
BNHA: Blind

BakuNoNii · Cómic
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20 Chs

I Am A Villain

"We completely missed it." The R-rated hero, Midnight, said as she looked around the USJ. "There's no villains to be seen and students are everywhere."

"I'm guessing All Might was the cause of that." A blocky looking hero, Cementos, pointed at the big hole in the ceiling.

"We must, at once, gather all the children and bring Aizawa and Thirteen to the infirmary." A small rat, the principal, Nezu, said as he raised a hand.

After Izuku was captured, All Might had defeated Nomu with a determined spirit. It was much harder the he had expected. He didn't think that Nomu could absorb he shock of his punches and smashes. Bioengineered, that's what Shigaraki meant by that.

"C'mon, Kats, it'll be fine. We just have to tell the teachers and they'll be right on it." Eijiro said as Katsuki walked behind Shoto. "It's not like Izuku is gone forever, don't worry."

Katsuki didn't answered as he kept walking. Instead, he just kept quiet as a look of frustration creeped into his face.

"Eijiro is right," Shoto said as they approached the heroes. "If you tell the teacher, they'll be able to retrieve him."

"What the hell do you mean 'retrieve?' Huh, half'n'half bastard?" Katsuki growled. "What is he to you? Some kind of item? Deku isn't an object."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I meant they'll rescue him from the clutches of these villains." Shoto kept the same expressionless look on his face.

"Don't be sarcastic about it!" Katsuki scolded. "Tch, whatever. It's not like you know who Deku even is."

"I'm pretty sure you don't know who Shoto is either?" Eijiro tried pointing out, but was completely ignored.

"Shut up, Shitty Hair!"

"What's going on?" All Might put his large hand on Katsuki's shoulder. "And may I ask, have you seen young Izuku anywhere? It seems that everyone else is here except for him."

"About that, All Might." Tsuyu said as she raised a hand. "Izuku. That mist villain grabbed him and they both disappeared."

All Might, shocked that Izuku was captured, looked like he might've stopped breathing for a few seconds. All Might very little of Izuku's past. What he did know was that Izuku's past could be used against him. If they wanted him as a Villain, hero society would certainly be doomed of destruction.

"He was captured?" All Might confirmed, his I-will-always-grin smile fading a bit.

"Yeah, he was grabbed by that Nomu, escaped, then disappeared with that hand villain and the warp gate guy!" Minoru explained not so thoroughly, but enough to understand.

All Might squeezes his chin with his large fingers and thought to himself. He had said before that Izuku would make a very fearful villain, but his desire to become a hero is like no other. How would they turn him over to their side? Would Izuku really rather team with villains? Who knows. All he could do is hope and pray that Izuku's last would be taken advantage of.


"Say, Izuku, what do you personally think about heroes and villain? What do you think defines them?"

"What?" Izuku said as he sat in a corner, his legs curled into his chest. "What do I think of them?"

"That's right. What goes on in your mind when you see heroes and villains?"

"Heroes…I think they're amazing. They rescue others from danger. And villains, they're dangerous."

"You think heroes are so amazing? And villains are dangerous. You do realize that heroes only do it for fame and attention?"


"I understand that a lot of heroes do that. But they still live up to their reputation, rescue and protect."

"Then, villains? Have you ever looked at their backstory?"

"Some, I have…"

A smirk found it's way onto Shigaraki's face. "Don't you think that…you'd be so much better off with us?"


"Heroes turned a blind eye to you. Not just heroes, but people in general. Doesn't that anger you in any way? We'd welcome you with open arms."

Izuku started to feel arms wrap around him from behind, up and over his shoulders. The heartbeat reached his ears and he now recognized who that girl was. Her name was Toga Himiko, the exact one who attacked him in the alleyway. He remembered her now.

"Izu, you'd always be welcome here!" She said gleefully. "You're like us, which makes you one of us since you understand that feeling."

Toga was right, Izuku did know that feeling of rejection, he understood what it was like to be looked at differently. Not only was he bullied for his blindness, but because he acted Quirkless and he was afraid of his own Quirk, he was picked on for that reason as well.

"Wouldn't it make life so much better if you could just get away from that sort of thing?" Shigaraki asked as Izuku kept thinking about how things would be if he were to get away from his classmates, who he didn't exactly enjoy being around, the judgemental bullies and the sorrowful life of a blind victim.

"If I were to join you," Izuku said with a completely blank look. "Would you hurt Kacchan?"

