
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
71 Chs

Chapter 29: All My Hate!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 29: All My Hate!

few days later*

Days?: Ordinary Day For Some People

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Library)

"So why aren't you helping out with Jaune's training at the moment?" Momoyo asks Pyrrha in a whisper tone lean on her chair; watching her friends reading their books at the moment.

Pyrrha steadily puts down her book to respond, "He too busy trying to find a date for the incoming dance." Everyone could tell Pyrrha is bemused at this action belong to Jaune. When he is wasting time with something like finding a date to the dance; he could be spending it on improving himself instead and could have just asked a friend to dance with.

"I'm being forced against my will to come to this dance." Izaya gave his input, "Weiss says how it's required for me to attend in order to stop anyone from trying to get her to dance with them or something."

"Suck to be you." Momoyo said dryly, "Also, won't Ironwood be at the dance as well? Won't he try to capture you if he sees you with Weiss?"

Izaya narrow his eyes at Momoyo, but wasn't really glaring at Momoyo and more of glaring off to spare like he glaring at Ironwood himself is in front of him.

"Ironwood wouldn't dare unless he wants to get Ozpin on his case. After all, thanks to my family offer Ozpin some supplies as an exchange for not trying to capture me." Izaya lay his head on the desk while answering Momoyo's question.

"Huh. I guess that solves my unspoken question about why some of us could easily enter Beacon Academy like we're students of this place." Momoyo thought out loud, "Oh yeah, how about you, Pyrrha, got any boy on your mind for your date for the dance?"

Pyrrha blush a little and didn't meet Momoyo's eyes as she quickly put her book in front of her face, even if Momoyo could still see her, but at least she won't be able to see Momoyo instead and that helps a little bit at least.

"Um...ah! Where Em and Shigure?" Pyrrha quickly came up with a topic to switch instead of answering Momoyo's question about who the lucky guy she has a crush on.

Momoyo pointed behind her, "Sucking each other face off like usual when they in the mood." Which caused almost all of us to sigh in annoyance, Izaya mostly than the rest.

If I wasn't too busy tongue kissing Shigure; I would've noticed Pyrrha glaring at us with a pink hue on her checks but didn't stop us since Shigure and I are together. Also, Pyrrha had to get used to this with the many times she found her brother and Shigure kissing each other, with a few times a little bit of touching as well, in many places.

The main cause for this to happen was because Shigure got these ideas from Blake's book: Ninjas of Love. She kept for a few days before returning it back to its owner and caused Pyrrha to be very shy for a couple of days after Shigure lend it to Pyrrha for a few minutes.

And Shigure wanted to try some of the things happen in the book, but end up only to the stage of kissing before we could even take our clothes off, thanks to multiple outside forces trying to stop us.

Luckily, Shigure loves the feeling of kissing and have enough willpower to stop right there until we get the right moment for our first special time together. Since it looks like our friends won't allow it or we're too busy with other things that we required to do so.

So we just have to do with the kissing only; well, sometimes with foreplay is involved, we tend to get excited in those days.

Pretty much, I'm providing Blake any kind of [Tuna] related dishes as a thanking gift for getting Shigure more interesting in the opposite sex. And yesterday, Blake even got Shigure a copy of her own Ninjas of Love and the next volume as well in order to bribe Shigure to ask me to make more food for her. Not like I'm complaining.

"Man, after Shigure got that book. She has been sticking to Enma even more than usual." Momoyo glance behind her back, then look back at Pyrrha, who still staring at Shigure and me making out with each other for a few minutes now.

"Could you blame her? She already 17 years old and now of all time she begins to get interested in the opposite sex." Izaya replied with amusement, "I'm thinking Pyrrha over here is imaging kissing her crush as we speak."

"Wah?! I-I-I don't kn-now what you are talking about. Excuse me, I have a class to go to." Pyrrha's face turns bright red before she excuses herself in order to make an escape or else both Izaya and Momoyo would tease her even more. As Pyrrha quickly gather all her stuff before she speeds walk out of the Library.

