
BNHA: Blind

BakuNoNii · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

I’ll Do It Even If You Deny It!

The judges viewed the videos of the examinees. They thought all of them had their perks, but the ones who interested them the most…

"That blonde kid came in first place with zero rescue points!" The judges whistled. "Katsuki Bakugo, interesting kid."

"He began picking off One and Two pointers. When the Zero pointer came out, he started going wild when everyone was running away."

"I'm interested in that kid with the blindfold. He only got eight villain points, the only reason he passed was because of his crazy score with rescue points."

"I've seen examinees take down the Zero pointer, but that was surprising. He took it down with one hit!"

"I couldn't help but scream, 'YEAHHHHH' when I watched him take it down!" Present Mic cheered. "Kid definitely earned his part in the Hero Course!"

"He seems to have good control over his Quirk. But his finger was broken when I checked in all the examinees." Recovery Girl mentioned.

"One of the examinees said he's blind. He looked like he was getting around just fine. And he seems very athletic. Was he lying?"

In the back of the room, a very tired looking man with long, black hair and a gray scarf around his neck, leaned against the wall. He looked at the videos of Izuku with disdain. "What a nuisance…"


Finally, the first day of UA. Izuku packed all that he needed with his mom's help. "Do you have your extra gloves, Izuku?"

"Yes, mom." Izuku sighed, tying his shoes.

"And your blindfold?"


"What about your-"

"Mother, I love you, but I'm going to be late. You don't need to worry about me."

"Ok, just be safe. I love you!"

Izuku found his way down the stairs from his apartment. He heard different voices as he entered UA grounds. He took his blindfold off and covered his eyes with his bangs. Before he could start walking again, someone bumped into him. Izuku lost his footing and fell into his hands and knees. He heard the one who knocked him over. "Heheh, stupid." He snickered.

Izuku stood back up, dusting his uniform. He shrugged off the incident and asked other students where class 1-A was.

Thirty-six people passed the exam. Plus the four recommendation students. There would be twenty kids in each class from the Hero Course.

Izuku paused before entering into his classroom. "I still can't believe I got into UA's Hero Course." He thought. Izuku made sure that his eyes were covered and he opened the door. The first thing he heard was Katsuki yelling.

"Hah?! I'll do whatever I want extra!"

Izuku then heard the robotic boy from the exam. "Such disrespect! Putting your feet on the desks shows disrespect to our upper classman who used these and the people who made these very desks!"

"Whatever! What school are you even from, extra?"

"I am Tenya Ida from Somei Private School!"

"Puh, your one of those elites! Stupid."

Izuk listened to the two of them bicker. He tried taking a step when Katsuki and Tenya focused their eyes in him. Izuku heard them shift and stopped his path to his desk.

"Finally! You stupid Deku!" Katsuki scolded. "About damn time! You kept me waiting for this dumbass of an elite!"

"Dumb- I am no dummy, mind you! I earned my way here through the exam!"

"Ah, c- could you guys, maybe, quiet d- down. It's a little l- loud." Izuku muttered.

"Oh, it's you!" A girl's voice. It was Ochaco. "You're the one who saved me!"

"Huh? O- oh! It was nothing! You don't n- need to t- thank me!"

Izuku pulled his bangs lower to cover more of his face. He cheeks were shaded a light pink. "I'm talking to a pretty girl." He thought.

"That was so cool, back at the exam. You took that big villain with one hit. You were like, 'POW! BANG! KACHOW!'"

Izuku covered his ears. "Sorry, I don't mean to be a party-pooper. But could you please q- quiet down?"

"Huh? I'm not being too loud, am I?"

"Duh, you dumb pink cheeks." Katsuki said, grabbing Izuku by the collar. "He has sensitive hearing. He's blind, you idiot." Katsuki lifted Izuku's bangs out of his face, revealing his white eyes. Everybody stared at Izuku. Even if he was blind, Izuku could feel everybody's eyes on him.

"K- Kacchan. What are you doing?" Izuku stammered trying to scoot away from Katsuki.

"Shut up, Deku. You can't let them be loud if it hurts you, dumb shit."

"But it usually scares people when they see my eyes."

Katsuki let go of Izuku's bangs. They fell back into his eyes. Izuku hung his head over, looking at the ground. It was quiet for a few moments. Izuku heard a shuffle in the seats.

