
Arc 3 - Chapter 4: Disagreement

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.






Arc 3 - Chapter 4: Disagreement

2 months later*

2nd Year | 8th Month | 3rd Week | 2nd Day: 3 years and 102 days ago

(Continent: Solitas: Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: My Office)

"Okay, let me get this right." I stop the person from continuing with their speech. "Brise want to see me? As in person?" I ask with suspicious.

The person I'm speaking with over the [Scroll] is a fellow Schnee, but from a branch side of the family and have been reporting to me about Brise for a long time now.

"Yes, Sir. Miss Brise's desire to meet up with her older brother to talk about a few things that can't be spoken over the scroll and must be in person." The branch Schnee member replied.

"We're talking about the same person, right? Brise Schnee, my little sister who may be smart, but overall kind of stupid without learning about the important things in life through experience, even with her learning things very easily if taught by others, that same Brise Schnee?" I ask the branch Schnee member with disbelief.

"Yes, Sir." The branch Schnee member replied without changing their tone of voice. "Will you be free any time soon to visit Miss Brise?"

"Give me a second to check." I press the mute button and black the screen before looking to my right, where Radix has been standing next to me the entire time. "Do I have any free time this month?"

Radix didn't say anything at first as she blankly stares at me.

I wait for Radix to reply and knows she is just going through all my schedules that she has memorized.

"You have around twenty meetings this month." Radix replied, causing me to groan, but to my horror as Radix wasn't finished. "Of course, this was before we had to clear your schedule to meet up with Glynda at the time. Now, you have twice as much due to the fact you promised to meet those with the earlier appointment to be contacted straight away."

Suddenly, I have the urge to maim all those people I have a meeting this month.

Letting out a tired sigh; I got back with the branch Schnee member.

"Tell Brise, that I can meet with her after this month at the earliest and maybe longer if something important requires my attention." I finally gave an answer when I'm kind of free, to visit my little sister.

"Alright, I'll make sure to let Miss Brise know. Have a good day, Sir." The branch Schnee member said to me before ending the call.

I lean back on my chair and let out a tired sigh and blink one time to see a cup of green tea on my desk. A quick glance at Radix, where she shows no sign of moving from her spot the whole time makes me a bit envious of her ability to [Teleport] herself and other things at her demands.

Dropping this line of thoughts as I enjoy the handmade green tea, that Radix made herself personally. Sebastian is getting there, but not near close to Radix's level yet. Nevertheless, at this point, I think that out of everything up to now. Other than [Rain Flame Glyph]. I think green tea is what helps me calm down and relax the most.

"So who am I meeting today?" I ask Radix after finishing my first cup of green tea before finding it refilled the very moment I look away. Once again, I find myself envious of Radix's [Teleportation Magic].

"Today you have around five people or more to meet, if some doesn't manage to come today on time, then it will just add up tomorrow." Radix informs me.

"Well, they better come and talk about something really important. Otherwise, I will be mad and will crush them, business-wise, I mean." I let out a frustrated sigh before drinking the entire green tea in one gulp. "When are they coming or at the least the first person I'm supposed to meet before the others?"

"The earliest appointment and guessing the person themselves. It will be around 2-3 hours from now until they arrive." Radix answered as she refills the cup once more. Knowing that her master will be needing it soon.

"That's enough time for me to look upon something. I need a break from working on my [Reduce Magic: Blood Field]." I said to Radix as I grab the teacup and drain it down again in one gulp once again, then head to the main library, with Radix following behind me after she sends the empty cup away.

2 hours later*

(Continent: Solitas: Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: My Office)

After a trip to the main library, where I learn that I kind of neglected my [Semblance] more than I actually thought. Since there are multiple different types of [Glyphs] that just waiting for me to get my hands on.

One of them that I found was very interesting. A [Glyph] called [Time Dilation], where there is one finished version and another that still in its prototype stage. Still needed to be worked on. The finish version requires [Lightning Dust] to activate and increase one's speed further than they should be able to.

As for the prototype; it doesn't require any [Dust] from what the notes say in theory.

