

Dark_Storm_ · Fantasía
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7 Chs


Fire: I know young one should be feared but old man Pill is not here. Where is he?

Kane: I'm here Heaven Emperor Fire.

Heaven Emperor Fire: Good Friend, at least today you come on time. Hurry we have to reach the Pill Palace and Martial Palace respectively and then we will head to the Heaven Son of God for the recognition letter. This will be helpful for our Board of Members.

Kane: I know Fire. But I want freedom.

Kuen: I'm not a puppet. My sword knows one rule "If Gods Block, Kill Gods; If Buddha Blocks, Kill Buddha".

Kane: I know my lady but now is not the time. Until and unless we are strong enough to rival we will have to bow and let the things go with the flow.

Kuen: That's not far.

When the Heaven Empress Snow saw the tensed situation she came in Heaven Emperor Bookpen embrace and felt his warmth and then flushed red. The gunpowder in the room suddenly stopped firing and the gazes locked on to the Heaven Emperor Bookpen Yanta.

Watching this Heaven Emperor Bookpen flushed red and smiled awkwardly. He then patted the back of her back and tried to brush her off. But she was feeling like floating on the cushions of clouds and eating the red warm cherries.

Yanta: Nice to meet you, Heaven Empress Snow.

Heaven Empress Snow frowned and said "Please call me KAYRA".

The situation became more awkward and his face was hot bright red and sweat pouring from the top of his head. His breathing became Chaotic.

Suddenly the pretty environment became like raging thunder. Lighting as black as hell. A tremendous aura came from front door.

All said in unison " We pay respect to third Son of God".

Son of God: Damn ants "Three Heaven Crush".

Son of God attacked Heaven Emperor Alchemist with a killing blow on arrival and killed him instantly by crushing his soul.

Tears stated flowing from everyone's eyes and only one question roaring in their minds " Why"?

They dare to get angry but not dare to question.

Then suddenly Heaven Empress Martial Fighter locked her spiritual deeds in mystic key and joined it with Yanta. Yanta could not help choking up after watching this scene and his eyes turned bloodshot.

Son of God came next to Heaven Empress Martial Fighter and locked her by a spell "Fiend Cage Thunder"

Thunderous strings pierced right through the skin and bones of Heaven Empress Martial Fighter and she fell to the ground like a slave.

Tears flowing like raining clouds from everyone's eyes.

Next to which he cast a killing spell to Heaven Emperor Bookpen Yanta.


Next moment when Yanta opened his eyes, he was in a black and white room filled with aroma of medicine.

Next moment a man came next to him and said " You Punk, scared your father to death. Come drink this detoxification soup".

A women spoke suddenly "Son, why don't you listen to us we have that much fortune, you don't need to go on adventure to cultivate about get bitten by " Dragon Slave Snake ".Its poisonous as hell. What we are supposed to do if we lost you?"

Tears started flowing from Yanta's eyes and could not help choking up. His throat went dry. His eyes bloodshot.

His parents were there consolidating him. One month passed Yanta stopped crying and got up from the bed his eyes turned ice-cold blue murderous aura revolved. After this aura touched both felt a shiver run down their spine.

Yanta condesed that aura with essence energy and broke through to the first level Matial Alchemy Bookpen. Three force condensed in one supporting his fleshy body. Nirvanic thunder came from the sky. That bolt of lighting struck directly and got absorbed. Similarly eight more strikes came, each one next nine times the past. But all have same outcome.

Suddenly the condensed murderous aura also got swallowed by the black hole. The essence grand formation and the essence and nirvana tribulation cloud also went in to the black hole. Both parents have srupified gazes locked on to the Yanta.

Yanta: I can't hold more. I'll have to comprehend the first level best.

One week passed Yanta shot open his eyes. Next to him were his parents and he greeted them with a heart full of smiles.

His mother now was Ma Jing

His father now was Je Jheng

Both of them were alchemist.

And he has a Reincarnation in the State of Light.

He ran from darkness with death and got into the Light ironically.

But he will have to start from the bottom to regain his height and he swear in his heart to definitely go on a killing spree against his each and every enemy.

In his past life he gave life to swan and life to snake. But now whoever goes against him, he will kill without mercy.

The rule was crystal clear "If you want to live, don't provoke me".That's it. No more questions. No more answers. No discussion.