

Dark_Storm_ · Fantasía
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7 Chs


Both brother and sister started their journey again, winds, water, earth and sky focused on the group of two. The journey of martial fighter is the journey of life from the death each second and the separation from the loved once can't be stopped, "Want to fight- become strong, want to rule- become stronger, want to protect- become strongest" this is the foundation of cultivation. Each cultivation realm is the authority, lower authority follows and higher authority leads, because seniority is number, strength is king and in martial world strong reigns supreme.

Kastha: Big Brother, look look there is Phoenix Fruit, I want it.

Zeus: Then go climb the tree, eat the fruits.

Kastha: Alright then, I'm going you take rest, I'll bring them for you.

Zeus nodded and Kastha gathered some fruits and then ate together. The journey ahead was not much left, from the outskirts to the Light Moon Sect it was only a thousand kilometers. The brilliance of the city within is bound to be extraordinary, richest patriarchs have their headquarters here. Strength and resources are abundant here, but the Sect was supreme powerhouse. Both brother and sister reached to the entry gate of the Sect for the identification.

Zeus: Disciple on trial Zeus reports to the Deacon.

Kastha: Disciple on leave Kastha reports to the Deacon.

Deacon: Kastha, my sweet young lady long time no see.

Kastha: Toads lust over swan. Big Brother here are so many flies what should we do.

Zeus: We can't do anything Kastha, Toad must be hungry.

Deacon was pierced by swords again and again today. When did he lost so much face in public. His face was like the bottom of the pot, hot dry and black.

Deacon: You dare humiliate me. Watch your words cripple otherwise you might die today.

Zeus(smile) : Look, look Kastha nowadays toads started barking. What do you think it's innate ability awaken or a mutation in the product.

Kastha: Big Brother it is indeed a good topic, I think it's mutation because geniuses awaken their ability like you while discarded products, heh heh...

Zeus: You broke through recently, make sure to ask your honoured Master that some filthy garbage tries to lower the reputation of the sect.

Kastha: I will request, what do you think Deacon.

The face of the Deacon was nowhere to hide, these two Brother and Sister slapped him viciously in the public, the trauma was no less. There was no one to blame he invited disaster by himself and he spurted a mouthful of foul blood, his dao heart collapsed. Dao heart is the heart that yearns for dao, it's the passion of dao, the fight of dao but once collapsed it becomes stagnant and even degrade with the passage of time. There is no cure for the person whose dao heart collapsed, when the path disappears the location becomes the destination. This collapse is controlled by the rules of heavens no existence can defy the heavens, heavens is beyond and the supreme are ants.

Deacon was full of fury and resentment in his heart tears started running down his future collapsed and the hope shattered. He looked towards Zeus with the thunderous rage killing intent of Deacon filled the surrounding and he jumped to deliver a fatal punch to both siblings to destroy them from existence.

"Courting death" Zeus said with a serious expression on his face.

A bone piercing cold chaotic killing intent condensed around Zeus and his eyes were cold and cold. When Deacon saw those eyes he first shuddered with fear then laughed like insane. He avoided Kastha because of her reputation as an incredible alchemist and choose to confront Zeus and kill him in one blow with the momentum produced. Zeus was also waiting for the same and when Deacon was ready to smash him into meat paste he also delivered a punch to the dantian of Deacon. Deacon was caught unprepared and his dantian lost the vitality and he was a complete cripple now. He looked towards Zeus with fear and regret in his heart because today he provoked someone he should never have. Without strength and support now, he was a fish ready to get chopped because he has offended more than many people of the Sect and city and now the hour of just arrived.

Zeus was more than happy to see him in this condition he took his token with his sister and moved in the Sect leaving Deacon in the care of people and in the evening his corpse was found without the upper layer of the skin near the dumping area of the city and dogs were feeding over him.

Sect Elder Wing Sun: Zeus and Kastha, how are you doing my little children.

Zeus and Kastha: We pay respect to the elder.

Wing: Come, I show your mission team. After a week both of you will be departing in the Silver Slaughter Forest.

Kastha: So that's how it is, that's the reason why that filthy Deacon was puffing and bluffing.

Zeus: So the time for Silver Slaughter Trial has come. No wonder when we were coming we saw countless geniuses practicing with their


Wing: Yes my child, the hour has indeed arrived, This time the risks and rewards are a boon if you win and bane if you don't, it's going to be a merciless killing this time. I pray for your victory to Lord.

Kastha: Worry not Elder Wing, this time Big Brother will be offensive and I will be defence. We will win the fort and guard the fort, don't you worry much about our safety.

Zeus: Rest assured Elder Wing. The payback time ask for answers.

Wing: Both of you rest and cultivate then. I'll take my leave for now I have to report something important to Grand Elder to prepare for the trials. This cruel war, we need to safeguard our elites otherwise we will find it hard to bear the consequences.

Zeus: That's of course your wish Elder Wing but without the baptism of blood no powerhouse roars and the path of powerhouse is indeed different from that of greenhouse.

Wing: Take care dear children I'll think about this. As for now I take my leave, sleep well.

Zeus and Kastha: Farewell Elder Wing.