I stop to regain my breath while Shigure pouts at me for stopping; Shigure didn't look like she minds one bit and took out her copy of Ninjas of Love to continue where she left off.

"Did you have to tease her?" Momoyo stares at Izaya with a smirk, to show she is also amused by the way Pyrrha acted.

"I see the chance and I took it." Izaya answer then gets up from his seat before he walks away, "Anyway, I got to meet up with Weiss. Good luck on finding a date, Momoyo."

Momoyo scowls at Izaya for reminding her how she has to find a date for the dance, but the thing is that she doesn't have to worry about finding when countless guys rush over to ask her. The problem is the way the guys look at her body and she is disgusted.

"Are you two going...never mind." Momoyo was about to snap at Shigure and I since we're the only one left beside Momoyo in the area. Only to discover, to find her friends stopped kissing each other already without her notice.

"Hmm...so...this...what is...next." Both Momoyo and I heard Shigure mumble to herself as she continues reading her book.

"Okay then. Let head to Pyrrha's combat class. I think it around half an hour from now when it will start. And I managed to get Ozpin to allow me to face a few students for a match." Momoyo didn't accept a no for an answer and is already dragging both Shigure and I before we could even say anything.

few hours later*

(Vale: Vale City: Unknown Park)

After Momoyo managed to drag both Shigure and me to Glynda's classroom, where we watched a few matches between students of Beacon and students from the different Academy came to Beacon for the Vytal Festival Tournament.

And finally, we finished watching Pyrrha single-handed defeat team CRDL by herself without any of her team members' help.

Which Glynda congrats Pyrrha's performance, then inform the whole classroom about how we have enough time for one more sparring match as she looks around at the observing students.

Now, this is the part in canon where Glynda would call out on Blake, then Mercury would volunteer in Blake's place. This didn't happen at all and Glynda didn't once look at Blake and Mercury thinking about it before he raises his hand.

However, Momoyo didn't look like she wants to watch a fight but to be a participant in the sparring match and replaced Pyrrha's spot once Mercury volunteer himself to face against Pyrrha. It's just too bad Momoyo is present at the time and Pyrrha knew Momoyo's characteristic that she will have her revenge if Pyrrha decides to not allow this.

The fight, if it could be called one, was over in a single minute where Momoyo defeats Mercury and that was Momoyo holding back half of her strength, but sadly, wasn't enough to make the match last longer since Momoyo literally punched Mercury through a wall. Leading Mercury's aura only a sliver away from being completely emptied and end up out cold afterward.

I was pretty sure Glynda knew this would happen since it already happens a few times when Momoyo wanted in the sparring matches against the students belong to Beacon or another academy. This caused rumors about Momoyo, which dissolved after discovering who Momoyo is and made Momoyo's frustrated once she realizes there weren't any strong opponents among the students after finding out most of them are too intimidated by Momoyo's reputation to even dare come near her.

While those that tried to test their luck on Momoyo, but not towards winning, but a chance to get a feeling or two of Momoyo's body. Of course, Momoyo finds this amusing and annoyed towards the male students; however, once Momoyo faced a female opponent.

It became a flirting game for Momoyo to see if she could get her opponent to quit without having to fight her unless she deems them strong enough to face her without being defeated with a few attacks from her, even when she held back most of the time.

I didn't feel like watching Momoyo facing against students from different kingdoms and walk out of the classroom, with Shigure following after me.

Afterward, we just walk around Vale to see if anything catches our interest. Once it started getting dark. We arrived at the same park where we first met with both team RWBY and JNPR.

Where we enjoy each other company by sitting on a good sturdy branch, that could hold up both our body' weight.

So far, we continue to stare at the broken moon while cuddling in the comfort of each others presence. I made sure to equip [Accelerator] to repel the cold wind of the night around our little space.

Neither Shigure and I spoke to each other this whole time. Not like we needed to as we known each other long enough to understand one of another without speaking at all.

