
Blue Paint

"Hey, want to be reincarnated?" It all started with that simple question, sure it wasn't said exactly in that way or context but it's all the same, the events remained the same... and so did its effects, its effects on both her story and on herself. Mysterious beings sending people across the many worlds through a cafe and their strange sense of doing things have brought her into an experience that she would either regret experiencing or look back on as necessary suffering. An alien planet of human-looking people who display power and skills of unique origin. With blasters, air rifles, railguns, flying ships, flying cars, spaceships, teleporters, and enormous rings, she woke to find herself in a world that was foreign to her with all forms of objects that she could only dream of. They continuously went against what she thought to be humanly possible, though I guess that is no longer a valid thought to have, they however have predetermined thoughts about her. The people there despised her existence, they wished for her pain, her suffering, her death... Throughout many years of pain and suffering, she still found a way to come out on top, she found a way to prove her existence ignoring all that was done to her and said about her. Like a bolt of lightning, she came quickly, she came loudly, and she left her presence in the hearts and minds of the people she encountered, for that was what she desired, for however much they wanted her erasure and disappearance she wanted them to be reminded of her presence even more. Blue Paint. Her hair and eyes cultivate the paint that is splattered across the canvas that is her, and the pain she amasses shall be the brush she uses to plaster said paint. At the end of the journey even with the many things, she shall experience on the way her mind will always go back to when she was asked that very simple question. "Hey, do you want to be reincarnated?" *** Extra Tags – Gender-bender, Action, Adventure, War, etc. Chapter length - 1500 - 2700 One chapter a week. (No promises) COVER IS NOT MINE, I am not the cover's rightful owner. If the original artist wants it taken down then please contact me! Discord: https://discord.gg/cBKysw4VFx

Pasithea_Midnight · Ciencia ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
75 Chs

Return To Brigid Tower

They had taken quite a while to reach the Tower as They were going there on foot and had to watch their perimeter as they moved through the destroyed streets, on their way they had to feel the blistering wind hit their face; night had almost fallen and with it came the large increase of loud groans and roars that accompanied with them the cold.

Nellia's nose slightly reddened while she held the little Nyanal closer, trying to take in a bit of its heat. She had lost her coat, her vest and now her shirt and pants had holes and tears riddling in them, so she was hit by the chilling wind far more than the geared-up soldiers.

As the slightly weakened Nellia was starting to be affected by the dropping temperature they had increased their movement speed and had quickly arrived at the Tower, well as soon as possible on foot. Once they arrived they were hit by an unfortunate situation – soldiers were surrounding the Tower barrier, what seemed to be the remainder of the Kritol forces on the planet.

A majority of the group were slamming continuous weapon fire on the barrier assisted by some large Frames with blasters for hands, while there was a small group of soldiers standing off to the side – observing the situation.

Upon the soldiers and Tower coming into sight, Nellia and her group of soldiers immediately ducked behind the rubble of a destroyed building. Watching the assault and surveying the area Nellia returned her eyes to the squad captain.

– "What is this? I thought there was a ceasefire?

– "Well... It might be because they were practically abandoned here. The ceasefire was made while they were here and their Dreadnought was also destroyed, so there is no doubt they've been left on their own now.-"

The captain responded to her before he was interrupted by the hand of one of his soldiers. Taking the device that was in their hand he brought it up to his ear.

"This is Captain Lowet. Mmm, yes, alright understood. Earlier my squad and Lady Nellia Nexus were separated from the small convoy we were moving with, we are currently stationed outside Brigid Tower; they were sent to the Tower ahead of time, I'd like to know if they made it here safely."

"Yes. Thank you, we will find a way into the Tower's perimeter."

Lowet? So that's what his name was, the entire time they were moving together she hadn't called a single one of the soldiers by their given name – usually calling them out by saying "you" or just giving out orders and whatnot and having any one of the soldiers act them out, but this new revelation... changed nothing.

– "What is the status of the Convoy."

Still not referring to the Captain by his name or title she once put her gaze on the enemy, specifically their fighter ships that were resting on the streets and the few on the roof of the remaining nearby houses.

– "I've received information that they safely arrived at the base of the Tower, there were injuries here and there and a few of the land boats were heavily damaged but other than that they should still be relatively safe."

– "Mmm"

With a slight hum, Nellia returned to looking over the soldiers and observed what they were doing and where they had their attention placed.

– "That's great, Captain!"