"Kacchan. Katsuki Bakugo. Oh, if you didn't want us to, we'd listen. We wouldn't touch a strand of hair." Shigaraki leaned back in his chair and crossed his heart, making it a promise if Izuku were to join.

Izuku thought to himself in the corner, Toga still hugging him from behind. Why was he thinking about becoming a villain? Although, Izuku didn't think of it that way. He saw it as people who are lost and they don't have any other way to vent their anger. Izuku wasn't angry, but he was definitely mad in his own way.

"Just join, you idiot." Ghost said in Izuku's said. "What have you got to lose? The friends you don't have?"

Izuku nodded slowly, hesitating at first. Was he really saying yes?

Oh, yes, he was.

"I- I'll join…" Izuku mumbled.

Shigaraki's smile grew bigger with joy appearing in his eyes. "That's great."

"But," Izuku continued.you have to swear to keep your hands off of Kacchan."

"I swear, we won't lay a finger on him."

Izuku nodded and smiled slightly. A feeling of relief washe diver him for some reason. His conscious self told him to stay away from villains while his heart was happy to have a real family.

"And, to formally introduce ourselves," Shigaraki said. "I'm Tomura Shigaraki."

"I'm Toga Himiko!" Toga said with a chirpy attitude.

"I- Izuku…Midoryia." Izuku hesitated at first.

"Well then, Izuku Midoryia," Shigaraki threw his hands out theatrically, welcoming Izuku with open arms. "Welcome home."

(A week later…)

It was windy. The sky was cloudy. It felt like a gloomy rain was about to pour. People passed a each other as wind blew a sheet of paper, attached to a pillar with a needle. The paper had a picture of Izuku Midoryia, saying he was missing.

The paper was ripped off and flew into the sky, helpless as it was.

The news was playing on every building. "Just a week ago, UA students were attacked during training. Villains known as the League of Villains somehow infiltrated the USJ. Fortunately, none of the students were injured heavily. As for the one child who was kidnapped, there is still no word about where, how or why he was taken. If you see this boy, Izuku Midoryia, please contact the police immediately."

Everyone was watching the news as it continued to play. A student of UA was recently abducted, and no one knew why.

"Please, Eraser," Inko Midoryia, Izuku's mother, pleaded to Aizawa at the front gates of UA. "I need to know where Izuku is. He's been missing for almost a week now. What happened to him?"

"Please, relax." Aizawa answered, lifting his hands to tell her to calm down. "I'm sorry. We don't know why your son specifically was taken. Like we've all told you, the best thing you can do is stay calm and allow our heroes to find him. As his teacher, I'm just as worried as you are."

Inko started crying for probably the hundredth time that week. For a mother, losing a child is one of the worst things that could happen to her. Alas, the only thing she could to stay safe was to stay calm and allow the heroes to do their job.

Away on a building nearby was a boy. He sat near the edge, his legs dangling off the side of the tall building. His black hair bounced in the wind as the hood sat on his head.

Name: Izuku Midoryia

Villain Alias: Akuma

Quirk: Destruction

Whatever he touches either becomes destroyed or dies.

"Izuku, are you done staring into nowhere?" Another boy asked as he crossed his arms.

Name: Kiyo Azuna

Villains Alias: Mustard

Quirk: Gas

He generates a typhoon of sleep-inducing gas. He can also detect any movement within the gas by reading it's fluctuation.

"Kiyo, do you think joining the league was the best thing you've ever done?" Izuku asked as he still sat at the edge of the building, watching Inko cry and sob in the arms of Aizawa.

"It's not at the very top of my list of 'best moments,' but it comes pretty close." Kiyo answered.

After a little while longer, Izuku stood up and turned to Kiyo. "Let's go back now."

Using the grappling hook made by Izuku and Kiyo themselves, they flew threw the city, unnoticed by the civilians.

"My question is why did you join the league?" Kiyo asked during the flight. "I joined about two months before you. Whenever I see you, you're always quiet."

Izuku stared into nothingness, his hair blowing in the wind and revealing his white eyes. "I can't pinpoint an exact reason, but they welcomed me. I never liked being around people I don't know. They could turn on me at any second. Only people who know the same feeling are the ones I trust."

"Then, what about that one person who you always call 'Kacchan?' He hasn't been through any sort of trauma, yet you still care for him and even asked that we don't hurt him."

Izuku was quiet at first, but soon answered. "He was there."

