
Petty Vengeance

"Do you think I should forgive them, kero?" Tsu -the real one this time- asks at lunch. Unlike yesterday she's sitting with me and Shoko, and the rest of the class are keeping their distance. Not surprising since she's been giving them all the cold shoulder since she showed up to class and revealed that Himi replaced her without any of them noticing. Shoko somehow managed to miss the entire thing and just looked confused when she eventually returned to class with Aizawa -sans Kachan.

Though before they returned, Mirko extracted a promise from me to try and intern with her first next week then headed off to Recovery Girl's office to get her leg healed up. At that point I felt like it was time to address the elephant in the room before my watcher returned.

"If any of you breathe a word about what Eri's quirk did to the pervert I will skin you alive, dump you in a pit of salt, and light it on fire. I can keep you alive like that for a full week."

They made objecting noises but I ignored them in favor of continuing my promise. "Then, for the boys, I will castrate you, cook all three pieces along with your skin, then feed you all of it." I turned to the girls while all the guys paled and started shivering, clapping my hands at the same time.

"Now, since I am a villain with standards, and I consistently drink my 'respect women juice', I will not have the lot of you drugged and forced into prostitution. Instead, I will turn you into blood angels. You might think that's better than what I'd do to the boys, but I can keep you alive like that for seventeen hours. Alive and conscious. So look it up later and decide if you want your last day of life to be composed solely of mind shattering suffering."

When two of the three missing members of the class returned, they saw everyone pale and shivering. Though Aizawa gave me a suspicious glare, he could do nothing without proof or at least a complaint. Getting none, he'd simply moved on to class. Like the terrible teacher he is.

Which is why Tsu and Shoko are the only ones not avoiding me. Shoko because she's absolutely clueless about everything that happened, and Tsu because she didn't meet Eri or see her quirk in action. Not to mention her anger. It's died down a bit after I explained just how good Himi is at impersonating people (without mentioning her quirk, obviously), but is still simmering below the surface. Which is probably what prompted her question.

I shrug. "I mean, it's up to you. She's pretty, skilled, and dangerous, so a grudge wouldn't be very smart. Then again, neither are our classmates. I personally wouldn't mind, but I've been with Himi for a year, so I'm pretty biased." I shiver when Shoko's right hand chills her bowl of cold soba, a few small icicles sprouting from the table aimed at my beef bowl. Weird, she usually has much better control when using her quirk for menial tasks.

Tsu's eyes bounce between us for a moment but doesn't voice her thoughts. Instead she hums in consideration. "She was pretty gentle when she kidnapped me, kero… And when she let me go… She even suggested getting petty vengeance for them not realizing, kero…"

I chuckle. "Heh, sounds like her." I wave a piece of meat on top of a pinch of rice between my chopsticks. "But yeah, petty vengeance. Go for it."

The rest of the lunch period goes by in silence; Tsu obviously trying to think of what she can do to make 1-A do to make it up to her, and Shoko staring at me with an unreadable expression.


At the end of the day, Tsu stands in front of the class. "If you all let me kick you once, I'll forgive you, kero."

The class reacts to the frog girl's statement with surprise before a majority start glaring at me, so I return it with a sneer. "What? You mad, bruhs? Fight me!"

Before things can escalate into an all out brawl, Izumi steps in. "Calm down, everyone." She looks at Tsu, though I notice her eyes dart over briefly to me. "Were you the one who decided on how you'd forgive us, or did someone suggest it to you?"

"I was recommended petty vengeance, kero. I just think that kicking you all will make me feel better."

She nods and turns to the class with a raised eyebrow. Hearing that I did not tell their classmate to hurt them for forgiveness, they calm down and huddle around to discuss it. All except for Izumi, who stands in front of Tsu calmly. "I want to make things right. Go ahead."

Tsu stares into her eyes for a moment before nodding. She pulls her leg back, and I watch with a gleeful smile as she brings it forward. The only thing that dampens my imminent enjoyment about Izumi being two seconds away from being in pain is the determined expression on her face as she looks straight at me for the first time.

Go to hell.

Tsu's foot makes contact…

…and taps gently against Izumi's leg.

I scowl as the frog girl puts her hands on Izumi's shoulders, looking into her wide eyes. "Thank you for understanding my decision and going along with it, kero." Asui pulls the slightly taller girl into a hug that she hesitantly returns.

I, meanwhile, turn around and march to the door while ignoring the others who are getting up to let the apparently soft-hearted girl kick them, only to come to a stop when I hear a shout of pain. Turning around I see Kirishima hopping on one foot while holding his knee with both hands.


