
Arc 3 - Chapter 3: Intel

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.






Arc 3 - Chapter 3: Intel

2nd Year | 3rd Week | 2nd Day: 3 years and 342 days ago Part 2

(Continent: Dragon Shape: Land of the Darkness: Evernight Castle)

I narrow my eyes at Salem, curious about what she has that would be priceless. Even for someone like her unless she meant priceless for someone like me. A normal mortal being, who happens to have many secrets that make one go crazy, but Salem doesn't know that.

"And what is this priceless thing you speak of?" I ask Salem, not daring to blink one bit or risk of getting attacked the very moment I blink. Something I learned the hard way with Radix when I trained with her.

Salem didn't say anything as with a wave of her right hand, as a ripple appears in thin air as a thin book came out of nowhere and float in front of everyone, then slowly land in front of me with a soft thud upon touching the table.

'Watch Salem for me, Radix.' I mentally said to Radix via [Telepathy] while I slide my eyes off Salem and onto the book, where I notice it has nothing on the cover but the title: Guide To Using Magic.

I raise an eyebrow at Salem, who continues to stare at me without blinking.

Picking up the book and flip a couple of pages, which was enough to finish the entire book before shutting it after speed reading, to find out what's in this book and that it doesn't help me at all. In fact, this just made me very confused, because it looks like based on the system of [Magic] Salem used. It's mostly on instinct and using the energy around the area to power the [Magic]. Along with some sort of equipment for the beginner to help use [Magic] for the first time. If I were to guess.

Salem thinks I'm one of the leftover surviving [Magic] users of her time and handing me this book, as something to make me be more interested in what she got to help me learn more on how to use my [Magic].

Too bad Salem doesn't know I use an entirely different branch of [Magic] and should be more powerful than the one Salem use. But, that's just my ego talking and I know not to underestimate Salem as she got who knows how long to train her [Magic].

Furthermore, using instinct seems like a basic thing to do using Salem's branch of [Magic]. Therefore, the advanced version after that would be more complex or just use something else to control [Magic] native this world.

Nevertheless, I won't look down on the [Magic] of this world. Since [Magic] itself is already consider broken beyond belief. Look at my [Reduce Magic], able to 'reduce' anything with just a thought and the only limitation is my imagination.

"And this priceless?" I raise the book that Salem gave me, "Because if what I read in here is true. Then, I've already done almost everything in it years ago."

What I didn't mention was that I applying these 'training methods' into my [Semblance] and [Flames of the Sky] instead of applying to my [Magic]. Actually, the [Flames of the Sky] could be like a lesser version of this world's [Magic] before it somehow becomes lost for everyone else to use.

Then again, Salem and this Ozma could be the only [Magic] users left in this world, besides myself where I'm a Magus, with the future of becoming the Magic king. Maybe there aren't any other [Magic] users left in this world.

Something I may need to check on later when I return back home.

"I see that your talent in [Magic] is enough to do self-learning to use [Magic] without a mentor or even a guide to help you." Salem praises me, but I can tell she was also annoyed that the book she gave me wasn't priceless at all to someone like me.

With a wave of Salem's right hand again, the book in my hand disappears, then another book appears and floats over to me and dropping it in front of me.

This caused me to narrow my eyes at Salem since this just to show that Salem can take back anything she has given out anytime she wanted. Therefore, this made things difficult for people who wanted to be a double agent against Salem and someone who has relied on the very things Salem gave out would be deemed useless the moment they tried to fight Salem.

Looking down at the next book and found it the same as the previous, but the next volume.

Slowly, I raise my head toward Salem and wonder if she plans to use the books to train a [Magic] user to use their [Magic] to the point of being a master in their own right; however, this just made me wonder if Salem is trying to pay me for my service by using these books as payment or as a way to manipulate me due to the fact that I need the next books to continue my study in [Magic] or limit to certain amount of information in these books, preventing me from reaching my full potential in [Magic].

"Okay." I didn't open the book, who knows what Salem would say about how she may use this as an excuse that she has already given me some sort of payment and require me to do something for her since I have read the next volume of the 'priceless' books about how to master one's [Magic]. While the first one may be just a freebie to get my interest before bringing out the more valuable ones or just payment for me coming here to meet her out here.

"How about we leave this out for now and why do you want me to do for you and why me of all people." I said to Salem, as I slide the book back to Salem while making sure not to go in a certain distance just in case.

"Ah, yes." Salem nods her head, "If you haven't realized, then I wish to have another [Magic] user on my side as I hunt down Ozma. Along... with a few... certain things. Things I wish for your help to gather for me."

