
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · Cómic
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28 Chs

One for all


What was he talking about?

What power?

Did he know me before?

Wait, did he even know I didn't have the memories of this body?

"I didn't know when you would wake up or if you would even wake up from the coma, so I kept looking for an heir to 'one for all' and recently I found someone I believe to be worthy, but I also only found out that you recently woke up and with that, I broke my promise to give you my Quirk."

I listened intently to All Might as I tried to piece together the pieces of information to ease my growing confusion, but to no avail.

It was simply too much information to decipher, but I managed to make sense of some things.

With the information gathered it was possible to assume that 'one for all' was his Quirk name and that he seemed to have a good relationship with the person I was before.

But what kind of Quirk was it that could be passed on to another individual, was that even possible?

And what kind of promise was that, that the best hero in the world would pass his Quirk on to a mere child?

{From research through the International Information Bank, it would not be possible for a human being to hold more than one Quirk without the body breaking down or there being a harmful conflict between the Quirks, but there are certain possibilities that a Quirk transfer is possible.}

That was interesting, but I couldn't delve into it while I still had to give an answer to All Might, who still had his head on the ground.

Or could I?

I would certainly like to look into more information about the possibility of there being two Quirks in a single individual, but under normal circumstances, it wouldn't be nice to have a hero number one kneeling while waiting for me to respond.

But I wasn't normal.

There was a trick that I had forgotten due to the few times I used it, but that might solve this issue, it wouldn't keep him waiting while I searched and analyzed the available information.

I just needed to activate the focus.

{Focus has been activated}

{The following areas have been improved:}

{Movement speed, processing speed, perception speed, nanomachine activation speed}

There was no dramatic change with focus activation, no increase in strength, or strange sensations.

It was just the world that was different.

There were no birds flying overhead or clouds moving and no ambient sounds.

because everything was statistical, no, that was not a correct definition.

They weren't static, they were just moving so slowly that they appeared to be motionless, so there wasn't any sound either.

It was a pity that I could only use 10 minutes continuously of the focus, and then I would need to rest for a few minutes before using it again.

It was extremely tiring for my brain, which was still in the process of being improved by the nanomachines, so I wouldn't be able to handle the full use of focus for the time being.

But those 10 minutes were very precious and useful, each minute is equivalent to 1 second in real-time, so the true use of the focus was not the accelerated thoughts, but in combat, with that time difference, how many punches could I land?

Hundreds? Thousands?

It was a shame that I had to use focus the way I was using it, but it was necessary as this could be one of the greatest mysteries in the world.

All Might's Quirk.

And I could end up in more trouble than I wanted to if I didn't know what I was getting myself into.

So system, continue where you left off.


{As the host has already been informed, there is virtually no possibility for an individual to withstand more than two Quirks in the same body, however hypothetically, there are a few ways this could be possible.}

{One of these ways, which is the one that represents the host, is that the main Quirk is strong enough to subdue the other and if it is compatible there can be a mixture between the two abilities, but it will require an extremely strong body, however, in this case, may not be reflected in Toshinori Yagi, the man known as All Might.}

{Another possibility is that it is an energy-converting Quirk and that it is able to be passed on and as long as the user lives the Quirk will store energy, benefiting and empowering the next user, this seems to be All Might's source of power, though cannot be accurately stated, and there are no records of a Quirk with this ability.}

The second hypothesis made things have a certain meaning

All Might's agility, strength, and gigantic durability, fruits of past generations that constantly strengthened the Quirk as it passed on to the next generations.

It was the best guess and probably the closest to the truth.

But that raised a question in my head.

How many generations must have passed for All Might to have gotten so strong?

20 generations?

Maybe 40 generations?

Or maybe much less than that?

In the end, it was impossible to know.

However, it was very strange to think that there was a Quirk capable of being passed on that carried so much history.

But it was still not possible to know if this hypothesis was correct or not.

There was only one person who could tell if this was right.

My unconscious gaze was guided to a giant figure doing dogeza.

Hero number 1.

The person who thought of passing his power to me.

What had he seen in a child?

What was so inspiring to trust so much history and power in the hands of someone different?

I was very curious to know that answer, to know a little about the mind of the man who became the pillar of peace in this world.

{-1% focus}

System, turn to focus off.

I didn't need the notifications to know what I wanted to do.

I would have my answers!

And I waited a few seconds... And nothing.

The world remained almost statistical.

Why didn't things go back to normal?

And nothing happened when I tried to move my hand or move my body, even breathing proved impossible.

This had never happened!

{Emergency control activated}

{The nanomachines took the liberty of temporarily restricting the body, as certain information must be passed on to the host}

Like this?

