

The Protagonist:



Standing at the center of the world, unable to realize the situation that he got himself into, was our stupid, ugly, worthless, and simply idiotic Protagonist, our hero. Standing in complete shock, as he realizes that he can finally see, no words could describe the amount of shock that he is feeling right now; the amount of shock would even surpass that of a blind guy seeing the sky for the first time. As he stands there looking in all directions that the human eye can see, only one thought crosses his mind;

Is this for real?

Again and again, as he saw his arms, legs, fingers, nails, and skin, he repeated THE SAME LINE;

Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!

Even after touching every part of his body, his hair, mouth, teeth, tongue, arms, legs, fingers, clothes, and even the RED ocean he stood inside he COULDN'T STOP HIMSELF FROM repeating THE SAME GODDAMN LINE;

Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?! Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real?!, Is this for real

that is all he could think about.

The Protagonist:


"I can see!"

"I can actually see!!!"

As I realized that I broke free from that sorry excuse for a world and gained the ability to see again, I, in the most prestigious way and well-mannered, celebrated this discovery

The Protagonist:


Prestige and well-mannered, sure…go…one…

The Protagonist:

"Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha! Kha!-Kha!"

Bossu…. adults who for the very first time in their lives ate sugar, were less joyful than you…

Shut it!

After laughing his mind off, using every ounce of air that his lungs contained, our protagonist fell to his knees looking at the sky, breathing so hard, it was as if he sounded like he had run a marathon a moment ago. Yet even after almost losing consciousness by laughing like an idiot, our protagonist could not stop himself from smiling, smiling like a child who for the very first time was praised by his parents, which was immediately followed by a loud cry of joy. Well, at least no one could hear his foolish voice.


The Protagonist:

"Man…this is the best! Hello eyesight, how I missed you! To think this would actually work! Well… to think that trusting your gut would lead to this Flawless Victory!!! Kha…Kha…Kha…"

But…what our protagonist doesn't know, is that from this point onwards.

My hell has just begun...

While our protagonist was giggling, looking at the sky with a bright smile, his pupils began to grow larger and larger while his smile began to slowly fade, as his teeth began to tremble loudly. One thought crossed his mind.

The Protagonist:


"The…sky….why is it red?! Why is the sky colored red? This is wrong! Something here is terribly wrong, it's supposed to be BLUE, THE SKY MUST BE BLUEBLUE AS TH-THE FUCK?! THE SEA IS ALSO RED!!!!! HEY!! HEY!!! HEY!!!! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!!!!! WHAT IS THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!"


As he yelled to the abyss of nothingness and Red, he began to turn his head in every direction he could, desperately trying to find some form of normality, a sense of security and hope, but it was for none because this world wouldn't let him.

The Protagonist:


Desperately tried to find a single thing that ain't colored red, but the more he tried and the farther he looked, the only thing he could see was the color Red. No matter how high he climbed, how far he ran, or how deep he swam, all he saw were the same sights, the same unending nothingness colored red, that disgusting color That only monsters would use on a canvas, the color of war, death, pain, and-

The Protagonist:



As our protagonist began to breathe harder and harder, he looked at his legs, legs which were submerged in an endless ocean, filled with red-colored water. The longer he looked at them, the harder they trembled, to the point that he could no longer stand. Now, on his knees, his heart began to pound at an inhuman rate, as the smell of blood only grew stronger and stronger and his capability to stop himself from puking his guts out became smaller and smaller, in an unexpected turn of events, for some unknown reason, our protagonist decided to dip his right hand inside the RED ocean, catching merely one drop of its water, and placing it on his tongue, and to realizing that the RED color drop of water is sweet! 


The Protagonist:




"What's...going...on…..here?! This….taste…..Damn….it…"







"This must be a dream, yeah! any second now I am going to wake up. Yeah yeah yeah this is just a dream, nothing here is actually real! Everything is fine, Everything is fine, Everything is fine, Everything is fine, Everything is fine, Everything is fine Everything is fine, Everything is fine, Everything is fine, Everything is fine, Everything is fine, Everything is fine."

"I…am…losing…myself…in…this…hell! In a world where blood tastes sweet!"


[I must get out of here! From this hell! But can I? This place is soooooooo fucking big! Is….there….is…a….way….out…..My head hurts….I can't do this anymore…I just wanna go home….]

'Those who don't paddle shall drown'



[Even if this world is a dream, heaven or hell, there must be a way out! Even if it is at the edge of this world I will find it!]

"One, two, three, four."

[Would you forgive me…]


[Or at the very least understand why I am doing this. I will find a way out. Start from one direction and will never stop until I reach the end of it, so at the very least, if I don't find the exit, I will know how big this world is. I will know, by counting my steps! Mom, I know that prime numbers are the greatest! But this time they would only distract me….So will you not get angry at me?!]