My eyes narrow and gain a glint of steel, as I turn to my right while activating [Eagle Vision] to find out who was spying on us a second ago.

Sadly, much to my disappointment. The person who was hiding had already escaped my [Eagle Vision]'s range before I could find who they are and it was pretty much on pure luck I managed to even sense their location before they escaped.

"Did you managed to see the appearance of our spy?" I ask Shigure while looking around the area, but nothing besides the bugs around us.

"Yes, the...person...is female...and...have...pink...and...brown hair...that's all...I could...see...sorry." Shigure's [Detection] ability is much higher than mine and I have [Eagle Vision], but then again, it takes time to deploy while Shigure only needs a second or less to detect the spy. I wasn't that surprised to find out that Neo of all person was spying on us.

"Well, no use worrying about that person. Let's enjoy ourselves just a bit more." I said to Shigure and held her a bit closer. Shigure didn't say anything to me and rest her head on my shoulder as she enjoys watching the broken moon with me for the rest of the night.

Days?: Dance or Fight or Neither?

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Temporary Dance Building)

"You do realize someone is currently trying to hack into the Cross Continental Transmit System Tower, right?" Izaya asks me, as he looks at his scroll with a boredom expression.

"And how do you know this?" I slowly turn my head to my friend, who didn't look up from his scroll.

"I have my ways." Izaya continues to speak in a casual tone and finally took his eyes off his scroll once he heard Weiss called for him to come down to dance with her.

I didn't get the chance to ask Izaya if he had hacked into the Beacon Academy's database to see through the hidden spy cameras when Izaya left to dance with his fiancee.

'Well, since Pyrrha is still here at Beacon Academy. I may as well help out by stopping Cinder, I guess.' I thought dryly, as I slowly blend in with the surroundings and once my [Eagle Vision] shows me no one is paying attention to me at all, including the hidden cameras in this Dance Building. Where I begin to sneak off without letting anyone, but a selected few, know I disappeared from the Dance Building.

However, before I could. I heard something that sends rage throughout my body. I quickly turn around and found a group of students making fun of Shigure because of the way she keeps on pausing in her sentence and the way she dresses for the dance.

Now, usually, this is where Shigure would attack them if they were somewhere other than here, where everyone, including the teachers that could and will take her down for attacking students belong to their academies while she isn't even a student, to begin with.

From just seeing this alone without any teachers stopping this group of students from making fun of Shigure is making my blood boil.

Of course, I could have blamed this on my friends too for not helping Shigure, but I can't. Izaya is busy dancing with Weiss and the other couples around them are blocking their views of Shigure.

Momoyo had a group of students, mostly girls, that are talking to her and also blocking her view as well, with those students surrounding her.

Pyrrha on the hand is currently laughing at Jaune, who wearing a white dress for some reason I can't remember why in canon and I honestly don't want to know anyway.

So my friends and little sister are not at fault, but the teachers of these students that just stand there and watch like there isn't anything wrong with this picture.

I abandon my plan of stopping Cinder from implanting the virus and walk over to Shigure.

Didn't even take me a minute to reach them and stand in front of the surprise Shigure as everyone nearby glance over us to see what's going on.

'Once again. Beacon Academy's staffs don't stop bullying. Didn't stop faunus from being bullied and now it's human as well. Well, this is what Beacon mention about equality. Equality in bullying without getting help. Then again, this is a combat school too.' I send a glare towards those staff members that choose to do nothing but watch.

Not even bother to listen to this group of students in front of me, whose verbal bully my fiancee. As I activate [Evil Smile], sending terror throughout everyone's bodies just by looking at my smile.

[Evil Smile]:

Active Effect: Inflicts [Fear] to all targets by the sight of the user's smile.

Type: Active

Target: Multiple

Rank: Tier 2: Target (Require using [Upgrade] to enter next Rank)

Cost: Vary, lowest cost of [D-]: 4%(80AP:Aura Point) Aura Unit Level per second

At first, when I got this [Debuff Magic], I didn't know why the [Evil Smile] had a minimum [Cost] until I tested it out on someone back then by injecting more aura into [Evil Smile]. Well, in some cases a few heart attacks were the result, depending on the target and the amount of aura I had to waste.

