
Born as a Sage in Naruto World

Jun is a normal boy living his regular life. However, because of his weak physique, he was set to die soon. He dies however while saving a bunch of kids, gaining a ton of karmic points, which he uses to reincarnate in his favorite anime world, Naruto World. You guys can donate to help me with motivation: paypal.me/NiksElDrago Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/nikseldrago

NiksElDrago · Cómic
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89 Chs

BSNW CH 001 Reincarnated and Instant orphan

[Congratulations on being born in a clan with potential to naturally become sages. How unfortunate it was that this clan never had any shinobi training nor had high fertility rate so their numbers remained small. However you, Young scion of the clan are about to be born from the last descendant of the clan. Choose your perk that will define your abilities apart from the natural perks granted by your clan and bloodline. You may choose a single perk.]

No Jutsu – Damaged chakra coils. Extremely High Taijutsu Talent. Taijutsu exp gain + 500%

Immense Chakra – Unbelievable amount of chakra since birth. Almost never run out of chakra for Jutsu. Double chakra gained on each level. – 50% chakra control. Can pressurize others with your immense aura of chakra like a Bijuu.

Ghost Steps – No one catches your footsteps or your presence. You are like a ghost in the world of living. Sneak effectiveness + 75%




Pyro Maniac – You love playing with fire even more than your life. Fire chakra nature at master level. +50% effectiveness of fire jutsus. CP cost reduction.

Aqua Being – Water is your life, you can't live without it like a fish. Water chakra nature at master level. +50% effectiveness of water jutsus. CP cost reduction.

Wind Form – You like being like the wind, free and unrestrained. Wind chakra nature at master level. +50% effectiveness of wind jutsus. CP cost reduction.




Unparalled Chakra control – Perfect chakra control, utilise up to the last drop of your chakra perfectly. Can master anything chakra related easily if you put your mind to it. All Jutsu exp gain +75%



Hyper Regeneration – You are nearly unkillable. All wounds and injuries heal at incredible pace visible to naked eye as long as chakra is available. HP regeneration + 200% in all situation.

There were many useful perks available but Jun was attracted to only three: Ghost Steps, Unparalled chakra control, Hyper Regeneration. In the end he chose Unparalled chakra control. As long as he perfectly controlled chakra he would be able to do anything he wished.

[All choices done. Reincarnation process underway, you are being reincarnated in the time when Kyuubi rampaged. The original child died by the pressure of Kyuubi's chakra and you are reincarnated in that baby. Mother died protecting the child from mutated chakra beasts, affected by Kyuubi's chakra. Your dead mother and you are in a small cave not far away from where Fourth Hokage sealed Kyuubi into baby Naruto. Good Luck for your next life. Your memory of all activities in God's plane and of your previous life will be erased, except those concerning your own power which will awaken once your mind is developed a bit and you awaken your bloodline, which should be two years at max. Live well!]

Wait, what?!!

That was all Jun could think before he felt everything go black.


Everyone around and in Konoha was drowned in sadness. Kyuubi left a wave of destruction in its wake. Fourth Hokage, who was loved by everyone, gave his life to protect the village and destroy the Kyuubi. At least that's what everyone knew.

An ANBU guard with Cat mask was jumping among roof tops, searching for her master she had been signalled by. She finally saw him, in the edge of forest, surrounding forest trashed beyond belief. In her master's hand were two babies, a blond adorable boy with whisker like marks, and a black haired chocolate skinned baby, with eyes like deep black pools and golden colored band at the edge of his iris.

"Hokage Sama, are you ok?" the Cat masked ANBU kneeled and asked.

Yes, her master was no other than the Third Hokage. Currently his tear-streaked face was lost in thought. Cat-Mask, seeing that he was thinking about something, didn't interrupt his thoughts. Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, finally raised his head and asked Cat-Mask a question.

"Neko, what would you do if I say that a big bad fox has been sealed in a small innocent baby?" asked the Hokage

"He needs to be protected, his information sealed, until he can take responsibility for the information himself." Cat-mask replied, already having an idea where this conversation was going.

"Oh. Not publicised to everyone then as to how his little body is what keeping everyone safe from their worst nightmare becoming reality?"

"No, Hokage-Sama. Since human mind is weak, and they will only push the blame of the bad fox onto the small child?"

"Hmm, Very well then. This is a SSS rank classified secret , the thing I am going to tell you next will not under any circumstance be repeated to anyone without my permission and presence."

"Yes, Hokage sama!"

"Very Well, listen closely. This child with blonde hair is the son of our Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina, His name will be Naruto Uzumaki. He has second identity as the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. Now this other baby is someone I found a little way away from the spot of Fourth Hokage's Fight with Kyuubi. His mother had died in a frenzy of chakra mutated beasts made by Kyuubi Chakra, However this child survived because of his mother's sacrifice to hide him in a small cave and protect the entrance with her own body. He has some of the strongest chakra and mental energy fluctuations I have seen in a new born baby. His mother's identity is beyond recoverable, but I can safely say that his origins are beyond extraordinary, since his mother stayed conscious enough with her mutilated body enough to say his name before dying. From today onwards these two will be my adopted grandkids but will be raised in secret among my trusted people from a mixture of various clans. Two survivors of the Kyuubi will definitely be cornerstone of Konoha in future, Uzumaki Naruto and Kigen Jun."

"Yes Hokage-Sama. This secret will be safe with me."

"Your duty is not just to protect the secret. From now, you will be watching over these two as their elder sister and guardian. I will take care of the formalities."

"It will be my honor, Hokage sama."

With a sound of displaced air, the original Ino-Shika-Cho of the Naruto world made their entrance. Inoichi, Shikaku and Choza looked at the babies and then at Sarutobi.

"The identity and origin of these two are SSS rank secret, however I can tell you this that they will be my adopted grandsons, watched over by Neko until she can withdraw from ANBU and take care of them without hiding. Their names are Uzumaki Naruto and Kigen Jun."

Ino-Shika-Cho silently nodded in agreement.

"Also I have a favour to ask. Kigen Jun shows inborn talent and might be suitable to practice basics of your three clan's jutsus. I would like you to watch over him and if possible, teach him the basics of your Jutsu foundations, no need for the secret jutsus of your clans, I can't possibly ask you to teach him that."

"You don't have to worry Hokage Sama. Even if it might be a bit troublesome we will take care of him. Oh and I have a suggestion, let us be guardian of Kigen if we are going to teach him anyway. Hokage Sama should focus on Uzumaki, he is clearly the higher priority and risk." Shikaku Said

"Intelligent suggestion as always , Shikaku. Fine we shall do that. Kigen shall live in an independent apartment under the care of You Three. Take good care of him." Sarutobi agreed.

Second Chapter....


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