
BNHA: Limitless

A guy nearly brought to insanity by the mistake of an intern arranged by god, gains 5 wishes and a choice of reincarnation and scenario of transmigration. What's a guy to do now with this level of responsibility? Do whatever he wants while getting stronger and moving forward. -------------------------------------------- Tags: What If/Fanfic, OP OC, OP MC, Isekai, Transmigration, Space-Time Manipulation, Reincarnation, Multiverse Travel, My Hero Academia, MHA, BNHA, Overpowered, Chaotic Neutral, Undecided Path Of Hero Or Villain, Deku, OFA OC, Starts with MHA. -------------------------------------------- World Order: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon Slayer, Highschool DxD, Keijo!!!!, Kung Fu Panda, more.

SukunaGojo · Cómic
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7 Chs

Vigilante Days

-Yup! It's SukunaGojo creating another chapter that's supposed to uploaded on Sunday but will probably get send on Tuesday or Wednesday lol. Anyways this chapter will be the biggest so far! I hope you enjoy. Like always, all flames will be thrown into Jogoat's Ember Insects.-

Chapter Questions

-Since I've decided that the MC will do whatever he pleases, should he go to UA? It isn't like he'll stay as a hero, but mainly for extra combat experience and to have some fun. I honestly prefer it since I've never tried going full canon divergence.-

-What quirks should Ichirou steal? I think we ALL know what quirk Ichirou truly wants specifically but what other suggestions would you suggest? Inasa's? Bakugo's? Endeavor's? There are so many possibilities.-

-Last vote for the pairing. If you get 15 votes for harem I'll do it. I highly doubt people will go that far for a harem so it'll probably be a single pair in the end. OC's can only be utilized if the vote for them is popular enough.-

-Are you enjoying the story so far?-

Word Count: 2,833


Author's Corner

Views: 10.5K

Collections: 72

Words: 6,449




[POV Change + Context]

-Author's Notes/Misc.-



[First Person POV]

Maybe after I get these quirks I should probably leave All For One to gain some combat experience as a Vigilante. I won't stay as it since there is a lot of paths that I can choose from.

I still need to master my quirk to the point of where I can control my vault of luck to apply and manipulate it on to the world and after years of training in paused and unpaused time I can't manage to make it happen.

So there's a chance it comes from experience. Not to mention as a Vigilante I can gather a lot more quirks on my own without All For One breathing down my back.

That'll give me an extensive level of strength that I can cultivate on my own terms, and with some of the ideas I have for further power, the My Hero Academia world will be no match for me.

Back in my old world, I was a watcher of many animes and TV shows. That gave me the idea to learn the techniques from them. 

Of course it'll be a very very long way until I can learn things like Renewal Taekwondo but I can start on the simpler side with Demon Slayer moves like the breathing styles, Total Concentration Breathing, Repetitive Action and more.

So probably the best source of action is to not take either option and to go on my on.

Ending that long train of thought for later, I got up, did my stretches, morning workout of 200 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, pull-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, lunges, leg raises, and dips along with a short 5 minute plank and 10 minutes of meditation that was all completed in around 35 minutes as I was relaxed and not in a rush since now I'm really strong. 

I placed some clothes on my bed and after that, I walked to my simple yet practical bathroom where I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took a great ice-cold shower to relax my muscles from the last night of intensive training. 

'I wonder how All For One will feel after I take my leave,' I pondered.

'Meh. at the same time when All For One went to Tartarus and let Shigaraki leave the nest he wasn't angered at all so I'll be just fine.'

'Matter of fact I should probably ask the doctor if he could create me a suit for it. Instead of a costume like Mineta where he literally wearing a diaper bowl, I'll make a suit fully practical,' I thought before applying soap on body, cleaning my hair with shampoo and conditioner, and turning it off to grab my towel and dry myself off.

Taking a glance at myself in the mirror, I could see my snow-white hair, sky blue eyes, and slight scar on the side of my mouth that is similar to Toji. Smirking at the mirror, I finish my time in the bathroom.

Grabbing the clothes that I've previously placed on my bed, I put them on. Now I'm sporting a black short-sleeve tight workout shirt along with a pair of white gi pants and black martial art shoes.

Strapping on my black belt from Karate, I walk to the lab where the doctor is present doing whatever buffoonery he's decided to do. Also I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure Shigaraki is already here since I'm 92.6% sure Nana Shimura VS AFO has already happened.

Opening the door, I see him tinkering with some liquid and a white hair man who looked worst for wear.

Ignoring the likely Nomu victim, I start talking about my idea to him, "Yo! What's up doc? You think you could make me this? I'm about to go out on my own for some experience."

I show him the design I had for my suit and he looked at it for a solid 3.152 milliseconds before walking to a sector of him lab, going to a drawer, and whipping out a suitcase.