So it's not surprising that when everyone is frozen in their spots, well, those that are close enough to see me with my [Evil Smile] activated.

Now is the best time to make a good comeback towards these students for daring to bully my future wife, but I suck at that and decided to avenge Shigure by getting them back later in the future, or just after this dance when the teachers are gone.

Anyone could tell I'm very mad right now and they couldn't even speak up without stuttering too much that no one could tell what they're saying. Furthermore, the feeling of [Fear] begins to grow as [Evil Smile] increase its effect of inflicting more [Fear] by increase my aura output into this [Debuff Magic].

I stop using [Evil Smile] once Shigure let me know that it's enough by gently holding my left hand with both of her hands as she looks at me with a small smile, to show how happy that I came to her rescue. Even when she could take care of it on her own with ease.

Shigure didn't need to ask me anything and just pull me away from everyone's sights, but not before I send them another [Evil Smile] for a few seconds to scare them silly, including the teachers that didn't do a thing to help.

Though, I could have sworn Ozpin was looking at me as if he knew something about me that no one but my group should know at all.

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus)

"Are you okay, Shigure?" I quietly ask her, as she pulls me outside of the Dance Building and outside with the smell of cool fresh air of the night.

Shigure nods her head, "I'm fine...thank you." Then hug me, which I return and a few seconds later. We separate each other. This gives me a good view of Shigure's dress and I can figure out why some of those students targeted Shigure out of the others in the Dance Building.

Because only Shigure is the one wearing a red kimono that is knee length with a slit up to the side; it's decorated with a light floral pattern. She pair's a obi that is light colored with polka dots, sock, and sandals with the kimono. Also, Shigure let her hair down as well.

Out of everyone, Shigure is the only dress like this and from what Momoyo told me a few days back, that it is Shigure's Mother who sent this for Shigure to wear for the dance. And I have to thank her for this, because how beautiful Shigure is right now.

"Want me to get the others to come with us to Vale or just us alone?" I ask Shigure while continue to keep my guard up with [Advanced Detection Mastery] in the case of someone trying to eavesdrop on us. Of course, Shigure could easily detect anyone hidden in the background with ease.

I'm pretty much doing this in a way for me to be prepared for a fight if needed.

Shigure tilts her head to the side as she continues to look at me with her expressionless face, then glanced back at the building being used for the dance and back to me.

"Just us...alone." Shigure smile at me, then begins to lead me towards somewhere around the area.

I got a small text from Izaya and Momoyo, which I quickly replied with a few words when I notice where Shigure is taking me and saw the look on Shigure's face that I begin to always remember for the past few days now. Because that is the face that Shigure is planning for our fun time, even if we're outside in the open.

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Unknown Garden)

It didn't even take long before Shigure and I reached the same spot we mostly used for us to experiment, something I love to do, for the past few days when no one is looking for us.

Quickly, I took out two [Item] that I made recently just for this kind of situation and activate them right away.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: Soundless Field Talisman: 30 Meters

Durability: 100%/100% (1% per 5 minute usage time)

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: D++

Value: 1000 System Point

Description: A [Talisman] that contain magical properties within, where the possessor only require to place this [Talisman] onto any surface to activate it and everything inside the field of the [Talisman]'s effect takes place would become soundless towards the outside of the [Talisman]'s range. Also, just by taking the [Talisman] off the surface that was placed on. Will deactivate the [Talisman]'s effect and could be reused later if possible.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: Avoid Field Talisman: 30 Meters

Durability: 100%/100% (1% per 5 minute usage time)

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: D+++

Value: 2000 System Point

Description: A [Talisman] that contain magical properties within, where the possessor only require to place this [Talisman] onto any surface to activate it and everything inside the field of the [Talisman]'s effect takes place would force anything to avoid it. But, a few could overcome this effect if strong enough. Also, just by taking the [Talisman] off the surface that was placed on. Will deactivate the [Talisman]'s effect and could be reused later if possible.

