
Blue Moon Princess

(Silver Tier Winner of WPC #147 #148) *** I just got my freedom; moved away from my house and was about to have a new beginning— alas I died before even tasting the freedom, since I got hit by the renowned reincarnation specialist, truck-kun. But my luck was tremendous as I reincarnated into a new world—as expected, with my memories fully intact. That’s when I realized that the world around me looked eerily similar to the one in a game called the World of Cultivation and I am the heroine—scratch that; this body is just a random mob of this world. My hopes and dreams of living a peaceful life in this world crumbled down right in the beginning, when I learned that I’m bound to die soon from the hands of the main lead. Fret not, this world is one with cultivation. Although there’s just a few days before my uneventful death, I can do something with my cultivation and—ah, my body can’t even do cultivation now, can it? It seems like my luck wasn't that good. Instead, I’ve been riddled with numerous misfortunes. However, don’t think that I’ll give up on this precious second chance that fate bestowed upon me. My intention is to survive. And I’m willing to do anything for it! *** [Note: The artwork in my cover does not belong to me. So, I'll be taking it off if the original artist asks me to do so.] Cover edit: ZinonWonder

The_Chimp · Fantasía
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213 Chs

What's happening!?

Zhangsun Shan and Qiu Si of the Taiyi sect. Even though both used the same moves in the beginning, which evolved into two different monsters of a move, the style that they had was completely different as well. While Zhangsun Shan was relentless with his attacks, Qiu Si was much more manipulative, which made sense, since she was the one who actually led the battle against the Blood Moon sect sending her husband out front to wreck everything up. She was a natural born military strategist who takes her time to conquer the battlefield. However once she does triumph, no one dares to even challenge her.

Although this was the case, no one believed in her too much in her early days because of this slow style. The Taiyi sect were a group of hot headed people. So, for them to see such a methodical approach was… boring to say the least. But, if one was to think about it, this hotheadedness was the same reason that they completely lost their identity in a day.

Anyway, the slow poke of the Taiyi sect; no one really believed that she would enter the finals, except a select few people. I still remember playing with her character. If we don't properly strategize and hastily attack the opponent like we do with Zhangsun Shan, we will lose for sure. She knew her weaknesses. She knew that she couldn't do the stuff that the members of her sect does. So, she covered her weakness with impeccable strategy, which was clearly being expressed today.

Unlike Zhangsun Shan, who takes pride in attacking swiftly and precisely, Qiu Si was more about tiring the opponent out. In his earlier match, Zhangsun Shan used the Ten Blossom Petal Strike as a prelude to his massive attack prowess; like a move to give him momentary advantage which would allow him to go on a barrage. However, Qiu Si used it differently. She used it to stop her opponent's momentum. Every time the Tang sect girl seemed like she would take an upper hand, Qiu Si ended up striking her with the Ten Blossom Petal, which immobilized her, but more than that, frustrated her.

While the first half of the match was neck to neck, during the second half, people could clearly see what Qiu Si did to her opponent. The frustration was already up. One out of five moves that the Tang sect girl threw was out of the trajectory. It might seem like a small probability for some, however if someone is brilliant enough to predict the deviation of the trajectory, you're probably making a grave mistake showing off such a mistake from your side. And the Tang sect girl did do so. She continuously tried to throw moves from left and right and the majority of the ones were way off. Taking advantage of this, Qiu Si threw light jabs on her abdomen. These light jabs were imbued with Qi, of course. Although it seemed in the early stages that her jabs had no effect on her opponent, the true intent was shown out in the last section of the battle, when the opponent threw out blood unconditionally.

When this happened, Qiu Si didn't waste any time and showed people the way of the Taiyi sect as she went on her own barrage until her opponent gave up eventually. It was a slow paced match which slowly increased its pace and ended up being a barn burner. Ha… I kinda felt the same way as I felt while watching a pro-wrestling match on television. It built slowly, made the crowd anticipate, increased the pace with it and gave out an explosive end. I really wanted to get up and chant 'This is awesome' and 'Fight Forever', but I felt like people would misunderstand me or something.

Anyway, it was time. Qiu Si won and people's opinion started to change about her. And my pockets are filled with cash now that she won. Although I regretted not betting my entire cash reserves on her because a certain person asked me not to.

