
Blue Patch

A young boy named Liam has two separate bodies in separate worlds, while in one world he lives in the glory of hunting monsters and dealing with his troublemaker party in his real world he's just your everyday loser.

Kexer · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Ending Patch Concepts

-Concept 1-

In the ancient land of Eridale, where the rolling hills met the whispering forests, tales of heroism and valor were woven into the very fabric of existence. It was a place where myth and reality intertwined, creating legends that echoed through the ages. Among these legends, none were more captivating than the story of Elian Stormbringer.

Elian was born in the small village of Eldoria, nestled at the edge of the enchanted Weeping Woods. His birth was heralded by a violent storm, a tempest that tore through the night with such ferocity that it seemed the heavens themselves were at war. The villagers took this as an omen, a sign that this child was destined for greatness. From the moment he drew his first breath, Elian's life was marked by the extraordinary.

As a child, Elian was different. While other children played and learned the ways of the village, Elian was drawn to the wild, untamed lands beyond the village borders. He would spend hours wandering the forests, listening to the whispers of the trees and the songs of the wind. He had an uncanny ability to communicate with nature, a gift that both fascinated and frightened those around him.

One fateful day, as Elian wandered deeper into the Weeping Woods than ever before, he encountered an ancient oak tree, its bark gnarled and twisted with age. As he approached, a voice emanated from the tree, deep and resonant.

"Elian Stormbringer," the voice intoned, "you are chosen."

Elian stood in awe, his heart pounding in his chest. "Chosen for what?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"To protect the land," the tree replied. "A darkness is rising, and only you have the power to stop it."

The tree's words filled Elian with a sense of purpose he had never known before. From that day on, he dedicated himself to honing his skills, training tirelessly under the guidance of the ancient oak, which he came to know as Alderan. Alderan taught him the ways of the forest, the secrets of the elements, and the power that lay dormant within him.

Years passed, and Elian grew into a formidable warrior. His once-boyish features were now those of a man, strong and determined. He became known as the Stormbringer, a title bestowed upon him by the villagers who had come to rely on his protection and guidance.

The peace of Eldoria was shattered one dark evening when a horde of shadowy creatures descended upon the village. These beings, known as the Nighthollow, were the embodiment of the rising darkness Alderan had warned about. They moved with an eerie silence, their eyes glowing with malevolence.

Elian, now fully embracing his role as protector, stood at the forefront of the village, his sword gleaming in the moonlight. With a roar, he summoned the power of the storm, calling forth thunder and lightning to strike down the Nighthollow. The battle was fierce, but Elian fought with the strength and determination of a hundred men.

As the last of the Nighthollow fell, a figure emerged from the shadows, cloaked in darkness. It was Malakar, the dark sorcerer who had unleashed the Nighthollow upon the land. His eyes burned with hatred as he faced Elian.

"You cannot stop the darkness, Stormbringer," Malakar sneered. "It is inevitable."

Elian raised his sword, its blade crackling with electricity. "As long as I draw breath, I will fight to protect this land," he declared.

Malakar laughed, a sound that sent chills down the spines of those who heard it. "Then you will die trying," he hissed, unleashing a torrent of dark magic at Elian.

The two clashed in a battle of epic proportions, their powers colliding with earth-shattering force. Elian's mastery of the storm was pitted against Malakar's dark sorcery, each strike and counterstrike sending shockwaves through the air.

For hours they fought, neither willing to yield. But Elian's resolve was unbreakable. Drawing upon the deepest reserves of his strength, he summoned a storm unlike any the world had ever seen. Lightning danced around him, the wind howled with fury, and the sky darkened as if night had fallen.

With a final, thunderous roar, Elian unleashed the full power of the storm upon Malakar. The dark sorcerer screamed as he was consumed by the blinding light, his body disintegrating into nothingness.

The storm subsided, and Elian stood victorious, his body battered and bruised but his spirit unbroken. The villagers, who had watched in awe, erupted in cheers. They rushed to Elian, lifting him upon their shoulders and carrying him back to the village as a hero.

But Elian knew that his journey was far from over. Though Malakar was defeated, the darkness that had birthed him still lingered. Elian dedicated himself to seeking out and destroying this darkness, traveling across the land of Eridale to ensure that peace and light would prevail.

Throughout his travels, Elian encountered many allies and adversaries. He befriended dragons, forged alliances with elves and dwarves, and battled beasts that defied imagination. His legend grew with each passing year, and his name became synonymous with hope and bravery.

One of the most significant allies he encountered was Elaria, a sorceress of immense power and wisdom. She had been watching Elian from afar, sensing the great potential within him. Together, they delved into the ancient texts and prophecies, seeking a way to eradicate the darkness once and for all.

Their quest led them to the Heart of Eridale, a mystical artifact said to hold the power to restore balance to the land. But the Heart was hidden within the Labyrinth of Shadows, a treacherous maze filled with traps and dark creatures.

