
Born in nothingness.

This is the story of the Supreme being who kills a being with infinite power and surpasses infinity and beyond.

Orin_Twilight · Fantasía
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1 Chs

1. beginning

Aaron, a 13y/o, his hair was black with fair skin, he was an orphan child. His mother, Cassandra, died after giving birth to him. His father, Alfred, took care of him very kindly. His father buys chocolates and ice creams every night when he comes home. But when Aaron was 6y/o his father died of accident. His relatives took away his father's property and leave him in front of an orphanage when he was asleep.In the orphanage he lived a lonely life.

Now in present, he was in his schools bathroom. He didn't know that the school was attacked by the terrorists. When he came out of the bathroom he was seen by an angry terrorist and died by gunshot.

After his death, his soul was going into nothingness when the energy of a higher being from outside the universe hit Aaron's soul, with this interruption and some other variables his soul could not mix with the nothingness and got sent Into a being/body that was that was in the final stage of construction. It was being constructed by the power of nothingness and some other type of energy that was in the form of liquid.

when Aaron's soul came into that body. He couldn't feel anything and fell asleep. (note: The body was in final stage not completed). After the body was completed, he opened his 'eyes' to see that he was not in his body.

When he saw his surrounding, he was surprised because he saw nothing but endless darkness in all direction. He became of scared after seeing that. He remembers that he died, so he started thinking what is happening to him, but he couldn't think of anything. Then, after thinking for a very long time and couldn't able to find an answer he gave up.

He started observing his body but he panicked after seeing his body. His body was humanoid but he was gender-less and he neither had eyes nor nose or mouth. After panicking for a moment he calmed down. A question popped up in his mind, how could he see those if he don't have eyes?

Everything comes from nothingness, and will go into nothingness.

Orin_Twilightcreators' thoughts