
Chapter 8: The Eridian Vaults

(a/n I could use some help with something of mine. i tried looking for an image on the internet but cant find it. my one is a cropped version and i want the original since it got deleted from my phone. i would appreciate the help if you do help me. the image is in the comments beneath the chapter. enjoy the chapter)

After we all gathered together again, we decided to have a rest for now since it will be the 45 night cycle soon.

There's no way we can travel to go kill Nine-Toes during the night cycle since nobody can see anything and the creatures of Pandora are more dangerous during this time.

I had thermal and night vision in my mask, but the others don't.

And so we all decided to so the night in at Fyrestone.

I introduced everyone to my place at the Fyrestone Motel, since it was more then large enough for everybody, and it was fixed up by me to be nice and tidy.

Roland, Brick and Lilith, while we were away killing Bonehead, had gotten the Power Coupling, fixed the Med Vender, gone to T.K. and helped him out, and opened up Marcus' Shop in Fyrestone.

I had gone to buy some Ammunition from Marcus' Shop's since they were cheap compared to my System Store. Also if I buyed from the System Store, the value if my next purchase would perpetually increase which I wanted to avoid if and whenever possible.

I decided to make food for everybody since food on a desolate and barren wasteful like Pandora had shit food.

Like seriously...

It tasted like utter garbage!

I swear...eating Horse shit in a Jackass movie is better then eating Pandora food.

Food from my Past Life Earth was exactly at its original price, albeit with some increase in the costs, since the whole "You buy from the shop, they increase in price thing".

I just decided to go all out maths and science on the System, trying to figure out how best to buy lots of stuff with as little spending as possible.

I had sold all the items from all the Bandits I had killed and kept the Outrunner vehicles so I can get normal money from selling it to the Catch-A-Ride.

(A/n Two types of currency. System Money and Normal Money. System Money used only for System and can't be used IRL. But normal money is the material money he can actually hold in his hands which he can use outside if the System like buying from Marcus or Bribery. He got 5 billion System Dollars but not alot of Normal Dollars.)

I had used Big Brain Time and managed to purchase 5 large Greenhouses with automatic watering systems for around 2 Billion System Dollars.

I also purchase a shit ton of seeds and various amounts of ingredients and easy to make drinks.

I got Alchohol, but I will be having none of that. I made a vow that if i ever had drugs or alcohol without a very VERY good reason, then I'd literally kill myself.

That was how seriously committed to not having those things ever in my life.

I can have wine and all bit I'd never go beyond that.

I just kept it for other People I'll give it to.

Anyway, Brick and Bloodwing almost ripped me apart when they saw the food and demanded, or cawed in Bloodwing's case, for more food.

The others weren't as crazy, bit they still loved it and asked for it whenever possible.

I knew how to cook some things but not all. That's why I was reading a cook book I bought to learn.

I'll never eat Pandira food ever again. Eden 5 and Promethea might have good food, but I obviously can't go there to buy it. And why would I buy it from the System fir ridiculous prices? I'll just have the better Earth food I can make right now with cheaply bought ingredients.

All I did was make a simple pizza and small chocolate cake.

Seems like I made a mistake.

I also gave some Coke and they went ham on me to give more.

I gave Bloodwing a some meat from a Golden Slaughterfish from Elder Scrolls series.

I can also buy living things from the System too. But they are expensive as Fuck!

That's why I only bought the meat.

I had some of it...

I had ascended to the Heaven's above!

No wonder Bloodwing attacked me wanting more!

If I gave this to Brick..



Sometime later after we had eaten the food I cooked for everyone, I had also given them some of the best gear I had gotten from all my previous hunts.

I also gave all of them some shields I obtained from Bonehead's camp.

They were grateful for the fee loot. I have it fir free since I why do I need a few hundred dollars more?

It's better to strengthen the team that would protect me.

Roland and Brick had shields already, but they were lower quality ones.

I was curious so I had bought a book about Sheilds and how they operate.

It turns our, that it is energy and matter conversion.

The book gave me fully detailed explanation and lore about Shields.

It turns out that Shield technology was originally made by the Eridians.

The book explained basically, that the Eridians made this feature for their creations. Most notable are the Eridians.