"Ignoring that pausing moment." I'm starting to think Salem has this dramatic pause thing going on when she doesn't anyone to talk often, that not a minion or something. "Who is this Ozma and what are these certain things you wanted for me to gather and why do you think I can get them in the first place?"

"You will find out who Ozma later, after working for a while. As for... certain things. Well, I will tell you later when we reach the point, where we have enough trust between us. As for why I picked you. Well, why shouldn't it be you who possess the ability to use [Magic]? Something that impossible for most people nowadays." Salem said to me, but I can see behind the lines that she meant once I give her my trust, not the other way around and only that. I won't gain her trust or at least not a full equal status trust.

"I see." I slowly nod my head, then stand up, with Radix doing the same. "I think we're done here. I won't work with you if this is how it's going. It's nice to meet a fellow [Magic] user, but as the Head of the Schnee family. I won't allow anyone to boss me around like they're above me. This includes you." I narrow my eyes at Salem.

As she dares treat me like one of her 'workers'. When it should be the other way around. The Schnee family bows to no one but another Schnee. Well, unless you're a very powerful sentient [Grimoire].

Salem didn't say anything and just stare at me in silence.

I didn't need to have Radix tell me when I can easily detect Salem about use her [Magic] to get what she wanted.

Luckily, I don't need to use my [Reduce Magic] and create multiple [Storm Flame Glyphs] around the area, in a number of dozens or so in seconds.

"Interesting." Salem replied softly, then a blast of wind hit both Radix and me out of nowhere.

I already knew something like this would happen. As I use the [Lightning/Rain Flame Glyphs: Protection Barrier], where my body covered in numerous of [Lightning Flame Glyphs] into a skin layer and using the [Rain Flame Glyphs] as a second layer, where the former act as the second to last line of defense while the latter is to weaken the blast of wind from affecting me. Therefore, by the time the attack hit my [Aura Shield]. It wouldn't have its full strength to cause too much damage.

Radix, on the other hand, just use one of her countless [Magic] to make it like the blast of wind doesn't even exist the moment it hit her.

All of this is done literally within a second, causing Salem to look at Radix and me with a shock in her eyes, that we defended ourselves against her sudden attacks so easily and at such short distance.

Sadly, for Salem, both Radix and I can react easily within a second and this hasn't even entered the microsecond either. Therefore, the only problem was the [Magic] Salem used would do to us. Otherwise, other than that, we're good at dodging anything lethal.

"Ho, look like you need to use violence to get what you want." I sneer at Salem, "Don't worry. I know how to play this game as well if conversations aren't up to your game." With that said, I disappear from the area in a burst of speed while Radix left via [Teleportation] as the multiple [Storm Flame Glyphs] set off, blasting the area where Salem is with highly offensive flames. With the special trait of disintegration, causing everything in the path of the flames to decay and break apart instantly with how many [Storm Flame Glyphs] added together in one single attack. Not even the table and chairs survived, and instead, there is a small pit, opening a hole to the lower floor.

However, didn't mean victory for Radix and me as floating in midair is a purple barrier form around Salem, protecting her from being harmed by the [Storm Flame Glyphs]. Giving me a bit of information that Salem has some kind of powerful [Barrier Magic].

Salem narrow her eyes at my comment, then with a wave of her right hand, mixed shades of purple balls rush towards Radix and me.

Radix happens to be by the door that we enter while I'm just near one of the furthest windows away from the door.

Both Radix and I had a plan already when we face against Salem. With Radix standing near the door, to prevent anyone from interfering with the battle between Salem and me. Even made sure no one used the hole in the middle of the room to enter from below.

Radix easily destroyed the purple balls from hurting her with ease, something Salem found surprising. While I, on the hand, had to dodge all of them as my [Protection Barrier] was easily penetrated like nothing. Even with the effect of the [Rain Flame Glyphs] were supposed to weaken them to the point that the [Lightning Flame Glyphs] can block it with ease or block it for a few seconds.

Nevertheless, it did slow down the attack for me to easily move away before the attacks could make contact with my clothes.

While moving; I noticed that Salem didn't have her barrier up as she continues firing those purple balls at Radix and me, mostly at me than Radix.

Firing off a quick shot of [Storm Flame Glyphs] on the move while throwing in some [Lightning Flame Glyphs] in lightning bolts form instead of flames at Salem. Each time I take a step, a dozen of each [Storm Flame Glyphs] and [Lightning Flame Glyphs] formed around me before taking another step as the [Glyphs] from before started firing while at the same time I formed a new set.

Repeating this action for a solid 5 seconds before appearing in front of Salem, who like she not quite used to facing such fast opponent or have fought up close in years or so.