"That's kinda cool." Someone said.

"How did you pass the exam? That's amazing!"

Izuku flinched at the compliments. No one ever complimented his blindness. He felt a little happy that they were being nice. Another part of him, deep inside, Izuku thought they were just pitying him, or faking being nice to him.

"If you guys came to have fun, do me a favor and leave." A man in a yellow sleeping bag said. He looked like a worm who hated his life. His messy hair and light beard made him look even more like a worm. His wiggled out of the bag and held blue tracksuits. "It took you kids eight seconds to shut up. Time is limited. I'm your home room teacher, Shota Aizawa. I know this is sudden but put these on and meet up in the field outside."

"Huh? But what about the orientation?" A girl who was just clothes questioned.

"You're in the Hero Course. This is UA. You don't have time for such petty things. Now go and put these on."

Toshinori Yagi, formerly known as All Migbt sat in the teacher's lounge, eyeing the profile of Shota Aizawa. The man was known for his expulsion of students he felt had no potential. In the past, he had expelled 156 students.

"He's got it rough," All Might muttered. "Aizawa won't show any mercy, even if he's blind. Even the first day might be hard on him."

"An Assesment Test?!" The class questioned.

"What about counseling and introduction ceremonies?" Ochaco asked.

"This is UA. We only have so much time. Part of the reason UA is so successful is because of the freedom given to students. That also applies to the teachers." Shota pulled out a small phone and opened up a measurement app. "In junior high, you all had physical tests that didn't allow Quirks. The country hasn't gotten around standardizing those. It's illogical. Let's just get to it. Katsuki, how far could you throw a softball without your Quirk?"

"56 meters." Katsuki answered.

Shota tossed a softball which Katsuki caught. He then pointed at a circle. "Try throwing it with your Quirk. You can do whatever you want as long as you stay within the circle. Don't hold back!"

Katsuki grinned as he stretched. "You asked for it!"


When throwing the ball, an explosion erupted from Katsuki's hand, propelling the ball way farther than he would ever have been able to. Izuku sweat-dropped, listening to the explosion and Katsuki's words. "Go to hell?"

Shota watched the gauge meter rise as the ball went flying. "Before you can start training, you must know your upper limits. That's how we form the foundation of basic hero training." Shota showed the class the final measurement of Katsuki's throw. 709.7 meters.

"710 meters? That's crazy."

"Ooh, we get to use our Quirks all we want, huh? This looks fun!"

Did you plan on having fun during these three years your here? Think again. You think this is fun?" Shota suddenly had a serious glare on his face. "Let's up the game a little then. Whoever comes in last place in all the tests, will be punished with expulsion."

"Expelled?!" Izuku flinched as he thought. "After training with One For All and my own Quirk, I can kind of channel One For All. But my own Quirk, I can't control at all yet. To make things worse, I'm blind. How will I make it through?!"

"That's a little much, isn't it?" A boy with round elbows asked.

"Oh, jeez! What is this? That's way overboard!" A girl with long earlobes said.

Shota grinned and lifted his messy hair out of his face. "Welcome to UA, Hero Course brats."

"Wait a sec!" A boy with purple spheres atop his head. "Even if this was our first day, it's still way to unreasonable!"

"That's the life of a hero. Natural disasters, rampaging villains…our job as heroes is to reverse the insanity and restore reason. If you expected to have a fun time during these three years, than let me burst the bubble for you. UA will throw more hardships than you can imagine. Don't you remember the school motto? Plus Ultra." Shota smirked at the students. "You wanna reach the peak of the mountain? Than start climbing. You may fall on the way up, so catch yourself with your own Quirk. We won't be there to attach you to a lifeline. Now show me what you you've, brats."

Normally, Izuku was a very naturally calm person. That all changed today. He was no longer the calm blind kid. He was a mess. "I didn't get enough time to work on my own Quirk, rather than building myself up to obtain One For All!" He thought. "I won't be able to do much of anything with my Quirk."

All Might had decided he would watch the Assessment Test for himself. He could clearly see Izuku's panic, even with the blindfold covering half of his face. When Toshinori had been given One For All, there were no negative emotions. He was able to use One For All right off the bat. But Izuku was a different story. He shut his own Quirk away, controlling One For All wasn't an easy task. He had no self confidence, whatsoever. They were completely opposites.

