
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · Cómic
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28 Chs

A hero is created

Maybe it wasn't a matter of being worthy or not, maybe it was because my dad had a lot of influence and money in addition to being a business owner.

All of which was a great reason to invite a kid who just got out of the hospital.

Come to think of it, that was probably the only reason for my invitation.

{It is theorized that the invitation may have been sent due to the host's individuality being ranked in the world ranking of young talents.}

What do you mean my Quirk was ranked in the world ranking?

So everyone knew about nanomachines?

{The Quirk called 'nanomachines' is currently ranked 8th in the world for young talents, however only hero academies and governments can access this information.}

It wasn't so bad if only governments and hero academies could access information about nanomachines.

However, it was disappointing to know that nanomachines were only in 8th place and it made me wonder how powerful the Quirks were in the rankings above.

{The ranking is thought to be #8 due to information about the Quirk being 7 years old, which only included information about the hardening of the skin and indications of increased strength, along with other mutations.]

So my individuality record was out of date?

That wasn't bad, but I don't think I could keep my abilities hidden as long as I was a hero.

And power and fame were a heavy burden that placed a big target on one's back, bringing pain and loss to oneself as well as those loved.

I didn't have to think hard to find a victim of power and fame.

My father was one of those victims, a miserable man who suffered more than he should have for trying to help others.

Unfortunately, I believe my choice had already been made.

What was the point of a second chance, if not to be better, to be a different man?

What good is so much power if I do nothing to honor the responsibilities that come with it?

I should honor the beautiful voice.

I should be better.

I should be the hope.

I should be grand.

I will be grand.

I had made my choice, regardless of others' opinions, even if it meant breaking what was left of my father's heart.

Even if he didn't support my wish, I would still become a hero, nothing would stop me and I wouldn't let it.

Not even death will stop my way.

I grabbed the letter as I headed in the direction my dad had gone earlier, I didn't know if this conversation would be easy or not, because even though I was willing it didn't mean I wanted to break his heart.

He had already suffered enough for a lifetime, preferably we would have a sensible conversation, without either side getting hurt.

Or that's what was on my mind until I saw the table my dad was sitting at.

It was just... Too much food!

enough to feed a hungry battalion, there was so much food that I could barely see my father behind the huge variety of luxurious dishes, the table was almost full and what left me the most incredulous was that the table must have been at least 3 meters of length.

"Kaz that's great! You're here! Come on, take a seat next to me!"

I mechanically followed my father's order, I was too stunned by the amount of food to even form a response, so I just followed his order.

I only came out of my stupor when my father started to serve himself and even without wanting it, I unconsciously expressed a doubt that settled in my mind when I saw the amount of food.

"Is it okay for me to eat these things?"

It was a silly question, I know, but I couldn't help myself.

In my previous life, I wasn't able to eat many luxurious things, often the chance to eat was already a luxury.

So it was strange to know that I could... eat without any problem.

"What kind of question is that? Of course, you can Kaz, I can't even eat all of that, I'd die trying!"

With permission given, it didn't take long for my father and me to start devouring the food.

We didn't even spend time talking, we just focused on the different dishes, it was so much food that it took us 40 minutes to finish it, even though we ate it greedily.

"I have to thank Melina later"

I commented after the long meal, I really should thank her, I had never eaten so much food in my existence and the improvements to my gratitude for the food were good, although I felt embarrassed to eat so much even though I wasn't hungry

"Hahahahah, Melina got carried away, but after we talk about her, I'm sure we have a more important matter to discuss"

My father was initially laughing but his face gradually became more serious as he spoke as I remembered that we had a very important matter to discuss.

But although my father brought up the subject, no one had the courage to be the first to speak, only silence reigned in the kitchen until I decided to break the silence.

" Dad, I've made my decision, it may not please you but... I'll be a hero.

I couldn't deny that I expected a bigger reaction than he showed, he just placed a hand on his beard as he let out a sigh.

