
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Cómic
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71 Chs

Chapter 39: Now This Is Just Annoying

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 39: Now This Is Just Annoying

Days?: This Is Not Good Part 2

(Vale: Vale City: Vytal Festival Tournament: Amity Colosseum: Seating Area)

I was about to cheer for Pyrrha, even if it is out of characteristic of mine. But, it is funny to see the looks on everyone's faces when they watch me acting out of my character. However, I had to discard this idea of mine when I notice something very wrong.

Penny is attacking much more aggressive than her usual way of fighting against an enemy. And if that didn't cause any warning bells ringing in my mind is that Penny's eyes are red at the moment and her expression is blank like Shigure but more robot-like. At least with Shigure, you could tell by the smallest details.

Now, I can see what kind of changes Cinder had to do with her plans, because instead of letting Pyrrha see what is false and destroy Penny by accident. From what I could tell is that Cinder somehow gains control over Penny in making her attacking more in lethal means.

I quickly take action, and by taking a deep breath and deploy [Eagle Vision] on a large scale radius, that even people without their aura unlocked or those who aren't trained in sensing aura could feel how massive the aura I had to waste to scan the whole place.

I even have to use [System Point] to exchange for my aura reserve to be restored at maximum state, twice. Another thing in the [Extra Feature] I find useful as with enough [System Point]. I can have an unlimited amount of aura at my disposal. I just wished that the amount of [System Point] wouldn't increase at the same rate my aura reserve increase in [Rank].

If anyone was paying attention to me, they would see how pale I am, for using so much aura beyond my the limit of my aura reserve. Of course, I made sure to quickly restore my aura right before it's emptied from using my [Eagle Vision] on a large scale.

However, only Shigure was the one could tell the sudden spike of aura came from me and notice how weak I look. She already connected the dots and quickly notify Momoyo about the danger coming to this place.

"What?" Momoyo whispers back to Shigure while trying to not look like she talking to Shigure at the moment, but continue to watch the match between Pyrrha and Penny. "Are you sure, Shigure?" Momoyo did a quick glance over to me and discover how weak, I look at the moment, which should give her enough proof that it is time.

"Yup." Shigure replied back, then casually sit back in her seat and laid her head on my shoulder while secretly glancing around for incoming enemies.

However, the next thing happens next in a few seconds later have forced us to take actions without having the chance to find the hidden enemies among us. As a giant nevermore crashed through the ceiling of this place, causing a massive panic among the crowds as they try to escape from here.

"Welp, this is the best proof I could see in front of me." Momoyo comments dryly, as she burst into action to take care of the grimm trying to attack the civilians, with a powerful punch to the chest. Sending the giant nevermore through the dome's walls that are barely holding the rest of the dome from collapsing.

Luckily, Momoyo is well known and doesn't have to wear her [Arcana Uniform] to reveal her strength in public. Also, to make sure no one thinks Momoyo, the heiress of the Kawakami family, is a member of the Arcana besides Yukiko herself and her maid.

The grimm never got the chance to fight back when Momoyo broke its neck and to make sure the grimm is not faking its death. She buries her right fist into the nevermore's skull and roasts the grimm from within, but the nevermore didn't even make a sound at all.

This was all Momoyo needed to know the grimm in front of her is dead, even though the grimm is turning to smoke to show this is a command trait of grimm whenever they die. But, Momoyo has experience in grimm that could produce those smokes without having to die to release their essence throughout the surrounding or heading back towards the main source of what makes a grimm.

With the rest of team JNPR rushing out of this place to protect the civilians, with the other kingdoms' academies' students rushed out as well to help. Which leaves Shigure and me behind, including Momoyo, who rush over to Pyrrha to help stop Penny from continues on fighting, even though the whole tournament is canceled now due to the grimm invading.

Shigure knew what she needed to do at this very moment; she rushes out as well, but not to help out the civilians but to hijack an Airship for our usage. After all, even with my [Magic] and [Skill]. I won't be able to keep this enormous levitating arena that is capable of moving vast distances on its own, with the amount of aura I have. If anything, I have to waste a massive amount of [System Point] due to repeatedly restore my aura reserve back to full in a matter of seconds.

