

Dark_Storm_ · Fantasía
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7 Chs


Today in Heaven Pill Palace there is a grand meeting and my father got an invitation. Next to Heaven Pill Palace there is Heaven Martial Palace from where my mother got invitation.

Hello Buddies, Welcome to the Great Cross Palace I'm Yanta and today I'll introduce the contribution of my family in making the Heaven World a Peaceful Place to live.

Boe: Sir Yanta, you told us that your father is an alchemist and mother is a martial fighter. So how can this bring peace in your home. Let alone talk about the World.

Jake: Yes, Sir Yanta, I agree with Boe, we all know that Sword and Pill are two extremes. This is the reason why Bookpens are the most rich and secure because they can mediate in between these two. So how come your parents.

Trisky:Yes, yes, yes I also want to know that rather Sir Yanta is a Bookpen but before your birth your parents dated for almost three hundred years. So, how it's possible.

Yanta: Young lady Trisky and my friends Boe and Jake. You know only one thing about Bookpens and that thing is that they write spells for both Martial Fighter and Alchemist. But you don't know one major thing and that is they write in harmony of extremes.

Trisky: Pardon me Sir Yanta but I can't figure out the meaning of your words. Please explain.

Yanta: Lady Trisky, when the Magma is too hot we put cold water on it to create life soil. This is the harmony of extremes.

When the extremes bound together they create a lemniscate which is the reason why the Heaven is trying to become lemniscate. Each Nirvana has its own journey and the end of journey is the cross lemniscate. The God of Heaven is going to be choosen very soon so all of you cultivate well.

Boe: So that's how it is, So that's how it is. Sir Yanta, pardon for my foolishness and thank you for giving us the knowledge. I will try to comprehend it to the fullest.

Jake: Hahaha, comprehend to the fullest. Forget it even if you can comprehend to two percent I bet you one thousand middle grade heaven crystals.

Boe immediately chocked up and flushed red.

Trisky: Boe, think before boasting.

Suddenly, the Royal Knight from Heaven Emperor Wind Palace came with his majesty Heaven Emperor Wind.

Heaven Emperor Wind is one of the strongest friends of mother Heaven Empress Martial Fighter Kuen and Heaven Emperor Great Alchemist Kane.

Wind: Hahaha, how are you Yanta? Long time no see.

Yanta: I pay respect to Heaven Emperor Wind.

Boe, Jake, Trisky: We pay respect to Heaven Emperor Wind.

Wind: Hahaha, good child. You three here is your reward one "Wind Emerging From East" pill for each. This pill is my Heaven Emperor full move strike. It can kill any Heaven Emperor below Grand Completion in an area of hundred thousand miles protecting the person doing enchantment.

Boe, Jake, Trisky: Many thanks your majesty "Heaven Emperor Wind".

Wind: Come Yanta, let's go fetch our chief guest today. Otherwise this summit will not happen even if we wait for another hundred thousand years.

Yanta: I'm ashamed Heaven Emperor Wind.

Wind: You little brat ashamed for what. I know both of your mother and father. Come, take me to the trial hall.

In trial hall an exquisite beauty is practising with her sword in her hand in front of the Buddha. That beauty was Heaven Empress Martial Fighter Kuen. She was bathed in sweat and her aura was suffocating to the max.

Kuen: "Buddha Lotus Grand Slash"

The undulations came from the sword and suddenly the whole trial hall cut into the half, penetrating the ground to the vaccum.

Wind: You are practising with Buddha or trying to kill the Buddha. Well both are madness and you are a madwoman.

Kuen: Then I'll like to have a spar with you genius.

A mocking smile came from the corners of Heaven Empress Martial Fighter in a blink of an eye.

Wind: Well, you see young lady. I'm not here for courting death.

Kuen: But it's too early.

Wind: That's why I'm here. You are not ready yet and only two hours are remaining.

Yanta: Umm Mother, I think my new spell is ready.

Hearing this Heaven Empress Martial Fighter laughed out loud but Heaven Emperor Wind drenched in cold sweat.

Wind: I think you are right. Your book is glowing and the pen is flowing, precisely it's the peak hour.

Yanta hold the book writing a spell and cried out loud "The Book Level".

Hundred thousand lotus which were as sharp as a majesty sword came from the tip of the pen and launched an attack to the Buddha and put a scratch on the statue first time since time immemorial.

After watching this, the three of them were shocked to the max and suddenly Heaven Emperor Fire came with Heaven Empress Snow to greet them.

Wind: You came late lass, believe me Fire, this little brat is freak to the max. He knows no limits.

Heaven Empress Snow is the beauty of the top, next to none and she loves the Heaven Emperor Bookpen Yanta. While Yanta avoids her single glance and she can only curse in her heart that her man is a solid stone with melting point reaching above nine heavens.