Of course, these two [Talisman] would be very helpful in some battles. And this incoming battle is required both of these [Talisman] right away.

(Light Lemon: Skip This If You Want)

Once Shigure watches me in the silence of placing these two [Talisman], then this is where Shigure begins with taking off her obi and allow me to see more skin than I usually do.

However, Shigure didn't allow her kimono to drop and left it on while allowing me to see her wearing a pink triangle bra and thong lingerie set. Instead of taking those off herself; Shigure slowly walks over to me and gently push me to the ground before she straddles on me, then kiss me on the lip.

'Not going to lie. But, I'm sooooo glad that it Shigure of all people, who is my fiancee.' I begin my first battle of tongues with Shigure and whoever win or lose doesn't matter to me one bit at all. I'm just happy to have one with Shigure.

Both Shigure and I stop for a moment to catch our breath while we look at each other. Compare to Shigure as a child when I first saw her and to now. Shigure became a beautiful young woman with a slender frame yet remarkably curvaceous-figure and well-endowed breasts.

As Shigure lean in for a kiss once more while this time; Shigure also begins to grind herself against the raging erection, that's dying to be released from its prison to find paradise right in front of it with only a thin leather blocking it.

Just by the feeling alone is enough to make us, even more, aroused than before. Since we've never managed to get this part so far.

While we continue to kiss and Shigure grinds against me; I unhook Shigure's bra strap as she removed my black tie already. Not before long after we separate in order for us to continue to remove each other clothes. One by one until both of us are half naked.

With Shigure only have her loose kimono hanging on her elbows now, along with her socks and sandals on while at my end; just my black dress pants and kept my shoe on.

Shigure completely pushes me on the ground, then straddled me once, but this time with her putting her butt onto my face and unzip my pants to pull out my cock for her to see for the first time. Slowly, Shigure wraps her right hand around my cock before she leans over close look at it before deciding if she should lick it at first or not.

But, before Shigure could do anything further; she let out a moan and her right hand tighten and try to close her legs unconsciously when I begin to lick her pussy that's just dripping wet right before she pretty much shoves her pussy straight into my face.

"Ah...ah...ah~" Shigure's legs begin to widen as Shigure started to moan out my name, "Enma...Enma...Enma."

Shigure starts giving me a handjob while feeling this surprising pleasure of having her pussy being licked alone that better than she could imagine from the book she read.

(Light Lemon: End)


Right before Shigure could give me a blowjob that she planning to do just in a few seconds later instead of just licking it. The ground shook and if we weren't laying on the ground already. We would have fallen over from losing our balance.

Well, this pretty much ruins the moment and I could feel my boner dying while Shigure let out a small whine, to show she clearly was planning to go all the way tonight.

"I...even...ask...Mother...for this...outfit...just to...try...the scene...from...the...book." Shigure whispers to me in a sad tone, then get off my face and help me get up.

Shigure glance at my expose cock in the open, then let out a sigh since her heart was pretty much ready and she doesn't know if she could try again until we leave Vale. Because for some reason, our first time can't be in the Vale Kingdom at all.

Both Shigure and I vow to eliminate whatever caused the ground to shake as we put our clothes back on. Afterward, I grab my two [Talisman] since they weren't used that long and could be reused later.

'I bet it Cinder since the tower is nearby this area. I swear you're going to wish you had sent someone else to do this task in your place. So this way my wrath wouldn't be targeting you so early.' I mentally placing Cinder Fall further on top of my mental list of targets need to be killed the first chance I get, with top priority if there are multiple targets are in the same area.

'I almost had sex with Shigure.' I mentally cry to myself at denying the chance of having sex with Shigure, not that I can't just resume back to having sex when it looks like Shigure isn't in the mood to continue with the foreplay she really wanted to try a sex scene from the book.