As for me, it's time for Cinder and me have a little talk with one of another. It has been delayed for too long and need to be done now. So without waiting for a second.

20 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Docking Area)

Luckily for the civilians as the groups of huntsmen and huntresses in training from across all the Four Kingdoms defend them, along with Ironwood and his limited amount of soldiers, that's not a robot, stayed with him on Amity Colosseum regain access to the Airships.

Furthermore, Shigure already hijacked a Bullhead for our usage, being Momoyo and me, including Shigure as the temporary pilot of the Bullhead we had to get Shigure to steal as we head towards Beacon Academy.

Which didn't take even half an hour to reach, with Beacon Academy just a few miles away from the Amity Colosseum and with its still moving in midair this whole time, making the trip's distance shorten due to the giant floating arena never staying in one place.

However, the Bullhead we were using to fly towards Beacon Academy's Beacon Tower ran out of [Dust] right in the middle of reaching the Docking Area and had to abandon the Airship due to it falling from the sky from the lack of [Dust] to power it.

Of course, Shigure, Momoyo, and I made it safety thanks to my [Gravity Magic]. Carrying 3 people, including myself, with [Gravity Magic] towards the Docking Area from our previous spot was only a few yards apart was easy enough for me to do. Compared to the idea of moving the Amity Colosseum on my own, which is crazy even for me when my aura reserve isn't large enough to last that long.

And thanks to having [Accelerator]'s [Vector Transformation] giving me the boost to levitate us towards the Docking Area much faster, to safety. Well, safety enough for us to take down the grimm trying to attack us from the sky.

Shigure looks a little sad that she lost a few [Kunai] from killing off several griffons, where some of them fall over the cliff side and this caused Shigure to feel a little pain from losing her precious handmade [Kunai]. Not that I can't understand Shigure's feeling for the lost of her [Kunai] since I have dozens of Shigure's handmade [Kunai] in my [Inventory] for my usage. Whenever I need to use one if I ever lost my [Combat Knife]; well, in fights that require me to throw my weapon, then I would switch to a [Kunai]. After all, they're good quality compared to the one I have seen in stores.

"Wait!" Momoyo shout to us; right in the middle of the battle against the grimm themselves. Both Shigure and I glance over to Momoyo, but we didn't stop a single second. I snap an Ursa's neck, killing it instantly, but not before I kick it in the stomach with aura enhance to send it crashing into a group of Beowolves behind the now dead Ursa.

Not bother to take care of the Beowolves trying to crawl their way out of underneath the still solid Ursa's corpse. Since Shigure threw a dozen of [Kunai] wrapped in my [Explosive Tag]. But, I had to get away before the timer on those [Explosive Tag] set off, which did 5 seconds after I moved away.

"Why are we here at Beacon Academy? And why are we defending it?" Momoyo looks at us with a confused expression, then punched through a Beowolf's back and out of its chest before she uses it as a shield against a King Taijitu from trying to bite Momoyo head off but end up with a dead Beowolf to the white head's mouth.

"Weiss and Izaya...are here, remember?" Shigure replied to Momoyo's question while slicing off the Boarbatusk's legs off before beheading it with her [Nodachi]. "After all, we're...here to help...them. Plus, Pyrrha...is also here...as well."

Momoyo raised an eyebrow in my direction, asking me in silence if this was the case and I smash my right elbow against a Beowolf's chest, sending it flying. "Yeah, it's true. Pyrrha even sent me a message about how she already got a ride with Ozpin to gain half the Fall Maiden's power as we speak. We just arrived much earlier than them."

I throw a powerful punch to my left to interrupt a Boarbatusk from starting its attack by spinning first, but I killed it by blowing its entire body away with a single powerful punch of mine. Then did a quick spin to my right to grab an Ursa's stretched out right arm and with a burst of aura enhance to throw the Ursa straight towards a group of incoming Boarbatusks trying to run me over.

