
Chapter Seven: A Fight for Growth

With a big gulp that irritated his throat Kenjiro stepped into the clearing that the goblins were in. He was going to win the fight, to get stronger, to go home, to see his family, to prove he wasn't worthless.

He heard the goblins make sounds, they were disgusting sounds that couldn't be made by anything human-No, only a monster could make that sound. If anything it sounded like they were giggling, maybe they were talking. Kenjiro didn't know and didn't want to know.

With their short brown loincloths and a small wooden club in their hands they stared at Kenjiro like a piece of meat.

When he was out of the vines and could move properly he put the stick he had in his hand in front of him. He didn't know how to hold it properly and his hands were shaking from nervousness, or maybe it was an adrenaline rush.

The goblins couldn't hold back their instincts any more and rushed towards him, going in for the kill.

Kenjiro swung down his stick and hit one of the goblins on the head but the other had hit him on the knee, making that leg buckle underneath him.

He fell to one knee with that hit and although he was expecting it, it still hurt and he didn't expect the goblins to really be this strong.

He swung at the goblin that hit him and managed to get the hit in, making it fall toward the ground. While it was down he put the stick over its neck and put pressure on it, intending to strangle the Goblin to death.

The other goblin that he had stunned at the start was starting to regain itself again and the one Kenjiro was strangling was still struggling, hitting him rapidly with its wooden club.

It was hurting Kenjiro a lot. His bones were beginning to hurt and if the goblin kept hitting him he feared his bones might break.

The second goblin got up from his stunned position and seeing another one of its species getting killed sprung into action with cries and words from its language that Kenjiro didn't understand but he knew it was coming for him.

It ran up to him quickly and with so much strength that should have knocked Kenjiro unconscious, it hit him over the head with its wooden club.

Kenjiro experienced a blackout for a second, or what felt like a second and when he came to his head was pounding and goblin he was strangling, he could tell from the dark bruises around its neck, had its club over its head intending on killing Kenjiro with one blow.

Kenjiro panicked and his hands moved rapidly to find the stick that wasn't in his grasp anymore, he found it luckily and put it above him with both hands stopping the club that was coming down on him.

The second goblin was at his legs and started hitting there with its club. Kenjiro could literally feel the bones starting to crack, underneath the pressure of constant damage.

He started to growl in pain. And tried to kick the goblin at his legs as the one on his chest just kept putting on more pressure.

The club getting closer and closer to his head and Kenjiro's arms getting sore for every passing second.

He managed to kick the goblin at his feet a few times but it always came back and with what seemed like more force each time.

Was this really how was going to die? Not even being able to kill a goblin? Not even being able to explain to Eisen about why he died or how?

He wouldn't see his family again! His mother. His sister. It was frustrating! They would just think he disappeared one day without any explanation along with his class! And they would probably tell her some sob story to make it seem like they tried to save him!

His classmates… he could imagine them right now. Cutting down hundreds of goblins without any trouble! Laughing as he struggled with one! Drinking and celebrating as they made progress as he stayed here! Stuck here at the bottom! Dead!

Screw them! He would see them! Everyone! He would see Eisen and the villagers! Laugh with them, celebrate with them!

He would see his family again! Say sorry for not being there, for disappearing. He would tell them the truth, even if they wouldn't believe it.

He would be there with his classmates! He would stand at the top and laugh as they struggled! As they stopped making progress he would continue to get stronger!

With tears in his eyes and a fire in his heart Kenjiro made a rash decision. He moved one hand to the center of the stick he was holding and put all of his strength to hold it there.

And the other hand let go of the stick. He was really feeling the pressure now but he had to do this. He forcibly tore his mask off making the buttons that were holding it together on the back of his head snap off.

The goblin seemed surprised to see its face and let up for a second, before laughing in a disturbing way and putting pressure back on in a renewed vigour.

Kenjiro on the other hand put less strength into his arm holding the stick up and let the goblin get closer and closer to him.