As I punch Salem in the stomach with my right fist, enhanced with my [Aura] and send her flying for a second or two before crashing into the wall, but didn't cause a dent in the wall itself.

"Damn. I wonder what this castle is made out of." I whistle in surprise at how durable the wall is when there isn't any sign of being damaged, even after I throw Salem against it. Even with an [Aura Enhance: Strength] punch wasn't enough or maybe Salem used her [Magic] to prevent most of the power behind the blow to lessen to a certain degree.

"I see you're not someone weak. Same with that... girl." Salem got up from the ground as she pats the dust off her. "I must say. I haven't seen you using your [Magic] yet, but don't think that without it. You can defeat me."

"Pretty sure I'm not the one won't getting my butt handed." I said to Salem, smirking at the frown on Salem's face. However, my instinct is still screaming at me that I'm still in danger. This puts me on high alert.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Come on, prove me wrong." I spread my arms wide. "I'm right here."

"Being too arrogant will bring one's downfall." Salem said in a calm tone of voice as she started floating again.

"Oh yeah?" I look at Salem with eyes of disdain. "Well, who is going to cause my downfall? You? I don't see how that's going out for you. So far, you haven't even touched me. Talk about disappointment." I laugh a little to cause Salem to get mad at me, which would cause her control to slip. And from the look of it. I'm getting what I wanted.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Salem said in a deadly chill voice. Then, with a thrust of both hands; Salem conjures multiple chains of lightning bolts at me. Returning the favors from before.

Far quicker than I expected, but not something I haven't faced before. As I formed a wall made out of [Lightning Flame Glyphs] in front of me to counter the countless lightning bolts with a lightning wall.

But it looks like I underestimated how much power is in those lightning bolts as almost more than half of them broke through my wall of [Lightning Flame Glyphs] and struck me in the chest, sending me off my feet and crashing into the window. A very sturdy window as I found no cracks formed when I slide down the window for a few seconds before moving away as another batch of lightning bolts coming right at the window I crashed into.

However, this time, the window broke into shatter glass.

Either I wasn't thrown into the window hard enough or my [Aura] is dense enough to absorb most of the damage before it affects me and the surrounding.

I'm going with the third option, where my [Magic] protected me since I barely felt my [Aura] being drained upon getting hit.

"Sorry, but I have seen lightning before. Wanna try again? After all, I'm still here." I mock Salem as I feel the temperature falling.

Making me tense up and wonder if Salem is going to use something like [Ice Magic] or [Temperature Magic]. If it's the former, then things will be easier for me. However, if it's the latter, then I'm going to have a tougher fight than I thought.

"With pleasure." Salem spread her arms wide as a huge icicle form above Salem that grows in size, already bigger than Salem herself thrice over.

I didn't allow Salem to continue and it was only due to waiting for my [Aura] to heal all the hidden damage over my body and still saving on [Aura] to use other [Glyphs] from the [Flames of the Sky], that I allowed Salem to form a really big icicle by now.

With a snap of my fingers; the [Spear of Lightning] appear in my right hand and throwing it at Salem while she was stuck in one spot while trying to conjure a growing icicle.

But it looks like Salem can still defend herself as she thrust her hands at me and the giant icicle the size of almost half wide of this room crash into the ground. Blocking the [Spear of Lightning] from reaching its target.

Tch* I was disappointed that it didn't work, but I didn't expected this result of seeing my [Spear of Lightning] didn't go through the giant icicle and hit Salem from the other side of the icicle.

With a thought; numerous of [Storm Flame Glyphs] appeared once more as I blast away at Salem when I noticed the giant icicle seem to affect the area in front of it, where ices are starting to form on the ground and spread towards me.

So to counter this. [Storm Flame Glyph: Snap] is my answer. One of the many techniques I created for [Storm Flame Glyph] as I did for [Lightning and Mist Flame Glyphs].

Anyway, the [Storm Flame Glyph: Snap] is just a way for me to control it better with different methods and how to use it, where this technique is like a quick fire like a gun. Aka a quick draw and fire at the target faster than normal.

Therefore, the [Storm Flame Glyph: Snap] fried off a bullet made out of flames and the [Glyph] itself will disappear upon releasing the bullet.

As I continue running around Salem very fast and even up my speed further with [Aura Enhance: Speed].

Raining down Salem with numerous [Storm Flame Glyphs] as well as overlaying it with [Rain Flame Glyphs] to break down her barrier she put back up right away after throwing that giant icicle to the ground.

Seeing how the battle went so far and I'm not liking my odds with Salem since she doesn't seem to look tired after conjuring that giant icicle. If anything, I'm just guessing that she doesn't want to destroy the castle, but willing to cause some damage to it if needed or she just pushing me to reveal more things, including my [Reduce Magic]. Either way, I got what I wanted from this meeting.