Now, am I a prisoner of my own body?!

What was the next step, becoming a zombie?

{We assure you that this is not the intention, the nanomachines only have the function to survive and expand, therefore the nanomachines can only restrict certain actions of the host for a short period of time and the restriction will end in a few moments.}

A sense of disgust and hatred grew in me with every word I read.

How dare they?

My power and my body, against me?

I knew the world was doing too well to be true.

{Emergency control has been disabled}

{The host is free to deactivate the focus whenever he wants, but it is recommended that the user read the information that will be passed on, the nanomachines aim only at the well-being of the host}

Although the instinct derived from my revolt was to deactivate the focus, my curiosity, and common sense were greater than my revolt at being controlled against my will by my brain.

What if it was something important?

I knew that the nanomachines didn't have intelligence and just followed protocols and commands, so they shouldn't have taken this course of action without any reason.

It was at least worth some time to look at.

{From the information collected it is highly possible that the Quirk known as 'Nanomachines' can be inherited through direct descent or through the consumption of DNA

From the host, there is also a hypothesis that some Quirk can cause permanent interference in the nanomachine.}

Does that mean... that my Quirk, my power, could be stolen?

But how?

Wasn't it all a hypothesis?

There shouldn't be a Quirk capable of stealing another.

{There are government reports online, with some individuals able to steal Quirk and others able to copy them. Therefore, nanomachines have developed a new protein capsule capable of inserting a cancer cell, whose ability is to destroy the Quirk of the user who tries to interfere with the host's genes.}


At least I wouldn't have to worry about anyone trying to steal my Quirk.

But if that was all, then why stop using my body?

Wouldn't it be easier to wait for me to get out of focus to pass on this information?

{-1% focus}

{This may even be the case, but new updates are faster during focus and when certain emotions are prominent, which would have taken 4 years, was done in a minute}

Anything else I should know?

{It is recommended that the user try to find out the transmission method of 'one for all' because there may be surprises that can benefit the user, to gain All might's trust, it is recommended that the user give him some nanomachine}

I felt my eyebrows furrow at the system's suggestion, I understand the need to lose something to gain it, but was it worth the price?

I only had two nanomachines stored with me and I could only create one per month, this made them extremely precious even though I currently had no use for them.

And what would I get in return?


I didn't want to, but it was a recommendation for nanomachines, so the pros should outweigh the cons.

I sighed as I prepared to turn the focus off until I remembered that I still had something to do before turning off focus, I had to pass on a message.

I pressed my right ring finger hard against the side of my head and concentrated all the hardening on the finger and spoke in a loud and clear tone:

"Know that I hate being controlled and the next time that happens I will stick my finger in my brain and blow my brains out, I'd rather die than have my body controlled against my will, now turn your focus off."

The nanomachines in my brain were capable enough to understand my thoughts and surroundings, therefore I was sure it would be able to understand what I was saying and the Danger I was putting myself in.

By focusing the hardening on a single spot, all the others became much weaker, and if I pushed mine hard with a finger... Then I would be able to fulfill what I promised.

{Understood Sir}

the world returned to normal along with the understanding of nanomachines.

And with that, I just needed to talk to All Might and fulfill what the nanomachines had proposed to me.

I was no longer confused, I just needed to act as if I understood everything and as if I were someone magnanimous.

If it was worth it.

System, what will I get if I get what you want?

{If the assumptions are correct, the rewards will be astronomical}

Great everything I needed to hear or read.

There wasn't much difference.

"All might, lift your head.

You don't owe me any apologies, doing right requires no forgiveness and I'm not offended by your choice, your circumstances forced you to."

I walked over and held out my hand for him to hold as I kept up my act of magnificence.

"Young kazuhira... you've really grown up, your mother would be proud of you.

But I don't deserve your forgiveness, because I came here with the audacity to ask your favor."

I pulled All Might up and helped him to his feet as my heart ached a little with guilt when he mentioned my mother, a woman I learned had a big heart.

But I wasn't doing anything wrong, he would be the one to benefit the most in the end.

"My heir, well he has some problems with one for all and also with sociability, and with his intelligence I thought maybe you could help me."

Oh, so he had a problem with his Quirk heir, which wouldn't be surprising given that Quirks weren't used to sharing a single body and as far as sociability, he'd come to the wrong person, but I wouldn't say that.

I needed the information the system was looking for, so I was going to continue this conversation.

"I'm flattered that you seek my help, even though I'm not that competent, but I'll help however I can."

I promised as All Might sighed in relief and prepared to speak.

Come on, hero number 1.

Reveal to me the secrets of your Quirk.