Have you ever wondered why do the Guardians have different Health Bars?

Some have the Classic Red ones, while most of them have Shield/Blue and Armor/Yellow health Bars.

This is even more present in Borderlands 3 on Nekrotafeyo, the Eridian HomeWorld.

Every Guardian there had Blue or Yellow health bars.

That's because the Eridians are just a form of Bio-Technology.

The various Shield companies that made Shields must have discovered a Vault after Typhon DeLeon discovered the first one for Atlas on Promethea.

The other Companies and Businesses must have searched for any remnant if the Eridians.

Dahl had discovered it on Pandora and Tannis was one of their researchers.

It was easy to find ruins with Eridain lore and culture there. So why can't other Companies do the same?

The Eridians had built the Vaults to contain threats to the Galaxy such as The Rampager or their greatest prison of the Vaults, The Destroyer.

Whereas, some other Vaults contain their Technology like the Graveward Vault on Eden-6, the Jacobs Corporation HomeWorld.

The third and final kind of Vaults are those of Power.

Insert Meme here...


All jokes aside...

There are 3 Vaults of Powet that are known to anyone who has played all the Borderlands games.

The first is the Vault of the Traveller.

It is actually a living Vault. This Vault Creature called The Traveller is quite mysterious. The contents if its Vault are left unknown to the Players at the end of Tales of the Borderlands, leaving us with a cliffhanger.

The Traveller is a being that is forced to teleport across dimensions and space at random points in the Galaxy.

Atlas discovered it after they wanted to find more Vaults since Typhon found the first Vauly for them.

It wasn't really the first Vault. It is just the first one that was discovered by anybody.

The Gortys project was made to force The Traveller to remain in a single area. This suceeded when Fiona, Rhys, Vaughn, and Sasha all completed the Gortys Project.

However, The Traveller was too much of a threat at the time, so Fiona had no choice but to destroy Gortys at his own request.

With that, The Traveller was bannished and sent back to being teleported across the Universe.

After some years, Gortys was rebuilt. The Traveller returned and fought Gortys again...but it had learned from last time.

It didn't want to suffer being teleported across the Universe again, and so it spared Gortys' life and only did self defense.

Once defeated, Fiona and Sasha enters the Vault that resided within The Traveller's body.

What happened to them remained a mystery as they disappeared and the Credits rolled.

I do have a theory of what it could be.

An Eridian...

Let me explain...

The Eridians used their life force as bait to lure The Destroyer to Pandora so that Nyriad can use their life force to power the Eridian superweapon and trap The Destroyer within The Great Vault.

Why did they sacrifice themselves?

The Destroyer gains the intelligence and knowledge of all the beings it consumes. This is what Nyriad had said in one of her messages.

She must have learnt this by The Eridians who had discovered the existence of The Destroyer hundreds of years before they contacted Nyriad for the plan.

The Eridains were protectors and guardians of the Universe.

They used their knowledge to trap dangerous beings like The Rampager and The Destroyer to protect the Universe. They also stored dangerous and powerful technology or weapons in the Vaults.

During the hundreds of years they had spent creating The Great Vault, their greatest prison ever made. The greatest marvel of their race's intellect.

They knew The Destroyer was intelligent. And so they devised a plan to outsmart The Destroyer by sacrificing their lives to lure The Destroyer to The Great Vault, Pandora.

It succeded and The Destroyer was sealed away by Nyriad and the other 5 Sirens. It is unknown if the 7th Suren participated in this, but given Nyriad's Warning of the 7th Siren...it is unlikely.

Why did I explain explain this?

Well...ask yourself this...

What is the "War" that The Watcher said to Lilith and the others?

(A/n I know what the "War" is. The answer has already been given to us by Nyriad in one if her messages in Borderlands 3. I don't want to say it yet since I plan to do this "War". Haha. I can understand why noone made YT videos on it yet...it's cause it is so easily overlooked. I only just figured this out when I was reading "Rogue of the Borderlands" Fanfic. U should check it out. Its great.)

Well...shouldn't there be at least one Eridian alive to suprise Players in Borderlands 4 or 5 or 6?

It's the perfect set up.

Super powerful alien race.

Vaults made by alien race.