What this version does is literally stopping time itself while the user is freely able to move in this time stopping period and affect everything still. Meaning this can be a [Glyph] for heavily chain attacks or something to use to escape from an almost impossible attack.

But, it looks like only the person that created this [Time Dilation Glyph] only manage to create one once, but never again after that one point. Which leads to the other version that requires [Lightning Dust], but sadly, this didn't come close to the prototype version at all.

Thinking about this. I think I have a way to make it work.

But will require lots of experiments. Maybe including using my [Reduce Magic] into it if needed.

"Master, I must warn you that the person you're going to meet is someone from the higher up. Even the Atlas Council wouldn't dare mess with this person and the people behind them." Radix informs me as she explains how the person I'm meeting isn't the same people I met in the past and could be dealt like usual. "So please keep your pride in check, master. From my research. This person even has the ability to file a request to remove the Schnee's nobility."

I look at Radix with shock before frowning a little. As to find out that the Schnee can lose its Noble status is something worth worrying about. My ancestors gained this Noble status through blood and tears along with lots of merits. There is no way I can allow the Schnee's reputation to fall by my hands. So I create multiple [Rain Flame Glyphs] underneath my clothes and have [Reduce Magic] on stand by as well.

"Okay, whatever. I will keep my pride in check. But, I can't promise much." I agreed with Radix's request. "Now, when the person coming and do you have any reason why are they coming for?"

"They should be here soon and I will bring them here. As for their reason? I have no idea, master." Radix looks a bit ashamed that shouldn't figure out why, even if she has some desire to use illegal methods to get the answers, but rather not cause a problem if possible when it related to people above the Atlas Council.

A few minutes later*

An extremely beautiful woman of my age enters the room.

She has long, straight, black hair with an intricate braided bun at the back, and have ruby red eyes that caught my attention right away.

Her outfit is a white shirt with a black vest and trousers. No makeup or extra accessories at all. Making this very unusual for me as those women in the past had all these expensive jewelry and heavy on makeup whenever one is being introduce to me.

So I'm kind of shocked to see someone of high status would meet me without putting any makeups or something to show how wealthy she is.

"Mr. Schnee. It's nice to meet you finally. I'm Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia. You may call me Raskreia." Raskreia introduces herself. She gives me a small bow before taking the seat in front of me in a grateful manner.

"Quick question. Is your first name Raskreia? And you can call me Merlin." I look at Raskreia with a dumbfounded look on my face where Radix silently shocks me a little without Raskreia noticing.

Wincing a little, but made sure to hide this act like normal. As I snap out of it. I mentally thank Radix's help.

"Raskreia is my first name." Raskreia replied in a monotone, then pull out an envelope and hand it to Radix, who is next to her. "If you would, the Lord wishes for me to hand you this to read. Something about how it needed to be passed on as soon as possible."

I raise an eyebrow and accept the envelope from Radix. Opening it to read the letter and stare at it with disbelief, rage, confusion, and other emotions.

Radix noticed this as well as Raskreia.

"Is there something wrong, master?" Radix asks me with worry.

Instead of answering Radix, I look at Raskreia, who looks back at me with a confused expression on why I'm looking at her.

"Do you know what's in this letter?" I ask Raskreia, holding the letter my right hand, with a stiff, forced smile on my face. Then hand the letter over to her when she shook her head that she doesn't know at all.

I gave Raskreia a few minutes to read the letter before she slowly lowers the letter, revealing her blushing face as she looks at the floor. Not daring to look at me in the eyes.

"If it not too rude, may I know what in the letter?" Radix asks with curiosity out of anything else.

"Well, it seems like the bastard, who is my Father still manage to cause me problem beyond the grave still. Because since he not a true Schnee and can only do a bit differently. He made it so I, as in the next Heir of the Schnee family at the time. Would be arranged married to the Heiress of the Lord of the Noble Clans. In return, the Schnee will do their best to help in any way to support the Heiress in her times of needs. While the Schnee will gain a new status that is more of a project the Lord of the Noble Clans came up with, which in a way give the Schnee more influence." I explain to Radix the gist of what is in the letter.