"Now we just need to figure out a way to get past these Kritol soldiers and enter the barrier."

The medic of the squad spoke up as she did the same as Nellia and started to observe the surroundings, hopeful to find a way through them while waiting to hear orders from the Captain; though she was a medic, she was a Combat Medic and she was quite a capable one if she said so herself.

Yet no matter how good she was they were not in an advantageous situation. They were outnumbered, and this time the Transcendental with them was slightly exasperated and they were running out of ammunition – so it would be better to find a way to sneak by.

Due to a matter of safety and the implementation of the large barrier surrounding it, the Tower was surrounded by quite the large open space, large enough to house take-off space for around five medium-sized ships, even when the barrier was up there would be enough space for two or three of the medium-sized ships.

There was currently one medium-sized ship and a large ship in the space outside the Tower's barrier; the large ship was both a fighter ship and a small transport ship, this ship was seemingly the only ship of its kind that was deployed – while the medium-sized ship was a heavily armored assault ship.

The small group of soldiers that were standing off to the side were standing near the entrance to the back of the large ship, a majority of them had different types of wings covered in light armor while fitted in plated combat gear; which was different from the other soldiers who were in regular black combat gear – and there was a man with his hands behind his back, he was wearing very light combat gear that made him stand out as a commander, especially with his ornamental shoulder pieces, better known as shoulder scales.

He was also a Kritol yet he had no wings protruding from his back while he observed the situation with a calm and collected gaze – as if he wasn't worried about anything happening or interfering with his plans.

Nellia let the Nyanal out of her arms and moved to the other side of the wrecked home so that she could get a sense of the entire area outside the barrier. The Kritol soldiers and Frames were spread out along the barrier and small mobile ammunition boxes were moving all across the open area – so if they wanted to get past the soldiers using those boxes as their cover would be the only option.

Even though there were trees and chest-level flower beds placed around the area they were too scattered out for them to be good and efficient places for cover, the amount of space they'd have to move through to get to each flower bed was sufficient for their group of people to get caught.

Nellia could think of a way past these soldiers but it was so risky she didn't know whether or not she should say it out loud – but it was the only thing she could think of; Nellia sighed and rubbed the back of her head.

– "I have a slightly plausible plan."

– "Please lay it on us, Miss."

This time, the slightly enthusiastic Combat Medic was the one who spoke to Nellia. The medic was checking her remaining medical equipment and her remaining ammunition as well.

The other soldiers of the squad were prepping themselves while Captain Lowet held the device to his ear, still listening to all the comms being relayed; this would be the final push to bring them back into the warm embrace of peace, so they had to make sure that they were ready and completely prepared with all the remaining supplies they had on hand.

– "Do you see that?"

Asking a question toward the Combat Medic she flicked her chin towards the mobile boxes.

– "Yes."

– "We can use those to our advantage."

The soldiers were all facing and surrounding Nellia as they waited for how they would use the mobile boxes to their advantage.

"Those ammunition boxes are scattered across the space between us and the barrier. Those boxes would be an excellent cover and they're quite large."

– "That could work, okay let's go with that then."

Captain Lowet nodded his in agreement with her plan, he turned to his soldiers and organized them into three groups of two and prepared to have them enact the plan, purposely leaving Nellia to move by herself upon her request.

– "I'll be moving after to give a shield, try not to get caught too soon."

Relaying her role to the soldiers she had her gaze on their backs as the squads began to move from the cover, the first pair of soldiers made it to the nearest ammunition box and steadily moved with it; they continuously watched out for any Kritol soldier that would stray their attention from the barrier.

After a few moments, they were joined by the second pair, but they moved first and quickly rushed to the nearby large flower bed, immediately ducking behind it when an eyeball in the air swerved in their direction – barely missing them.

The eye's attention had remained on the flower bed for quite a few moments before it turned back to assaulting the barrier with its beam. They moved on quickly to the next flower bed that was long enough for three pairs to hide behind it, they were now in the middle of the area which also meant they were in probably the most dangerous spot they could be in.

Nellia was still at the first flower bed and was keeping her eyes out on the eyes in the sky, there were a few more times where the second and third pairs nearly got caught by one, luckily they were quick and careful enough to not be spotted; from what she could see the eyes had heightened sensory detection – they could still slightly hear them even with all the gunfire and explosions.

The soldiers didn't look back at Nellia as they were too preoccupied with trying to get to the barrier, which was the right decision. She could feel some of her strength coming back to her and she felt if needed, and it would be, she would be able to protect the soldiers as long as possible.

