In a twist of fate on his 20th birthday, Alex discovers his seemingly ordinary life was a facade when his parents reveal they hail from a celestial realm of gods. Struggling with disbelief, he is abruptly reincarnated into a Immortal world, where destiny looms in the form of celestial tribulations. Soon, he discovered that the world he had reincarnated into was the setting of a novel his mother had mentioned in his past life. However, he couldn't recall any details about the story except for the names of the key characters. Fueled by skepticism and a determination to defy the heavens, Alex embarks on a journey to unravel his true identity, confront the challenges of his newfound existence, and carve a destiny of his own in a world shaped by mystical forces. As he grapples with his divine heritage, Alex strives to transcend the predetermined path laid out by the heavens, forging his own destiny amidst the trials. Notes: i do not own the book cover. if you are the illustrator , please let me know I will remove it( using it temporarily) DISCLAIMER: work of fiction. All the names, places and events are all purely based on the authors imagination. any resemblance to an actual person or events is purely coincidental .
The next day, Alex ventured into the periphery of the Nether Mountains, where he stumbled upon Peter and his four lackeys who were waiting for him.
"Good morning, Master Alex," greeted Peter, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and respect, echoed by his companions as they saluted, their eyes downcast.
"Morning, Peter," Alex replied with a nod, his gaze piercing, silently reminding them of their past encounters.
"Ready to continue our journey, Master Alex?" Peter asked, his voice stuttering with apprehension, the memory of past beatings still fresh in his mind.
"Let's move," Alex said coldly, his tone cutting through the air with determination, unwilling to waste any more time.
As they traversed the rugged terrain of the mountains, Alex couldn't help but notice the fear emanating from Peter and his lackeys.