
The Forgotten

"Where am I and why am I unable to move."

Screams and battle crys roar around but one voice is singled out

"General Asar the army approaches we need your command"

You begin to turn seeing a man in a heavy set of armor standing with a spear as tall as he.

"General what are we to do"

Your body tenses as your arm raises out of your control and a massive flash of blue light begins to appear. A sudden rush of energy begins to seep out of your hand and just as suddenly as the light came it vanished leaving behind an intense cold that changed the land around you. A harsh blue light begins to flicker as the energy continued to leak from your hand. The ground began to freeze as rain fell from the sky and slowly turned to snow.

Your eyes turn to the distance as a deep red light begins to rise with a figure in the midst of it.

"Glory be to Lord Mosa" The first words to escape your mouth, but are not your own. Lighting a spark to the army surrounding you as the chant begins.

"Glory be to Lord Mosa, Glory be to Lord Mosa...." The army begin the chant as the light stops flickering and remains a bold blue, the red figure rises taller than the mountain beside it.

It bellows "Your dare infest my land with your insolent pests brother" As it's mighty hand begins to drop, another flash of blue light flies from the sky piercing the giants hand. With it another giant emerges from the sky this time blue bringing about an even colder chill.

"Riptide Nebula" the words escape your mouth again with an even greater rush of energy the surrounding light begins to change swirling through every color of the rainbow settling on a deep red.

"Frenzied Current" the words escape once more as memories flood through your eyes your minds become one.

"YOU...I AM ASAR GENERAL OF MOSAS FIRST DIVISION ARMY, THIS LAND WILL BECOME YOUR GRAVE FOR YOU FALL HERE PYRE" Asar shouts staring off into the distance as another division of Pyres army emerge from the steam that began to engulf the battlefield. 

"Pyre, join me and cease this nonsensical war. Together we can overcome our brothers and create a vibrant and prosperous world." The blue giant shouts, his name unbeknownst.

"You insult me with your idiotic notions", Pyre growls, "If there was ever a time for us to coexist Mosa, now is not that time. Your general is right, this land will be a grave but not my own." Pyre breaks free of the blue beam piercing his hand, standing taller than ever charging towards Mosa as another chant arises from the distance.

"Glory be to Lord Pyre" 

A flash of red light climbs into the sky, dancing through the clouds and suddenly erupting in a massive white flash as millions of burning stars seemingly descend from the sky unto the army below them. The Screams of countless men suffering in anguish as they catch fire, and numerous explosions echo around with Pyres army growing ever nearer.

Asar clenches his hand into a fist and looks up at a miniscule sphere hovering above him that emanates a darker red. Another Flux of energy roars through Asars entire body rising from every pore as the sphere grows, overlapping the moon in the sky. 

In the midst of their clash both Pyre and Mosa peer below towards General Asar. Pyre slams his foot upon the earth causing a chasm to tear through the battlefield engulfing anyone in its path inching closer and closer to Asar.

"I give my life for this war, for this new world my Lord desires" Asar exclaims feeling a burning sensation in his body "May my hand be steady, my blade be light" Asars energy sphere begins to shape and mold itself into a massive blade. Gripping the hilt Asar continues "Glory be to Lord Mosa, the enemy may not fear him but they shall come to fear me." 

The sword begins to solidify as Asar swipes heavily to the left sending a burst of black energy forward seering the land in its path, cleaving Pyres army in two, ultimately stopping with a heavy clang.

"ASAR" echoes through the battlefield coming from a familiar, yet enraging voice.

Asar leaps forward narrowly escaping the chasm that formed beneath him, swings his mighty blade downward connecting with another clang. "Teria" Asar growls as he begins to swing his blade violently into the other blade. Soon the fight between Asar and Teria rages through the battlefield reaping and unfortunate soul to be in their path, both sides unrelenting to give the other time to rest. 

"Peles Rage" Teria yells shooting forth multiple red projectiles, as Asar swipes away each of them he bellows "Mauis Manaiakalani" throwing forth a hook that wraps around Tarias blade.

Asar glides forward, tugging away Terias weapon. The burning sensation returns as Asar speaks once more "I give my life for my lord, GLORY BE TO LORD MOSA" Knowing very well that his men had been slaughtered, that he was all that was left, Asar poured every ounce of strength into this final swing. The giants fight causing the earth to tremble and shake. Taking one final look at the fight between the two godlike beings, entangled in a standstill, Asar cleaves Teria in two sending each half flying one way, and impaling the land below him for one final attack. 

The earth slowly calms, the fight between Mosa and Pyre ceases as the remaining army begins to surround Asar.

The earth trembles once more, cracks spread out from Asars blade showing a glorious array of lights ranging from every color.

"River Styx"

The ground erupted, bring forth claws that grasped at everyone around them pulling them down into the abyss below. The battlefield had become silent, as General Asar takes his final breathe, a heavy rainfall begins washing away the remains of the battlefield.


Damian startled awake as the class echoes with laughter.

"Where am I...." Damian thinks "Where is Lord Mosa"

"You really have nothing to say for yourself, this is the fifth time this week that you've fallen asleep in my class. How do you expect to pass if your asleep through every lecture I give, you might as well withdraw and stop wasting both your time and mine."

Damian looks up a the man infront of him and begins to remember everything, "I'm sorry Proffessor Xander, I was up studying all night for another exam.

I won't let it happen again."

"This is your final warning" Proffessor Xander exclaims as he walks away.

"Now, back to the lesson. Recently this site was discovered buried beneath thousands of miles of earth... ." Damian begins to zone out, was that really a dream or what, everything felt so real from the pain to the passion but there's no way it could be. "I am General Asar" Damian thinks to himself, "No im, Damian Estradas, theres no way any of that was real it was all just a strange dream"

Damian tunes back in to his professors lecture, "These statues where found all around the Temple and the text that was engraved into them was translated. They all state the same thing 'Glory Be To Lord Mosa' now in the past many other relics have been dug up with engravings in the depicting an epic battle between 2 figures with the same language engraved on them so we can conclude that one of the two figures is this Lord Mosa, however it is still unknown who the second figure could be."

Damian begins to think "He didn't just say that, there's no way it was all just a dream. It has to be a coincidence." A hum begins to echoe in Damians head as another familiar voice begins to speak

"It isn't a dream boy" Asar thinks melding his mind and Damians into one yet again, "We are Asar, we are Damian. This mind, and body are one and the same and these memories are of our past life."

"As well as this site, another was discovered, a crypt of some sort. Images where taken of the surrounding area and the crypt itself, they say it was very difficult to get inside but it was also worth the effort."

Proffessor Xander scrolls through the different images, hundreds of rivers feeding from a clearing in a forest with a temple made of black stone at its center. The ground surrounding the temple was cracked and dry, with many engravings etched into the stone. On the final slide there was a skeleton wearing a set of blue scaled armor with a helmet that seemed to resemble a shark. The skeletons mouth had sharp teeth, with pointed nails, and the most unnerving thing of all was the weapon it gripped. 

It was holding onto a massive great sword made of a black metal, the edges looked sharp enough to slice through stone and not a hint of rust was on it

Damian/Asar whispered "Pahikaua o ka Auwaha"