
Born To Fight n Player in the world

Not everyone have desire to born in this ugly world that inclued me n Being human i was the baddest in this world that's what's inside me i thought,Day by Day i heard n thought that my life will be like others who have luxurious life or sometimes i think why am born why woudnt i be artifical like nonlivingthings thats in mind i mumured my self. Whoever have created me i was damn geneious seeing my life before but all opportunities, love n mercy all i lost, to give hint i had all what i want i wasn't thankful for what was given n try to go in evil world like others who are invovled in evil doers. After days gone by i was like miserable n lonely that nothing comfort me with this worldly things n like if i had Cars, houses,Net or money i was happy only few days or Month. Try so much to be happy but only fade away. The wordly is not our happiness i thought it belong to its self. i decedided to read books like holy bible, koran n many more but its all competition in there religion n debates.