" Yeah... I already imagined it would be like this, I even thought about getting rid of the letter, but that's not fair to you, I can't lock you in the house, no matter how much I want to protect you... You are big enough to pursue your ambitions, I trust you and support your decision, saving the lives of others is always a worthy ambition."

Every word was uttered as he looked into my eyes the trust he had in me was heavy but also comforting to know that he supported my decision even though he knew the weight of heroism.

"But don't think it will be easy kaz, you'll be alone in Japan, and you'll need to catch up on your physical if you want to pass the exam, there's also your studies, you'll have to catch up 7 years late.

I'll help you with everything I can but if you can't pass the test... Know that you can still make a difference in the world, being a hero is not the only way to do good."

"I assure you father... I know what awaits me."

I quickly responded with all my confidence, because I knew that if I wasn't able to show confidence now, I wouldn't be able to earn my father's trust.

It was a quick but forceful response, designed to show that I understood the message he wanted to convey.

My intention seemed to have worked, as he smiled at my answer as he got up from the table.

"Come follow me, I have something to show you, something you're going to need"

I hurriedly got up from the table to follow my father, because she barely waited for me after calling me, so I had to be quick.

I wonder though what he was going to show me, something I was going to need... Was it the costume I had seen earlier?

That seemed to be the case, he was leading me to the second floor as my excitement grew, it was kind of silly but I was excited to see a real hero costume because I hadn't seen any heroes in this world yet due to my conditions.

After a few seconds, we stopped in front of a glass door, which showed what was inside.

And with my bad luck, obviously what was in there was not what I imagined.

It was a gym.

"If you want to be a hero, you will need a hero's body, because a hero is not born, he is created"

My dad spoke as he patted my back.

It was frustrating to be let down, but my father was right.

If I wanted to be a hero.

I needed to turn into one as soon as possible.

From that day forward, I would start my training.

5 months later:

{Eight hours passed, body fully rested.}

{Awakening the body.}

I opened my eyes as I stared at the ceiling.

Finally, the day had arrived.

After 5 months of hard work and I was ready, it was strange to think that today I would fly to Japan to get the written test.

It would be a little strange to live alone in Japan, I had already gotten used to the presence of my father and Melina.

I sighed as I got out of bed and walked over to the mirror to grab some clothes.

It wasn't my intention to brag, but it was impossible not to admire my body.

According to what the system in my brain told me, I had reached the peak of the human physique achieved naturally, with nutritious food and constant training, gained 42 kg, and managed to lower the fat content in my body to 3%.

This made a huge improvement in my body, I gained a lot of muscle and low-fat content, and it ended up helping to enhance the

The lines of my carefully crafted body, a body truly worthy of a hero.

Although my body was amazing, I already see it every day, so I got tired of looking at it and decided to get my pants and shirt hanging on the mirror, but something fell off when I touched the clothes.

I let out a sigh when I saw what it was, it was just a familiar black bra.

I threw the bra on the bed, it was Melina's routine to clean the house, then she put her bra away when she passed my room.

Putting the bra thought aside, I started to get dressed, though I still had to grab a bandana to wear.

I went to my closet and grabbed a black bandana but as I was tying the bandana something came into view.

{ The following nanomachines have been installed}

{linguistic translation}

{Impact absorption}

{A new nanomachine can be created}

Great, just the nanomachines I needed, and now a new nanomachine can be created might be worth checking out.

General state:

{Physical state: human physical apex}

{Hp: 100%}

{10% regeneration per hour}

{Stamina: 100%}

{20% regeneration during combat}

{Focus: 100%}

{5% earned per day}

{Name: Kazuhira Miller}

{Height:183.5 cm}

{Weight: 89 kg}

{Age: 15}

{Individuality: Nanomachines}


{Improved bone density}

{Improved muscle density}

{Accelerated muscle growth}

{Extreme Coagulation}

{Network Invasion}(automatic)

{Disease resistance}

{protein capsules}

{thermal resistance}

{Military training}

{Impact absorption}

{linguistic translation}

{Impact force distribution}

{Nanomachines that can be created: }


{Butcher Mode}

{thermal control}

{Birth control}

{body control}

{Muscle Boost} (new)