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Temporary Dance Building)

"Hey, Enma! Shigure! Where did you guys go?" Yang walk up to us once she saw the couple walking back in.

Shigure didn't say a word to Yang, but instead, give Yang a cold glare that sends a shiver down Yang's back and took a step back.

I keep up a stoic face, as I place my right hand on Yang's left shoulder as I activate [Evil Touch].

[Evil Touch]:

Active Effect: Inflicts [Fear] to a single target on contact.

Type: Active

Target: Single

Rank: Tier 1 (Require using [Upgrade] to enter next Rank)

Cost: Vary, lowest cost of [D-]: 2%(40AP:Aura Point) Aura Unit Level per second

Not a second later after [Evil Touch] activated; Yang's skin paled further than natural skin color already is and froze on the spot.

"Not a good time." I deactivate [Evil Touch] as I pat Yang's shoulder before leaving the terrifying Yang behind us since [Evil Touch]'s applied [Fear] onto Yang and I didn't continue to supply the [Debuff Magic]. So, Yang could overcome this [Fear] sooner or later by herself without having [Evil Touch] continue to stack down more [Fear].

'Meh, I'll count this a small payback for trying to capture Shigure, Izaya, and me without getting to know us.' I thought to myself.

I notice Ironwood walking towards us, but stop instantly once I use [Evil Smile] on him before both Shigure and I continue our walk back towards our group.

Finally, we arrive just in time when team JNPR finishes their synchronized dance together as the students cheer them on.

Izaya and Weiss notice us once they took their eyes off team JNPR, then walk straight towards us and found out something wrong. Both of them share a look with each other before they look back at their fellow arranged marriage couple.

"Well, someone looks mad. Did something happen while I left you alone?" Izaya asks me, with curiosity in his voice, which Weiss wanted to know as well, but kept her mouth shut for a few seconds to see how this goes.

I glare at Izaya, then let out a sigh while lowering my head as Shigure rub my back in comfort. "I got cockblocked by something that caused the ground to shake. Made the mood disappear instantly." I growl at Izaya and Weiss, causing them to take a step back since they knew by the tone of my voice how I was very excited to happen and that Shigure had been reading Ninjas of Love for days.

A girl who didn't have any sexual thoughts throughout her life until she got her hand on a little book called the Ninjas of Love; which included some steamy scenes, that made Shigure wanted to try out. And I'm not going to say no to a sexy ninja, who would do some kinky experiments. Well, some I would have to say no, though.

"Okay, that's something to be mad about. Dang man, even I would be piss if someone interrupted me with my alone time with Weiss." Izaya understood how annoying getting cockblock is, then let out a chuckle when a red face Weiss stomp his foot for making a comment that could be misunderstood by others.

"We're...going to...head back...to...rest..." Shigure said to Weiss before she pulls me towards Pyrrha to bring with us. Since today is when Pyrrha wanted to stay over the night with us.

"Kay, I'll be sure to get Momoyo later then. Night." Izaya wave his hand at us, then lean over to his fiancee and ask her a question in a whisper tone, "Think our sexual life going to be bad as theirs?"

"I'd hope not. I've seen and heard what happen to them for a whole week already and if that's going to happen to us. I'll have to say we should be out of Vale Kingdom if we ever want to go all the way." Weiss whispers back, with a hint of pity and fear of this happening to her love life.

"I just hope the death counts won't be high like before when something pissed of Nikos." Izaya said to Weiss, causing her to snort at him.

"Which one?" Weiss asks in a humorous tone since she knew how the Nikos twin are like when they get mad and led countless of problems, but with a different set of problems for each Nikos.

"Mostly Enma than Pyrrha." Izaya answer without a thought, as he leads Weiss to the dance floor for one more dance for the night.

"If the news doesn't report any deaths tomorrow in the morning. I'll be surprised on how he made the friends and family not noticing the disappearing of the fools, who stopped Enma and Shigure their first special time and those that tried to stop them from getting their revenge." Weiss said dryly, as she allowed Izaya to lead her to the dance floor.