
Chapter 21

Keith pulled up a pillow and sat up. “Yeah, we did it.”

“I’ve been actively avoiding this conversation for months now.” Bobby looked Keith in the eyes; avoiding it because I know I’m going to be devastated if he says he doesn’t care.

“What conversation?” Keith asked brightly.

He has no idea what’s coming. “The one about us…” Bobby tenderly brushed Keith’s hair out of his eyes. “You’re getting as bad as Jason about not getting a haircut.”

“Is there an us? When we first started out you only wanted a fuck buddy.” Keith gazed up at Bobby his face questioning.

He’s pulling away. I’m about to get dumped. He’s been alternating hot and cold for the past six weeks.

Bobby’s face turned to stone. “I thought that there was an us.” Oh God, here it comes, let me get out of here with my dignity intact.