Undeterred, Elian and Elaria ventured into the labyrinth. They faced countless perils, relying on each other's strengths to overcome the challenges. Elian's mastery of the storm and Elaria's arcane knowledge proved to be an unstoppable combination.

At the center of the labyrinth, they found the Heart of Eridale, glowing with a pure, radiant light. As they approached, the spirit of Alderan appeared before them.

"Elian Stormbringer, Elaria Lightweaver," Alderan spoke, his voice filled with pride, "you have proven yourselves worthy. The Heart of Eridale will restore the balance, but it requires a sacrifice."

Elian and Elaria exchanged a solemn look, understanding what needed to be done. With a heavy heart, Elian placed his hand on the Heart, feeling its power surge through him. He could sense the darkness being drawn into the artifact, purifying the land.

As the process continued, Elian felt his strength waning. Elaria reached out, her eyes filled with tears. "No, Elian," she whispered, "there must be another way."

Elian smiled weakly. "This is my destiny, Elaria. The storm must pass for the sun to shine again."

With those final words, Elian gave himself to the Heart of Eridale. His body disintegrated into pure energy, merging with the artifact and sealing the darkness away. The land of Eridale was bathed in a golden light, and a sense of peace settled over the realm.

Elaria, heartbroken but resolute, took the Heart of Eridale and returned to the surface. She knew that Elian's sacrifice had saved them all, and she vowed to honor his memory by protecting the land and its people.

The legend of Elian Stormbringer spread far and wide, becoming a beacon of hope for generations to come. His story was told and retold, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, a single light could shine brightly enough to dispel the shadows.

Eldoria, once a small village, grew into a thriving city, its people forever grateful to the hero who had given everything for their safety. A grand statue of Elian was erected in the town square, his sword raised high as if to challenge the very heavens.

Elaria, now known as the Guardian of the Heart, continued Elian's work, using her magic to protect Eridale from any threats that arose. She established a council of protectors, ensuring that the land would always have champions ready to defend it.

And so, the legend of Elian Stormbringer lived on, a testament to the power of courage, sacrifice, and the unbreakable spirit of a true hero. The storms he had once summoned now served as a reminder of his enduring legacy, a symbol of hope that would never fade.

In the hearts and minds of the people of Eridale, Elian Stormbringer was not just a legend; he was a promise that no matter the darkness that might come, there would always be those willing to stand against it and bring forth the light.

-Concept 2-

In the heart of the dense, ancient forest of Eryndor, nestled within the verdant embrace of towering oaks and whispering pines, lay the small village of Thistledown. The village, though small and unassuming, was home to a tavern known throughout the land: The Stag's Antler. This establishment was famed not just for its finely brewed ale but also for the stories that filled its walls, tales of adventure, heroism, and the legendary man known as Bronwyn the Bold.

Bronwyn was a figure of myth and reality blended together. His legend was as old as the forest itself, and tales of his deeds had spread far and wide. Some said he was a giant of a man, standing seven feet tall with a mane of fiery red hair and eyes that gleamed like the morning sun. Others spoke of his incredible strength, his unwavering courage, and his boundless compassion. Many were the tales told of his battles against beasts, his quests to rescue the innocent, and his endless wanderings across the land.

The Stag's Antler was a place where people came to share news, celebrate victories, and seek solace in times of sorrow. The tavern was run by Old Maester Wilfric, a man with a heart as vast as the ocean and a memory as sharp as a wolf's fangs. Wilfric was once a traveler himself, and he had crossed paths with Bronwyn many years ago. It was a meeting that changed his life forever, and it was in honor of that encounter that he had named his tavern and filled it with relics and stories of the legendary man.

One misty evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the forest shadows grew long and deep, the door of The Stag's Antler creaked open. A hush fell over the room as a figure stepped inside. Clad in a worn, dark green cloak that billowed around him, the stranger had a presence that commanded attention. He pulled back his hood to reveal a weathered face, lined with age and etched with the marks of countless adventures. His hair, though graying at the temples, still held a hint of red, and his eyes sparkled with a familiar light.

It was Bronwyn the Bold, returning to the place where his legend had been nurtured and cherished.

The patrons of the tavern, many of whom had grown up on stories of Bronwyn's exploits, stared in awe. Some whispered excitedly to each other, while others simply watched in stunned silence as the legendary man made his way to the bar. Maester Wilfric, his eyes widening with recognition and joy, stepped forward to greet his old friend.

"Bronwyn! By the gods, it's been too long!" Wilfric exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion.

Bronwyn smiled, a weary but genuine smile, and clasped Wilfric's hand in a firm grip. "Indeed it has, old friend. Indeed it has."

Wilfric quickly called for a tankard of his finest ale, and the two men sat at the bar, their conversation flowing as smoothly as the brew in their mugs. The patrons slowly regained their voices, and soon the tavern buzzed with excitement. Here, in the flesh, was the man whose name had become synonymous with heroism and adventure. And as Bronwyn sat drinking his ale, stories of his past exploits began to flow.