"Your lack of self confidence, blindness and fear of your own Quirk makes it harder for you to be a normal teen." All Might thought. "But UA and I can't baby you for that. Sorry, you'll have to figure this out on your own, kiddo."

Throughout the test, Izuku couldn't get a single good result. None of the test had anything to do with his Quirks. Destruction doesn't exactly go well with Assessment Tests. Finally, they came back around to the softball throw. Izuku knew well that he was absolutely screwed. All that was left was the long distance run(which he knew he would suck at), toe touches and sit up.

It didn't help much that Ochaco scored a measurement of infinity with her Zero Gravity Quirk.

"If I don't get a good score with this, than I'm going to be expelled." He thought. "Even if I have to blow up all my fingers or even my whole arm. I have to get a high enough score to pass."

"Hmm, Midoryia isn't doing to well, is he?" Tenya mumbled, as the teen was getting ready to pitch.

"He hasn't activated his Quirk. Even if he's blind, he should be at the top of the board…" Ochaco said.

Katsuki watched Izuku with narrowed eyes turning into a glare. "Why isn't using his Quirk?" He thought. "Don't tell me he's still afraid of the damned thing!"

Izuku squeezed the ball in his hand. He was going to send the ball flying even if it broke his hand, arm, whatever it took. He started to throw the ball while activating On For All. He could feel the power surge through his veins.

"Fifty six meters."

"W- what…?" Izuku mumbled. "I- I activated my Quirk. W- why didn't it go f- farther?"

"I erased your Quirk."

Izuku flinched and turned to where Shota's voice came from. Izuku's blood turned cold. He could feel the intense aura Shota was giving off. He could hear the scarf around Shota's neck floating in the air around him.

"What were they thinking, letting someone like you into UA?" Izuku then realized who this hero was.

"Y- you're Eraser Head!" Izuku said.

"I'll admit, you're smart for a blind kid. But you can't handle your Quirk very well, can you? You were going to explode your arm. I saw you injure yourself while using your Quirk during the exam. Is someone going to have to rescue you every time you use that Quirk?"

"N- no I- A-Ah!" Izuku yelled as the gray scarf wrapped around him, pulling him towards Shota.

"What is your Quirk? You haven't used it at all. Did you think you could half-ass this and get by solely with a broken arm? You could at least try to use your Quirk wisely."

"I- I just can't…use it i- in front of p- people."

"Really? Than why are you here?" Izuku flinched as Shota said this. "If you can't use your Quirk then you mine as well end up without one. I most likely don't need to tell you this, but you can't become a hero without a Quirk, not to mention you're BLIND."

"I- I just…" Izuku protested quietly. "I- it's just-"

"No one will baby or coddle you." Shota said as his scarf tighten around Izuku, forcing his head to look at the pro. "You can't become a hero with that kind of block on your Quirk."

Shota closed his eyes, keeping them closed for a moment since he couldn't blink while using his Quirk. He let out an irritated sigh. "You get two throws. Get on with it."

Izuku found his way back in the circle. He squeezed the ball. He went into mutter-mode again. "If I don't get this right, I'll be expelled. The only way I can get a good, high score is if I use One For All." Izuku took his blindfold off,, trying feel just a bit more determined. He dropped the blindfold and reeled his arm back.

Shota let out a sigh as his eye drops fell into his eyes. He was curious to see how Izuku would do after being cornered. He believed Izuku wouldn't pass because of the block on his Quirk. Izuku was just to timid of his own Quirk.

Izuku squeezed his eyes shut, reeling in any panic that was about to come out. As he started to let go of the ball, he felt One For All surging at the very last moment and his newly obtained Quirk was let loose. His glove was no match in resisting against the sheer power of One For All, causing it tear apart and fall slowly onto the ground.

Shota's eyes widened as he watched the meter on his small phone climb. Izuku turned to Shota, making a tight fist with the hand that had a swollen and clearly broken finger. "You see, Mr. Aizawa…" Izuku opened his eyes, revealing them to the teacher who had pushed him over the edge. "I'm still moving…just fine."

Shota's straight face lifted into a small grin. 750.3 meters was Izuku's result. "This kid…"