
The orgins of quirks

quirks...there are many kinds of quirks, quirks are pretty much just superpowers with over 80% of the population having some sort of ability ranging from totaly useless to god like powers our streets look like action scenes from movies and pretty soon the supernatrual became the totaly normal.

Enter: rofu chio

my name is rofu and i am one of the 20% not possesing a quirk which is a bummer because i always end up getting beat up at the end of every day because i dont have a quirk sometimes even by my own parents so i grew up having depression because all i want in this world is to be a hero but without a quirk its impossible and i knew this all along but i was just trying to hide my tears and stand up even when i knew i was never going to be a hero anyway one day i was walking to school and i got attacked by a villan it was some sort of sludge monster who tried to take over my body and just when i thought i was going to die someone saved me i thought looked like my favurite hero zangets but i thought that it was impossible when i woke up from the villan attack i saw that it was zangets and since he was here i asked him "how do i become a hero even if i dont have a quirk" and he replied with "no...you can not become a hero without a quirk go home kid you will never be a hero"