The goblin started to snap to him, making biting motions with its mouth and drooling from its open mouth.

The goblin at his legs had stopped and was now going for his lower torso. It was really starting to hurt down there and Kenjiro knew it would be a struggle to walk after this. If he even survived his stupid plan.

And then Kenjiro saw it, the perfect chance! The goblin was close enough and wasn't biting at him.

With his resolve fully made at this point he shot his head up towards the goblins face, opening his mouth wide as he did.

And once the goblin realised what was going on it was too late. Kenjiro had already done it.

The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.

Kenjiro's enemy had provided himself the opportunity to strike. He had presented a weakness to the goblin and it took it without even thinking. And Kenjiro used that to his advantage.

Now, instead of the goblin being the one to eat Kenjiro. Kenjiro will be the one to eat the goblin.

And that's what he did. With his mouth wide open and the goblins head coming closer he closed his mouth with such force and adrenaline running through him that there was no way for the goblins head to survive such biting force.

He chomped into the goblins head and swallowed it whenever he got a new piece in his mouth. His face being covered by chunks he didn't swallow and blood. His throat got so sore it started almost bleeding as he swallowed big chunks of the goblin.

The goblin had tried to struggle out of his grasp as it screamed out in pain but after the first few bits it was dead.

The other goblin, seeing what was happening to its companion, stopped hitting Kenjiro and took a few steps back in fright. It's small body shaking and it's eyes wide in fear of what was happening.

Kenjiro didn't see the goblin as he was busy eating the other one, lost in making sure it was dead. But if he could see it he would probably guess it was thinking something like, is that what is going to happen to me?

Kenjiro pushed the dead body of the goblin off him and rolled over the opposite side of the Goblin, his body hurting so much he couldn't think straight and his stomach wanting to throw up whatever was supposed to be in it.

Kenjiro stayed on his hands and knees as he started retching, but nothing came out except for whatever was in his mouth and some drool. It's not that he didn't want to throw up whatever was in him, he did. But his Skill was keeping him from doing that.

It seemed his stomach had accepted whatever was in it after a few seconds and he stopped retching. He breathed heavily as he turned and looked at the goblin that was still alive.

It's eyes were wider than they were before and it's body was shaking but it was holding up it's club in defence, but still ready to attack.

Kenjiro picked up the dead goblins club slowly, his body so sore he felt that if he moved faster he would fall apart.

Once it was in his hands he pointed it at the goblin but didn't make a move to go closer, as he felt his body was too damaged to do so.

The goblin seemed to get angrier as it looked at Kenjiro, probably its animal instincts instead of whatever small brain it had.

It then let out a feral growl and charged at Kenjiro. It's club raised above its head and ready to smash down upon him.

Once it was close enough Kenjiro let out his own grunt of effort and hit the goblin with the club.

The goblin didn't get a hit in as its body layed there broken but still alive.

Kenjiro got a little closer as he could and then like the goblin raised the club above his head. And with his face contorted in a grimace of pain and hate he brought down the club on the goblins head.

It exploded in a pile of blood, brain matter, bones and green skin. And just to make sure it was definitely dead, even though there was no way it could have survived that, Kenjiro did it again on its chest.

And once he stared at it and it didn't move he let go of the club in exhaustion and lay back on the ground.

He groaned in pain as the adrenaline started to wear off and looked down at his legs, he moved them and saw that although they were in pain they were still usable.

He then turned his attention to his status screen which he had brought forth a second ago.


NAME: Kenjiro Yoshihisa


AGE: 16


MANA: 20





His stats had gone up just from eating and killing the two goblins. It had pretty much doubled his stats. He didn't know about how much progress his classmates were making but he was definitely happy with this.

And for the first time in a while Kenjiro could say he smiled honestly, and it truly came from the heart. Although the lower half of his face was deformed and it didn't look like a good smile and it hurt a little, he still did it.

And it was all thanks to one skill, and although he hated to admit it… the Demon King had helped him as well. Even if he hated to say it, and he would never say it to anyone other than himself.