One young man, barely out of his teens and with the eager look of one who longed for adventure, approached the bar. "Sir Bronwyn, is it true that you once fought a dragon in the mountains of Karth?"

Bronwyn chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that resonated through the room. "Ah, the Dragon of Karth. That was many years ago. The beast had been terrorizing the villages, burning crops and snatching livestock. I was but a young man then, full of fire and foolishness."

He took a long draught of his ale before continuing. "I ventured into the mountains alone, armed with nothing but my sword and a small shield. The dragon was as fierce as the stories claimed, its scales as hard as iron and its breath like molten lava. But what those stories often leave out is the cunning of the creature. It was intelligent, far more so than any beast I had ever encountered."

The young man's eyes widened with wonder. "How did you defeat it?"

Bronwyn's gaze grew distant, as if he were seeing the events unfold before him once more. "I didn't defeat it with strength alone. I had to outthink it. I lured it into a narrow ravine where its size became its downfall. It couldn't maneuver as easily, and I was able to strike at its vulnerable underbelly. It was a fierce battle, but in the end, the dragon fell."

The tavern erupted in applause and cheers, the patrons raising their mugs in salute. Bronwyn nodded in acknowledgment, but there was a somber note in his expression. "But let it be known that it was not without cost. Many brave souls were lost to that dragon before I arrived. Their sacrifice is what made my victory possible."

As the evening wore on, more stories were shared, each one painting a vivid picture of Bronwyn's extraordinary life. There was the tale of how he had saved the Princess of Valeria from a band of marauding orcs, his harrowing journey through the haunted Forest of Shadows, and the time he had brokered peace between two warring clans with nothing but his words and his unwavering resolve.

But as the night deepened and the fire in the hearth burned low, the atmosphere in the tavern grew more reflective. The stories turned to quieter, more personal moments of Bronwyn's life, moments that revealed the man behind the legend.

An elderly woman, her hair silver and her eyes filled with wisdom, spoke up from a corner of the room. "Bronwyn, do you remember the night you saved our village from the great flood?"

Bronwyn looked over at her, his expression softening. "I do, Elara. I remember it well."

Elara smiled, her gaze distant. "Our village was in chaos, the river had swollen beyond its banks, and the water was rising fast. We were sure we'd lose everything. But then you came, Bronwyn. You and your companions worked tirelessly through the night, building barriers, guiding people to higher ground, and comforting those who had lost hope."

Bronwyn nodded, his eyes meeting hers. "That night was one of the hardest I've faced. Not because of any enemy, but because of the sheer helplessness of fighting against nature itself. But the strength and resilience of the people, your willingness to work together… that's what saved the village. I was merely there to lend a hand."

Tears glistened in Elara's eyes as she raised her mug. "To Bronwyn the Bold, the man who brought hope to our darkest hour."

The patrons echoed her toast, their voices filled with gratitude and respect. Bronwyn raised his mug in return, a lump forming in his throat. It was moments like these that reminded him why he had chosen this path, why he continued to wander and help those in need.

As the night drew to a close, Maester Wilfric approached Bronwyn once more, his expression thoughtful. "Bronwyn, there's something I've always wanted to ask you. After all these years, all these adventures… what drives you? What keeps you going?"

Bronwyn gazed into the depths of his mug for a long moment before replying. "It's not the glory or the fame, Wilfric. It's the people. The faces of those I've helped, the lives I've touched… that's what keeps me going. Knowing that I've made a difference, even if it's just in a small way, gives me the strength to continue."

Wilfric nodded, a deep respect in his eyes. "You truly are a remarkable man, Bronwyn. Thank you for sharing your stories with us tonight."

Bronwyn smiled, a warm and genuine smile that seemed to light up the room. "Thank you, Wilfric, for giving me a place to rest and remember. And thank all of you," he said, raising his voice to address the tavern, "for keeping the spirit of adventure alive. Never forget that each of you has the power to be a hero in your own right."

With that, Bronwyn finished his ale and rose to his feet. The patrons watched in silence as he made his way to the door, his cloak billowing around him like a shadow. He paused for a moment, looking back at the faces that had gathered to hear his tales.

"Until we meet again, my friends," he said, his voice a gentle rumble. "May your journeys be safe and your hearts be brave."

And with that, Bronwyn the Bold stepped out into the night, the legend once more becoming the man, leaving behind the warmth of the tavern and the echoes of his stories. The door of The Stag's Antler swung shut, and the patrons slowly returned to their conversations, their hearts a little lighter and their spirits a little higher.

For they had been in the presence of greatness, and they knew that the legend of Bronwyn the Bold would continue to inspire and guide them, no matter where their paths might lead.

-Concept 3-

Idfk if nobody chooses these two just make some stuff out about a few idiots and one idiot who can change worlds, oh also water, probably smth with water ocean or smth?

-Man I feel dumb making this note