The squad of soldiers and the commanding officer's attention were caught as they noticed a few of the eyes turning to an empty area a few times. They continued to lay their piercing gazes on the flower beds unknown to Captain Lowet's soldiers – not knowing that they had caught unwanted attention they once more attempted to move.

Rushing across to the next ammunition box the first pair heard nothing before one of them fell to the ground with a great cry of pain.

– "Spotted!"

The other soldier shouted out as soon as he heard his partner's cry, the soldier's leg was leaking blood as he fell to a knee; his partner immediately wrapped his arms under his armpit and dragged the man along quickly to the box and then to a nearby large tree – all while ducking under bullets being fired at them until they were being stopped mid-air.

Upon hearing the first pair's cry and shout and seeing it for themselves the remaining pairs raised their guns over the cover and began to fire at the armored Kritol soldiers. Nellia who was holding her hand out to the air protected the tree where the first pair were hiding and raised her other hand to protect the remaining two pairs.

– "Move."

With the bullets firing toward the other pairs also being stopped in the air she told them to start moving once more.

The Combat Medic in the second pair moved quickly and got to the side to assist the injured soldier as she took place on his other side, now that two people were carrying him the soldier let out a grunt when he was lifted from the ground. With all the soldiers now together they moved together to protect the injured one and caught sight of the people firing at them.

The Kritol soldiers with armored wings and plated combat gear were making their way toward them with their large yet silent rifles firing at them only for their large bullets to be stopped in the air. The soldiers stopped momentarily as their wingless commander stepped forward with his strange small pistol.

The soldiers were arriving at the barrier – Nellia right behind them when she heard the small gun bang and an ear-piercing screech followed by her ears ringing and to her shock, once the bullet arrived at where the others were stopped and the sound of cracking resounded out – leaving the bullet to fly freely at Nellia, who was yanked out of the way by the little Nyanal.

– "F-Flauna disruption?"

Nellia got up, her ears still ringing as she rushed to rejoin the squad while she contemplated what the officer just did... he disrupted the Flow of Flauna, and in turn forced her to be unable to use her ability. She had never heard of the Kritol owning such a weapon, did they just make it? Why is the officer the only one with? Wait... was the officer the only one with it?

Quickly arriving at the barrier with the little Nyanal, she took place behind the squad, both sides of the barrier entrance had large flower beds placed there – set against one of the flower beds was the injured soldier and the Combat Medic was next to him doing emergency treatment on his leg.

Even though her ears were still ringing Nellia once more raised her hands to the air, trying her utmost best to protect them as they were waiting for the barrier to be opened.

– "This is Captain Lowet! My squad and Lady Nellia Nexus have made it to the Brigid Tower outer barrier, Entrance C! We're under an advanced Kritol squad! WE need you to open the entrance right now!"

Shouting into the com device, Captain Lowet relayed their situation and commanded the squad to get into a defensive position until the barrier was opened.

Once more being assaulted by an ear-piercing screech, the ringing in Nellia's ears began pounding at her head – bringing her down to her knees with the barrier that she had just brought out being cracked.

Clenching he outstretched hands her barrier sealed its cracks, and another, a stronger barrier was pulled up behind the first, once more getting in the way of the bullet; once it hit the stronger one it caused the barrier to indent and crack slowing it down majorly, so once it made it to them it was easily caught by the Nyanal.

The officer was walking forward, behind his armored soldiers while reloading his pistol, they were continuously firing their guns at her barrier.

Not even moments later the Tower's barrier entrance opened and more soldiers appeared out of it and ran out standing next to Nellia, who was holding a hand to her head as its pounding brought her piercing pain and almost forced her to release her barriers.

The soldiers that had come out from the barrier covered Captain Lowet's squad as they rushed and carried the injured soldier in; the soldiers from the barrier following after them left Nellia and the Nyanal as the last to enter the barrier as it was closed hastily – not before she got a good look of the irritated expression that had taken hold of the officer's face

Once in she collapsed to her knees, dropping her clenched hands from the air she rubbed the Nyanal's head before heaving out a heavy breath – the sound of gunfire and explosions was now muffled.

I was busy doing outside work basically all last week, and I also took apart an old picnic table, as well as helped to build a new one. I enjoyed smacking the old table with a hammer but my legs are still sore from the yardwork I was doing.

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