Crushing the group of Boarbatusks with the Ursa's big body, and I feel a little joy for always use something big to crush small things, even if I tend to do stuff that could be counted as an overkill. Then again, it's better to overkill than having a chance of a counter-attack from the enemy, with a high-risk of getting cripple or killed by them.

"Then shouldn't we head to the Beacon Tower by now? So why are we still here killing off the grimm? Are we here to clear a spot for them to land or something?" Momoyo ask me, as I shove my right index and middle fingers into a Beowolf's eyes, causing it to scream in pain of losing its eyesight before making a choking noise after I went for a quick jab to its neck, then push it backward, where another Beowolf tried to jump from behind to sneak attack me.

I use the previous Beowolf as a platform to meet with the flying Beowolf in midair, where I use [Accelerator]'s [Vector Transformation] to send it flying sky high with a flick of my fingers, then land back on the ground.

"Kind of. Since we do need this area clean of grimm for Airships to land. As you could see, all the one already here was destroyed by the grimm already here, so we need to wait for the others to come. Unless you want one of us to stay here to keep this area a safety area until this whole grimm invasion is over. Then the rest of us can head to Beacon Tower." I said to Momoyo while creating dozens of compressed spheres of air before exploding them once some of the grimm went near them.

"Alright. Good luck defending the place! Shigure let's go!" Momoyo quickly snatches Shigure before she could protest and quickly rush off to the Beacon Tower.

I blankly stare at them from my current spot until I can no longer see their shadows without having to enhance my eyesight to see from afar. I took a step back and kill off a Griffon by manipulating the vectors around its neck and separate it from the Griffon's body by forming a thin razor sharp spinning [Wind] in a circle closing in the middle of the Griffon's neck. Killing the last grimm around the Docking Area.

Looking towards the direction where the Amity Colosseum is or should be, and I could see multiple Airships heading this way, but are fighting off against Griffons trying to bring them down to the sea below them.

'Another thing in the canon of RWBY is left out in the backgrounds. Countless numbers of lives are dying today due to not being able to survive in the water, where sea types of grimm swimming there. Just waiting for victims to take a dip.' I thought dryly.

I glance around the now empty Docking Area that used to be filled with grimm a few minutes ago, then look back at a couple of Airships trying to reach here but with the Griffons trying to tear them down.

'Well, I guess I could use some extra [System Point] from killing off more grimm.' I take out two different [Mana Gun]. [Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom] in my left hand and [Beretta M93R Auto9 Custom] in my right.

"This is going to bring me to the open throughout the whole Four Kingdoms. I just know it. I hope not many would find out about it too soon though." I softly spoke out my unwanted thoughts, then raise [Beretta M93R Auto9 Custom] just a bit lower from the Airships and the Griffons. While temporary switch out to [Edea Florence] for this very moment.

"Charge." As I spoke out the voice require command, as the [Charge Shot] begin to charge up and took 3 seconds to complete while at the same time losing massive amounts of [Mana], which would take twice as long to recover after I switch out [Edea Florence] back to [Accelerator].

"Fire." A large beam fire out of my [Mana Gun] and instantly reach over where the groups of Airships and grimm are. Not giving either the two sides a chance to react as more than half of Griffons disappear upon contact of my [Charge Shot] while burning the lower part of the Airships, causing smoke to arise after the [Charge Shot] end.

I sweatdrop when I notice a few people are jumping off the Airships and decided to take their chance in the sea with the grimm below them instead of getting instant kill by me. Not that the [System Point] would give me anything for killing humans or faunus at all. Grimm on the hand, do give me [System Point].

I put away both my [Mana Gun], then take out two [Combat Knife] as I walk over the cliff side and sit down on the edge while waiting for the people to arrive. Plus, I rather not give away my secrets on stuff like my [Mana Gun]. After all, Penny got something similar to my [Charge Shot] and the [Cost] to use that must be lower to mine.