Radix blankly stares at me for a couple of seconds before narrowing her eyes, pure rage appears, causing me to be surprised at this before not a second later. Radix returns back to normal as nothing happens at all.

"I see." Radix looks at me before looking at Raskreia.

"Excuse me, but if I may bold to ask why you call your own Father such a disrespectful manner?" Raskreia asks me as she looks at me with narrow eyes. Showing that she is displeased at how I'm treating a person that raised me.

Both Radix and I share a look before looking back at Raskreia.

"Well, I don't know how your Father raises you, but I was raised mostly by deceased lovely Mother before she died giving birth to my little sister. My Father, on the other hand, didn't care one bit about this and wanted to check if my little sister was anything like me, but was very disappointed at the end. In fact, the guy didn't even give a name to my little sister while my Mother died before she has a chance to pick one out for her. Leaving it to me to decide what to name my little sister. If that wasn't enough to make my bastard of a Father, then making me do the Schnee Dust Company's management at the age of 5. And not once had I experienced a normal childhood. Not to mention the assassins on my very life, causing me to run away from home for years until I trained myself to be strong enough to reclaim back my rightful heritage." I explain to Raskreia in a deadly cold tone of voice, that cause the girl before me to flinch and pale a little further than she already is.

"I see..." Raskreia replied softly, not knowing how to respond to this little back story of mine.

"Anyway from what the letter says. We're in engaged that out of our controls. Unless you can figure a way to null this marriage contract between our two families?" I ask Raskreia since I barely have any knowledge of the concept of love, which is why I picked [Luxura] as my [Archive] in the first place.

Therefore, this whole thing is a big problem for me and learning about love isn't something I want in my mess up life. As for the future, who knows since I can leave it to my little sister to carry on the family legacy. Which is selfish on my part, but truly, I know I won't be there much for any kids of mine if I have one. And I know the end result of this action of mine.

"I have no clue." Raskreia replied to me calmly, making me relax somewhat as she not one of those type of people that would react badly in this type of situation, where one doesn't want to marry the other person due to an arranged marriage made between two high-status families.

"Well, the first thing to help us. We never met." I said to Raskreia, who has a confused look on her face. "Does your Father know you here?" I explain a bit, to clear some confusion on Raskreia's part.

"Not yet, I haven't informed him and planning to after this meeting between us." Raskreia said to me before she suddenly figures out what I meant just now and narrow her eyes at me. "I'll not lie to my Father nor hide anything from him. If this is your only plan to void the marriage contract, then you'll clearly fail without a single doubt."

I smirk at Raskreia, as my ego pop right back in before forcibly suppressed when Radix quietly zaps without Raskreia's notices. Also, preventing me from making a mistake, that could cause the downfall of the Schnee.

"Oh? So you agree to this suddenly out of the nowhere arranged marriage between us?" I ask Raskreia in a falsely surprise voice while doing my best to analyze Raskreia's reaction, and if needed, I'm willing to use [Reduce Magic] to make it so she will have to spill some hidden personal feeling she kept on lock deep in her heart.

Raskreia glare at the person across from her. knowing fully well that she has no love for him or any interest in developing one. But, this is something her Father agrees to. Something she dislikes but at the same time has to do as her Father's order. As he is the Lord of the Nobles and powerful enough that no one would dare go against what he says. Also, the fact that her Father is technically the King of Atlas Kingdom while the other three kingdoms no longer have one or just changed the power system in charge.

"Honestly, wouldn't your Father be a bit concern about your feeling." I decide to change my approach since it looks like she someone who put her Father in high regard. Not too common, but not someone I haven't dealt with. After all, there Arthur, who clearly thinks Salem similar to how Raskreia is with her Father. You need different methods to deal with people and require many faces to use as a way to make it work.

Something I read in the Schnee's main library related to politics and experience under my dead Father when he forced me to work for him against my will.

