
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · Cómic
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28 Chs

A letter

It was good to know that the same injury wouldn't happen again, maybe I'd even get a cybernetic prosthesis on the other eye, after all, I was already modifying a large part of the interior, but that decision wasn't just up to me.

First I should ask the man who gave me life.

It was a subject I could broach over lunch if the opportunity arose, but now I had to shower because god only knows how much an unwashed teenager can stink.

{Would you like to test the new functions of the left eye?}

No, I didn't want to use it now as it would be a waste.

I was sure the opportunity to use it properly would come later.

For the time being my concern was the shower, so I decided to look at the clothes scattered around the bed.

There were several pants and shirts of different colors and prints together with several equally diverse underpants in terms of color.

And surprisingly, there were several bandanas of all kinds of colors, but all of them were dark colors, like green, blue, and black.

I got a dark blue bandana and the clothes will follow the same color pattern, quite dark, however, I chose mostly black and dark gray colors, it was just my preference for the dark color in my clothes.

After picking up the clothes I followed Melina's driving tips as she left my room, glad I paid attention to what she said because I realized how big the house was as I walked.

In less than a minute of walking, I had seen an art gallery, a place full of strange electronic devices, and a relatively large gym and when I was about to go down the stairs, I felt compelled to stop in front of one of the doors that was ajar.

It was wrong to snoop around but I couldn't help but do a double take when I saw what was a hero suit peeking through the crack in the half-open door.

It was a pity that I couldn't properly check the suit's appearance... But if I came closer and went to open that door, then I could see that suit.

But it wasn't right to follow my curiosity and violate a secret that wasn't mine.

So I left my curiosity behind and made my way to the bathroom as I headed downstairs.

And of course, the bathroom was no less luxurious than the rest of the house.

White walls, porcelain floors, white cabinets with mirrors on the walls so clean they could reflect the soul, and right in the middle of the cabinets was a sink with a vase of flowers on the side, and above the vase of flowers was a towel.

and there was the toilet which was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

The privy was gold.

The fucking toilet was gold!

But nothing surpassed the object that had my full attention.

A beautiful black bathtub, which contradicts the white walls and porcelain floor, in addition to the white cabinets.

And I didn't have to think once when I saw that the bathtub was filled with steaming water.

I hurriedly took off my clothes and got into the tub.

I involuntarily let out a sigh of relief when I felt the water cool my body.

Who knew it would be so nice to be born into a wealthy family?

Hey system, could you let me know when the time is up for lunch to finish?

{You still have 20 minutes}

Good because there was no way I would be leaving here until time ran out.

So I just let time pass while I relaxed, not thinking about things and stressing myself out.

No thoughts about my parents, about responsibility or power, and the world of heroes and villains.

It was just me and the silence of my mind, just like the old days, when I enjoyed the song of the universe and the company of the stars, I could almost recite the song in my mind, though it would never come close to the original.




It wasn't the same but it was comforting and had merit.

{18 minutes have passed.}

And of course, the lyrics would break my peace of mind, however, I'd be late if I wasn't nimble now.

I sighed as I got up from the bathtub and walked carefully so as not to slip, while I went to the sink to get the towel to dry myself off.

I hurriedly dried my body and put my clothes on haphazardly, as I ran and stumbled out of the bathroom, Melina had just forgiven me and I wasn't in the mood to earn her resentment for being late for lunch

And getting to the kitchen was relatively easy, I just followed the great smell of food and quickly reached the kitchen, which wasn't that far from the bathroom.

{20 minutes passed}

Good thing I made it in time.

But as soon as I entered the kitchen, I saw Melina in front of a door as she was holding a clock.

Perhaps it was the entrance to the mansion, was she expecting someone?

"Good morning Melina, expecting someone?"

Melina gave a little jump of fright at my sudden question, but she quickly recovered as she assumed a formal posture and turned in my direction.

"Kaz, you shouldn't surprise a lady like that!

This time I'll let it go because Master Miller is late and I'm worried."

Melina warned me, but my biggest concern was knowing that my father was late while he was outside.

And you could hear that it was raining quite heavily outside and my father was quite thin and didn't look like he was in the best of health, so the chance of catching an illness looked pretty high.

{The concern is unnecessary as it is possible to create certain nanomachines once a month through the blood of the host, disease resistance is one of the nanomachines that can be created.}

That was great!

In the metal gear universe, nanomachines were capable of slowing down even cancer.

Unfortunately, it was only possible to use it once a month, so I would have to think carefully before creating a nanomachine.


Two consecutive knocks on the door interrupted my thinking as Melina moved quickly to answer the door.

To Melina's relief, it was my father, who was wearing a brown overcoat and a fedora.

But he wasn't relieved to see Melina, at first I didn't understand, but after he stepped inside the house I understood the lack of relief, as soon as he stepped inside, Melina quickly started giving my dad a hard time.

And I, wisely, just enjoyed the show as my dad took off his fedora hat and tried to excuse the delay, but he quickly gave up as he silently listened to Melina complain.

And only after two minutes did she finish talking, however, I didn't know if it was because she said everything she had to say or because she got tired of talking, I think this remains a mystery that only Melina herself knows.

"Look who's here! I have news for you!"

My dad exclaimed excitedly with a smile on his face as he ran over to give me a hug.

I just accepted my fate as I opened my arms and was surprised when the man knelt and hugged me tighter than his thin body seemed to have.

"Kaz, I'm going to give you something important, I want you to take this thing and read it to yourself and then we'll talk about it at lunch, I'll wait for you anyway to have dinner with Melina."

My dad pulled back from the hug making a solemn face as he looked at me as he spoke.

After he finished speaking, he pulled a wax-sealed letter from inside his overcoat as he patted me on the shoulder, and walked off into another kitchen corridor I hadn't explored.


I heard Melina yell at my father across the kitchen, otherwise, I would have laughed, but at that moment I was really curious about what was written in the letter.

The seal was quite peculiar, it had initials in gold with the initials, 'U.A'.

And if my memory serves me right, it was the same acronym for the hero school my father studied.

Driven by curiosity I pulled and broke the letter's seal, took a deep breath, and started reading the letter which was in English.

(Dear Mr. Miller.)

("We would first like to congratulate you on the successful recovery of the hospital.

We are very happy to know that the son of one of our best students is doing well.

Knowing of your recovery and your father's reputation, we would like to invite you to make 'U.A.' the best hero prep academy in Japan.

Although it is necessary to complete a written and practical test, we are aware of Mr. Miller's intellectual talents and believe that you have inherited his intellect and drive.

The test will take place in 5 months and we would love for you to be part of the lineup of our future heroes.)

(Sincerely, Nezu, Headmaster of U.A. Hero Academy)

It was…amazing and fascinating.

Did that mean I was worthy of being a hero?