So if Penny has her beam cannon, then what could the creator of Penny be able to discover from looking through my stuff? So yeah, not giving this world any more dangerous things. Just look at those fairy tales, with a hint of truths in them and those big shots are going crazy for them.

Pretty sure, Raven herself was excited to have a Maiden join her tribe. Now, if Raven had managed to draw in my group into her tribe, then she would have been unbeatable against enemies trying to take her down. Sadly, for Raven, we're just an ally, who knows how long this would last.

I'm just lucky Raven didn't get the Summer Maiden instead of the Spring Maiden. Since I discover in this world, the Summer Maiden tends to have varied of Summer Maiden's power with the concept of destruction.

And that is a known fact for others who know about the Four Maidens would know that out of the Four Maiden, Summer Maiden are easier to find among them. I am a little curious if Ruby's Mom was the previous host of the Summer Maiden's power, but discarded that silly idea of mine.

From what I could understand after meeting 3 our of the Four Maidens; well, all Four Maidens if I count Cinder herself. Or maybe it's just this version in this world. Is that the Fall Maiden's power is based on choice itself on what they desire the most, with the basic of all Four Maidens giving the powers over the [Element], [Telekinesis], [Weather Manipulation], and the selected powers solely to each Maidens.

I could understand if Cinder decided to boost her existing [Fire]-based semblance, which I know for sure her semblance is to manipulate [Fire] like I do with the [Element] around me sometimes, but a much more downgraded version. Because I met with her just before she gained half the stolen Fall Maiden's power.

Just less powerful compare to now since I was able to defeat her easily enough without having to resort to using my own [Magic] in the [2nd Tier].

Hell, Izaya could take her out easy by surprise if she doesn't see him coming and that's saying something when Izaya isn't the type to deal major damage in a long-term battle. Out of the whole Arcana group; Cinder and her little group could possibly only beat the lower [Class] members without trouble. Any members above [B-Class] would be able to give Cinder a tough time if they're a group of them to face her. Since I count Cinder as an [A-Class] in the Arcana's [Class Selection] range after she gains the half Fall Maiden's power that is.

Without the Fall Maiden's power, she would be at mid [B-Class] at least to low [A-Class] if she has high experience in tactics along with her weapons and semblance. Maybe a bit higher if she knows how to use her surroundings to her advantages, but seeing how she fights in this world and in canon. That among of her many weaknesses in my point of view.

"Man, those life and death training I re/create pretty much made me stronger than the average huntsmen and huntresses." I comment out my thoughts while continuing watching the surviving Airships to arrive at the Docking Area before I could go catch up with Shigure and Momoyo while leaving this place for the new people to defend.

I narrow my eyes at the incoming Airships, 'If among them is an enemy. I shall show no mercy.' Nothing would stand my way to eliminate the enemy, even if I have to knock people out cold to do so and protect this place for a while before leaving.

few minutes later*

Upon the leftover surviving Airships landed in the Docking Area; most of them are Beacon Academy's staffs and students returning to defend the place. Also, I activated [Shadowless Evasion Art] right before they could get in range of seeing me from a distance using the Airship's cameras to zoom onto the area I'm guarding for a while now.

Once I counted all of the surviving people, then check to be sure none of them is an enemy, which I was a little happy to find none since I don't have to waste any more time. Afterward, I check the surroundings to see any grimm that they can't handle.

Sadly, I don't see Pyrrha or Ozpin among this group and wonder if they even got an Airship for their usage to fly here. But, luckily, Pyrrha just message me that she is in the Vault beneath Beacon to transfer the Fall Maiden's powers from the current/original host: Amber to the new host: Pyrrha.

Also, both Momoyo and Shigure texted me a second later after Pyrrha to notify me that they managed to tag along in secret to back Pyrrha, Ozpin, and Jaune against Cinder from stealing the remaining half of the Fall Maiden's power from Amber. Of course, Pyrrha is notified as well about two members of the Arcana are there to help her out in the background when the time is right.