And I have already started developing the third face. The first being a caring brother and the second one being my default face of looking down on everyone. Honestly, with the way, I'm growing up in power. I won't be surprised if one day I wanted to become a King of a kingdom or just a ruler of the Underworld.

But, with Radix around. I highly doubt it. Therefore, a third face is required to be made and one that seems like one that could understand on the same level of others while at the same time being a mastermind that has absolute control over everything else.

Luckily this third face has begun forming thanks to having Sebastian and his little sister working for me. Along with all those people meeting me; well, those that won't cause me to switch back to my second face of arrogant or something on that line from what Radix told me.

"After all, your Father must love you and care for you. With how much you respect him. Furthermore, this arranged marriage seems a bit... how should I say this?" I pause for a moment, to find the right words to follow up. "Late. Yeah, that the word I'm looking for. Because if what you said to me a few minutes ago. I needed to read this letter as early as possible, but why did I get this now and not a few years back when I just became the head of the Schnee Family? Don't you think this is a little weird?"

Now Raskreia is looking very confused, but also thinking about how weird this whole thing is as well. Since if this letter was so important and needed to be sent in person as quickly as possible. Why now of all time when it could have been done years ago like her maybe fiancé just said.

"Even if that's the case. I think it best we make this whole thing work. Unless you have another arranged marriage you have to fulfill?" Raskreia asks me while trying to give herself a bit more time to think before taking any risky action.

I open my mouth to deny this claim before closing it. Do I have other arranged marriages I don't know about? Because the one in front of me isn't something I know about at all. What would the chance of another will show up later on?

"I'll be honest." I took in a deep breath. " I have no idea. Because if this." I point at the letter still in Raskreia's hands. "Is for real, then I don't know if there another similar one waiting to show up. Sure, in the past there were some people trying to offer their daughter's hands in marriage, but I decline. Not out of some petty reasons, but because I have no desire in marriage in general. Therefore, you must understand that I have absolutely no desire to fulfilling the pact between our two families if possible. And to be honest, are you willing to marry a stranger you have never met before or even know about in the first place. After all, you were kind of surprised about what on the letter as well. Meaning you didn't even know I'm the person you suppose to marry." I made sure to keep on making it so she will be the one wanting to void this marriage contract instead of me.

Seeing how I have no ability to do such a thing. Not to mention, this was done by my dead beat sperm donor without my knowledge at the time when he was alive. Though, I do want to know how he managed to get the Lord of the Noble Clans to agree with the whole arranged marriage thing. Nevertheless, I literally can't break this contract due to my status being lower than Raskreia's, and she could or will remove the Noble status of the Schnee. Something I can't allow to happen while I'm the head.

"No." Raskreia said firmly, after thinking about it and made up her mind. "We'll not break the marriage contract." She looks at the person that she will have to marry in the future. Rather she likes it or not, this is the will of the Lord of the Noble Clans.

I blank out for a moment.

Then. I explode.

"WH-!" I was cut off before I could even roar at this stubborn girl as Radix used some sort of trick to activate my [Rain Flame Glyphs]. All of them, pushing all my rage down into my heart. As my eyes went dull and I start to slouch a little from being overloaded with the effect of countless [Rain Flame Glyphs] all at once. Something that never happens before.

"Is something wrong, Merlin?" Raskreia asks me, noticing how I was about to snap before all the rage disappear before her eyes. Not that she will find out what truly happens.

"Nothing wrong." I said calmly, causing Raskreia to raise an eyebrow at how calm I became now. "Are you sure, that you want this arranged marriage to happen? Wouldn't you be more happy to have someone you would love to marry instead?"

"It doesn't matter what if I love the person or not. This is the will of the Lord of the Noble Clans and as the heiress. I must follow as I'm commanded." Raskreia said to me in the tone, where one believed the person they follow with absolute faith and find them flawless, not even with many facts to make a good argument. As these are useless before the faithful ones.

I narrow my eyes at Raskreia and with my mind forcibly calm. I can think more clearly and I must say. I do not like this girl one bit. I can see the pride in her as a Noble, but her blind faith made me feel disguised with her. But, for now, I have to stay on a low-profile since I'm not ready to take on an entire kingdom by myself, even if I include Radix.