Game is based on Vqults by alien race.

Every game has Vaults by alien race.

The Destroyer is trapped by the alien race.

Alien race is dead.

Alien race connected to Eridium.

Alien race connected to Sirens lore.

Alien race is all dead.

Alien race reason for being dead revealed in Borderlands 3.

The Watcher, made by alien race, tells us a "War is comming"

Then to suprise everyone...one member of alien race is Alive!!!


You get the idea...

The Traveller's Vault might have teleported Rhys and Fiona to the location of the last remains Eridian...or even worse or better yet...the location of The 7th Siren.

How do you trap the mysterious 7th Uren that even a PhaseLeech Siren like Nyriad feared?

You make a prison that has the only Vault Key and Keyhole (The Traveller) be forced to teleport across the Universe so noone can get their hands on it to open the Vault.

It's the perfect Vault for a single prisoner of a small humanoid size.

Now then...

The Sentinal Vauly on Epis can show the future.

Zarpadon used it and first the future.

Whatever they saw, made them try to destroy Elpis with the Eye of Helios.

Also, EVERYTHING that Hamdsome Jxak saw had come to pass.

He only had glimpses of the future before Lilith sacred his face, but nonetheless...everything he saw had come true.

He awakened The Warrior.

The final Vault of the Vaults of Power, as I'll call them, is the Vault of The Warrior.

When the Eridians were creating The Great Vault, there were other races of the Galaxy that learned of what the Eridians were doing and tried to stop them.

These individuals are like the COV in a way.

The COV worshiped Tyreen and Troy as Gods and obeyed them to open The Great Vault to free The Destroyer.

These individuals that tried to stop the creation of The Great Vault, are what I'll call Enders.

Shit name...but the only viable one since anything else is to long.

Cult of The Destroyer?

Nah, too long.

(A/n Let me know what I should change "Enders" too since I'm gonna mention them some times in the fanfic.)


The Enders had worshiped The Destroyer as a God that is destined to destroy all life.

And so the Enders tried attacking the Eridians and The Great Vault.

The Eridians countered this by creating The Warrior.

A protected and guardian of Pandora to eliminate any threat that would attempt to free The Destroyer and undo the Eridians hard work.

The Warrior would slumber and would awaken on its own if necessary, but can be awakened and controlled by force by using the Pandora Vault Key, like what Hamdsime Jack had done.

The Warrior also served as the Vanguard of the Eridians to push The Destroyer into the Great Vault.

The Destroyer is the size of a planet.

The Warrior is tiny in comparison.

The Destroyer was MOSTLY trapped in The Great Vault but not completely.

Thus, The Destroyer along with other Eridain Creatures that the Eridians made had pushed the last remaining part of its body into The Great Vault.

The Warrior was on the front lines serving as the Tank class.

It was actually the perfect weapon.

It had its Slag later to use in The Destroyer and had multiple limbs to serve as extra legs to strengthen its footing so it acnt be pushed back.

This was the 3 different types if Eridian Vaults that exist.

Vault of Technology - Contains advanced technologies. Vault of the Graveward.

Vault of Danger - Contains dangerous monsters and Prisoners the Eridqins had captured. Vault of The Rampager, The Great Vault.

Vault of Power - Contains some sort of power or knowledge that can be considered as power or has unknown contents. Vault of The Traveller, Vault of The Sentinal, Vault of The Serpant, Vault of The Warrior.

(A/n Vault of The Serpent is on Nekrotafeyo that Typhon DeLeon and his wife opened and had s.e.x. in. It is also where Nyriad lived the rest if her final days and died inside of. Nyriad's Soul/PhaseLeech power latched itself to Tyreen.)

This was everything I know from either the Books I bought about Shield technology, or my own knowledge of what I can remember in my past life.

(A/n Shield stuff is theory which I still need to explain a little more. The rest is from Game. Mc only got books for Shield knowledge, the rest is past life knowledge.)

The only problem I had with all this is one thing...

Why does The Seer want to open The Great Vault and free The Destroyer?

The Seer and the 7th Suren is my most dangerous opponents ever in this Universe.

Currently I'm in a battle of Chess against The Seer.

I will be powerful enough to kill him in a 1 vs 1 fight...