However, before I could head to the Vault. I notice smoke rising from the Dining Hall is at. And a quick flashback from what I could remember back in the canon is the exact moment where Blake and Adam reunion now of all time.

'On one hand: I save Yang from losing an arm and gain Blake's gratitude, along with the benefit of seeing Adam either cripple or dead. The other hand: I'll be able to intercept Cinder before she could enter the Vault if I push to my very limit in speed.' I had two choices to pick and under a very little time frame to decide.

I blink when my scroll vibrate, letting me know I got another text message and this one is from Weiss herself, who is turning in one of her favors I owe her and look like my choices among the two is decided by fate itself; well, if I ever meet the so-called fate of this world. I'm going to punch it in the face and find a way to experience its worst nightmare.

"Well, I'm a man of my words. Better hope both Shigure and Momoyo are enough to help out defending Pyrrha while transferring the remaining half of the Fall Maiden's power is finished." I put away my scroll, then take out my other [Combat Knife] to dual-wield two [Combat Knife] as I rush over to the Dining Hall in a silence and [Stealth] manner.

9 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Dining Hall)

Luckily, I didn't have to hide any longer after I got a good distance away from the Docking Area and release my [Shadowless Evasion Art]. Even though [Shadowless Evasion Art] doesn't cost me anything for using it. But, there is always a chance of a friendly fire heading my way and I rather not take my chance on it, even when I'm alone.

Also, the fact that my [Moonlight Step] pretty much cancel it out upon activation, which I'd used to get to the Dining Hall as fast as possible. But, look like I made it right where Adam begin his speech about how this could have been their day together, which Blake refused on and wanted peace among the two races, but not in the way Adam is aiming for.

And right the very moment Adam about to backhand Blake across her face, but I couldn't allow this. Not even I would be a jerk and just watch it happen in front of me. Plus, with Yang still stuck in one of the many Airships belongs to Ironwood is kinda hard to follow what would happen after Yang shouted for Blake in the middle of fighting off the White Fang members around the campus.

'Speaking of White Fang members. I haven't found a single one on my way here. Weird.' I didn't find myself that surprised at this little detail missing since I got this gut feeling it's Izaya's handy work on getting rid of them if I wanted to follow my instinct on this.

A single step is all it took for me to appear next to them and at the same time, I swing my right [Combat Knife] straight at Adam's stretched out arm that he is using to backhand Blake. The result, Adam's aura shield around his right arm was temporarily broken due to my boosted strength and speed thanks to my [Moonlight Step] added to my already above the average physical aspect.

I still find it funny how some people's aura shield allow them to survive one brief lethal attack; well, if they have the right amount of aura to do so. Because I'm pretty sure it's either Adam's semblance or Yang low aura reserve during her time fighting off the White Fang before she meets up with Blake and watches Adam standing over Blake, then end up with an arm cut off.

So seeing Adam is thrown off his feet, then land back just a few meters away from Blake and me without much a scratch on him beside watching him shake his right hand in pain, with a scowl on his face, to show how irritated he is at this very moment. Isn't that surprising to me.

"And who is this, Blake? A friend of yours?" Adam begins to feel excited to find someone he could get rid of to cause Blake emotional pain and a little annoyed to be interrupted in his and Blake's reunion time.

"I'm her lover. What's to you, shithead?" I am totally acting out of my character just to see how it goes and plus I wanted to see how this world's version of Adam compared to the canon. Also, to see if this Adam got any self-control over his emotions, but the way he looks at me show that not the case and the feeling of killing intent prove it too.

Blake on the hand, blush at my response and didn't know how to comment on this; furthermore, she still not in the right mind after seeing her ex-partner/mentor/lover? I've no clue, but it should be among those or maybe all three.

"Lover, huh?" Adam asks in a false calm voice and looks at me carefully to get a good look at me before he decides what he should do next. "I was a little confused for a while now. But I understand completely. All I want is you, Blake; and as I set out upon this world and deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves. I shall make it my mission to destroy everything you love. Starting with your so-called lover standing in front of me."

Adam didn't say anything further and rush in to attack with the intent of torturing me first, then finishing me off right before Blake's very eyes.

Well, time to test the future leader of the White Fang if he has what it take to be a leader of a huge organization. Including the hidden support among the faunus in general as well.

Sadly for Adam; I'm not in the mood to make this a long-term fight as a test, but a very quick one. Since my schedule is pretty busy at the moment. As Adam tried to stab me in the gut, but end up forcibly take a few steps back to get his balance back when his [Sword] was rebound by an invisible barrier in front of me.

Not giving Adam the chance to get back on his feet as I walk right into his striking range and realize Adam could still attack while being off balance, but was a mistake on his end when the moment his [Sword] just a few inches from reaching me.

I activate [Vector Transformation] to manipulate the unknown vectors around me and destroy Adam's [Sword] with a single touch of my index finger. Looking at the horror on Adam's face bring me joy, but didn't let this distract me since Adam could still be dangerous with or without his [Sword]. As he got his [Shotgun/Scabbard] as a secondary weapon, which he use right after a few seconds to get his mind back on track, with a large amount of killing intent sending to my way.

Of course, this attack method of Adam is a fail once more as [Accelerator]'s [Redirection] stop all the [Bullet/Dust Round] from reaching me and at the same time, if I chose to, would send them back in the same direction it came from.

While this is all happening; I notice Blake has not once moved away from here or even move from her current spot since I got here. I honestly thought she would head out to find help or something, maybe even find a way to save Yang at this rate during the invasion.

"WHO ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU GETTING IN BETWEEN BLAKE AND ME?!" Adam roar at me, as he realizes his close and mid-range attacks are useless, then decide to see if he could absorb whatever is powering my invisible barrier with his semblance by rushing in to hit me with his [Shotgun/Scabbard] in [Scabbard Mode] in a replacement for his [Sword].

"Like I said before. I'm her lover." But, what I'm not saying is that I'm Blake's great lover of [Cooking] anything involved with [Tuna]. Pretty much-speaking nonsense to the guy while not really lying, but at the same time without speaking all the details about the whole lover thing.

"Also, the one she would do anything to get me to do stuff for her if you know what I mean." I smirk at the raging Adam, 'And I meant by [Tuna/Fish] since Blake did, in fact, provided me a set of the up to date volumes of Ninjas of Love for future handmade [Food] of mine she would request for me to make her sometime.' I thought dryly.

Blake's face turned even redder as she begins to think that maybe, not, that I'm in love with her, but quickly shook her head, knowing that I'm trying to make Adam mad, which I successfully did so, and to get Adam's attention away from her once she finally snap her mind back in place. Also, Blake shiver at the thought of getting my attention other than providing cooked meals, since she knows both Pyrrha and Shigure would cause her more harm compared to Adam if they find out about this.

Adam let out a battle roar and begin to slash me with his [Scabbard] while trying to use his semblance to absorb [Accelerator]'s [AIM Diffusion Field]. Honestly, I rather not test this experiment on rather if Adam could absorb it or not. Since it's another source of power solely belong to [Accelerator], that only gives me access to upon equipping him.

So with a single thought, I switched from [Accelerator] to [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]. And [The Fool's Curse] take into effect, which cause my battle lust to raise and a dark grin to appear on my face due to [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]'s excitement for finally being able to take some actions in a long absence of time after I rise to the level to take down my enemies without his help.

"Blake." I call for Blake's attention, drawing both hers and Adam's attention, if he wasn't already focused on me, "Here a little lesson from me to you. [Fear] is your enemy." I activate [Evil Smile], causing Adam to increase his attack speed, but at the cost of accuracy and luckily Blake can't see my face.

"As [Fear] itself shall bring forth good and the bad from within the people themselves. Got it memorized?" I didn't glance at Blake since that would be a stupid move if I let Adam disappear my sight while parrying away Adam's wild attacks.

As the two main paths for this world's future are met in this very moment, where Adam lives he shall lead the White Fang through dangerous methods that cause countless lives loss or this is the day of his downfall.