Increasing my speed to the very limit without having to use any [Aura] and just pure physical speed. I disappear from Salem's views as I create a [Gravity Glyph] to allow me to stick to the ceiling and signal Radix to teleport us back to home.

(Continent: Solitas Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: My Office Room)

"Radix. Check for anything that's on me not suppose to be there since we left." I order Radix, who easily uses her [Detecting Magic] on me, to see if Salem or someone under her commands aka Arthur had placed something on me that could end up killing me or cripple later on. Maybe even mind-controlling. I'm not taking any chances.

"I have finished scanning you, master, and have found nothing." Radix reported her result. As her eyes glow with a soft green light as a side-effect of using her [Detecting Magic].

"Anything related to [Curse Magic] attached to my being?" I needed to be sure because if I don't know what it is. I can't really use [Reduce Magic] to remove it.

"Nothing. I have even used [Detecting Magic: Curse Scan], to see if there was any just in case." Radix replied as her eyes stop growing.

I let out a relief before walking over to my desk and sat down. But, I have not let down my guard yet. Turning my head towards Radix.

"Radix. Put up all the [Defensive Magic] you think it requires all over the area and even inside the mansion if you think it is a good idea. But, start from the outside. Report back to me when you're done or it's time to eat." I order Radix, who bow to me.

"I'll do as you command, master." Radix said to me before she [Teleport] out of the room and begins her assigned mission.

This left me to my own thing now.

Tapping on the top of my desk. Thinking what I should do next since I finally completed my training for [Exploding Gale Fist] and the [Flame of the Sky]. Along with completing the [Imperial Spear Art] as well.

Therefore, leaving with a few options. One of them is to resume my study of [Magic]. After all, I have it and need to work on it. Since I literally just fought Salem and just smack her in the face with an outright declaration of war against her.

I'm going to need all the resources I can get my hands on. Also information as well. More on Salem's [Magic] itself other than it used purely on instinct at basic levels. No clue what she can do after the basics.

Therefore, my own version of [Magic] is the best to counter this world's [Magic]. Which is stronger I won't know for sure, but all I know is the knowledge and experience is the two deciding factors in battle to death. Neither the two will be any match with Salem, who should be alive for who knows how long.

Among the few advantages, I possess against her is she doesn't know what type of [Magic] I use and the [Alpha Stigma]. Along with Radix as well. All three would help me against Salem.

For now, I need more knowledge and experience if I want to kill Salem. Also, I need to look into more about this God that wasn't with Salem at the time. Wherever he is, I need to know, since he can be a wildcard in the battle between Salem and me.

Raising my right hand as I use [Reduce Magic] and apply at the air around my right hand. Watching as the air around my right hand being reduced and creating a vacuum. As more air, trying to fill the gap around my right hand while at the same time my [Reduce Magic] continues at a steady rate, reduce the air into nothingness.

I stop casting my [Reduce Magic] and wonder if I have already mastered the [Thema: Vanitas] of the [Archive: Luxuria], but just need a bit fine-tuning over my control.

Honestly, I'm skillful enough to apply anything to my mind with [Reduce Magic] and not to mention I can use [Reduce Magic] without having to go into [Magus Mode] in order to use it. If I recall correctly, Radix told me I should have a magical armament available for me to use the moment I mastered my [Thema]. I'll ask Radix later about it.

So I should work something else. A second [Thema] maybe?

Rubbing my chin, thinking about which [Thema] I should pick out of the three leftovers [Thema] of the [Luxuria]. Then remember that while I have decent control over [Reduce Magic], but there is always a few times of mistakes and distraction that throw me off and end up losing control.

I remember before that I have been using [Reduce Magic] more on the line of affecting the conceptual level. This is powerful but at the same time dangerous making me realize how much I can do with it and at the same as the risk of harming those around me I care for.

Instead of just refining my control. I need to place some sort of limitation as a way to help me fall back to just in case. And what better way by giving my [Reduce Magic] a physical or close to one in form.

Thinking about all this. I decided to go with this and will use the [Thema: Abies (Creation)] as a secondary for my [Reduce Magic].

"Now, I just need to wait for Radix to help gain access to the [Thema: Abies] and begin my study in [Magic] once more." I mumble my thoughts out loud. "But, first. A nap." I lean back on my chair and close my eyes. Resting for maybe a few minutes or hours. Depending on how long it takes for Radix to finish putting up the defensive around the area.