"I see this is non-negotiable." I knew there are some cases I won't be able to win over. I just never thought it would be someone like Raskreia and she the first person I have can't change their mind without taking the violence way. Sadly, the violence way is not an option with Raskreia of her status.

One wrong step and I could end up causing the Schnee family cast out of the Atlas Kingdom, including losing the nobility.

Neither Raskreia or I spoke for a while now; both sides have two different feelings to this whole thing and our pride demand the other side to submit. At this point, Raskreia and I won't see eye to eye, making this whole relationship complex.

"I'll come back on another day, Merlin. I would say... this is an interesting meeting." Raskreia is the first one to break the silence and did not feel any sort of shame or lost, for being the one that broke the silence first. "I do hope you don't try to make any problem for both of us." Raskreia stands up and heads off, not bother to glance at Radix and mostly ignores her as she exits the room.

"Radix. Make sure, Raskreia doesn't get lost in her way out." I order Radix, not leaving my eyes off Raskreia, even after both girls left the room, with Radix closing the door behind her.

Once they're out of my sight, I'm alone for the time being.

I didn't feel anything other than being calm and actually feel a bit lucky, that Radix managed to trigger all the [Rain Flame Glyphs] to activate all at once. Since I learned about this whole being very calm, with a clear mind and really dangerous. Once I noticed how tired I'm slowing getting right now and can see there most likely be side-effects to this whole thing. It's a good thing I know this now than later on during a battle.

Nevertheless, I know for sure I would explode once the [Rain Flame Glyphs]' effect worn off in time.

For the time being, I will have to temporarily forget about Raskreia and think about my little sister.

Flashback End*

(Continent: Solitas: Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: Training Room)

"Will you take this seriously?!" Sebastian roar at me, breaking me from my memory lane and only reached over 3 years ago on what I have done in the past. And boy, most of it just plain boring as 70% is mostly just meeting with others. "I don't even know why you want this spar in the first place if you not even paying attention!"

"I am paying attention, though." I speak truthfully, after all, my body can move on reflex and instinct alone to dodge all attacks with ease from all the training I have been doing over the years. "Maybe you should, I don't know, fight better?" I smirk when Sebastian's eyes begin to glow as a sign of him about to use his [Semblance]. A dead giveaway for people to prepare for Sebastian's [Semblance] if they know what to be expected.

I quickly disappear before Sebastian's eyes before his [Semblance] could lock onto me.

"You really need to figure a way to solve those downsides of your [Semblance] Sebastian." I said from behind him, where he barely dodges from getting attacked from the back as he rolls the side while throwing the knives at me, which I easily move out of the way.

"I don't want to hear this from someone who barely has any weakness or conditions placed on their [Semblance]." Sebastian glared at me, then take out a vial with [Powered Fire Dust] inside and blow it in my direction, creating a big fireball of the size of an average adult male height and coming right at me very fast.

But, once again, I dodge Sebastian's attack with ease. The [Exploding Gale Fist] is such a powerful fighting style and just the training methods from it alone are worth all those years of training.

"Master." Radix appears before me, stopping me from trying messing around with Sebastian in the name of sparring, but actually I just wanted to mess around while keeping my body on the body daily instead of being stuck in the office all day long.

"Oh, thank heaven." Sebastian sighed in relief, that he won't have to be forced in this spar much longer as it causes him to be more mentally tired than physically. Now that the head maid is here to stop this pointless spar.

"What's the problem, Radix?" I raise an eyebrow, curious about what she needs me for.

"It's General Ironwood. He wanted to know if you're busy or not, to meet up. He said it was something important, but not too urgently that you have to drop everything. However, he did say if you don't show up on time, then you'll miss out something amazing and will regret it for a lifetime." Radix replied.


Current Age:

Merlin Schnee: 21

Brise Schnee: 13

Glynda Goodwitch: 13

Sebastian Michaelis: 21

Kali Michaelis: 16

Jacob Ironwood: 25

Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia: 21