
Born as Gojo Satoru Cousin

Author: Andi Candra Synopsis: A mysterious entity, feeling bored, decides to transmigrate a Chinese youth into the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, equipped with a golden finger for the Transmigrator. However, the mysterious entity miscalculates, and it's the power of the Six Eyes (Rikugan)! What will happen to the unfortunate Transmigrator? Note: The main character will embark on adventures across various anime.

Takamiya_Shin · Cómic
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237 Chs

Japanese Government’s Request

At 10:15 PM.

"Kamiki-kun, there's someone looking for you."


Turning his gaze away from the night sky, Eiji opened the door and saw Haru standing in front of his room.

"It's Ichijo-kun and the Prime Minister."

"I see... No wonder there are more people than before."

Hearing her mention the Prime Minister coming here, Eiji understood the reason behind the increased number of people watching the villa.

However, the Prime Minister is the most important person in Japan; even the Emperor is just a symbol of the country and has no real power.

"Let's go meet them."


Then, Eiji and Haru went down to the first floor.

In the living room, Nanako and Kosaki looked nervous sitting in front of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister was a middle-aged man in his forties with a commanding aura.

"Sorry to disturb you at this late hour, Kamiki-sama."

Standing behind the Prime Minister, Akihiro apologized.

"Don't beat around the bush, tell me your purpose for coming here."

In front of the Prime Minister, Eiji showed no respect for the other party.


"Enough, Ichijo-kun, let me take over from here."

Raising his hand, the Prime Minister stopped Akihiro who still wanted to say something.

"Kamiki-sama might not know because you are not from this world. My name is Fujimoto Masaru, and I am the current Prime Minister."

"Kamiki Eiji, a high school student from Jujutsu Tokyo."

Eiji shook hands with the other party. After retracting his hand, he said something that surprised everyone in the room.

"Has Watanabe Saori destroyed Sapporo like Bonyari City?"

"Does Kamiki-sama already know?" The Prime Minister exclaimed in surprise.

This information is still classified and only known by people in the government. Given the scale of this disaster, the public will know about it tomorrow.

"Sapporo is also destroyed?" Haru said with widened eyes.

"No, I just guessed. Earlier, Ichijo Akihiro told me that Watanabe Saori was heading to Sapporo. I don't know what her motive is, but she clearly hates Japan and plans to destroy Japanese territories one by one."

"Kamiki-sama is not only strong but also smart."

The Prime Minister frowned, not denying Eiji's statement.

"Yes, at 4:34 PM, Sapporo experienced an earthquake disaster caused by Watanabe Saori. As a result, Sapporo suffered even worse damage and is estimated to have over 2 million casualties."

Talking about the number of casualties, his hand clenched tightly, and he looked both sad and angry.

"Didn't you try to stop her?" Nanako asked in confusion.

"Of course, we have deployed military efforts. The military has sent elite troops, fighter jets, tanks, and even fired ballistic missiles from submarines. However, Watanabe Saori easily destroyed them all."

Because of this issue, the Prime Minister looked older.

"In the face of a god-like power, we humans are no different from ants."

Not only the Prime Minister, but everyone in the room looked frustrated, except Eiji.

"You still haven't stated your purpose for meeting me."

Although he said that, Eiji had already guessed the other party's purpose.

"Kamiki Eiji-sama, I implore you, save Japan from the brink of destruction."

Setting aside his dignity, the Prime Minister bowed in front of Eiji.

Akihiro and his four guards also bowed as a sign of sincerity.

Nanako, Kosaki, and Haru looked at Eiji, waiting for his answer. Of course, they hoped he would accept the request. After all, no one wants to see their country destroyed. But the three women realized that they meant nothing to him and could not influence his decision-making.


The atmosphere was so quiet that the sound of heartbeats could be heard clearly.

"I am not a savior."

Eiji's answer was equivalent to rejection.

The atmosphere of the Prime Minister and others instantly sank.

(There is no other choice, it seems that using nuclear bombs cannot be avoided) The Prime Minister pondered in his heart.

The government and the military are still debating whether to launch nuclear bombs to stop Saori.

To eliminate Saori, the military has conducted the largest operation in modern history, as if ready to start World War III. To everyone's surprise, even with such a massive deployment of military resources, all military personnel perished without a single survivor!

The power displayed by Saori frightened everyone.

"If that's the problem, I'll leave now. I can't stay too long. There are many things in the government that require my approval."

With a disappointed expression, the Prime Minister turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait... When did I say I refuse?"


Everyone looked at Eiji with astonishment and confusion.

"It's true that I'm not a savior as you expected. But I won't refuse your request. Alright, I will stop Watanabe Saori."

"Really? Kamiki-sama isn't joking, right?"

"No, I'm serious."

"Thank you very much, Kamiki-sama. On behalf of all the people of Japan, I thank you for your extraordinary contribution."

"Thank you so much!" 4x

The Prime Minister and his subordinates showed their joy.

Although it's still unknown who is stronger between Saori and Eiji, the Prime Minister could only pin his hopes on Eiji after the military's efforts failed.

"You're exaggerating. My reason for facing Watanabe Saori is not to save Japan, but for myself. I want to challenge a strong opponent, that's all." Eiji openly stated his intention.

"That doesn't change the fact that Kamiki-sama saved Japan in the process. You are a Japanese hero! Your name will be recorded in history."

"Stop flattering. It's disgusting. And also, don't tell the public about Saori's opposition and me. Just consider the destruction of Sapporo and Bonyari City caused by earthquakes."

"Alright, as Kamiki-sama wishes. We will execute that plan."

The Prime Minister did not reject the proposal. On the contrary, he was pleased to keep the true cause of the disaster in Sapporo and Bonyari City a secret.

If the public were to know that the disaster that struck the two cities was caused by a human with superpowers, and the military couldn't stop it, then there would be mass panic.

If there is one owner of superpowers, why isn't there a second and a third?

People will suspect each other, and trust in the government will drastically decrease.

If this happens, there will be chaos everywhere.

"Watanabe Saori is currently heading towards Otaru City. According to calculations, she will arrive at 1 AM. Kamiki-sama, I implore you to take action as soon as possible."

"Eh, isn't this too hasty?" Haru worried.

"If we postpone until tomorrow, I'm afraid Otaru City will suffer the same fate as Sapporo and Bonyari City." The Prime Minister said helplessly.


"It's okay, Haru. I don't need to prepare anything."

Eiji stopped her who still wanted to say something.

"Prepare air transportation to Otaru City. I can't teleport to a place I've never been before."

"Alright! Please wait a moment, the helicopter will take you to the airport."

Seeing him agree to leave now, the Prime Minister was very pleased. Then, he instructed Akihiro to prepare the transportation.

Shortly after, the helicopter landed in the villa's yard.

"Safe travels, Kamiki-kun. Take care." Kosaki said softly.

"Return safely, Kamiki-kun. We'll wait for your return." Haru said with teary eyes.

"Don't die, kid. You've saved us. You're responsible for us until the end." Nanako said harshly, but the meaning behind her words was different.

"Don't worry, I'll come back."

Waving his hand to the three women, Eiji and Akihiro boarded the helicopter.

After that, the helicopter flew away, leaving the villa.

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