
Childhood trauma

hi people...this is bobbi. In this chapter is about how I realised the difference in between rich and poor.

it was about the time when I was about age 7 or so. I had already have snitches in my forehead twice and chin once. I even had a small surgery in my testical...lol.

I was very picky about about girls when I was at the age. She should be white she should be thin and look beautiful and what not blah blah blah...she should be perfect.

My first crush was Kiranmaye. She was the smartest kid in the whole class and she was getting sick more often than usual. that's why I had a back up of two Maggie who lives in the street end and harika who is a classical dancer at that age only. guess what all were hotties. I am just a brown kid with thin body.

There was a annual dance competition where kids would dance in pair. As I said I was damn picky I was crying to have harika to be my partner and they made her my partner after all the nagging and crying. She was practicing with me all the rehearsals and all. My family couldn't afford the costume for me like rest of the kids. She sewed one for me which was looking odd and different which at that time I was not knowing it. with all the preparation and I was ready to dance with my heart. you probably would have guessed the outcome. she didn't showed up that day. I ended up dancing alone like a moron with my moms made costume on me.

later that night I went in to deep thinking why hadn't she attended the event and danced with me. Later it stuck my mind...I was a Aya(nanni) son with no monies with me. obviously she would have felt embarrassed dancing with me. That was my first time I got to know the difference.

there's lot more I want to share with you guys...there are lot of moments where I got crushed in to the ground. I don't know where to vomit all the feelings. I am doing it here. keep reading and reviewing this novel. don't forget the rating..😉

fun fact : I had initially named this navel as middle class boy. later for to know there were like 20-30 navels named like that. I named this novel by the name mom calls me often.