

My order was called out and I picked it up off the counter. Time to head back up to my room and finish my work. You'd think it would hurt seeing them together, but it didn't. Well, it didn't hurt me, I can't say the same thing about my wolf. She was whimpering inside my head, and I had to block out her feelings so it wouldn't affect me.

Reaching the door, I allowed myself to turn around one last time to look at the guy who was supposed to be my mate. As if he could feel my gaze he looked up. Guilt and regret flashed through his eyes when he saw me. Shaking my head and scoffing silently, I looked away and walked out. I had never given him the benefit of the doubt and I'm glad I didn't. To be honest I wasn't even mad. He was free to do what he wished with whoever he wanted to. We may be mates, but we never mated. If we were then it would be a different story.

We may be meant to be, it doesn't mean will be though. With my head held high I continued back to my room. Liam and Lee had worked damn well fast because by the time I got back to my room they had all of Lee's things over. Not like we all brought much with. Mostly some clothes and pictures of our families back home. That's all.

Setting my coffee down next to my book I tried to get back into my homework groove. It wasn't really an easy task because I couldn't get Jaxson and Sarah out of my head. I tried and failed to push the thought out of my mind so I could focus on my work. After fifteen minutes I gave up; so, I just resting my head on my book. Having a mate sucks. Knowing I wouldn't get any work done I packed my things and headed for my room just as the front door opened. Just as I was about to close my room door a hand shot out and stopped me. I followed the hand up to Jaxson's face.

"I really don't have time for this so could you please let go of my door." I sighed.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"For what? For blurting out random facts about me last week and walked away? For avoiding me for the last week, which I know you were?" I asked "Or are you sorry for being caught with Sarah? Well, that last one doesn't matter cause you're free to do whatever you want."

"I'm sorry for all of it." He replied "But, what you saw at the coffee shop really wasn't what it looked like."

"Are you really going to use that line?"

"I just got back to campus half an hour ago and asked Sarah to meet me at the coffee shop." he said "I asked her to meet me so I could break it off with her; for good. She thought I was joking, which I wasn't. She started laughing and giggling telling me to quit playing. That's when I saw you."

"Am I supposed to believe you?" I questioned.

"I'm not asking you to, hell, I haven't given you any reason to believe or trust me. But it would be nice if you did. I don't want her, haven't for a while. It took me meeting you and some to realize that." He said.

"If you're serious, great, I guess. But it would take more than just your words to make up for how you acted." I said.

"I know that I just want a second chance to do it right."

"You can start tomorrow. Right now, I've got homework to finish and a brother to check up on." I said.

"Okay!" he nodded "There is one thing I want to do before I leave though."

"What's that?" I asked.

His answer didn't come in the form of words, it came in a kiss. His hands cupped my face and his lips captured mine in a kiss that sent me shivering in pleasure. Our lips moved together perfectly like they're made for each other, which they were. He pulled away leaving me breathless, gripping the door for support.

"See you later." he smiled.

"Yeah, later." I breathed slowly closing the door.

I leaned my back against the closed door placing my fingers on my lips that were still tingling from the kiss. That was way much better than kissing Max. That's saying something cause Max is a damn good kisser. Guess it's different when it comes to your mate.

The next morning, I woke up with a start. What the hell was that? My breathing was in pants. My hair was matted on my face which was slick with sweat. I pushed my hair out of my face and took a deep breath. That saw some dream I had last night. A damn good dream. Something that won't be happening anytime soon. I just need to forget about that dream. I have a whole school day to get through and thinking about that dream wouldn't help at all.

"Okay, this has to be a first." Max said walking into my room.

"What is?" I said looking for something to wear to school.

"You're not even ready yet." He pointed out "I woke up early so I wouldn't have to hear you yelling. But here you are fresh out of bed."

"Long night." I said.

"What did you do?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nothing!" I replied a little too quickly; it wasn't a lie though because I didn't do a damn thing. I just had a really good dream.

"You're lying!" He sang.

"Am not, I just had a good dream." I said.

"What was it about?" He asked perching on the end of my bed.

"I'm not telling you." I said before closing the bathroom door.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair. I got dressed in a black skinny jean, a green long sleeve and brown knee-high boots. I didn't bother with any makeup. Wasn't like I was trying to impress anyone. I didn't bother much with my hair either I just put it up into a ponytail. I looked in the mirror and nodded, this was as good as it was going to get. Going back into my room to grab my bag and Max was still sitting there on my bed staring off into space.