to find some small village to stay... After all I have to spend the night somewhere

Boruto then walks through the forest behind some quiet village to spend the night....