
Training and Confrontation

I could feel someone's burning gaze travel from the soles of my feet up my whole body. A shiver ran down my spin as I looked over my shoulder to see Jaxson's eyes raking up and down my barely covered body. I had never been self conscious about how I looked and I most definitely won't be starting now. When his gaze reached mine he was shocked that I caught him checking me out. Max slipped his arm around my bare waist and whispered something about being partners if we were going to be pairing up today. I just nodded not taking my eyes off Jaxson's whose eyes turned black as night. His hands balled up tight into fists as his knuckles turned white. I sighed before tearing my eyes away from him.

"Okay class!" A very familiar voice bellowed--I internally groaned; anyone but him "Five laps around the track then pair up!"

"Oh no! It's Eric!" Kylee whispered yelled "Urgh, his coming over!"

"Well, well, well if it isn't little miss Emma!" He said--I could hear the smile in his voice.

I turned to him. "Hello Eric."

Eric was your stereotype jock who happened to go wolf every now and then. Also the biggest player I have ever met. He always had a group of girls around him following him everywhere--like little lost puppies--while he was in high school and by the looks he was receiving now, I wouldn't doubt it would happen again.

"Is that all the greeting I get?" He said faking a hurt look "I thought we had something special?"

I laughed "That would be wrong on so many levels and not forgetting illegal as well."

"Eh, I'm still your favorite cousin." He grinned.

"You're my only cousin." I said wrapping my arms around him for a hug "What are you doing here?"

"Your dad sent me." He replied.

"Of course he did." I grumbled.

"You're his only daughter, you of all people should know how he's like." He said "We'll talk later, I've got a class to teach." He said before walking away. "Well, what are you all waiting for, a royal invitation? Get to it!" He shouted and everyone scrambled out of the gym and to the track.

We followed the other students out and started on our laps. I always loved working out but running in human form...not so much. I could very much handle running as a wolf but never as a human. We were all on our last lap and someone kicked their foot out in front of me trying to trip me. Who was it? The girl from lunch and Jaxson's lap buddy. I dodged her foot and wrapped my hand around her throat bring her to the ground. Her head bounced off the track with a thump!

"Was one altercation from me not enough for you today!" I hissed "Do you perhaps have a death wish or something? Cause you sure enough can't take a warning when given one."

"If you keep this up, there will be hell to pay." She gasped out.

"You're in no position to deal out threats. The way I see it, you need to mind your own business and stay out of my way." I said letting her go and walking away.

I finished off my last lap and headed back to the gym only to be cornered by Jaxson. Why oh why is this happening to me right now. Wasn't it enough I had to deal with his...whatever she was; twice! i was in no mood to deal with him too. I pushed past him and kept walking, but, he just had to stop me.

"I'm sorry about Sarah." He said.

"I don't need your apologies." I said.

"Okay then, how about we talk." He said.

"What part of our last conversation did you not understand. We have nothing to talk about." I said.

"I think we do." He said.

"Fine, tell me Jaxson in the last 24 hours since we've met what have you learned about me? Besides my name, friends, classes and how I'm rooming with." I asked tilting my head to the side waiting for a reply. "Where am I from? What pack do I belong to?" I waited "Nothing? No answer? Well, let me tell you what I've learnt about you so far. Jaxson Allen. Twin sister? Amy. Son of Alphas Brent Allen and late Cassandra Allen. Soon-to-be Alpha of Blood Moon Pack. All round player who hasn't had a steady relationship and doesn't want one. Shall I go on?" I asked and still no reply from him. "I didn't think so." I said and walked away.

Was I mad? No I was past mad and went straight to ticked off. The nerve of him to actually think I would accept an apology from him on behalf of that...that ugh! It's unbelievable! Max had gotten the burnt of my frustration after we got into pairs. I actually felt bad for him. It wasn't hi fault that I was so riled up, but he handled it like a man. No matter how many things I got in-- even though our training wasn't supposed to be physical today--he didn't say a word.

I was still pent up when class finished. I didn't bother getting changed, I just grabbed my things and headed for my room. I think some time in the gym would do me some good. A punching bag sounded so good about now. I grumbled under my breath all the way up to my room. Once I was there I dropped my bag down in my room, grabbed my iPad and water bottle walked out--bumping into Jaxson and Sarah on my way out. They both stayed quiet as I stalked pass them. It was good they didn't say anything cause if they did I probably would've done some serious damage to Sarah had she opened her mouth.

Thankfully there was a gym in my dorm so I didn't have to wonder around campus trying to locate it. Tying my hair into a tight bun I cranked up the music on my iPad and got to work on the treadmill first. I needed to run off some of my aggravation first, wouldn't want to break a punching bag.