
Born to be Wild

Careful and you might fall in pith of abyss cause of our greed and reasons. No matter what happen you have only have one chance to live.

Mojico · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 4

As the city was on guard for the naked man it has been a week since the event started up by the naked man creating havoc on the daily peace of the city. The guards started in each district of the city, even the dark side of the city but of course they pointed to a random person just to have the rewards. As for the prostitute they know this place. But never asked them because they were naked but at the sametimes they were getting close down. It looked like the city was starting to clean up. And the business for the underworld was being disrupted eathers from noble or other. 

A man in nakedness was now standing at the top of bill towers. The height of a hundred yards. He was now looking at the sunrise. As the kingdom was in between of the two mountains this was easily fending off from any other invader. But comes shortages because of coldness in winters. After the end of winter there's floods happening. 

The guard's still busy patrolling around. The kingdom Where's ruled by a king. The castle was in the middle of the kingdoms. Inside the castle where the king lives at and also where's his throne sitting on. And big giant carpets where's coming in and out to report for any business and also to make sure the kingdom is always safe for the citizens to stay in and feel peaceful.

A man was sitting on the throne and had the aura of the ruler, the king. He had a golden crown with many jewelries attached on his crown with different colors and elements. A long whity hair that was reached to his shoulder and a beard that was reached on his chest. He just looks like Santa Claus. He wore his golden armor and on the armor there's a carve of a lion with wings. His name Gregor McGanter the 4th

"Report," said the king in commanding tone.

"Yes my king, as for today 's, the harvest of all food sources was quite good for the end of winter, we might still have left over.''Said the oldman who was incharge of domestic and farming lands.

"Ohh, that's good seasonal this years huh. Oryt planted the next butch for the next seasons, as for the left over, donates to the orphanages who was needed more. You may can leave"

"Yes, my king" the old man with farmer clothes left hurriedly.


A muscular man with his apron and a hammer on his hands with his bushes beards and scar all over his body. He earned this by pursuing the blacksmiths. He stepped and said "Yes, my king" with a deep voice with a quick report "As for the mining, we are getting less and less ores to dig in. We need to find new mining roots. There's also many blacksmiths demanding more ores and so do the soldiers asking for weapons and armors."

The king thought about solving the problems for blacksmiths. 

"Why don't we just ask or request the adventurers guild or post a mission to find new mining sites? They are more helpful for my kingdom." 

The blacksmith thought about for moments, "that might be work but we are shorted for our financial."

The king replied and said this "since you guys were having financials, just use your skill to make weapons for a reward or a costume made."

"Right, that might be work, thank you my king," the blacksmith bowed down and stepped back.


A knight with armor of black with his sword on his waist and a shield on his back. He also has wavy golden brown hair and emerald eyes color. He steps forward, "my king, the border of the wall is getting more fierce to defend against the monsters and also we are getting a lot more casualties than in previous years. We also have the least soldiers. That's my report for today, my king."

"Hmm… if this continues like this, this might be the worst case scenario for the end of winter seasons. Right, do the same thing on blacksmith for request on guilds but pay them 2 or 3 silver as for killed monsters they can have." As he realized what the situation inside or outside of his kingdom was getting really dangerous for them ,Damm... this year we really need help from adventures." He thought about it now that he also realized that he had only one good news because the next thing he wanted to know was the safety of his kingdom. He hoped for good news. 


"Ahh, yes my king" an old man who was boldly head like Mr Clean's head that reflected from the chandeliers light. With his armor of blue and a symbol of shield imprint on his armor. He salted, then bowed down on his knees. "My king, the kingdom was safe."

"Hmm, what do you mean by was."

The boldy knight was sweating a lot. "Umm, as I see my king, there have been disturbing events happening inside the kingdom." He tried not to sit out loud because it's unbearable to say or someone made fun of him. 

"Go on and say it, Marlon"

"Yes my king," he was really sweating more and his back too. "You see there's one man causing havoc around the kingdom. We are unable to capture him when he has already circled him but he was able to escape." He gave vague details for not causing ange4 from the king.

"What, you and your people have more manpower to protect the kingdom and yet unable to capture one man," the king yielded bluntly. The thing he wanted the most pleased to hear in his ears was good news for financial, food, and peace inside the kingdom. Now he has one more bad news, so he was really angry. "And also what is the cause of the disturbance?"

He was now dripping more sweats than before. He was general guard for the peaceful kingdom for over 30 years and yet before he could retire. He had one mission: to protect the peaceful kingdoms. His face's reddening "da da da…"

"Da da da… the what?" The king was impatient to hear the cause of disturbing the peaceful kingdom.

He closed his eyes and yelled out loud "THE MAN WAS NAKED…" he never looked up and just looked down on the grounds because he was scared to look up at the king. 


He heard someone almost burst to laughing.

"Naked?" The king asked.

"Yes my king, he was naked... everything," He reconfirmed what he said before. He also heard this by the captain reported when reported to him. 

"And yet unable to capture the naked man?"

"I'm sorry my king"

"I guess your knight of guards have been lazing around because it's too peaceful." The king rubbed his temple and then said "since this was happening in the city. Go post for wanted rewards eather from citizens or guilds. You must capture the man who was creating disturbance inside the kingdom."

"We already put missions on the guilds and wanted a list five days ago," he said.

"Ohh, how much reward do you put in?" The king asked him.

And he replied "one gold, my king"

"Increases it"


"Yes, increase, are you questioning my command." 

"No my king, is just we don't have enough money to put more."

"Oh, don't worry, it would be you and your knights will be cut off half of your salaries and put in rewards if you are unable to capture the man within the next week. That would be your punishment, if you're still unable to be captured for the past few weeks you will never get a retirement. And also for your knights punishment would be hellish training starting next week. So let them know today." They gave orders and commands for their punishments.

He got shivered on his back.

"Ohh I'll be personally training them," the king smiled evilly. "It's been awhile doing a personal training on knights this will be enjoyable for them. Hohohoho..."

As they were busy doing what king's orders to them. And for the man who was naked, he was now swimming around the rivers where the slam was at. Even though it's called slam they are cleansed on streets and a house is still in good condition. The king really cares for his people. These rivers where the slams people were relaying for the food staple. Thanks for the mountains giving them fresh water flowing down the hills and fish who were coming down from the mountains. 

The man who was now in the form of a bear's, catching a fish for his lunch. As for those people, fishing had already run away after seeing a bear swimming on a river and catching some fish. And there's also a young boy who was unknowingly what was happening in his surroundings. Until his fishing rod shook slightly and then was getting more shaky. He reel right away from his fishing rod and the fish are still more resistant. He tries to pull in while reeling the fishing rod. In a matter of a few seconds the fish gave up. He was happy to see what he caught, but before he could celebrate, a shadow jumped out and ate the fish body except for the head of the fish. 

"Ahh, my fish, he took my fish" the boy cried out. The people who had been running around to call for help and heard the boy cried. They only shook their heads.