
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · Cómic
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28 Chs

A very sexy robot

They must have had their reasons for being in such a hurry and in the end, that wasn't my problem.

My current problem was that I should change before I found my... father.

This was a little unnerving, I never had very deep contact with my father in my past life, so now I didn't know what the relationship between a father and son should be like.

And then there was the previous relationship he shared with his son, which was completely over, as I had not inherited that body's memories.

And it was impossible to know how our relationship with him would be knowing that, in the end, I would have to make an effort for things to work out.

No, the time for thinking is over.

I decided to change before I wasted any more time on thoughts that wouldn't currently help me.

I spent my last entire life just winging it at the moment and still managed to survive 17 years.

With the decision made I managed to empty my mind as I changed my clothes.

And in less than a minute I had changed clothes, which weirdly fit perfectly even without measurements being taken, the quirks were convenient.

However, there was still one piece of clothing that I hadn't put on, the black bandana.

And even though I didn't want the bandana, it immediately reminded me of one of the greatest soldiers I've ever met and admired.

the Big Boss, the man who sold the world.

And even with the desire to conquer the stars, I should never follow the path he walked, because it would only lead me to self-destruction and loneliness. even though the lack of an eye brought us closer than the headband, and that's where I hoped the resemblance stopped.

I took a deep breath and tied the band around my head, thus hiding the scar, which probably wouldn't bring happy memories to anyone.

With my clothes properly changed, I was finally ready to talk, I took one last deep breath and walked towards the door, hesitating not once when I turned the handle and opened the door.

But I was surprised and stunned when I saw what was waiting for me outside the room.

It was a robot that reached the height of my chest.

But it wasn't just any robot, it was a robot with a maid's outfit and very feminine features.

If it were just that, it would just be amazing.

But when I noticed the full breasts, and the blond Bello bun hairstyle, although the female robot had no mouth, no nose, and no eyes, it was just a face of polished metal.

I was stunned to realize that overall, and strangely enough, I found the robot...sexy.

For the love of God!

She didn't even have skin, she was just polished metal!

Did nanomachines make me prefer robots?

{Host preferences have been found to have no bearing on nanomachines.}

Great, so I was weird for thinking a robot was sexy.

Or my dad was the weirdo for having this Robot as a maid.

"Is there a problem young master?

Does my appearance displease you?"

Surprisingly, the robot had a very velvety female voice, each word coming out almost like a melody, something extremely pleasant to hear.

it wasn't on the same level as the voice that gave me this life or the song of the universe, but it was certainly the third-best voice I had ever heard.

"Forgive me, I was just lost in thought and your appearance has nothing to do with it, I find your appearance very charming."

I apologized while trying my best not to hurt her self-esteem.

"I am more than pleased with your praise young master, but you must not waste your apologies on me."

the female robot quickly responded to my comments, probably not very used to compliments.

"Oh, I forgot the introductions!

Where was I thinking!?

I'm Melina, I've been with you since you were a little boy and I was created by joining the individualities of master and master Miller, with the task of caring and protecting, as well as attending to all your whims. "

With a slight bow, Melina ended her introduction as I felt bad for finding her sexy, though I couldn't deny that I still found her sexy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Melina, I thank you for the aftercare, even though I don't remember it, and I ask that you continue to look after me in the future if it doesn't bother you."

Without further ado, I bowed after I finished speaking, a sign of respect, the least I could do for someone I had been with for so long, even without having any memories of that company.

"It will never be a bother to accompany you, young master, on the contrary

It has been a great pleasure to accompany you so far, and I would be more than happy to continue."

And as the one who takes care of your health, I must ask you, young master, what makes you try to leave the room?"

Embarrassingly I only remembered my goal when Melina asked me, I was so distracted by her charisma that I forgot what made me leave the room.

I was an embarrassment as a son.

"Thanks for reminding me Melina, I came looking for my...dad, I think maybe he would be happy to know I'm okay."

Melina seemed elated by what I said, I think, at least, that's what her body reading seemed to indicate.

"Ah! Master Miller would be overjoyed at your visit, that should be enough to get him off work!"

In her excitement, Melina grabbed my hand and tried to drag me away but I just stopped at what I felt from her hand.

"Ah sorry young master!

I promise I won't drag you down again!

"Your... hand is soft."

I unconsciously snapped back due to my shock at feeling her hand.

But as if she didn't understand what I said, she tilted her head slightly to the side.

"It's just that I thought it would be...cold.

because...well, you know why."

I was forced to elaborate on my doubts because to me it seemed quite unnatural but at the same time I didn't want to be insensitive.

"Would you like to feel?"

Melina asked me as she gently took my left hand and placed it on her metallic face and my answer was to just show it with my actions.

I ran my hand over the metallic surface, marveling at what I felt.

It was warm and soft just like a person's, but at the same time not malleable, could individuality create something like that?

"When I said I'd cater to your every whim, I meant a lot of different things."

This time Melina took my hand and guided it under her skirt, where my fingers touched something wet and warm.