Type: Passive

Description: Allows the user to eat anything, such as food, monsters, skills and stats. To eat the latter two, they must eat the corpse of whatever the target is. The user will also jot get fat from overeating. The user will not be able to throw up from overeating or if anything that is eaten is disgusting.]

This is the skill he would build his foundation on. For every enemy he faced he would get stronger. Just like the goblins became the strength he has now, soon every monster he fought would be like that.

Kenjiro also noticed he got three new skills from eating that goblin. He wasn't expecting to get a skill from it because of how… unadvanced these goblins seemed. But he didn't mind, getting new skills is good.

[Goblin language:

Source: Goblin

Type: passive

Description: allows the user to understand and talk the language of the goblins at a basic level. The language was and probably will never fully develop because of the goblins' short life span.]

Kenjiro didn't know if he would ever use this skill but who knows, maybe it would come in handy someday.

[Club handling

Source: Goblin

Type: passive

Description: Allows the user to handle a club at a basic level. It allows the user to do basic stances but when doing it leaves the user wide open.]

Kenjiro was actually happy with this skill. Although he doubted he would be using clubs later it is useful if he ever fought against goblins and lost his weapon.

And then the last skill he got… it was a weird one but when he thought about goblins this one was sort of expected.

[Fertility Increase

Source: Goblin

Type: Passive

Description: Increases the user's fertility so much that if the user ejaculates into a female then it is almost guaranteed that the person will get pregnant.]

Kenjiro didn't have an opinion on this skill, it… useful in the right situation. But Kenjiro knew he wasn't going to use this skill anytime soon, and he didn't plan to.

He started to think about what to do now, before a flare of pain erupted from his legs and lower torso. This was definitely going to be difficult.

He needed to get back to the village, he couldn't be bothered to eat the other goblin with the amount of pain he was in. He wasn't that power hungry that he would jeopardise his life to get stronger.

So with great pain and effort he used the stick he had first and used it as a crutch to walk as he used trees as well, he was going to get back to the village without any more goblins. Hopefully.

And a few hours later in that spot where the two goblins were killed another group of goblins found their corpses. They said things in their language as they pointed at each other and the corpses.

They traveled back to their little hide out in a big clearing in the forest and came towards a badly built hit that was just logs of trees out together so it wouldn't fall.

They walked inside the hut and inside the hit in the shadows they could barely make out a seat made out of bones and skulls. And where the light met the bottom of the seat it is possible to see green legs as thick as some of the tree trunks used to build the hut.

The goblins started to speak to the big thing sitting on the seat of bones, it responded in a much deeper voice and whatever it said made the goblins terrified.

And then from the outside the only thing possible to hear from inside the hut was screams and bones being crushed.

And then when all was quiet and some goblins got brave enough to get closer a skull came rolling out, blood still fresh on it as well as some muscle.

And then out came the leg of the green monster that killed the goblins.


As you may have noticed during the chapter, I only used 'it' to refer to the Goblins. And that is because this story is mostly written with the mindset, "what would Kenjiro think?". So Kenjiro doesn't think of them as real 'people', yeah their not human but that's not what I meant.

What I mean is, a 'person' would be someone with coherent thoughts, a fully structured language(even if only that one species could understand it), and didn't just act on instincts like the Goblins.

So if there was ever an intelligent species in the future they would get proper pro-nouns like she, he or even them.

So yeah I just wanted to Point that out to all of you.

And here are the codes for stuff:

Discord: https://disc...ord.gg/GM4HpPp

(Get rid of the dots in the middle, I put them there because I don't know if Webnovel would censor discord links)

Patreon: https://www....pat...reon....com/Original_Sin?fan_landing=true

(Same like last one, I know this one get censored so that why I put a bunch of dots in it)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! This is my first time writing a fighting scene in a while, so I hope it’s good.

Also, I have begun my journey on mastering the art of the cliffhangers! Nothing can stop me now, mwhahahaha!

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