But until then, be posses a graet danger...

He can manipulate and control any Non-Siren being in this Universe.

I need to deal with him as soon as I can.

The Seer could take control of Maliwan, Jacobs, Vladoff, Tediore, Torgue, Hyperion, Atlas CEOs...you name it.

He can take control of anyone.

Though he can't control many people at once, kinda like Hitogami the Human God in the Jobless Reincarnation story (Anime, Manga, Novel).

Hotogami can only have 3 or 4 Apostles he can have at any given time.

Maybe The Seer is the same since he would have done so during the course of all the Borderlands Games, but didn't...

I need to knew who the Apostles that The Seer has so far...

But there is no way for me to know as of now.

That'll be an issue for the future.


That reminds me!

I quickly grabbed the Eridium piece out if my inventory and placed it in front of me on the floor.

I was currently ontop of a nearby cliff enjoying the night sky.

I also equipped the Tools of Kagranac.

Wraithguard is a pair if gauntlets that has the ability to remove any and all Lethal effects upon the user. Basically I can use the Infinity Stones if I have these equipped. Or I can stand inside a Nukelear Reactor and be completely fine.

Sunder is a Hammer that can disperse the energy of anything it strikes into an essence like form.

Keening is a glass looking dagger/short sword sized balded weapon that, when used to flay the essence produced by Sunder, will absorb the essence into the user.

If used all together, the Tools of Kagranac could allow me to absorb the power of a Lovecraftian God like Azathoth or even the power of the Infinity Stones themselves and grant me all their powers without any negative effects thanks to Wraithguard.

This was how Vivec, Almalexia, Sotha Sil and Dagoth Ur all became Chim (Gods) from them using the Tools of Kagranac on the Heart of Lorkhan.

And I was going to use it on a Erdidium piece I had in front of me, in order to increase my Siren Energy Pool and absorb the Eridium instantly, rather then the slow speed I was going at.

I raised Sunder high, and slammed it down in the Eridium piece.


An ethereal sound emitted from when I struck the Eridium Piece. A pruple like glow had spread in an outward arc from where I struck with Sunder. A Purplish like energy substance floated upwards from where I struck.

I immediately used Keening and slashed at the energy strand.

The strand of energy vannished and I felt an unbearable pain permeate throughout my entire body. I knelt on the ground as I dropped Sunder and Keening and clutched my heart and head with my hands.

The pain was too unbearable. Although, my superhuman body I had gotten from the Deadshot Syrum had kept me from screaming my lungs out.

I felt like I was going to die, even though i knew I wouldn't thanks to the effects of Wraithguard. Not only that but not a single negative effect of consuming the Eridium instantly and occurred.

I could so this to a mountain of Eridium and still be able to absorb it without any negative effects. That was how amazing Wraithguard is.

Although, I imagine I would enter a Coma for many years and possibly even 50+ years if I did do that.

I had remained sprawled on the floor fir a while as I released soundless grains of pain.

As Raime remained on the ground, he had failed to notice that he had four Siren wings appear on his back.

They were vulture like, similar to Troy's left wing.

The top pair were large like Troy's left arm side wing.

And the lower pair were a smaller version of the ones above.

His left wings were Gold-Yellow in color, and his right wings were Blackish Purple, just like how his Siren Tattoos were.

He remained there for a while. When he had recovered he had felt more alive then ever before in both his lives.

He was defintly stronger now. He was now around 15% as powerful as Lilith currently is. Whereas before he was only 2%.

It was a noticible difference considering he had suffered no negative consequences thanks to the effects of Wraithguard.

Raime: "Ohhh yeah haha! I'm definitely going to steal all of Jack's Eridium when I can. Fuck pain! Give me UNLIMITED POWEEEEERRRRRR!!!!"

And just like that...

A Star Wars fanatic had emerged within the Borderlands Universe...

This Chapter was more of an explanation for what the Vaults are. If there are any Borderlands Authors in here, feel free to take any of the Lore in this chapter as your own. But please say you got this from me if you decide to Copy and Paste it. I actually won't mind. We need more Borderlands Authors. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you next time "Soilder". - Roland had replaced Knight_Riku in this Author's Note.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts