
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Cómic
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71 Chs

Chapter 34: The Choice Is Your!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 34: The Choice Is Your!

Days?: A New Ally or A New Enemy? Part 2

(Vale: Vale City: Unknown Abandon Warehouse)

"Well, are you going to start explaining to me about how you possess the Schnee family's semblance? Because I know for sure you don't look like a Schnee or related to one." Weiss narrow her eyes at me and completely dismissing the incident where she managed to use her [Glyphs] to summon an [Armored Knight] just a few minutes ago.

"First thing first, are you going to keep my secret from the others? Since I only revealed half part of my semblance. Only Pyrrha and Shigure know my complete semblance. Don't bother trying to get the answers from either of them. You know how they are." I stare back at Weiss, who looks like she would have argued about the part where she could have found out what is my semblance complete version instead of the half version, but once Weiss remembers what kind of people both Pyrrha and Shigure are.

Weiss knew she wouldn't get anything from them, if anything, she may end up ruining her relationships with three close friends of her. Not that she won't get the answer from the person himself since all she needed to do was to promise to never reveal this knowledge without the owner's permission.

"Fine. I promise on my life to never reveal what I learn from this night to anyone, but only to those that you had allowed knowing." Weiss made her vow of promise to never reveal my complete version of semblance; however, my trust in her for keeping the secret of the [Persona System] isn't that high, to begin with. As a result. I chose to make another lie go together with my existing lies I told beforehand.

"People say semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user, and the exception of your family." I begin to re-explain what everyone thinks about semblance is before I explain what my semblance. And the way Weiss looking at me, show how she already knows this and wanted me to split it out already.

"However, what I'm using isn't a semblance at all. In fact, I don't possess one or even have the chance to gain one." Which is true after all these years for me. I should be able to find out what my semblance is by now, but after all, the made up hypothesis I created with Shigure and Pyrrha's help. Nothing. Absolutely nothing happens.

I could have continued experimenting to find out what my semblance could be, but found out in the [Persona System]'s [Extra Feature] shows a special function to show me the status of my body, which is pretty much limited to a few information.

I was hoping for something like the Gamer ability's [Gamer's Body] or something similar to show me a list of stats for myself. Instead, what I got was the [Status Ailments] and a bit of random information.

What made me give up on finding my semblance is that my [Persona System] literally replaced it.

Of course, I'm not going to tell this to Weiss, "What I have is something different. Honestly, I don't know if this was something your family's semblance derived from."

Weiss looks at me with a confused look at first, then in shock near the end. I mean, who wouldn't after discovering that someone may or may not know the origin of something belongs to your family for who knows how long.

I look at Weiss as she quickly shook her head before level me with a glare, to show she waiting for me to continue then she would ask her questions at the end.

"Unlike your semblance that could summon your defeated foes to aid you with their strength. For me. I make a contract with [Spirits] from past, present, future, and even from other worlds to lend me their strength. In exchange for living within my very own soul, along with some [Spirits]' requests of their own included." I came up with a bullshit explanation, that even I find myself not believing it one bit.

Nonetheless, Weiss looks at me with a frown on her face, as she can't tell if this is true or not, but after seeing [Yatagarasu] with her very eyes and know that wasn't a grimm or any kind of animal she saw before. A crow she has seen before in books and in real life, but one with three legs? Not until she saw it tonight.

"Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Now, I think about it. That three-legged crow [Spirit] is what giving you the ability to similar to someone having [Wind Manipulation] as their semblance in some degree, right?" Weiss look at me if she was correct in assuming that [Yatagarasu] is a [Wind Spirit] I made contracted with to give me the power over the [Wind].

Seeing how Weiss is kind of accepting my bullshit of lies, I nod at her with a blank expression while ignoring the snickering of some of my [Persona].

"I see." Weiss stares at me with a suspicious look, as if she tries to come up with more facts about my so-called semblance. "So if what I could tell is that you're contracted with 5 [Spirits], right? Seeing how I watched you use [Earth], [Fire], [Wind], [Lightning], and [Water]."

"Actually, it's 6 with [Ice] being the sixth one." I said to Weiss, who look at me with a surprised look and I could tell she was thinking that my so-called [Spirits] of [Water Spirit] and [Wind Spirit] are used together to form [Ice].

"Okay, I have more questions to ask related to your [Spirits], but before that. How about telling me what you meant by my family's semblance could have been a derived from your semblance?" Weiss manages to stop herself from going too deep into my false semblance and instead of asking about her semblance, with a bit of hope she could find a way to make her semblance stronger.

"Well, it's mostly a hypothesis of mine. You know how your family's semblance summon the dead, I think, which you killed and gain the ability to summon it for a limit of time until your aura run out before it disappears. Mine is the same, but along with extra abilities instead of just letting them fight for my battle." I begin to explain what I'm pulling out of my ass and wing it, "So I thought mine is what your original semblance would be if it weren't for something to happen to your family in the past to make it your family's semblance into what it is right now."

"Does it look like I'm stupid to you?" Weiss looks at me with a blank look and tilts her head to the right to show how silly I'm being and I begin to doubt myself if Weiss caught on my bullshit lies.

I was about to say something, but Weiss cut me off, "My family's semblance isn't a derived from your semblance. If anything, your semblance could be a whole different version of mine. So don't you dare say it's the origin of my family's semblance, even when it doesn't look like you could summon more than one at a time."

I stare at Weiss with the same blank expression about how Weiss believes some of my bullshit lies and look proud enough to tell me what she truly thinks about my lies on my made up semblance being the origin of her family's semblance.

"Okay. Can we leave now? Or you need my help, summoning your [Armored Knight] again or something else?" I didn't feel like coming up with a counterargument when I'm just bullshitting my way out of telling her my [Persona System]. Shigure and Pyrrha are the only ones have knowledge about it, since I know them throughout my whole life. Well, this life of mine.

"Hmm." Weiss hummed to herself as she thought about it, "Let's continue. I want to be able to control what I summon instead of allowing them to run wild like before." Weiss took a few steps back away from me before she took her stance.

"You know...you could have asked me to help you out instead of outright attacking me." I said dryly, causing Weiss to make a fake cough to her free hand and with her cheeks turn a bit pink before she glare at me.

"And I would have if you didn't tell me about your semblance in the first place. I honestly thought I had to be in a tough battle to help me out. That's what usually happens when I asked for Momoyo's help. I improve much at a faster rate, thanks to sparring with Momoyo." Weiss said to me, with a frown on her face, "Now, come on. I'll wait for you to summon your [Wind Spirit] before I try summoning again."

I let out a tired sigh, but did what I was asked and place [Evoker] against my head. I ignore Weiss' narrowing her eyes at me, showing she still a bit skeptic about my false semblance. Pretty sure my [Evoker] gave it away since what kind of semblance would require someone shooting themselves to get it to work, but she knew everyone has their secret and not everyone is willing to reveal that secret.

next day*

Days?: Time Wait For No One!

(Vale: Vale City)

"Come on, Enma. Please?!" Yukiko pleads me in the middle of the street while being dragged by me, as she continues to hold her grip on my left expose forearm. Since I'm not wearing my [Arcana Uniform] right now.

"Yukiko." I said calmly, causing Yukiko to stop for a moment to see what I'm about to say and in the hope that maybe the next I'm going to say would be the exact thing she wanted this whole time.

"No." I shook Yukiko's hands off me, then resumed walking towards back the same Abandon Warehouse Weiss and I used last night, for Weiss' summoning training.

"Aww, come on! Isn't just a piece of cloth? I know it's our uniform, but can't all of us get our own?" Yukiko tries to persuade me to give her an [Arcana Uniform] for the past 2 hours now.

"Nope. Didn't Momoyo explain to you about what's so special about them in the first place? And the reason why I don't give it away like some fast foods. Not including the amount of the price I have to pay to get the materials to make it, which isn't cheap too." I carefully explain to Yukiko why my answer is still no and wonder if she was in La the La La land while speaking with Momoyo yesterday.

"Ehehehehe~" Yukiko giggle nervously and look away, "I may have been too distracted by how smooth it felt. And Momoyo was maybe irritated at my lack of attention and decided to send me a text message, of all the rules and other stuff. Including how to get the uniform. But, Momoyo didn't say anything about how special the uniform is though." Yukiko look confused near the end, since if what I said to her a few seconds ago about how the [Arcana Uniform] is more than just a simple [Haori], then Momoyo may not have including that little fact in her text.

"I see. Which is a bit weird for Momoyo. Since I have the same problem as you for lack of attention span." I said to the surprise Yukiko, who find out there another person with the same problem as her standing next to her.

"I was wondering why Momoyo didn't find it much more annoying than usual when she ever visits me." Yukiko sounds a bit happier, but then sad the next second as she lowers her head in sadness. She thought her cousin, who she sees as an older sister-figure finally put more effort to wait for her to stop daydreaming.

"Don't worry about Momoyo. She just frustrated these days right now." I said to Yukiko before she gets depressed, "If it makes you feel better. Momoyo always talks about you more than once as her favorite cousin." This caused Yukiko's head to snap up to see me giving her a small smile.

"I'm guessing the reason why you wanted me to give you a uniform so early. Is because you idolize Momoyo in somewhat way and wanted to follow in her footstep?" I tried to see if I'm right or not after listening to Momoyo talking about this unknown cousin of her a few times and found out it was Yukiko, who is Momoyo's favorite cousin.

Yukiko blinks at me a few times, "Well, you're somewhat correct, but not completely. At least I know I'm not the only one who would get Momoyo's mad for spacing out on her. Thank you, Enma. I thought Momoyo begin to hate me for daydreaming too much yesterday. I just have to cheer her up during her stay here!" Yukiko raises her right fist to her chest with a smile filled with determined to help her cousin be stress-free during her stay in Vale Kingdom.

"Right." I said dryly while looking a little nervous from seeing Yukiko's emotions switch an opposite turn in a matter of seconds.

Yukiko continues to follow me on my walk to meet up with Weiss, along with Shigure and Pyrrha there to help out as well. After finding out that Weiss discover, or more like I revealed to her, which made Shigure and Pyrrha pay even more attention to Weiss just in case. This caused Weiss to be a bit nervous from this action of both Shigure and Pyrrha.

"You're not going to find Momoyo to cheer her up or something?" I ask Yukiko while I continue to ignore Yukiko's maid, Narberal, trying to drill a hole through the back of my head with that intense glare of hers I have felt non-stop now.

'I wonder if I should introduce Narberal to Walter.' I've already begun imagining those two meetings one of another and find myself sweatdrop at my image being messed up thanks to my [Persona] changing it without my permission.

I let out a sigh and gave up trying to come up with a mental image of what happens if Narberal meets up with Walter. I glance to my left to see Yukiko continue to explain why she still follows me, with her maid, for this whole time. But, I can't help myself tuning out her voice at the moment.

"Nope. I would have if I didn't see her so pump for some reason and didn't want to ruin her mood for the day." Yukiko said cheerfully, with a bright smile on her face.

"Which you decided to bug me for who knows how long." I said dully, causing Yukiko to giggle at me while I could feel Narberal's smirking behind my back.

"So I decided to bug you, even if I wanted to get the uniform much earlier. But, I won't make it my top priority now. After what you said to me." Yukiko grin at me as repeat the first few words I said to her, then slow down to speak with her maid, but continue to follow me nonetheless.

I let out a tired sigh, then take out my scroll to text Weiss about my current situation. This way, Weiss won't snap at me for not being able to use [Yatagarasu] to help her out in her summoning training.

"If you two are going to follow me. Then hurry, time is money and I'm not wasting it." I said to both Yukiko and Narberal as I begin to speed up a little, causing them to quickly follow my lead.

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Unknown Abandon Warehouse)

"I'm here! And I bring guests! Two of them if you wanted to know the exact number!" I shouted out loud once we enter the building, causing those inside to wince at my loud voice.

"Enma. Why are you shouting?" I could hear the annoyance in Weiss' voice when she questions me for shouting for no reason.

"Had to do something to relieve me of my stress." I said in a calm tone, causing everyone to look at me weirdly, excluding Yukiko and Narberal since they know why I was stressed out.

"Anyway, where Pyrrha? I thought she wanted to join us to help you out?" I ask Weiss, as I walk over to both Weiss and Shigure, with Yukiko and her maid following me behind. I could feel the excitement oozing out of Yukiko behind me from finding out her favorite cereal mascot is coming here and she gets to meet her.

"Is that Momoyo's cousin? And why she shaking like she cold?" Weiss completely ignores my question and ask of her own, since she is a little weird out from looking at Yukiko while Narberal letting out a sigh.

"Yukiko-sama. Please control yourself. A lady of your statue shouldn't be showing such a shameful display in front of people." Narberal said to Yukiko before she looks in my direction, "Even if some of them is a coward; nonetheless, please calm down at least. Before someone says something."

I ignore both Shigure and Weiss' questionable looks in my direction from hearing Narberal comments aiming at me. As I take out my scroll to message Pyrrha on where she is and got a response back telling me she be there soon. Then put away my scroll as I look at Narberal.

"Well, seeing how only Yukiko is the only one who joined our group. Sorry Narberal, but you have to leave. If you want; you could just stay a few blocks away from and wait for Yukiko to be ready to leave. One of us would escort her to you." I said to Narberal, who narrowed her eyes at me while the rest look at me with a surprised looks.

Yukiko because she thought her maid could stay with her, but remember she was the only one who accepted on joining the Arcana while her maid didn't mention a word about joining as well.

Both Shigure and Weiss on the hand, figure out there another spy among us or a potential spy.

With that said, Narberal knew she had only two choices in front of her to pick. Neither one is good for her. Either join and have a high risk of getting killed if she tries to release a single information belong to the Arcana group, or leave this place and wait for her Mistress to be ready to come Home. But, still, have the chance of someone nearby spying on her to make sure she doesn't try to contact someone or have the chance to reach her scroll.

"I see." Narberal closes her eyes; as she opens them to look at me with a blank look before she looks at Shigure and Weiss for a few seconds to see what they think and find no help at all.

"Uh, Enma. Are you sure Narberal can't stay? I know she, not a member, but I promise you she could be trusted. I know her for years and trust her with my life." Yukiko tries to persuade me to allow a non-member to stay during a training session between Arcana members.

"Let me put it this way." I share a look with both Shigure and Weiss, then look back at Yukiko. "We don't even trust you and your maid, even if you're Momoyo's cousin."

This shocked Yukiko since she thought by meeting me would lead to her having more friends, including spending more time with Momoyo, now that she joined the Arcana group.

Narberal glare at me, but held back from speaking since she knew what I said is trust, with us knowing each other less than a day.

"It's okay...you could...quit...anytime...you want." Shigure tries to comfort Yukiko, which didn't work one bit when Yukiko begin to shake in [Fear]. This caused Weiss to let out a sigh since Shigure's helping wasn't doing any good to poor Yukiko. Even Narberal look like she one second away from attacking Shigure for her comment.

"Shigure. You forgot that even if our new member her decided to quit. We would still have to monitor her in order to make sure she doesn't reveal our identity as a member of the Arcana group." Weiss reminds Shigure about this little fact before she levels a glare at both Yukiko and Narberal. "Plus, Momoyo's family isn't really completely ally to our group. As only Momoyo and a selected few she knows are an ally of ours."

This snap Yukiko out of her shock once she heard Momoyo's name, "I can be trusted. After all, Momoyo did introduce me to Enma here last night. If that doesn't show how trustworthy I am, then I guess you guys have to put in more resource into monitoring me."

I could tell Weiss hit one of Yukiko's sore spots and it happens to be related to Momoyo's trusts. All Weiss did was raise her left eyebrow at Yukiko, who calmly spoke out her thoughts and glaring at Weiss for commenting about the thought of her betraying her cousin.

"I believe her." Shigure said to Weiss, causing Yukiko to blink at Shigure in surprise, not a few seconds after she is done speaking out her thoughts while Narberal begins to find this situation getting worse for her.

"Um. Thanks? Was this one of the tests Momoyo told me about?" Yukiko asks us, with a hint of excitement in her voice if she passed it or not.

"Nope." I instantly rejected Yukiko's idea of thinking this was all a test. "So, Narberal. Pick. Stay and join or leave and wait for Yukiko or Yukiko could quit instead, but be under watch until we leave the Vale Kingdom."

"And do please chose in a minute or two. Not all of us have free time during the Vytal Festival tournament going on right now." Weiss looks like her patience isn't strong today, not like I blame her since a few hours from now. It would be her turn to enter the doubles round, with Yang as her partner against the other team.

Right before either Yukiko or Narberal could respond to Weiss, when the door next to the gate behind us is open, where we see Pyrrha entering and closing the door behind her.

"Hello again!" Pyrrha greets everyone with a polite smile, which pretty much turns into her default expression after having to put up a polite smile every single day since she won the Mistral Regional Tournament four years in a row.

"Oh my gosh! It's Pyrrha!" Yukiko shrieks in excitement while shaking her maid as she continues to stare at the uncomfortable and confused Pyrrha, who took a step back in surprise at the sudden shouting out of nowhere.

"I could see that, Yukiko-sama." Narberal replied in a dull tone, as she looks at Pyrrha, with critical eyes; well, she would have if she wasn't being shaken like a rag doll by her Mistress.

"Nice to meet you?" Pyrrha greets them, as she glances over at us with eyes filled with confusion and wonder who they are; furthermore, she is a little wary of Yukiko since she could easily tell Yukiko is a big fan of her.

"It's good to meet you in person, Pyrrha-GAH!" Yukiko quickly rushes over to Pyrrha to shake Pyrrha's hand, but end up with Pyrrha grabbing Yukiko by the shirt and do a one hand shoulder throw. Sending a screaming Yukiko across the area; however, luckily Narberal was here to rescue her Mistress as her body cover in an electrical current; boosting her base of speed, and appear right below the flying screaming Yukiko and catching her Mistress.

Yukiko looks at Pyrrha, with a shocked look as she breathes heavily from getting thrown by her favorite cereal mascot model before she knew what was going on by the time her mind caught up. She was already flying and almost crash into the ground if it wasn't for her maid to be there to catch her.

"I'm sorry!" Pyrrha cried out, as her body moves on instinct alone when Yukiko charged at her for no reason. Also, this happened to her before in the past with her hardcore fans, causing a shiver go down her back from this memory alone.

"I'm okay!" Yukiko shouted back to show she knew this was her fault for getting overly excited and didn't think about her action, as she gets back on her feet thanks to her maid's help.

Pyrrha glance at me with a strained smile, waiting for me to explain to her why one of her hardcore fans is here among us, with their maid as well. I helplessly shrug my shoulders at her, then point at Narberal with my eyes real quick in the hope she gets my secret mental message that the maid is the main problem at the moment.

Sadly, this is one of the rare moments where Pyrrha didn't get the complete mental message as she thought I was looking at Yukiko and not at Narberal. Too bad, my mental message was received is misunderstood. It's a good thing, Pyrrha didn't say anything else and keep quiet until she gets the full answer later.

'Why didn't I messaged Pyrrha about Yukiko beforehand?' I thought to myself, then look back at Yukiko, who got back her self-control and calmly walk over to Pyrrha to explain her reason why she so excited to meet in person. 'Right. I was too busy tuning out Yukiko's begging for one of the [Arcana Uniform] at the time and forgot to include a gist about Yukiko, along with her maid to Pyrrha when I messaged a few minutes ago.'

Ignoring the glaring maid, that sending hateful stares at us twin Nikos. Shigure looks like she wanted to say something, but rethink about what she was about to say and kept her mouth shut for a bit longer.

"Okay, you meet Pyrrha. Now, could you please choose your choices? We have a busy schedule today and I know you understand how one's schedule shouldn't be interrupted." Weiss said to Yukiko but was looking at Yukiko's maid when she is speaking.

Pyrrha blinks in a confusion and wonders what's going on, before she took out her scroll to read a text message someone just sent to her, which happens to be Shigure next to me, with her scroll out as well to explain to my little sister what happened so far before she arrives.

"You know what? How about that sparring match you wanted yesterday? If I win. You have to join and never reveal anything without our permission. But, if you win. You could stay, but still under watch." I offer Narberal her way out before she takes too long to pick and may end up getting Weiss mad for wasting so much of her valuable time.

All the girls look at me with a surprised look on their faces for asking for such a thing; well, Yukiko more than the rest since they know the kind of person I am.

Narberal silently stares at me for a few seconds before she nods at me, accepting my offer on sparring against. After all, she wanted to spar against me last night. Now she got her chance to do so right now.

"Really, Enma? I thought it the training session was to help me check my progress before my match come up later?" Weiss asks me dryly, as she places her hands on her hip and looks at me with a deadpan expression.

"Yup. May as well make this quick or we'll be here until it's time for your match about to begin and we pretty much wasted time waiting on Narberal over here to decide. So we're going to decide right now." I said to Weiss before I walk to the center of the area, with Narberal following behind me.

"Come on Narberal! Win this!" Yukiko cheers for her maid, causing Shigure and Pyrrha to narrow their eyes at her, but keep their mouths shut in the case of saying something rude to Yukiko.

"You know what? Whatever. May as well take some notes on the fight." Weiss thought out loud, but what neither Yukiko and Narberal don't know is that. This was part of our strategy against unknown variables decides on entering anything related to us that they're not invited to.

So pretty much either Weiss or Izaya, whichever is present would study the unknown variables on what their strong points and weak points we could use against them if needed. If neither Weiss or Izaya are present, then it would go to anyone who speaks up first among us.

"Think...she's good?" Shigure whispers to Pyrrha while trying to ignore Yukiko's cheering. Pyrrha just shrugged her shoulders, since she doesn't know a single thing about Narberal beside being Yukiko's maid.

"Decent at least. If Enma wants to recruit her into our group, along with Yukiko." Weiss gave her input, as she watches the match between her friend and maybe another new member about to begin.

"You can do it, Narberal! Show them you have the strength to join the Arcana!" Yukiko shouts to her maid and accidentally end up shouting a word she not suppose to. As Shigure appears next to Yukiko and covers her mouth with a hand.

"Please don't...shout our...group's name." Shigure said to the surprised Yukiko, who slowly nod at Shigure before her mouth is no longer cover.

"Sorry." Yukiko knew she was lucky there no one nearby this Abandon Warehouse right now or she would end up breaking one of the main rules of our group, which was not shouting the word Arcana in a public area. Luckily, this isn't a public area so Yukiko is safe and just got a warning instead of a punishment.

"Okay, Enma! You can begin anytime!" Weiss shout to me, as she and the others are standing next to the wall, with a few crates they could use as temporary seats.

I nod at them, then look at Narberal in front of me as she calmly stares at me without speaking a single word this whole time now.

'This is going to be a good fight.' I thought with a bit of excitement of facing against someone like Narberal and curious if she anything like her canon version.

"Actually." Shigure spoke out before either Narberal or I could do anything, causing everyone to look at her. "I would...like to face...her." Shigure walks towards the center of the Warehouse.

I shrug my shoulders, "Sure. It doesn't have to be me. After all, I got nothing to prove." I send a grin to Narberal after I said the last part. I could tell Narberal is annoyed and frustrated that I won't be the one facing, but don't have a choice in the matter on whom she has to face. She just has to win to stay.

"Well, Shigure. It's all up to you." I said to my fiancee, who nods at me before she draws out her [Nodachi] from her back. "Make sure you get her to reveal enough for us to analyze her [Skill]." I whisper to Shigure before I walk over to Pyrrha, Weiss, and Yukiko. And I didn't need to hear or see any response from Shigure as I knew heard me.

Omake: You Got A Problem!

In the middle of the night, where all the shady stuff appear in the City of Vale. As criminals appear outside the night streets and begin their route of hunting, trading, and mating. However, we shall focus on one of those trading deal just happen to be inside a familiar famous academy in the Vale Kingdom. Between two people hidden in the shadow, where one is the seller and the other is the buyer.

"Did you bring the stuff?" The Buyer asks the Seller while glancing around the area around them to make sure no one is nearby to spy on them.

"Of course, I did. But, the thing is. Did you bring what we agreed on?" The Seller answer casual, then send back a question of their own. Anybody worth their salt would know to never show if they bring out their good until the buyer bring out what is being exchanged first.

The Buyer scoff at the Seller, "You know I always do. Now. Before the others decide to find me again. Hurry up and take it out. I am in the need to get my fix." The Seller could easily tell the Buyer has already become addicted to their goods.

"Now calm down. I just need to see it first. Can't have any problems show up. We both know there is a chance someone switched out your stuff to something else to stop you from...purchasing my goods." The Seller raises both their hands up to stop the Buyer from doing anything they may regret and kindly ask to show them the [Item] to be exchanged for their good.

The Buyer glare at the Seller for thinking they would try to scam them, even if the thoughts had appeared occasionally, but knew the Seller isn't someone you could mess with.

Nonetheless, the Buyer slowly reaches behind their back and hand it over to the Seller, which they check the [Item] for a few minutes, causing the Buyer to become nervous by the second and once a while continues looking over their shoulders as if someone would appear there right after they look away.

"Okay. Nothing out of the ordinary. This is real and not a fake copy." The Seller finds the [Item] is real and nothing being conned out of their goods. "Alright. Here. As promised." The Seller put away the [Item], then bring out a small container that could barely fit a [Sandwich].

The Buyer quickly snatches the small container and carefully open the lid just a crack to check inside if it's there or not. The Buyer let out a blissful sigh to find out it's there and the smell was heavenly.


As the light came on, revealing the Seller and Buyer to the world. With a shadow figure appear in front of the door and slowly walk inside the place in a threatening manner.

"Blake! Hand over that [Tuna Sandwich]! You need to stop!" The Buyer, which happens to be Blake Belladonna, the cat faunus, and her partner, Yang Xiao-Long happen to appear right at the very moment she got her [Tuna Sandwich].

"You'll never take away my precious!" Blake shouts at her partner, as she shut the lid on her small container and quickly run off, with Yang hot on her tail.

"Damn it, Enma! Why you continue to give in Blake's demand on [Cooking] anything she wanted that contain [Tuna] in it?! You know how obsessed she is with them! We just got her to stop a week ago!" Yang shouted at the Seller, who happen to be Enma Nikos the older twin of Pyrrha Nikos. And the same person, who continue to make deals with Blake for [Cooking] anything included with [Tuna].

"Hey, I need the next volume of the Ninjas of Love series. Shigure has been dying to read it and only Blake managed to get one before the rest is taken by others." Enma defended himself as he pointed out that he only doing this for his fiancee and a small excitement that Shigure would try what in the new volume with him later.

"AH! You still on with that?! Get over it! And Blake, stop running and hand it over! The doctor said you need to cut off the [Tuna]!" Yang growl at Enma as she continues to chase Blake around the Dining Hall, with Blake with cat-like agility to jump around the place and with each jump. Blake would take a bite of her [Tuna Sandwich].

"No! Leave me alone to enjoy myself!" Blake cried out after she took her another bite, with a delighted look on her face as she let the flavors of her [Tuna Sandwich] dancing inside her mouth.

Sadly, each time she took a bite. It took a few seconds longer to get out of her state of pleasure and with Yang almost catching her but managed to still get away just by a second sooner with the help of her semblance. Much to the Yang's annoyance at this.

"You got a problem, Blake!" Yang made a remark, as she continues to chase after her partner while Enma walks away to deliver the new volume of Ninjas of Love to his lovely fiancee and at the same time ignoring what's going on behind his back.