"Went through your drawers and found it so it's already completed. Before you go, All For One wants to see you," the doctor says before rushing back towards his experiment.

"Alright," I spoke before teleporting to All For One's base. Seeing him face to face, I decided to speak first.

"Yo. What do you want old man?" I said yawning.

"Ah young Ichirou, with such language you must be in a great mood! But instead of pursuing such useless conversation, let's discuss something of greater important. I know your going to leave after gathering the quirks," He started.

"Don't worry. I've been expecting this for a while now. Just know, I might use you later. But for now you can do whatever you please; I'm pretty sure we both know what's in the that suitcase of yours," He continued.

 Walking towards me and placing a hand on my frontal lobe, a large amount of red-black sparks began to emit from his hands.

I could quickly recognize this as his process of give me a quirk. After around 6 seconds, he let go of my head, strolled back to his seat, and began another monologue.

"I've just gave you 3 quirks," he restarted.

"One for emitting a extremely large amount of flames capable of obliterating cities, another for perfect control on all flames, and flame immunity me boy," he finished as he smirked.

"You've been looking at that old retro anime Jujutsu Kaisen for a good while now and your birthday is coming near," he spoke.

"And you know I'll be honest with you. I've been preparing you to be a perfect challenge to Shigaraki. These quirks I've given you will be a way for Tomura to master his physical speed, agility, and dexterity."

Rolling my eyes I respond, "Well thanks but I'd probably bet my organs that this will stream to something else but whatever. I'll be gone for a couple of years so thanks for the gifts," I said secretly thankful.

"Well, that's all I have to tell you. Though in 2 years I will need you so I'll need you to be here for what I have planned," All For One said as he got up as purple portal enveloped him.

 "Well, that was cool," I said to no one.

'Anyways, I'll put on my suit and get straight to work. I'll still do training here and there but it isn't as necessary as gaining battle experience is the real world. I'll refrain from using any crazy moves of mine and will stick with fighting hand-to-hand,' I thought.

Teleporting myself back to my normal room, I remove my closing and started to pack a suitcase filled with clothes, foods the I froze with time manipulation so it won't rot, other essentials, and random things like maps and locations of high-crime activity.

Creating a spatial pocket dimension, I throw the stuff in to pocket and closed it off.

Grabbing and opening the other suitcase, I remove all the items present there and swift placed on my suit.

It was a full black jumpsuit, and the whole suit was covered in thin black armor with blue lines going vertical down the armor. Emergency pockets and gadgets like capture tape, small guns, Swiss Army Knives, smoke bombs, EMPs, hacking devices, grenades, lighters, and more that all wrapped around my waist.

Also on my right hip was 2 perfectly sharpened katanas with a large broadsword along my back. Hiding my face was an electrical mask that was connected to my vitals, the nearby news, and other miscellaneous things that was controlled by nanotechnology.

Pulling up my hood, I look in this mirror, mentally pulled down my mask, smiled, placed it back on, and teleported to an alleyway where I saw crime was being committed.


It was your usual and normal Monday morning.

The birds were chirping. Sakura trees blooming beautifully, men, women, and children walking and playing to arrive at their location of work and school.

And I was running after a villain in an alley way.

Another year of my life has past and might have been the most productive year of my life. I've gathered many upon many quirks that have many uses to me.

I've also gained an unexpected yet expected increase of followers and fans as many people that I've saved gathered together to create a fan club. Putting me into the public eye, it made my job much harder.

Now I'm one of the most wanted vigilantes in Japan but at my stage of power I doubt all of Japan would be able to physically or mentally stop me.

Some of the quirks that I have now includes but isn't limited to a duel impact quirk, multiple more fire quirks that have given me the strength to obliterate half the country when combined with my gasoline and power multiplier quirk.

There's much more but that is just the start.

Anyways, disrupting my thoughts, I teleport to the villain running with a short teleportation quirk who was known as the TP Villain: Purse Snatcher.

Grabbing him by the shirt, throwing him up, teleporting up again and slamming him down to the floor with a nefarious sledgehammer that created a large crater in the ground. 

 Wrapping him in capture tape and sitting on his knocked out body, I wonder why so many villains are villains in the first place.

Placing my hand on his head, I once again absorb his quirk expanding my large vault of abilities.

"I guess people just do these things for the heck of it," my masked voice spoke robotically, utilizing its nanobots to report the police to come here as I teleport away to a present large building.

"Or maybe for something else entirely," I said sitting on the edge of the building.

Just then I move my open hand to block and hold a fist that have been going for me.

"Eraser, you know I don't get caught of guard."