Tsu tilts her head and stares at him with her tongue poking out, resting a finger on her cheek as she answers. "What do you mean, kero? I told you I was going to kick you."

I snort, now understanding her reasoning. I wish she didn't use Izumi to lower everyone else's guard, but I can appreciate the thought put into the trick.

The rest of the now much warier class take their turns, and I decide to lean back against the wall and watch. Some get a small kick, like Tokoyami, while others get a hard kick. Yaoyorozu gets something special in the form of Tsu jumping and doing a spin kick to her side. I'm not sure if the loud thump I hear is her ribs bruising or the pillows that fall out of her legs. I click my tongue disappointedly at her for trying to get out of her punishment, and to her credit she does look sheepish. And pained. She should probably swing by Recovery Girl's office.

Contrary to everyone else, Kaminari gets a kiss on the cheek! She gives him a small smile after the act. "Thank you for noticing, kero." It turns out that overusing his quirk isn't the only way for the blonde to short circuit, and he has to be led away with his mouth opening and closing soundlessly.

As if determined to have equality across the range of experiences her classmates get from her, Tsu punts Mineta from the front of the classroom to the back. Then she repeats it when he bounces back. I'm pretty sure she's going for a third but Sero decides to allow the grape mercy and pulls him from the air using his tape. I'll just ignore the nearly silent tongue click the frog girl makes. Her expression hasn't changed at all except for the smile she gave Kaminari, and I think she's using the opportunity to establish her dominance over the other students.

None of the others are notable, but by the end the only ones who aren't holding their knees (or side in Yaoyorozu's case) are Izumi and Kaminari. Well, Mineta too but I'm pretty sure he got knocked out.

"Feel better?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. She tilts her head as she thinks for a moment before giving me a firm nod.

"I think I do, kero. Violence is cathartic."

I point at her with both of my index fingers. "See! You get it!" I open my mouth to expound upon the glory of violence, but stop and tilt my head as I hear a sound. I turn to the door and tap my chin with a finger as I try to listen closer.

"....wouldn't work….say….clearly…1-B…"

…I'm pretty sure someone is standing outside the classroom door preparing a speech. Am I going to let them have the time to prepare and enjoy the show? Of course not! I'm gonna crash it!

I turn to Tsu to find out just how strong her legs are.


Neito Monoma heard an interesting bit of news in the lunchroom today. Apparently the villain who made a show of the Sports Festival and claimed to be the son of All Might is now attending classes at the school! Not only that, but he's in the hero course!

While he can understand the desire to see if he can be rehabilitated and the reason for it to be attempted at UA, given every teacher is a licensed pro hero in the top hundred (not counting the Underground home room teacher for his rival class), he can't help but feel concerned. Which is why he's come to 1-A to investigate the boy! Now, obviously he isn't alone. He has no idea what the villain's mental state is, so he has Tetsutetsu with him as well as having copied his quirk. He's also copied Setsuna and Kamikiri's quirk. If he activates those two in tandem, then the villain wouldn't stand a chance!

Of course such a combination is far too dangerous to typically be used against others, especially against his fellow first years! Even the ones from class A. Which is why he'll only use it if the villain attacks and manages to get through the copied Steel quirk.

Finally deciding on his opening speech declaring how 1-B will not be overshadowed by the hero class that seems to have all the unusual occurrences, he reaches out to open the door. This action gets stalled when a green haired boy comes flying through it with arms outstretched in a classic lupine dive. But what makes a shiver run through Monoma's spine and causes him to instinctively use Tetsutetsu's quirk is the kissy face the boy is making.

"Give daddy some sugah!"

He barely manages to drop under him, which lets him fly behind him and through a conveniently opened window. The steel coated blonde looks up at his sharp-toothed classmate with wide, confused eyes, getting an equally befuddled expression in return. After getting helped to his feet, the girl with the frog quirk exits and looks around the hall before her eyes come to rest on the open window.

"Whoops, kero."

Just a second later, Aizawa returns with a steaming cup of coffee in hand. He looks at his student. He looks at Vlad's students. He looks at the open window. He turns on his heel to head back to the teacher's lounge. "Nope."

The three students are left in silence that's eventually broken by Tsu's voice. "I can understand why Usagi wonders how he's a teacher, kero."

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Tsu only partially used Izumi to trick the others, the other part is what she said. Izumi was not content with that and later slammed her knee into a wall as self-punishment.

Ashido then scolded her for doing that when she found her hopping her way back to the dorms and dragged her to Recovery Girl.

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