

Everyone is reborn but there are few that remember their past lives. Those souls hold influencial positions - after all they have the wisdom of multiple lifetimes. Among them are a few who remember not centuries but a millenium: incomparable souls. Of course, carrying so many burdens from your past lives is not solely beneficial: life can become meaningless, memories turn into emotionless documentary movies, souls blur and expand too vastly; or centuries of fire can burn a soul to crumbly black coal, shattering experiences produce volatile insanity, unsettled sadness form an inescapable vortex. In the end, when those souls scatter, they form new beginnings: whiffs from a multitude of dispersed past souls come together to form a new dazzling light, a new untouched soul. But what if something goes wrong in this last state? It is very unlikely. Yet, inevitably, one newly born soul was that unlucky. Being so many yet no one in particular, how can it exist? Will the hungers for revenge from souls passed swallow it whole or can it obtain true unity by mending itself? The answer might surprise you. But so that you may fully comprehend this matter, let me tell you the story from the beginning. -YOUR CUE- What genre do I feel would go great with this? #Tragedy?

idea by Ria, use as you want

Adam110902creators' thoughts