"No…it….is….more…likely….that….she…would….have told…me….to….do….so….from….the….beginning! I think she would have said something like this:"

"If you are stuck in a world filled with the color of RED you should count your steps."




You know, I believe I was 3 years old when I found out how to calculate the area of a circle.




{Oi….Bossu...…You are kidding right?!}

Let's go back to the basics; a circle is a shape, shapes are a graphical representation of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external surface, as opposed to other properties such as color, texture, or material type. There are infinite amounts of shapes, but none of them are as beautiful as the mighty circle.

Draw two points away from each other, let's say 5 cm apart, those 5 cm is the distance between those 2 points, or in other words, the shortest path you could take to go from one point to the other. Now, draw a secondary point, draw it that just like the first one is also 5 cm apart from that point, to keep it simple let's call the first and second points P1 and P2, and for the point is 5 cm apart from P1 and P2, C.

Next, draw a third point, just like we draw P1 and P2 and call it P3, and connect P1, P2, and P3 with a straight line, such as P1 is connected to P2, P2 is connected to P3, and P3 is connected to P1, and voila, you get a triangle, or to be precise an Equilateral Triangle, the first Regular polygon. Now, do it all over again but instead of 3 points with the same distance to a point, do it with four, and you will get a Square, the second polygon, do it over and over each time, add an additional point, and at some point, you will draw every possible Regular polygon.

And if you do it for an infinite amount of time, you will draw an infinite amount of points, all with the same distance to a point, and you will get a circle.

Bossu, with all due respect, why are you telling me how to draw a circle, and how is it connected to your story?

Everything is related to my tale, Ann-Marie, even how I found out how to calculate the area of a circle

Is that so? From what I am hearing, you simply want to flex how 3-year-old you were smarter than anyone else in the Brotherhood, but go on, bossu!

Cough Cough Cough

Now connect all the infinite points that the circle is made of to the center with a straight line, this step will create an infinite amount of wannabe triangles. The next step is to cut all the triangles from the circle and order them together to the shape of a Rectangle, by the rules of mathematics and nature, the new Rectangle and the old circle must have the same area! Now all you need to do is find out the Rectangle's length and width multiply, and you will get the area of the circle, ain't it cool Ann-Marie?!

You are seriously, the lamest guy I have ever known, bossu…

The lamest?! That can't be right!

To think there is someone more obsessed with math than your mother, I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree...

Anyways... I started to count my steps, to know how big this world is and how enormous this bloody world truly is.

The Protagonist:

"Five, six, seven, eight."

With each step, I added one to my count.

The Protagonist:

"One-hundred and one, One-hundred and two, One-hundred and three, One-hundred and four."

With each step, I realized how huge this world is.

The Protagonist:

"Three million, seven hundred eighty-four thousand and five hundred thirty-two, three million, seven hundred eighty-four thousand and five hundred thirty-three."

I counted and counted and counted, and even more counted! Surrounded by RED mountains, crossing an ocean of red. There was no RED land nor RED waves, the ocean was shallow yet it felt endless, the world felt endless.



The Protagonist:

If the point that I started to count is the center of this world and every step is 0.000762 km, then I already walked 2883.81 km. 2883.81 km, if this world is in the shape of a circle, its territory would be 26,126,615.84 km^2.

It's too fucking huge! How can I find a way out? A way out, if there is any…"

[2883.81 km and I have met no one. 2883.81 km and this world is still going on.]

In the beginning, I ran but I no longer have the strength to do so. In the beginning, I shouted every step I took, but I no longer had the voice to do so. There is no end to this world, and no one can hear my words.

The Protagonist:

"An endless of RED and the lack of new sights."

[It feels like no matter how long I cross that endless sea and no matter how time passes, nothing will change. To compare the present and the past is a meaningless task in my eyes, they are the same. The same RED mountains, the same RED sky, the same RED ocean, and the same RED sun.]

"The same red."

[Did I walk? Did time pass?]


If I open my eyes, will I be able to close them again? If I scream, will it be heard by anyone? If I cry, will someone come to help me? Is there a point in doing anything if there is no one to verify it?

So many questions!

Can you say something happened if only you authenticate it? Can I say that I exist if there is no one to verify it?

So many questions with zero answers

[My head hurts… I don't know what is right or wrong anymore… I don't know how van I even calculate all those numbers… A mere child!]

"Who am I?"

Am I a male? Female? A human? A living being?

Where am I? What is this world? Why am I here? Can someone hear me? Can someone see me? Is there a way to know if this world is real? If I am real!!]



[When I open my eyes all I see is nothing, all I can feel is nothing. When I close my eyes all I see is the color red, all I can feel is meaningless.]


'If you can't sleep, count sheep! If you can't relax, count prime numbers! And within this endless world of red, all you can do is.'

The Protagonist:

"Count my steps…."