
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · Cómic
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28 Chs

Nanomachines border on the miracle

"Now, Mr. Miller, I need you to sit in that chair and listen carefully to what we're going to say."

Daphne the sister gently took my hand and guided me to the chair, while the other sisters dragged the mirror in front of me and after finishing each one stood on one side of the mirror.

although what the mirror reflected made me not care what they were doing, I felt my gaze fixed on the mirror, not liking what was reflected.

A shirtless young man.

skinny, with the skin almost sticking to the bones

And sunken cheeks of recessive thinness.

As well as one of the blue eyes was also sunken from the thinness while the other eye was wrapped by bandages that caught a part of the head together with a part of the shaved hair.

And right in the center of his forehead, there was a round scar, a gunshot scar.

" As you can see, this scar is from 7 years ago when you were shot, under normal circumstances... It would have been impossible to survive, but apparently, your individual life had been keeping you alive for the last few years and... She went the extra mile and made it restore your brain that was damaged by the shooting, but there are some tricky things, so I need you to stay calm with what I'm going to show you.

After the explanation, Daphne nodded to the sister who was to the right of the mirror, who I assume was Tifa, because as soon as she put her hand in the mirror it changed what was being reflected.

It changed to reflect a sitting skeleton with a brain and a beating heart.

And of course, nothing could be normal with my luck, the heart of the skeleton, my heart was all silver metallic, but that wasn't so surprising, Senator Armstrong himself had a metallic heart due to the nanomachines and in my case, it shouldn't be different.

The really surprising thing was the brain that had a part that was just as metallic as the heart and I think Daphne was about to explain what seemed to be the obvious thing about the brain.

" As you can see, yours individually seems to have chosen your heart as the main engine, and as for your brain, it seems that the damaged parts, which are 20% of your brain

they have been completely replaced by the nanomachines that your Quirk produces, but we don't know how this can affect you, so we need to know anything out of the ordinary, such as hearing voices, seeing things, loss of memories, or new powers.

As soon as she explained, Daphne pulled a clipboard with a pen from the same bag she took the chair from and quickly started writing a few things but not taking her eyes off me, as if expecting something.

Was I supposed to warn her that I might stiffen and see letters that contained information I shouldn't?

Ok, maybe the part about seeing letters was quite worrying, after all even I didn't know what exactly those letters were.

{The brain communications system is the nanomachine responsible for crystallizing in the user's brain, in addition to having the responsibility of acquiring information, organizing and assigning tasks to other nanomachines, and passing on the communication of the nanomachines in a clear way to the host.}

So that whole metal part of my brain is a nanomachine?

And the information about my body, was the nanomachines communicating to my brain so I can see it in letters?

{Both questions came close to the answer}

{The nanomachines that make up the part of the lost brain are millions of nanomachines that come together to perform a function, thus allowing the language of the nanomachines to be translated for easy understanding by the host}

"Mister Miller... Are you okay?

You've been staring into nothingness for some time."

Immediately daphne's voice took my focus off the lyrics only to see that I was facing the wall as daphne had moved from her original spot and moved to stand in front of the mirror.

"Sorry for the unnecessary worry Miss Daphne, I was just…processing everything.

I said with a smile on my face as Daphne's mouth dropped open in surprise before she hid it with her hand in front of her as chuckled lightly.

Was my voice so beautiful that she fell in love with me?

"I'm glad for that, I was starting to think that the beauty of my sisters and I made you forget how to talk as soon as we entered the room."

I felt... Embarrassed, she wasn't in love with me, she was just making fun of me.

I wasn't going to leave, being the only one embarrassed here.

let's appeal to good old sentimentality

"Do you know you were the first woman I saw? I was really scared."

Now it was her turn to feel embarrassed for embarrassing a naive young man with no memories!

"Oh that's right, don't worry, we women can make you forget your fear quickly with much more…pleasant things."

Shit, now it was hard to play!

even more so when she sent me a kiss after finishing talking.

"Huhu, though it's fun, I'm afraid we'll have to leave soon, as we've already monopolized too much of her time and I'm sure her father would like to see her.

but before you leave my sister Elizabeth will help you with your clothes, just say what color you want and she will make it."

Immediately after speaking Daphne left the front of the mirror and the sister who was on the left took her place so this would be Elizabeth who was carrying the bag that had not yet been opened

"Uh, I don't know what to order, so feel free to choose the style and color of the outfit, but can you create a headband that covers the entire forehead?

I don't think that scar does anyone any good."

Throwing me a compassionate look, she just nodded in agreement and took several skeins of black and white yarn from her bag.

Would she do the hand? Now my conscience was going to weigh the request for the bandana.

But contrary to my expectations, she threw the skeins up, and with a hand movement the threads quickly began to move in less than 1 minute, I had black jeans, a white shirt with no prints, and a black bandana perfectly packed and ready for use, and in the same time it took for the clothes to be made, the sisters put away the rest of the objects.

And while I was shocked by the speed, they quickly left.

Without even saying goodbye.

How rude.