6 months later*

2nd Year | 6th Month | 3rd Week | 2nd Day: 3 years and 162 days ago

(Continent: Solitas Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: Main Library)

After Radix finished putting up all the defensive she can think of in case Salem send her minions along with using other methods to deal with me. I found I have mastered a [Thema] and can use a magical armament.

I just need to make one for me to use since from what Radix told me; well, more like Radix will make one for me that would suit my [Reduce Magic]. But, will take a long time to make, where she will need to find the materials to make one and maybe even more rare materials to match my [Reduce Magic] as well.

After finding this out, I got Radix to help me connect to my second [Thema: Abies], where I took an entirely different approach using this [Thema] instead of using [Outer Alchemy] like other users that Radix told me about.

I came up with the idea of creating an entirely new method to use the [Thema: Abies] while at the same time act as a support to my first [Thema].

This of course requires me to put in lots of studying as I'm starting kind of from the scratch, but not to the point I have to from nothing as Radix have many notes on the [Thema: Abies] for me to use as reference and some of them are used before [Outer Alchemy] became a thing.

It took me exactly half a year when I finally got the result I wanted. As I managed to somewhat recreate and modify [Blood Magic]. As a way to give my [Reduce Magic] a somewhat physical form, which is blood itself. Dark, yeah, but I like it.

The [Blood Magic] is a subtype of [Water Magic] before it became useless later on from what Radix told me. Where the Magus that study [Water Magic] was either not smart enough to use it or just doesn't have enough [Magic] to cast the [Water Magic] without risking destroying themselves at the temp casting it.

On another note; some have decided that using different [Archive] other than [Luxuria] to use [Water Magic] end up with some success, but not the best results. Making this [Magic] even worst to use in combat other than for use as a medium for [Healing Magic].

Anyway, my research on [Water Magic] is very limited and [Blood Magic] is even harder as it was deemed forbidden unless it related to a medical matter, but I picked my choice and sticking with it. I even went to the Schnee's main library for references to help me in my research. Until I finally created a working [Blood Magic] in mind.

What I have been doing so far is creating a [Blood Field]. Where I use the [Thema: Abies] to create blood out of thin air.

Literally had to study on what is blood and what it is about to create it. Along with its usage besides the basic that I have it inside me and I need it to live.

Continuing from before. I would control the blood I create and cover the targeted area and manifests itself into a powerful cyclone. This is where my [Reduce Magic] come into play as it erases all traces of the victim's existence upon being targeted by my [Blood Field].

Furthermore, I came up with this outrageous theory that with enough [Magic]. I can even distort space and time itself with [Blood Field]. Even though technically I can already do something on that line by just using [Reduce Magic] in its raw form. As in no form at all.

Of course, this wasn't just the actual reason why I wanted to use [Blood Field] as a way to give my [Reduce Magic] a physical form, but also the ability to not only because of its destructive power, but inside the [Blood Field]. I have the power to exert upon every creature with blood.

What can I say? I like being in control and [Blood Field] is what I came up to use. And because the other [Magic] I was thinking of studying was a bit almost non-existence or just not up to my requirements.

Nevertheless, after half a year upon trying to learn and actually create a [Blood Field] successfully after all the experiments. I would say I'm doing great from what Radix told me. Since I did something that almost no one was able to do.

Though, I can only create one [Blood Field] as my current limit. Before I end up draining myself of almost all the [Magic] in me and require the need to rest.

At the very least I got something to continue working on for the time being and improving myself when it's time to face Salem again.

"Master. There is another group of Grimm trying to break through the barriers again." Radix broke me out of my thoughts while at the same time creating a small [Blood Field] just above my right palm in the shape of a sphere. Watching it spin slowly was something that makes me find a bit interesting.

"Again? What it is this time, like the fifth time this week?" I ask Radix, while continuing working on my control over [Reduce Magic: Blood Field]. "Because if so, get Sebastian out there to take care of them. He needs all the experience he can get. If he needs any help. You have my permission to help him out if you deem the situation require it. Otherwise, just watch over him in secret."

"As you wish, master." Radix bows to me before disappearing via [Teleportation].

"Hmm. I wonder how long until Radix finally finds all the materials over Remnant to create my first magical armament." I mumble to myself as the blood ball disappears after I tried creating a second one, where I end up losing control upon trying. "Really need to be able to create more than one [Blood Field] before the end of the year." I know I'm on a time limit since I'm not too sure how long Salem's patient will last before she comes after me herself.


Current/Flashback Age:

Merlin Schnee: 21/17

Brise Schnee: 13/9

Glynda Goodwitch: 13/9

Sebastian Michaelis: 21/17

Kali Michaelis: 16/12

Jacob Ironwood: 25/21