
Book of secrets. adventures of hopper #2

What makes a Christian? Is it faith, actions, love, second chances? What? Keep journeying with me as we meet a universe full of new characters and journeys they seek. You will never look at the Bible the same way ever ever again. Hope you enjoy!!!

Taylor_Valk · Fantasía
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230 Chs

Home is where the heart......was

"You sure this is my house?"

"Addy, don't be nervous. I know they're waiting for you. Knock on the door while I make myself scarce behind these bushes."

"No bush is big enough for you. Can't you transform into a rock or something. Mold your body a certain way I mean."

"Good thinking. Now go. Jesus tells you to be strong so I will tell you the same thing. Take up your courage and wear it proud."

"Phttphhep. Here goes."

"Honey, someone is knocking on our door; can't you hear it."

" It's the wind and nothing Darling."

"There it is again. Maybe it is our Addy?"

"She's gone and is never coming back. We fought and she ran because she could no longer bear to hear our bickering about aimless chatter she said. But, I would give up everything just to see her again only for a few moments."

"Mom!! Dad!! It's me! It's me, your Addy. I've come home and am sorry for what I have said to you.

Please come to the door!!"

"It's almost like I can still hear her sweet little voice calling us even now. The wind is carrying her scent to us."

"Mom!!! Mom!! Open this door! Can you not hear your baby calling for you? Why is the door locked? You never locked the door before. Mom!! Mom!! Mooo…!!

Where'd everybody go? I could've sworn I heard them talking. Dragon, what is this? Where have you taken me?"

"I've taken you home, my girl."

"Then where are they?"

"You just missed them. They went around back. This is the last day your parents stepped foot in this house because they left everything to go find you."

"So...you didn't kill them at my house during one of your raids? Then where are they?"

"Patience girl. Flip that switch right over there and tell me what you see."

"It's...my room. Uhoh. I think I stepped on something."

"Pick it up."

"It's a little dusty for some reason but let's see here. It's mom, dad, and….I'm not in the picture? That's weird. I am starting to remember that day and I know for a fact that I was there when the picture was taken."

"Yes, Adalyn you were there; but you weren't there for what followed. When you ran away; your parents couldn't take it anymore and almost killed themselves because you were the love of their life. You were what held the family together so without you they felt nothing. See, the blood stains over there on the wall? Your mother tried to end it and shoot herself but your father intervened. He came too late though for she had already shot herself but missed her heart. Your dad and her struggled for the gun and that is when it went off. Her heart is where she knew love and since she no longer had it for you were gone; she decided love was dead. So if love were dead then so would her heart. Your father stopped the bleeding but some of it already had splattered over the walls. Searching around for something to soothe a mothers aching heart; he found this picture of you all."

"Don't worry honey, you rest here and I'll bring her back. I'll make this right. I don't care what she has done or how angry she is. I just want her back and will search as far as the east is to the west if I have to. That is how much I love her. We won't stop until she's safe with me."

"After he said that he realized that he had no picture of you besides the one in the photo so he cut you out and has been carrying it ever so close to his heart so that he never forgets what you look like."

"Is he still looking for me?"

"Sadly no. He died of exhaustion but when he died travelers say that he had both hands tucked close to his heart and between his hands was your picture."

"How'd he die?"

"Frostbite. Remember the harsh winter we had last year that was so bitter and cold that nobody was told to go outdoors? Well, your father was out looking for you and he vowed that he would not seek shelter anywhere until he firmly had you in his grasps. He gave his last breath defending that sacred vow."

" Take me home, Dragon."

"Don't you want to explore more of the house that you grew up in? I can show you the tree where you loved to climb so much. You could climb higher than any other monkey your mother used to say to you."

"I said take me home!! Now!!"

"You just got here though."


"I understand. Hop on and I'll take you back."

"Thank you."

"Don't cry little child or else your tears will make a river and a boat to escort you anywhere you want to go. I know your parents would be proud of who you have become and the strong roots you have grown upon."

"I know this sounds weird but umm...could you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

" Adalyn, there is no place I would rather be than by your side. Your house is right there. I'll drop you in the window and then tuck you in bed after you take your shower."

"Can you read me a bedtime story?"

"Sorry, I am not the best story teller."

"What about singing a song to help me fall asleep?"

" You don't want to hear my pipes. I fear I would damage your ears more than soothe."

"Funny. That is what my dad used to say everynight to me."

"Hop in the shower now and may the warmth of the water hitting your back remind you of the soothing embrace of your father while I get your bed ready."

"I've enjoyed this day together with you. We should do this again but instead of scaring people then going to a sad place for a reward let's do something more upbeat."

"Couldn't have said it any better myself."

"Goodnight Adalyn!"

"Goodnight Shadow!!"

"May wonderful dreams fill your head and no monsters crawl underneath."

"Same to you. Whatever happens tomorrow I just want you to know that my love for you will never change."

"Adalyn, where were you last night?" Once you told us to go back to service it's like you just vanished. I thought we were going to go over the plan later that night."

"We were but then I had plans of my own and I….must've lost track of time but I do have important news."

"What could be more important than our plan. Unless your news is about a way that we can defeat Dragon then I don't want to hear it. We have guest speakers who claim to have grown up with Dragon ever since he was a little boy. They say Dragon and Shadow are one; and that they know how to defeat the dragon. If we want to defeat the enemy then we must put on the full armor of God so that we can stand the wiles of Satan."

"They're wrong and I'll tell you. No..I'll prove it to you."

"What weapon does one little girl have to defeat the enemy that no one else seems to have or have ever heard of."

"My weapon is called love."

"Bhaaa. Bhaa. Haaa!! Haa!! Ha!! You're too young to understand how life works. It is said, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and an ear for an ear. If you expect us to look past all the terrible things Dragon has done and simply love on him then again you're very wrong sister. We cannot simply forgive and forget all the sins he has committed."

"I'm not saying we should just count out all his sins and wipe the slate clean although that is what Jesus does with us. All I'm saying is to hate the sin and not the sinner. Leave the judging and vengeance to the Lord for the Bible says, 'Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. They may have encountered him but they didn't defeat him. At most they only hurt him with a spear but he has already recovered from that. I hope you're on the right side for I would hate to see you on the wrong one, brother."

"Flee from me for I know thee not!!"

"You will be sorry the day you ever meet me again. That goes for all of you. You...will...be...sorry!! You already have tried brute force and look where it has gotten you. Love may seem irrational and out of this world but the Bible says My thoughts are higher than your thoughts and my ways higher than yours. No one can fathom the mind of our Lord and no one can come close to understanding God's never-ending love. I'll be back and when I do I hope your eyes have been open and your hearts melted."