[Hey, why are you staring at me like that? I just informed you of a possibility. She could have lost if she missed a step, you know that, right?]

{Ha, yea.}

I kinda had to agree with Goldy, because the Qiu Si before me is a different person. This was not the absolute future. So, I was happy that I was able to gain something rather than losing it all.

Even though what I saw in the game isn't the absolute future of this world, the major events were all the same. So, I was really excited for this one because this was one of my personal favorite moments of the game, when Qiu Si kinda professed her love towards Zhangsun Shan. So, rather than focusing on Qiu Si at that moment, I decided to turn my attention to Zhangsun Shan, because I knew for a fact that Qiu Si's gonna get there in due time to hug him.

However, once I turned my attention to him, I noticed the guy staring at me like crazy. It seemed like he never took his eyes off me after the Qi core incident. Hell, I don't think that he even noticed that Qiu Si won. Just look at her instead, you bastard!

[I would like to say that to you as well.]

{Huh, what do you mean?}

Although I wanted to look straight into his eyes and ask him the meaning of what he meant, I didn't have much time until Qiu Si shouted from the middle looking at Zhangsun Shan.

"HEY! I WON!" Ah, just in time. I heard Qiu Si melodic voice shouting towards the male lead. At any moment now, she's gonna run towards her and hug him. However, it'd be kinda weird because the man she shouted towards is staring darts at another girl now. Why are you so keen about ruining this scene for me, dude?

[Yea, it's gonna be real awkward with the staring.]

{Meh, why would I care? It's a moment between them, right? I don't particularly care if they feel awkward. Although, it would ruin the mood a bit in my opinion.}

[Is it really their moment though?]

{What the hell do you…}

As soon as Goldy gave out that ominous sounding reply, I felt someone embracing me. "Eh?" I couldn't utter any other sound as I saw Qiu Si embracing me before all these people.


I didn't get it. I didn't get it at all. Why the hell would Qiu Si hug me? Shouldn't she go hug Zhangsun Shan instead?

[Ah, are you really that dense or are you pretending to be one?]

{Huh? What do you mean?}

[You really think the future wouldn't change after you stole the male lead's lines?]

{What? When did I ever do that? I didn't even talk to her that much. So, when did I ever get the chance to steal Zhangsun Shan's lines.}

[You're dense alright! So, you mean to say that your idiot brain didn't realize that Qiu Si might have been in the corner somewhere when you spoke those lines to Zhangsun Shan back in the infirmary, huh?]

{Wait, she was there? F*ck, how wasn't I aware of that?}

[I don't know gurl. You don't have to be clairvoyant like me to know which one's a cliche scene and which is not. You brought it to yourself.]

{Ha… What should I do now?}

[First of all, stop talking to me and say something to her instead. It might be a bit weird for her to keep on hugging you like this. So, let's just wipe out this awkwardness first.]

Well, since nothing useful came to my mind, I decided to take Goldy's advice on this matter. First of all, I calmly tried to get myself off her grip. I did think of using my strength to do so or use the acrobatics I learned, however there were a lot of eyes focused on us…. And when I say a lot, I mean a freaking lot. So, I tried the easiest way to escape. "Miss Qiu Si, will you please ease on your hold? My fragile body might get crushed by that hold." I spoke.

Upon hearing that I could potentially get killed by her hold on me, she quickly let go off from the hug. I took a breath of relief as soon as she let me go. Then, I looked towards Qiu Si, who was looking at me with one of the most breathtaking smiles that I've seen in my life. Like how could someone smile so good? At that very moment, I lost few of my brain cells and forgot the fact that I was Hua Liu of the Blue Moon Sect. Rather, I reverted back to the person fangirling in my bedroom with my phone on my hand. I was this close to caressing her face, when I heard a voice in my head.

[Weren't you gonna get yourself away from her? So,you really gonna do something stupid like that?]

Goldy's right. Right now, my hands were full due to the person before me. I should just start talking before people feel that something's weird.


Ha.... I personally really like this development.

P.S. Thank you everyone who's being supporting this book. You guys are awesome. Keep reading this novel. Hope you enjoy it! If not, well hit me up in the comments and let's have a talk. (Well, you can comment if you enjoy too, you know...)

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