Turning my gaze to man, my guess was correct as I saw Eraser Head who was wearing his normal hero costume which consisted of a baggy black outfit that consists of a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that tuck into his boots. He also wears a utility belt and his signature wrap scarf at all times. He hides a pair of bright yellow goggles underneath his scarf for when he needs to use them in battle.

"Problem child," he sighed as he came next to me as he sat down on the edge.

"How was your weekend huh Eraser?" I questioned.

"Fine. Dealing with kids like you doing this problematic behavior. Because of you they keep calling me for more and more patrols," he said tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Well, I shouldn't too much trouble for you since I'll be gone for a bit away the next few weeks. I have a few important things to do before coming back," I replied, turning my robotic head to see him applying eye drops.

"Nice chat then. I got to go and at this point, with all the battles we've had, I don't feel like fighting you. I wanna take a nap."

"Aw, come on eraser. Our brawls are always fun! Remember our first fight?"

~Flashback, 7 Months Ago.~

The full moon hung high above the city, casting an eerie glow over the rooftops. The cool night air was filled with tension as I stood at the edge of a tall building, surveying the cityscape below. 

Suddenly, a shadow darted across the rooftop, and I turned to see Eraser Head, emerging from the darkness.

Rushing towards me with his capture cloth fulling revealed and his hair flowing, I could tell easily that he was erasing my quirk.

Quickly running to me, he throws a punch that I dodge that was quickly revealed to be a feint as he twisted his body near the floor to high-kick my jaw, that would've connected if I hadn't jumped up to avoid it before moving back in the air and hit a handstand to fully complete my weave.

Front-flipping my handstand to down kick him, I get back on my feet to get into my first stance created for Ki Shou Do. The Harmony Stance.

The Harmony Stance seamlessly blends elements of Karate, Shaolin Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Aikido, Wing Chun, Capoeira, Muay Thai, and Judo, creating a versatile and dynamic fighting position.

Feet are shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with a low center of gravity for stability. The lead hand is extended for jabs and parries, while the rear hand is ready for powerful strikes. The torso is upright with a slight forward lean, and my eyes remain focused on the opponent, being Eraser Head.

This stance allows for fluid movement, quick strikes, powerful kicks, and effective grappling techniques. It emphasizes balance, adaptability, and continuous motion, making me versatile and formidable in various combat scenarios.

"Good stance for a child," Eraser stated swiftly getting up and rushing at me to resume the fight.

"Thanks sleepy head," I replied.

He didn't respond with words but immediately launched himself at me, his capturing weapon whizzing through the air. I sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the cloth, and countered with a quick jab from my lead hand, aiming for his shoulder.

Eraser Head ducked and twisted, his agility showing feat. He swept low, attempting to knock me off my feet. I jumped, executing a quick spinning kick mid-air, forcing him to retreat a step.

'This battle could be fun if I hold back a bit,' I thought, smiling under my mask yet showing my excitement with my electrical eyes shifting into a dark red luminescence.

As he went for a grapple, I shifted my weight to redirect his momentum and throw him off balance. He stumbled but quickly regained his footing, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Not bad," he muttered, before launching a barrage of strikes.

I met his attacks head-on, defending, counter attacking, and evading as me and Eraser Head battled in a beautiful dance of clash and brawl.

He grunted but didn't falter. Instead, he used the close proximity to his advantage, attempting a Judo throw. I countered by planting my feet firmly, using the principles of my years of knowledge on martial arts to maintain my balance and break free with a tornado kick. 

The fight continued, with punches, kicks, elbows, grapples, usage of weapons, knees, headbutts, chops, palms, and more in a graceful yet powerful symphony.

In a final attack, we both moved simultaneously. I aimed a powerful roundhouse kick at his head while he swung his capturing weapon toward my legs. At the last moment, I twisted, redirecting my kick to his midsection and avoiding his attack.

He fell back, I whip out one of my katana and rest it on his neck.

"Game over." I stated before moving the katana off his next.

"Hmm. For a brat you did well. What's your name?" he questioned, getting up and dusting off his clothing and wiping his nose that turned out to be broken.

"Rimuru." I spoke before teleporting away in and burst of flame for dramatic effect. Leaving Eraser to ponder his thoughts.

~Flashback End.~

"It always ends up with Recovery Girl screaming in my ears. I'd rather not." Eraser tiredly said.

"If your that tired, why not take a break?"

"Can't do that problem child. I have a gig that can help heroes more than you think." he replied.

"Any who, I got to go. I'll probably see you more often for your last days. Later." Eraser said posing his hand for a dab-up with a slight yet unnoticeable smile.

"Later." I said dabbing him back.

 Chapter End.

Next Up: The First Sector.

I was wrong. I'm sorry :(. Next chapters will be uploaded weekly but... some comments, power stones, and collections would help!

SukunaGojocreators' thoughts