"And what the hell does that mean?"

"He was there the entire time. From beggining to end."

They finally reached their destination and planted their feet back on the ground. The scenery wasn't pleasant. It was dim with weak streetlights and the buildings looked old.

Despite the gloomy scene, Kiyo and Izuku walked down a few steps and opened a door that led to hallway. They walked down, side by side and came across another door with a small caged window. They opened it and found Toga and Shigaraki sitting at the table on tall chairs. This place was simply just a bar. Nobody ever came down, almost as if it was abandoned, so the league made it their home base.

"Izu, Kiyo!" Toga bounced in her seat. "You're back!" Toga launched herself into Izuku, then hugged Kiyo. "Kuro, Kurogiri, can you make a drink for them?"

"Toga, you are very annoying at times." Kurogiri said as he made two cups of chai tea.

Izuku slipped away from Toga while she was paying attention to Kiyo, who was currently having his cheeks pinched. Izuku would spend long hours on his own, just sitting against a wall. Was it okay for him to be with the league?


"Katsuki, you can't hide here forever." Eijiro knocked on Katsuki's bedroom door with Denki, Hanta, Mina and Kyoka behind him.

"He's been cooped up in there for how long now?" Kyoka looked at Katsuki's Mother, Mitsuki.

"Almost the entire time Izuku's been missing." Mitsuki answered. "Unfortunately, Masary, my husband, is at work. He'd know what to say to Katsuki."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Bakugo!" Denki said with a chirpy attitude. "We're his friends and we'll make sure he's okay."

Mitsuki smiled. "I'm not sure if he'll come out, but good luck." She waved at the group and walked into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Eijiro sighed as he knocked on the door a few more times. "Kats, the heroes are looking for him. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"Alright, that's it!" Mina threw her arms into the air. "Eiji, at times like this, you just have to us brute force."

"But the doors locked."

"I don't care. I have acid and I'm not afraid to use it. I'll even pay for a new door for Mitsuki at this point." Mina pushed Eijiro out of the way and wrapped her hand around the doorknob.

"Isn't this considered breaking and entering?" Hanta asked.

"It's not if we have permission from Mitsuki." Denki shrugged.

The doorknob started to melt. Mina kicked the door open, giving everyone a shock. "How do you like me now, Kats? You think I do TikTok's all day? Think again!"

Kyoka slapped her forehead, favepalming at Mina's idiotic approach.

Katsuki was on his bed, laying on his stomach with his face mashed into a pillow, his arms spread out beside him. He looked tired even if they didn't see his face, like he had been crying all week.

Katsuki? Crying? It's the first they've seen it.

"Katsuki," Eijiro sat on the bed and tapped Katsuki's shoulder. "Dude, how long have you been in here?"

Katsuki rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

"You look like absolute crap," Mina loomed over him and felt his forehead. "And you have a fever. That's nice."

"Kats is sick?!" Kyoka, Denki and Hanta were shocked at this. Katsuki has never shown any weakness and he definitely does not get sick often.

"Shut up," Katsuki groaned as he rubbed his face and sat up. "I have a damned headache and you're being loud."

Denki and Hanta acted like there was a zipper on their lips and kept their mouths shut while Kyoka raised her hands in defeat.

"What are you extras doing in my damned room?" Katsuki demanded of the five.

"We came to check on you," Mina said. "Duh. You haven't been to school for almost a week now. So we came here to see if you were locking yourself up."

"Have you been taking care of yourself?" Hanta asked while looking around the messy room. They had been to Katsuki's house a few times, after all, they're the Bakusquad. They six of them would have a sleepover in Katsuki's room, and it was always a bit messy. But this was just a whole other level. There were books open and laying on the ground, ripped paper thrown around, clean and dirty clothes on the floor, empty chip bags crumpled up and left on the desk.

"Alrighty, Kats," Mina put her hands on her hips and stood up straight. "It's time to clean up. Hanta, Denki and Eiji," she pointed at the three boys. "You three are going to take Kats to the bathtub."

"Yes, ma'am!" They saluted to Mina and nodded.

"Kyoka, you and me are gonna clean the hell outta this room and make a nice and warm lunch for Kats."

"Yes, ma'am." Kyoka saluted.

"Let's get to work!"

Mustard’s real name was just something I made up. The name “Kiyo” just makes so much sense to me. I personally think it really suits him.

and there’s Izuku’s villains name. Akuma means devil in english.

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