
Boruto: Apotheosis

Moros Incarnate, Indra subsumed, The uncrowned king of mortals, Boruto. . . . . . . . . Re-work of my own fan-fic "Boruto: The Depraved"

Zennin · Cómic
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37 Chs


"Boruto, I'm also coming with you"

Hinata said as she carried Hima on her shoulders, Boruto looked back and nodded before he departed.

He started making his way towards the Hyuga estate, he jumped and rolled on top of buildings.

The breeze bruised against his skin, his hair ruffled in the air.

"How peaceful"

Boruto muttered before he accelerated his pace, in about five minutes he reached his destination.


"...Come inside"

Boruto was near the open window, after receiving permission to enter, he jumped in.

Boruto was expecting a warm welcome but...he saw a vase heading toward him at full speed.


"Phew....you should stop that for today, Mom's on her way with Hima"

Boruto sighed out a breath of relief after dodging the vase, Hiashi only nodded at his words.

"Clean that up"

"But it was you who threw that in the first place"

Hiashi just shrugged at his reply, Boruto rolled his eyes before starting to pick the pieces one by one.

"Ha~ Now, where's Big sis"

Boruto threw the remaining pieces outside the window before exiting the training room, he went towards Hanabi's room.


On his way he saw Hanabi training, she was so engulfed in her training that she didn't even notice Boruto in the hallway.

Boruto smiled before he walked to his favorite spot inside the estate.

After reaching the backyard he laid down on the grass and closed his eyes, but as soon as he did so, he felt his consciousness being sucked away.

'What the!'

Boruto hastily opened his eyes, he observed his surroundings, he narrowed his eyes after confirming that it wasn't a place he was familiar with.

"I'm very sorry, but...it seems that we need to talk a little sooner"


Boruto went on the defensive after he saw a white figure walking out of the darkness, his eyes were closed, and he had Pure white skin and snowy white hair.

"Child of Naruto, it seems that the fate of your world is... not going according to my prophecy"

Toneri neared Boruto, he circled him while carefully inspecting his every being, a small tick mark was visible on Boruto's forehead.

'This guy is really creepy'

He calmed himself, getting worked up could lead to nothing but a negative outcome. Toneri again neared Boruto and touched his forehead.


Boruto's thoughts were cut off, he again lost consciousness, Boruto's body faded away from the place that he was previously in.

The lone figure of Toneri was still there, he swept away the sweat accumulated on his forehead.

"Phew, That was quite stressful...I don't wanna be near that kid anytime soon"

He breathed out a sigh of relief before darkness enveloped his body.


"Boruto, Boruto?, Boruto!?"


Boruto's body shot upwards, he hastily looked around him and saw Hinata on his left, she had a worried expression on her face.

"oh...I-...umm, fell asleep"

Boruto scratched the back of his head before standing up, Hinata calmed down, she also stood up and walked inside the building.

After seeing her leave, Boruto's expression then turned to a serious one.

'What happened? And who was that guy?... I need to be careful. I don't think it was a dream either, it felt too real'

Boruto took a deep breath and suppressed his thoughts, he entered the building as he fixed the expression on his face.

"BIg browtha!"

Boruto entered the dining hall and saw Hima waving her arm at him, he waved back and sat down beside Hinata.

"Here! Everyone, enjoy the food"

Hanabi placed the trays of food one by one and also took a seat for herself.

"Thank you for the meal!"


"I see...but I can't come there, and Naruto can't either, you're a kazekage, you know how tough it is to maintain a village"

A man with White hair and black eyes with a scar vertically running on the left side of his face was seemingly talking to a person through a communication device.

"....I understand Hatake-san, but if possible, I'm hoping for Naruto or his family to come"

A voice came from the device that Kakashi was now using, The former fell silent, he pondered a bit before speaking.

"I'll see what I can do, Gaara"


"Who was it?"

A man with spikey hair that was tied in a ponytail with a sharp goatee beard curiously asked Kakashi.

"...It was Gaara, he asked if Naruto's family can visit the banquet that's being held in the sand village...What do you say, Shikamaru"

Shikamaru pulled out a cigar and lit it, he smoked out before replying.

"We can send them but...Temari will go along with them, and besides, she said she wanted to visit her home so I see no problem"

Kakashi nodded, he then looked at the cigar in between Shikamaru's fingers.


"Hey! That was the last one!"

"No smoking here at the Hokage's office"

Kakashi shook his head, Shikamaru sighed before exiting the Hokage's Office.

'Now...would Naruto agree? I can't send him because it will weaken the village's firepower if he went away, even Sasuke is not here inside the village *sigh*...Being Hokage is so tiring"

Kakashi sat on his chair, pulling out a cigar, he lit it up, and poked a hole in his mask.

'I still haven't seen that kid Boruto yet...maybe in the future, I would love to take an interview with him'


Boruto was now inside a room with Hiashi, everyone else had already gone to sleep.

"...It was on a peaceful night like this when the Nine-tails' tragedy happened"

Hiashi said while sipping from his cup of tea, Boruto glanced at him gesturing him to continue.

"I've already said everything I know of the past to you"


Another moment of silence filled the atmosphere, Hiashi placed his tea on the small table, his eyes locked with Boruto's.

"Boruto, you can always be confident in your strength...but never be overconfident, don't let pride disrupt your decisions...I'm telling you this out of experience, Pride never has been and ever will be a good emotion. Remember Boruto, It is a living hell if someone is obsessed by Pride, Ego, and anger"

Boruto looked at the ceiling as he mulled over at his words, he then looked at the old man sitting in front of him.

"Thanks, Grandpa Hiashi"

Hiashi gently smiled when he saw that Boruto didn't ignore his words, He wanted the best for his grandson, even if it was just words...if it helped him in his journey, it was something valuable.

"Good, now go get some sleep ...and by the way, No training tomorrow, rest is as important as training"

Boruto nodded as he exited from the room, Hiashi closed his eyes and rested his body on the wall behind him.